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王婷  植凤英  陆禹同  张积家 《心理学报》2019,51(9):1040-1056
音乐训练对认知能力具有广泛的促进效应。本研究结合执行功能的三个成分(抑制控制、工作记忆和认知灵活性), 在我国民族音乐背景下, 匹配实验任务的视觉和听觉形式, 探讨侗歌经验对侗族中学生执行功能的影响。结果表明, 侗歌组被试在抑制能力和刷新能力上显著好于侗族非侗歌组被试和汉族被试, 这一优势在视觉任务中和听觉任务中均存在, 说明侗歌经验产生的认知优势具有跨感觉通道的普遍性。侗歌组被试和侗族非侗歌组被试的转换能力差异不显著。侗族非侗歌组被试的抑制能力和转换能力好于汉族被试, 这体现了语言和音乐的交互作用。  相似文献   

近年来大量研究发现音乐训练对认知能力的具有积极影响,一些理论认为音乐训练的广泛迁移效应是通过执行功能起中介作用,但音乐训练与执行功能的关系至今仍存争议。研究将执行功能分为抑制控制、工作记忆和认知灵活性三个子成分,并将抑制控制进一步细分为注意抑制和反应抑制,同时区分工作记忆中主动性控制和反应性控制两种认知过程。通过对比音乐组和控制组在执行功能各任务(Go/No-go, Stroop, AX-CPT, Task-switching)上的行为表现来系统考察音乐训练与执行功能的关系。结果表明音乐训练对执行功能不同子成分的影响具有差异性,其促进效应主要体现在抑制控制中的注意抑制和工作记忆中的主动性控制,对抑制控制中的反应抑制、工作记忆中的反应性控制和认知灵活性影响较小。  相似文献   

程祺  李孝明 《心理学探新》2011,31(3):234-238
目的探讨马基雅弗利主义者是否存在"冷"、"热"执行功能分离现象。方法选取178位高中学生,用马氏量表筛选出45人,分为马氏高分组(n=20)和马氏低分组(n=25),分别对两组的"冷"、"热"执行功能进行测量。结果在"冷"执行功能方面,马氏高分组(62.3±3.0)和马氏低分组(44.2±2.4)没有显著差异;在"热"执行功能方面,两组被试有显著差异。结论马氏主义者存在"冷热"执行功能分离现象。  相似文献   

已有研究发现,贫困会对个体的执行功能产生消极的影响,这种影响贯穿于个体婴儿期、童年期以及成年期。贫困会影响与执行功能相关的前额叶的结构(如较小的灰质体积)。贫困个体与非贫困个体对额叶区域资源的调用方式不同,贫困个体需要使用额外的补偿资源来监测和抑制对干扰物的反应。贫困会通过压力、认知剥夺以及父母养育等因素直接或间接的影响个体的执行功能。今后该领域的研究应关注贫困影响执行功能的调节变量(如自我肯定、自我调节),建立贫困影响执行功能的综合模型(如考虑贫困经历时间等),立足执行功能的可塑性,通过认知干预提高贫困个体的执行功能。  相似文献   

吴文婕  张莉  冯廷勇  李红 《心理学报》2008,40(3):319-326
主要考察热执行功能对3~4岁儿童标准窗口任务测试的影响。实验采取3×3的被试间设计。设置了3种条件:标准指示、“强化竞争”指示和无对手指示;将随机抽取的270名被试分为3个年龄段,以检测3~4儿童在窗口任务中的认知发展趋势。结果表明:⑴热执行功能也是影响3~4儿童标准窗口任务测试的一个主要因素;⑵3岁后期是3~4岁儿童在标准窗口任务中所体现出来的认知发展差异的分界年龄;⑶3~4岁儿童在窗口任务中还表现出规则推理能力的差异  相似文献   

音乐训练对执行功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈杰  刘雷  王蓉  沈海洲 《心理科学进展》2017,(11):1854-1864
尽管音乐训练影响许多认知加工,但这种广泛性影响背后的机制迄今仍不清楚。近年来,研究者认为音乐训练的迁移效应可能是通过执行功能起作用。本文将执行功能细分为抑制控制、工作记忆、认知灵活性三个核心成分,考察音乐训练对这三个成分的影响以及执行功能在音乐训练迁移效应中的中介作用。研究结果表明,音乐训练对执行功能不同成分的影响有不同特点。同时,前额叶结构与功能的变化在音乐训练影响执行功能的过程中发挥着重要作用。此外,关于执行功能在音乐训练迁移效应中的中介作用,目前研究还存在不一致的结果,未来研究应采用多种技术手段深入探讨这一问题。  相似文献   

