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为了探讨内隐记忆提取干扰效应是否敏于注意资源的变化,该实验沿用前期经典的“学习-测验”范式,通过在提取阶段同时设置两种不同刺激类型的干扰任务:箭头干扰和汉字干扰,以此来探讨内隐记忆提取干扰效应的本质所在。结果发现,不同提取干扰条件对内隐记忆产生不同程度的影响,汉字干扰对内隐记忆的影响比箭头产生的干扰更大。结果表明,干扰刺激类型会调节内隐记忆提取干扰效应的大小,证实内隐记忆提取干扰敏于注意资源的变化。  相似文献   

黄发杰  孟迎芳  严颖 《心理学报》2020,52(5):572-583
以往研究关于提取阶段的干扰是否会影响内隐记忆存在着异义, 其中一个重要因素可能源于所采用的内隐记忆测验类型的差异。本研究采用学习-测验范式, 通过4个实验, 分别考察了提取干扰对识别式知觉内隐测验、识别式概念内隐测验、产生式知觉内隐测验和产生式概念内隐测验的影响, 以期对提取干扰和内隐记忆之间的关系有着更全面的了解。结果表明: (1)词汇判断任务(识别式知觉)和语义分类任务(识别式概念)的启动效应在提取干扰下消失了, (2)而产生式词汇判断任务(产生式知觉)和产生式语义分类任务(产生式概念)在提取干扰下仍发现了明显的启动效应, 但与无干扰条件相比, 启动效应量也有着明显的减少。由此可见, 不同类型的内隐记忆都会受到提取干扰的影响, 相比于产生式启动, 识别式启动更容易受到提取干扰的破坏。  相似文献   

以往研究认为内隐记忆具有不受干扰影响的自动化加工特征,其证据主要来自于对内隐记忆编码过程的研究。最近已有多项研究发现,内隐记忆受提取过程中的干扰影响,但对这一现象的产生机制目前仍尚无定论。本研究根据任务转换相关理论,通过将go/no-go范式引入干扰任务,探讨提取过程中前置干扰对内隐记忆产生影响的内在机制。结果表明,前置的干扰任务产生惯性激活时,后续的内隐记忆任务会受到影响,即启动效应降低。对惯性激活进行抑制后,随后的内隐记忆则不受影响。并且,在内隐记忆相关的N400成分上得到了与行为数据一致的结果,即在no-go干扰下,获得的N400新旧效应,在go干扰下却未被发现。研究结果证明,提取干扰对内隐记忆的影响主要由干扰任务与内隐记忆任务对认知资源的竞争导致。  相似文献   

通过学习—测验范式,分别以词汇判断、语义分类任务为测验,探讨提取干扰对不同识别式记忆的影响差异。结果发现,实验1验证了识别式知觉内隐记忆的提取干扰效应,实验2发现识别式概念内隐记忆在提取干扰下也明显降低;两个实验启动量联合分析发现,相比无干扰条件,概念启动比知觉启动受到提取干扰的破坏更大。上述结果说明识别式内隐记忆的提取干扰具有普遍性,提取干扰产生了不同识别式内隐记忆之间的分离,识别式概念内隐记忆更容易受到提取干扰的影响。  相似文献   

编码与提取干扰对内隐和外显记忆的非对称性影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孟迎芳  郭春彦 《心理学报》2007,39(4):579-588
以往研究表明在外显记忆中,编码与提取加工存在着非对称性,但在内隐记忆中,二者的关系并不明确,因此实验采用“学习-再认”范式,考察在编码或提取中分别附加的干扰任务对词汇判断或再认产生的影响。结果证实编码与提取干扰对内隐或外显记忆都具有非对称性的影响,但又存在着差异,即编码干扰会导致随后外显记忆成绩显著减少,而提取干扰对其影响较小,相反,编码干扰对随后内隐测验中启动效应的影响较小,但提取干扰会破坏启动效应,从而为内隐记忆和外显记忆的分离提供了进一步的证据  相似文献   

