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类别学习是通过不断地分类练习,学会如何将类别刺激进行归类的过程。采用2(工作记忆容量:高、低)×4(内容相关性:方向、宽度、亮度、控制组)被试间实验设计,通过两个实验探讨工作记忆容量与内容相关性对基于规则类别学习和信息整合类别学习的影响。结果显示:(1)对基于规则类别学习来说,在高工作记忆容量条件下,当关注相关维度时,类别学习的成绩更好;(2)对基于信息整合类别学习来说,不管工作记忆容量如何,只要关注相关维度类别学习的成绩更好。  相似文献   

邢强  孙海龙 《心理科学》2015,(5):1130-1135
通过两个实验探讨反馈延迟与掩蔽类型对知觉类别学习的影响。实验1光栅掩蔽条件下,采用2(类别结构:基于规则vs.信息整合)×2(延迟反馈:500vs.3000ms)被试间实验设计,实验2采用同样的实验设计,保持延迟反馈时间不变,但改掩蔽类型为黑屏掩蔽。结果发现:(1)光栅掩蔽条件下,反馈延迟削弱信息整合类别结构的成绩,不影响基于规则类别学习,内隐外显类别结构之间存在分离效应。(2)黑屏掩蔽条件下,信息整合与基于规则类别结构的成绩均不受到延迟反馈的影响,分离效应消失。实验说明“无关因素”掩蔽影响知觉类别学习,知觉噪音与标准噪音在反馈延迟影响知觉类别学习中起到重要作用,COVIS模型理论关于延迟反馈时间影响知觉类别学习的解释具有局限性。  相似文献   

知觉类别学习是一种人类对知觉刺激进行分类、习得类别的过程, 反馈是进行知觉类别学习不可或缺的重要部分。研究者通过操纵反馈的不同特征, 如反馈延迟(即时、延迟)、反馈性质(积极、消极)、反馈类型(丰富、简单)等, 对反馈如何影响知觉类别学习进行了广泛的研究, 并试图从神经生理学方面给出合理的解释。但是目前反馈对知觉类别学习影响的研究还存在许多不足, 特别在反馈延迟时间的细化、延迟反馈时间临界点、无关因素掩蔽、反馈试次等影响方面的研究较少涉及, 现有的反馈机制尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

基于COVIS模型与认知加工阶段假设,通过2个实验探讨嵌套范式下, 视空工作记忆对基于规则类别学习的影响。实验1采用类别学习中嵌套视空工作记忆的范式,结果发现视空工作记忆削弱基于规则类别学习成绩,与COVIS模型预测相一致。实验2则采用视空工作记忆中嵌套类别学习任务的范式,结果却发现视空工作记忆对基于规则类别学习的影响消失。实验结果表明嵌套范式下视空工作记忆的位置影响基于规则类别学习,初步验证了类别学习存在多个认知加工阶段的假设,视空工作记忆主要影响基于规则类别学习中规则的发现和检验阶段。  相似文献   

刘志雅  莫雷  张娟 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1429-1432
该文介绍了类别学习的双重系统理论:基于规则的类别学习指的是学习一种可以用言语表述的规则,是一种外显学习系统;信息整合的类别学习指的是学习一种难以用言语表述的规则,是一种内隐学习系统。同时介绍了类别学习的主要理论模型,以及支持双系统理论的实证研究,包括行为、临床和认知神经实验的研究结果。  相似文献   

介绍了国外学者为验证类别学习的多重系统理论所做的行为实验研究及主要结果,包括反馈训练、延迟反馈、反应位置、间断的类别刺激分布等因素对信息整合的类别学习的影响,和数字Stroop任务、序列记忆扫描任务、类别数量等因素对基于规则的类别学习的影响;同时,作者指出了实验中没有很好地解决两种类别结构之间的难度差异等问题,并提出了今后需要进一步研究的课题  相似文献   