为探讨人格对幼儿白谎行为的影响,及“冷”“热”执行功能的中介作用机制,采用问卷法和测验法对218名3~6岁幼儿的人格、言语能力、“冷”“热”执行功能和白谎行为进行测试。结果显示:控制年龄和言语能力后,智能特征和亲社会性可显著正向预测幼儿白谎行为;“冷”执行功能在智能特征和白谎行为间发挥部分中介作用;“热”执行功能在亲社会性和白谎行为间发挥部分中介作用;“热”执行功能在外倾性和白谎行为间发挥完全中介作用;“冷”“热”执行功能在认真自控和白谎行为间发挥完全中介作用。研究结果进一步揭示了人格对幼儿白谎行为影响的内在机制。  相似文献   

近期研究表明, 睡眠总量和睡眠质量都会对儿童执行功能的发展造成影响, 在自然睡眠条件下, 睡眠质量的影响倾向于即时性, 睡眠总量的影响具有滞后性, 在实验干预条件下, 少量的睡眠延长提高了儿童的执行功能表现。睡眠问题中研究最为广泛的睡眠呼吸障碍也会对儿童的执行功能带来危害, 但由于方法的不同, 目前的研究在结论上并不一致。随着年龄的增长, 睡眠对儿童执行功能的影响会逐步降低。此外, 基因、家庭社会经济地位等内外部因素也会对研究结果产生影响。未来的研究应针对执行功能中认知灵活性这一成分进行加强。  相似文献   

数字媒体已经成为儿童生活中不可或缺的一部分,数字媒体对儿童执行功能的影响也得到了越来越多的关注。本文基于家庭媒体生态视角,从媒体特征、家庭环境特征、个体特征探讨数字媒体对儿童执行功能的影响。其中触屏交互媒体、教育内容、高家庭社会经济地位等起到了保护作用;而快节奏、虚幻内容、背景电视等则具有破坏作用。未来研究应关注儿童个人气质在数字媒体对执行功能影响中的作用以及媒体对执行功能不同成分的影响。  相似文献   

不同强度短时有氧运动对执行功能的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈爱国  殷恒婵  颜军  杨钰 《心理学报》2011,43(9):1055-1062
探讨短时有氧运动对执行功能的影响是否与运动强度和性别有关, 为从运动强度和性别角度选择合理的有氧运动干预方案改善执行功能提供基础。研究采用混合设计, 选取30名大学生(男女人数各半), 使用功率自行车实施30分钟的不同强度有氧运动, 使用Flanker任务、2-back任务和数字More-odd shifting任务分别测查被试基线、小强度短时有氧运动、中强度短时有氧运动和大强度短时有氧运动后执行功能的抑制、刷新和转换三个子功能的变化, 结果表明:不同强度的短时有氧运动对执行功能产生选择性的积极影响, 且不随性别变化而改变。  相似文献   

During childhood, the ability to limit problem behaviors (i.e., externalizing) and the capacity for cognitive regulation (i.e., executive function) are often understood to develop in tandem, and together constitute two major components of self-regulation research. The current study examines bi-directional relations between behavioral problems and executive function over the course of childhood and adolescence. Relying on a diverse sample of children growing up in low-income neighborhoods, we applied a random intercept cross-lagged panel model to longitudinally test associations between behavioral problems and executive function from age 4 through age 16. With this approach, which disaggregated between- and within-child variation, we did not observe significant cross-lagged paths, suggesting that within-child development in one domain did not strongly relate to development in the other. We also observed a moderate correlation between the stable between-child components of behavioral problems and executive function over time in our preferred model, suggesting that these two domains may be relatively distinct when modeled from early childhood through adolescence.  相似文献   

Artists often report that seeing familiar stimuli in novel and interesting ways plays a role in visual art creation. However, the attentional mechanisms which underpin this ability have yet to be fully investigated. More specifically, it is unclear whether the ability to reinterpret visual stimuli in novel and interesting ways is facilitated by endogenously generated switches of attention, and whether it is linked in turn to executive functions such as inhibition and response switching. To address this issue, the current study explored ambiguous figure reversal and executive function in a sample of undergraduate students studying arts and non-art subjects (N = 141). Art students showed more frequent perceptual reversals in an ambiguous figure task, both when viewing the stimulus passively and when eliciting perceptual reversals voluntarily, but showed no difference from non-art students when asked to actively maintain specific percepts. In addition, art students were worse than non-art students at inhibiting distracting flankers in an executive inhibition task. The findings suggest that art students can elicit endogenous shifts of attention more easily than non-art students but that this faculty is not directly associated with enhanced executive function. It is proposed that the signature of artistic skill may be increased perceptual flexibility accompanied by reduced cognitive inhibition; however, future research will be necessary to determine which particular subskills in the visual arts are linked to aspects of perception and executive function.  相似文献   

