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实验采用眼动技术实时考察了句子阅读理解过程中的句法预测效应和并列句的结构表征特点。眼动数据分析发现:(1)有无句法预测没有明显影响名词短语区域的加工, 不同眼动指标差异不显著; (2)有无句法预测显著影响被试对包含暂时局部歧义的关键区和具有解歧作用的关键后区域的阅读理解, 首次注视时间、第一遍阅读时间、回视路径时间和第一遍回视率明显减少。眼动研究表明, 暂时局部歧义句子阅读理解过程中表现出明显的句法预测效应, 有句法预测降低了局部歧义区域和解歧区域早期和晚期加工的难度; 和英语的短语并列优先法则不同, 汉语并列句子的结构表征出现分离现象, 即短语并列和句子并列。  相似文献   

句法加工的脑机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
语言理解中,句法加工至关重要,它把各个意义单元以不同的方式整合起来,从而形成整体的意义表征。句法加工的脑机制是心理语言学比较关注的问题,目前由于ERP技术和功能成像技术的进步,使对这一机制的探讨成为可能。该文对有关句法加工的脑机制的研究进行了回顾与总结,并针对目前该领域存在的问题与争论进行了讨论  相似文献   

重复是一种非常重要的行为现象。在心理语言学领域, 句法启动是重复的一种非常独特的表现形式, 有助于推进研究者更好地理解语言是如何表征和加工的。在系统梳理文献的基础上, 归纳了句法启动研究使用的句子类型, 详细阐述了句法启动研究的实验范式, 即句子复述-图片描述范式、句子补全范式、句子回忆范式和视觉情境眼动范式, 指出了不同范式的优缺点; 系统探讨了语言理解中句法启动研究的核心争论, 即句子理解中的启动是策略的, 语义的, 还是句法的; 如果存在句法启动效应, 那么该效应是词汇驱动的, 还是词汇独立的。最后, 对语言理解中句法启动效应在未来研究中需解决的问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

刘志方  仝文  张智君  赵亚军 《心理学报》2020,52(9):1031-1047
研究包含3项实验,通过观察语境预测性与目标词汇的整词词频、词内汉字字频间交互作用,以探讨阅读中语境预测性如何影响中文词汇加工问题。研究以双字词为例,实验1操控目标词汇的语境预测性与整词词频,结果发现,语境预测性与整词词频交互作用不显著。实验2操控目标词汇的语境预测性与首字字频,结果发现,语境预测性与首字字频交互作用不显著。实验1和实验2的贝叶斯分析都倾向于支持交互作用不存在假设。实验3操控目标词汇的语境预测性与尾字字频,结果发现,语境预测性与尾字字频交互影响首次注视时间、凝视时间、总注视时间和再注视概率。由此可知,语境预测性与整词词频、首字字频变量相对独立地影响词汇加工;语境预测性直接影响词内汉字(尾字)的加工过程。  相似文献   

方小萍  刘友谊 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):1940-1951
大量研究表明左侧额叶和颞叶的多个脑区与句法加工有关, 已有的理论模型分别从不同的角度对句法加工的脑机制进行了解释。通过文献比较与分析发现, 对句法加工的操作定义、实验任务、被试个体差异以及语言差异等均可能导致研究结果出现差异。在将来的研究中, 可以通过跨语言、多任务比较, 不同层面的句法加工的操作, 在方法上将个体功能定位分析与传统的组分析相结合, 以及从神经网络的角度来更准确和全面地揭示句法加工的脑机制。  相似文献   

采用眼动记录法探讨了广告信息的认知加工特点。实验采用2(广告代言人:名人、普通人)×2(功能介绍方式:文字、图片)的混合实验设计。结果表明:(1)广告受众对广告中不同信息的注视具有选择性,更倾向于对广告中名人信息的注视;(2)广告受众对不同广告代言人、不同功能介绍信息的注视时间存在显著性差异;(3)在广告信息的认知加工过程中,对名人与图片信息的认知加工负荷较高,而对普通人与文字信息的认知加工负荷较低。  相似文献   