刘万伦  张奇 《应用心理学》2008,14(4):365-370
在多重系统理论研究基础上,运用即时反馈训练范式,以大学生为被试,考查相关维度数量对基于规则和信息整合两种结构的类别学习的影响.结果表明:(1)相关维度数量是影响类别学习的重要因素,基于规则单维度结构的学习显著优于信息整合结构和基于规则双维度结构的学习,基于规则双维度结构的学习与信息整合结构的学习没有显著差异.(2)反应策略受到规则复杂性的影响,当类别结构中隐含的规则比较简单时,学习者使用规则策略;当类别结构中隐含的规则比较复杂时,学习者难以掌握规则,就会使用相似性策略.研究结果支持"难度观",而不支持多重系统理论.  相似文献   

概念规律如记忆项间的类别关系如何影响视觉工作记忆容量是一个有争议的问题。针对该问题, 学界存在两种预测截然不同的假说:(1)混合类别优势假说, (2)同类别优势假说。综述文献发现, 该类研究均采用带有细节特征的真实客体作为实验材料, 因此前人研究中发现的混合类别优势效应或同类别优势效应中必然混有低水平知觉特征的影响。故本研究采用去除细节信息的动物剪影作为记忆材料来排除上述因素的影响, 旨在厘清上述两种假设, 并采用对侧延迟活动作为神经指标, 来进一步探讨概念规律影响工作记忆容量的内在机制。两个行为实验发现, 不论记忆项同时呈现还是序列呈现, 均存在同类别记忆优势效应。脑电实验结果发现相比记忆不同类别客体, 记忆同等数量的同类别客体诱发的对侧延迟活动的幅值更小。上述结果一致表明, 视觉工作记忆可借助概念的方式将同类别客体加以组织, 从而有效扩大视觉工作记忆容量, 支持了同类别优势假说。  相似文献   

工作记忆是当前认知心理学中的一个研究热点,而其言语子系统与视觉子系统之间的关系又是一个颇具争论性的问题。实验1、2采用双任务范式考察了言语工作记忆对视觉工作记忆的影响。结果发现,满负荷言语负载条件下的视觉记忆的成绩显著低于无言语负载条件。这表明,言语工作记忆影响了视觉工作记忆任务的完成。  相似文献   

林晓欣  邢强 《心理科学》2021,(2):266-273
研究旨在探究更精确的视觉项目表征能否消除延迟反馈对信息整合学习的损害。实验采用2(视觉项目表征精确性:精确/非精确)×2(反馈延迟:即时反馈/延迟反馈)组间设计,结果发现无论有无延迟反馈,精确的项目表征条件下类别学习成绩都显著高于非精确条件,精确性与反馈延迟存在交互作用。采用状态痕迹分析进一步证明精确性显著影响信息整合类别学习的稳定性。在反馈延迟条件下,精确的视觉项目表征能提高信息整合类别学习的成绩。  相似文献   

To investigate whether working memory and visual processing have the same role or different roles in A/B and A/not A prototype category learning, the present study adopted an A/B or A/not A category learning task in control and dual conditions. The results of Experiment 1 showed that an additional dual visual working memory task rather than a dual verbal working memory task reduced accuracy of the A/B task, whereas no dual tasks influenced accuracy of the A/not A task. The results of Experiment 2 revealed that an additional dual visual processing task impaired accuracy of the A/B task, whereas the dual visual processing task did not influence accuracy of the A/not A task. These results indicate that visual working memory and visual processing play different roles in A/B and A/not A prototype category learning, and support that these two types of prototype category learning are mediated by different memory systems.  相似文献   

The present research aims to explore whether recalling and writing about autobiographical memory from different perspectives (first-person perspective vs. third-person perspective) could affect cognitive function. The participants first performed a working memory task to evaluate their working memory capacity as a baseline and then were instructed to recall (Study 1) or write about (Study 2) personal events (failures vs. successes) from the first-person perspective or the third-person perspective. Finally, they performed the working memory task again. The results suggested that autobiographical memory and perspective influence working memory interactively. When recalling a success, the participants who recalled from the third-person perspective performed better than those who recalled from the first-person perspective on the working memory capacity task; when recalling a failure, the opposite was true.  相似文献   