该研究选取30名被试,采用任务分离实验研究范式探讨不同表面特征图片对内隐记忆和外显记忆的影响。以32张动物图片为实验材料,其中鱼类和鸟类图片各半。两类图片中一半为黑白图片,另一半为彩色图片,所有实验材料用E—Prime软件呈现在电脑上。结果表明:(1)不同表面特征图片的再认成绩(外显记忆)显著好于偏好再认成绩(内隐记忆),即外显记忆成绩好于内隐记忆;(2)在再认测验和偏好判断测验中,再认成绩和偏好再认成绩在图片表面特征的两个水平上存在显著差异;(3)控制组的偏好再认成绩显著好于实验组的偏好再认成绩,即控制组的内隐记忆好于实验组。结论:刺激材料的表面特征既是外显记忆的内容,也是影响外显记忆的重要因素;内隐记忆的作业成绩高度依赖于刺激材料的表面特征,刺激材料的表面特征是影响两种记忆的重要因素。  相似文献   

字表法定向遗忘是否影响内隐记忆测验,一直是记忆心理学家关注的焦点.本研究选取低频词语作为实验材料,引入指示符变量(记住、遗忘).以词干回忆和词干补笔分别作为外显和内隐记忆测验,考察字表法定向遗忘对内隐记忆测验的影响.结果发现:(1)内隐和外显记忆测验中都出现了显著的字表法定向遗忘效应;(2)字表法定向遗忘效应的机制应该是提取抑制,即要求遗忘的项目在提取时受到抑制而使记住项目的成绩更为突出,而不是偏好对记住项目复述的结果.  相似文献   

多种条件下启动效应的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
内隐记忆的研究在我国几乎还是空白。本研究使用汉语材料,考察了几个实验变量对内隐、外显记忆的不同影响。结果表明:1.使用汉语材料同样能有效地进行启动效应的研究。2.学习,测验时项目呈现方式的变更只对填字组词上的启动效应产生破坏作用,对线索回忆并无明显影响。3.记忆负荷量、学习顶目呈现时间的变化只对线索回忆发生作用,对启动效应却无影响。  相似文献   

为了探究内隐面孔再认在记忆形成过程中的认知加工状态,该实验以陌生面孔为刺激,采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术,并结合相继记忆(Dm)范式和迫选再认测验,把学习阶段的面孔分为相继记住、相继启动及相继忘记三类,以相继记住与相继启动的 ERP 差异为外显记忆 Dm 效应,以相继启动与相继忘记的差异为内隐记忆的 Dm效应。结果表明,内隐记忆表现为400~500 ms额中央区负走向的 Dm效应,可能反映了额叶皮层对信息的精加工过程,而外显记忆表现为400 ms开始顶区正走向的Dm效应,可能反映了记忆系统对加工后信息的自动登记过程。由此推测,只有经过额叶加工并被内侧颞叶自动登记的信息,随后才能被有意识地提取出来,而未进入内侧颞叶的信息在随后测验中不可能产生有意识地记忆提取现象,但储存的知觉表征可能触发微弱的记忆痕迹,从而产生内隐面孔记忆。  相似文献   

以往研究关于视觉工作记忆回溯线索效应的产生机制主要存在5种假设, 目前依然存在争议。本研究通过改进前人研究实验范式, 采用包含内源性回溯线索的颜色回忆报告范式, 进一步对这5种假设进行检验。在实验1中, 我们调控了线索与探测阵列之间的时间间隔, 发现不同时间间隔不影响无线索条件的行为表现, 而在正常线索条件中被试的记忆精度以及能记住的项目数量均优于无线索条件; 在实验2中, 我们对回溯线索伴随的干扰刺激类型进行控制, 结果显示, 在不同条件下记忆精度不存在差别, 但当回溯线索伴随干扰刺激呈现时, 被试能记住的项目数量会被降低, 降低程度受干扰刺激的类型调制; 在实验3中, 我们对伴随回溯线索的干扰刺激的呈现时间进行控制, 发现虽然回溯线索效应仍然存在, 但干扰刺激的呈现时间不会影响效应程度。研究结果表明, 回溯线索的出现使得被试能够在决策加工前完成内部注意资源的再分配, 从而避免了同时进行这两种认知加工与记忆表征维持本身竞争认知资源。本研究为认知阶段分离假设提供了支持证据, 对解决回溯线索效应产生机制的争议以及理解内部注意与视觉工作记忆的关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the widely held, but largely untested, view that implicit memory (repetition priming) reflects an automatic form of retrieval. Specifically, in Experiment 1 we explored whether a secondary task (syllable monitoring), performed during retrieval, would disrupt performance on explicit (cued recall) and implicit (stem completion) memory tasks equally. Surprisingly, despite substantial memory and secondary costs to cued recall when performed with a syllable-monitoring task, the same manipulation had no effect on stem completion priming or on secondary task performance. In Experiment 2 we demonstrated that even when using a particularly demanding version of the stem completion task that incurred secondary task costs, the corresponding disruption to implicit memory performance was minimal. Collectively, the results are consistent with the view that implicit memory retrieval requires little or no processing capacity and is not seemingly susceptible to the effects of dividing attention at retrieval.  相似文献   