陈宝国  胡琳 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1031-1038
两个实验通过操纵句子呈现的速度,考察加工速度因素对于晚期第二语言学习者句法加工的影响。实验1采用视觉方式呈现句子,实验2采用听觉方式呈现句子。被试的母语为汉语,第二语言为英语,属于晚期第二语言学习者,实验任务为句法判断。两个实验的结果表明,加工速度缓慢是导致晚期第二语言学习者句法加工困难的重要因素之一。加工速度缓慢对第二语言句法加工的影响,不是局限于少数一两种句法形式,而是作用于多数句法形式。研究还发现,视觉和听觉两种呈现方式下,不同句法形式的加工难度既存在共性的一面,也存在差异性的一面。  相似文献   

应用EyelinkⅡ眼动仪, 通过两项消失文本实验分别考察了汉语阅读过程中眼跳的目标选择单元以及词汇加工方式。实验一操纵注视点上字和词的呈现方式, 发现中文读者以词为基本单元对注视点及其右侧文本信息进行加工, 且保持词的视知觉完整性对词内再注视眼跳和词间眼跳都有着非常重要的作用; 汉语阅读的眼动模式符合认知控制模型的预测。实验二操纵注视点左侧和右侧单词的呈现与消失, 结果显示在对词n注视持续50~55 ms后词n-1消失将严重影响被试的阅读, 词n+1和词n+2的消失均不影响总阅读时间, 但会导致读者的眼动模式发生改变, 说明中文读者可以并列加工阅读知觉广度内的词汇。  相似文献   

采用自定速移动视窗技术,探讨语义关联性和句法歧义性对汉语直接宾语、宾语小句类暂时句法歧义句理解加工的影响。结果发现:语义关联性和句法歧义性对歧义区和解歧区的阅读时间有显著影响,并在解歧区产生了显著的交互作用,表明语义信息即时参与对句子的理解加工并同句法信息一起共同影响句子的认知加工过程。  相似文献   

研究采用眼动随动显示技术考察中文阅读预视加工中的词汇加工问题。前三项实验发现,剥夺预视加工的掩蔽条件、正确提示词n+1右侧边界的掩蔽条件以及不能提示词n+1右侧边界的掩蔽条件都不影响词频效应,说明中文读者对词n+1处文字的预视加工达不到词汇水平。实验4考察剥夺预视加工的掩蔽条件、提示词n+1右侧边界的掩蔽条件对预测性效应的影响,结果发现,剥夺预视加工完全消除预测性效应,提示词n+1右侧边界则减少预测性效应,说明对词汇的预期加工是中文读者切分词n+1的参考线索。综合4项实验结果可知,中文读者较难通过自下而上的文字识别切分词n+1,自上而下的词汇预期则是切分词n+1的加工形式。  相似文献   

Functional neuroimaging studies of syntactic processing   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This paper reviews studies of the functional neuroanatomy of syntactic processing using positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), focusing on interpretability of studies and the model of functional neuroanatomy that emerges from existing work. It is argued that existing studies suggest a specialization for one aspect of syntactic processing in the left inferior frontal cortex in proficient language users, with variability in this localization across the entire population.  相似文献   

Young children can exploit the syntactic context of a novel word to narrow down its probable meaning. But how do they learn which contexts are linked to which semantic features in the first place? We investigate if 3‐ to 4‐year‐old children (n = 60) can learn about a syntactic context from tracking its use with only a few familiar words. After watching a 5‐min training video in which a novel function word (i.e., ‘ko’) replaced either personal pronouns or articles, children were able to infer semantic properties for novel words co‐occurring with the newly learned function word (i.e., objects vs. actions). These findings implicate a mechanism by which a distributional analysis, associated with a small vocabulary of known words, could be sufficient to identify some properties associated with specific syntactic contexts.  相似文献   