Executive function (EF) difficulties are a core neuropsychological feature of pediatric epilepsy, and parent-report measures of EF concerns are an important complement to task-based EF measures. The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) has shown sensitivity to parent-reported EF concerns in epilepsy and other pediatric populations. We compared profiles of parent-reported EF concerns using the BRIEF and its revision, the BRIEF2, in 117 pediatric patients with focal onset epilepsy to examine the clinical utility of the revised scale. We then compared BRIEF2 profiles between patients and age- and gender-matched healthy controls. Among patients, profiles on the BRIEF did not globally differ from the BRIEF2, and agreement was very good across scales. Patients and controls differed significantly on the BRIEF2, with patients showing higher EF difficulties reported by parents across most scales. High rates of clinical elevation among patients emerged on the Task Monitor, Plan/Organize, Working Memory, and Shift scales. Younger age of epilepsy onset, chronic epilepsy, and right hemisphere seizure focus were associated with higher parent-reported EF concerns. Findings suggest that the BRIEF2 demonstrates similar performance to the BRIEF among pediatric patients with focal onset epilepsy who are most at risk in the areas of task monitoring, working memory, planning and organization, and flexibility. These findings are informative when comparing literature across versions and provide additional insight into the nature of parent-reported EF difficulties among children with focal onset epilepsy.  相似文献   

一些研究发现海洛因成瘾者奖赏失调表现为:对海洛因相关线索的注意偏向、渴求感增加,对金钱奖赏表现出"即时收益优先"的高风险决策模式和对长时收益的敏感性降低。另一些研究发现海洛因成瘾者的执行功能存在障碍。奖赏失调和执行功能障碍在成瘾物质使用的维持和复吸中起着重要作用。双重竞争模型认为奖赏和执行功能的交互作用决定着行为的结果,但是奖赏对海洛因成瘾者执行功能的影响机制还不清楚。因此,拟使用事件相关电位技术来考察海洛因相关线索和金钱奖赏对不同戒断期成瘾者执行功能的影响机制,短期(1~3个月)、长期(18个月以上)海洛因戒断者和健康对照组被比较。这不仅有助于构建完善的成瘾理论体系,还有助于确定临床戒断后复吸的风险因素和不同戒断期的治疗目标。  相似文献   

选取256名三~六年级儿童,采用相关分析、结构方程模型等方法考察了语音记忆和中央执行功能在不同年级儿童的解码和语言理解中的作用。结果显示,在低年级阶段,语音记忆和刷新对解码存在显著预测作用,转换和刷新对语言理解存在显著预测作用;在高年级阶段,只有刷新对解码保持着稳定的预测作用。这表明,语音记忆和中央执行功能对儿童的解码和语言理解存在不同的影响,并且这种影响会随着年级的增长发生变化。  相似文献   

Executive function (EF) has been implicated in childhood aggression. Understanding of the role of EF in aggression has been hindered, however, by the lack of research taking into account the function and form of aggression and the almost exclusive focus on cool EF. This study examined the role of cool and hot EF in teacher reported aggression, differentiating between reactive and proactive as well as physical and relational aggression. Children (N = 106) completed laboratory tasks measuring cool (inhibition, planning, working memory) and hot EF (affective decision‐making, delay of gratification). Cool, but not hot, EF significantly contributed to understanding of childhood aggression. Inhibition was a central predictor of childhood aggression. Planning and working memory, in contrast, were significant independent predictors of proactive relational aggression only. Added to this, prosocial behaviour moderated the relationship between working memory and reactive relational aggression. This study therefore suggests that cool EF, particularly inhibition, is associated with childhood aggression across the different functions and forms.  相似文献   

The construct validity of the 9-scale version of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) parent form was examined in a clinical sample of children and adolescents with neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders (N = 281). Confirmatory factor analysis supported a three-factor model separating the inhibitory behavioral control dimension from the emotional control and metacognitive problem-solving dimensions. The Metacognitive factor was also related to a diagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) after controlling for age, gender, IQ, adaptive functioning, and a conventional behavioral rating scale, which included inattention-hyperactivity symptoms. The Emotional Regulation factor was related to a diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder. Correlational analyses indicated that child comorbid emotional and behavioral problems may exacerbate parental BRIEF reporting. Accordingly, when assessing executive function among children with neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders, the BRIEF should be complemented with assessments of mental health problems.  相似文献   

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