We inferred the processes critical for episodic retrieval of faces by measuring susceptibility to memory interference from different distracting tasks. Experiment 1 examined recognition of studied faces under full attention (FA) or each of two divided attention (DA) conditions requiring concurrent decisions to auditorily presented letters. Memory was disrupted in both DA relative to FA conditions, a result contrary to a material-specific account of interference effects. Experiment 2 investigated whether the magnitude of interference depended on competition between concurrent tasks for common processing resources. Studied faces were presented either upright (configurally processed) or inverted (featurally processed). Recognition was completed under FA, or DA with one of two face-based distracting tasks requiring either featural or configural processing. We found an interaction: memory for upright faces was lower under DA when the distracting task required configural than featural processing, while the reverse was true for memory of inverted faces. Across experiments, the magnitude of memory interference was similar (a 19% or 20% decline from FA) regardless of whether the materials in the distracting task overlapped with the to-be-remembered information. Importantly, interference was significantly larger (42%) when the processing demands of the distracting and target retrieval task overlapped, suggesting a processing-specific account of memory interference.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the widely held, but largely untested, view that implicit memory (repetition priming) reflects an automatic form of retrieval. Specifically, in Experiment 1 we explored whether a secondary task (syllable monitoring), performed during retrieval, would disrupt performance on explicit (cued recall) and implicit (stem completion) memory tasks equally. Surprisingly, despite substantial memory and secondary costs to cued recall when performed with a syllable-monitoring task, the same manipulation had no effect on stem completion priming or on secondary task performance. In Experiment 2 we demonstrated that even when using a particularly demanding version of the stem completion task that incurred secondary task costs, the corresponding disruption to implicit memory performance was minimal. Collectively, the results are consistent with the view that implicit memory retrieval requires little or no processing capacity and is not seemingly susceptible to the effects of dividing attention at retrieval.  相似文献   

孟迎芳  郭春彦 《心理学报》2009,41(8):694-705
实验采用“学习-测验”范式, 考察在编码或提取中分别附加的干扰任务对内隐测验或外显测验中获得的ERP新旧效应产生的影响。结果表明, 在内隐测验中, 编码干扰对随后测验中的ERP新旧效应没有产生影响, 而提取干扰却改变了300~500ms新旧效应的脑区位置, 破坏了500~700ms新旧效应; 与之相反, 在外显测验中, 编码干扰破坏了500~700ms新旧效应, 而提取干扰对这一效应没有产生影响, 即编码与提取干扰对内隐或外显测验中的ERP新旧效应都产生了非对称性的影响, 但又存在着差异, 从而为两种记忆在编码与提取加工的关系上存在的分离现象提供了神经生理方面的证据。  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported that longer stimulus presentation decreases the magnitude of priming. In the present study, we used meaningless kaleidoscope images, which were reported to minimize conceptual processing, to investigate the mechanism of the phenomenon. We assessed the impact of stimulus duration on perceptual priming (Experiment 1) and implicit recognition memory (Experiment 2). Both the magnitude of priming and the accuracy of implicit recognition were lower with the longer stimulus presentation (350 ms) compared with the shorter presentation (250 ms). This coincidence of temporal dynamics between priming and implicit recognition suggests similar underlying memory mechanisms. In both cases, the decrease of performance with longer presentation can be explained by either changes in perceptual processes or interference from explicit memory retrieval.  相似文献   

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