Two visual-world eyetracking experiments were conducted to investigate whether, how, and when syntactic and semantic constraints are integrated and used to predict properties of subsequent input. Experiment 1 contrasted auditory German constructions such as, The hare-nominative eats ... (the cabbage-acc) versus The hare-accusative eats ... (the fox-nom), presented with a picture containing a hare, fox, cabbage, and distractor. We found that the probabilities of the eye movements to the cabbage and fox before the onset of NP2 were modulated by the case-marking of NP1, indicating that the case-marking (syntactic) information and verbs' semantic constraints are integrated rapidly enough to predict the most plausible NP2 in the scene. Using English versions of the same stimuli in active/passive voice (Experiment 2), we replicated the same effect, but at a slightly earlier position in the sentence. We discuss the discrepancies in the two Germanic languages in terms of the ease of integrating information across, or within, constituents.  相似文献   

Kotz SA 《Brain and language》2009,109(2-3):68-74
The current review focuses on recent event-related brain potential (ERPs) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in L2 syntactic processing data. To this end, critical factors influencing both the dynamics of neural mechanisms (ERPs) and critical functional brain correlates (fMRI) are discussed. These entail the critical period hypothesis, levels of proficiency, cross-linguistic syntactic similarities and dissimilarities as well as brain bases that may or may not be shared during syntactic processing in a first (L1) and a second (L2) language. The data to date reveal that (i) the critical period hypothesis plays less of a significant role than initially discussed, (ii) L2 proficiency is a driving factor influencing peak and extent of activation in brain correlates and in neurophysiological mechanisms as a function of learning, and (iii) language transfer effects (i.e., positive transfer effects when L1 and L2 are structurally similar or negative transfer effects when L1 and L2 are structurally dissimilar) primarily from the L1 to the L2 and potentially vice versa need to be critically considered in future research.  相似文献   

音乐句法是指将离散的音符元素组合成序列的规则。音乐句法加工受到音乐结构特征和听众自身特征两个方面的影响。针对每个方面,本文聚焦于近年来进展迅速的几个因素进行评述,分别是依存距离和音乐时间结构,听者的年龄和音乐训练程度。未来研究应进一步比较不同距离的句法加工,澄清音乐时间结构何时并且如何影响句法加工,考察音乐句法加工中遗传和环境的作用以及发展的敏感期,并对这些因素之间的共同影响展开研究。  相似文献   

Controversy exists as to whether, compared to young adults, older adults are more, equally or less likely to make linguistic predictions while reading. While previous studies have examined age effects on the prediction of upcoming words, the prediction of upcoming syntactic structures has been largely unexplored. We compared the benefit that young and older readers gain when the syntactic structure is made predictable, as well as potential age differences in the costs involved in making predictions. In a self-paced reading study, 60 young and 60 older adults read sentences in which noun-phrase coordination (e.g. large pizza or tasty calzone) is made predictable through the inclusion of the word either earlier in the sentence. Results showed a benefit of the presence of either in the second half of the coordination phrase, and a cost of the presence of either in the first half. We observed no age differences in the benefit or costs of making these predictions; Bayes factor analyses offered strong evidence that these effects are age invariant. Together, these findings suggest that both older and younger adults make similar strength syntactic predictions with a similar level of difficulty. We relate this age invariance in syntactic prediction to specific aspects of the ageing process.  相似文献   

读者能够从副中央凹中提取到什么类型的信息, 是当前阅读眼动研究领域关注的焦点问题.当前普遍认为低水平信息(如正字法信息)可以在副中央凹中得以加工, 但是高水平的信息(如语义和句法信息)能否从副中央凹中进行提取存在争议.本文总结了近年来高水平信息在副中央凹加工的研究进展, 包括拼音文字和非拼音文字(如中文)阅读过程中语义和句法预视效益的研究现状及影响因素, 当前眼动控制模型(如E-Z读者和SWIFT)对预视效益的解释和不足之处, 最后提出未来关于语义和句法预视加工的研究方向.  相似文献   

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