刘志英  库逸轩 《心理学报》2017,(10):1247-1255
工作记忆的容量十分有限,需要选择性地抑制与目标无关信息的干扰,工作记忆容量高的个体,其抑制干扰的能力也更强。本研究采用带有不同形状干扰刺激的色块颜色回忆任务考察干扰对工作记忆容量和表征精度的影响,结果发现,当负荷超出工作记忆容量范围时,干扰减少了记忆所能表征客体的个数;当负荷在工作记忆容量范围内时,干扰降低了记忆中表征客体的精度。更进一步,研究采用独立的知觉任务来测量知觉表征的精度,并探讨作为信息加工的初始阶段的知觉表征如何影响工作记忆加工过程中抑制干扰的能力。将实验中收集的48名有效被试按照知觉表征精度的高低平均分为两组,结果发现上述干扰效应主要表现在知觉表征精度较低的组中,并且该组中知觉表征精度越高的个体,其工作记忆抑制干扰的能力也越强。本研究为实践中通过知觉训练来提升工作记忆的抑制干扰能力提供了理论指导。  相似文献   


A central and long-standing topic of interest to both psychologists and neuroscientists has been the capacity limited nature of perception, cognition and action. Most often, attention is the term invoked to label the mechanism by which a limited cognitive system can prioritize and select a subset of task-relevant sensory inputs and actions amongst a seemingly unbounded set of possible representations and behaviour. This selective mechanism is often modelled as a unitary and domain-general capacity-limited resource that is dynamically shifted to meet the processing demands invoked by the context. The present work offers a test of the unitary attention hypothesis using a variant of a classic validity manipulation [(Posner, M. I. (1980). Orienting of attention. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 32, 3–25)] and the inferential logic of Sternberg (2001. Separate modifiability, mental modules, and the use of pure and composite measures to reveal them. Acta Psychologica, 106, 147–246). The results stand as evidence for at least two modular visual attention systems split according to a spatial and feature-based reference.  相似文献   

工作记忆与知觉负载对工作记忆表征引导注意的调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用4个眼动实验探讨不同知觉负载条件下的视觉搜索任务中工作记忆负载对基于工作记忆表征的注意引导效应的影响。实验1和实验3采用低知觉负载的视觉搜索任务,结果在视觉工作记忆负载为1和2时观察到了显著的注意引导效应,但当负载增加到4时注意引导效应消失了;实验2和实验4采用高知觉负载的视觉搜索任务,结果发现注意引导效应在工作记忆负载增加到2时就已经消失了。上述结果表明:工作记忆负载和知觉负载都能够通过调控认知资源的方式来影响工作记忆表征对注意的引导,当认知资源充足时,工作记忆能够同时保持多个记忆表征对视觉注意的引导。  相似文献   

The role of verbal and visuospatial working memory in rule-based and information-integration category learning was examined. Previously, Maddox, Ashby, Ing, and Pickering found that a sequentially presented verbal working memory task did not affect information-integration learning, but disrupted rule-based learning when the rule was on the spatial frequency of a Gabor stimulus. This pattern was replicated in Experiment 1, in which the same category structures were used, but in which the verbal working memory task was replaced with a visuospatial analog. Experiment 2A examined rule-based learning on an oblique orientation and also found both verbal and visuospatial working memory tasks disrupting learning. Experiment 2B examined rule-based learning on a cardinal orientation and found a minimal effect of the verbal working memory task, but a large effect of the visuospatial working memory task. The conceptual significance of cardinal orientations and the role of visuospatial and verbal working memory in category learning are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined age-related differences in utilizing learned associations to guide visual search. Participants viewed an object cue that was associated with 1 or 2 target colors, followed by a search array. Older adults showed slower RTs, larger visual search slopes, and reduced cue–target association knowledge than did younger adults. We also found increased search RTs and higher error rates when the cue was associated with 2 colors instead of 1. However, visual search slopes did not vary with the number of associated colors. This indicates that participants could activate multiple templates simultaneously to guide the search or retrieve associative information directly from the long-term memory. Furthermore, regression analyses showed that VWMC can predict both visual search performances and cue–target association knowledge. More broadly, our results demonstrate that VWMC can modify the effects of age on cued visual search performance.  相似文献   

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