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本文立足于马克思主义基本立场 ,比较和分析了哈贝马斯和马克思、恩格斯关于交往理论的相同与不同之处 ,论证了交往在社会发展、社会变革中的历史作用。提出交往既有着沟通主客体关系的功能 ,又有着改造、变革对象世界的价值指向 :一是用交往来说明社会发展变更的必然性 ;二是用交往来说明生产方式推动社会发展变革的更深层的原因———社会发展是人类自身交往的历史 ,社会变革正是通过人类的生产方式 ,以及人们相互之间的交往方式来实现的 ;三是论证说明了人类正是通过交往在社会变革中实现着自身种的历史进化 ;四是把生产力发展水平和社会交往形式的成熟性作为社会进步的尺度。从历史维度阐述了人类社会交往起点的历史性和现实性 ,分析论证了由传统社会向现代化社会的历史转变 ,同样体现了交往的“工兵”作用。文章认为 ,交往在社会发展过程中具有变革社会形态和社会结构的功能 ,指出交往的主体实践活动是一种能动的对象性认识活动。本文用世界进程的眼光 ,去反思民族实践方式的历史地位 ,追寻新的交往与发展方式。  相似文献   

警察人际交往具有自身的特点和规律性,而其中警民交往又尤其重要。目前,对于警民关系的水平警察和公民具有接近的认识,并非处于最佳状态。影响警民交往的主要因素有警察自身因素、公民因素和社会环境因素,其中警察自身因素占居主导地位,为了提高警民交往的水平,警察主体应该对警民交往的互利性、不同公民法律地位的平等性、好感回报性法则等方面进行深入地研究。  相似文献   

徐潞杰  张镇 《心理科学进展》2021,29(8):1472-1483
积极交往和消极交往分别会对老年人的心理健康产生有利和不利影响, 然而, 探讨消极交往的负面作用及其机制的研究相对较少。目前研究主要涉及消极交往的类型(社会隔离、丧偶或离婚)、来源(配偶、子女或朋友)及强度, 并探讨感知评估、自尊的中介作用及性别、婚姻、受教育水平等变量的调节作用。社会情感选择理论、优劣势整合理论、社会交换理论及镜中我理论在一定范围内对消极交往的负面作用做出了合理解释。采取“原谅”或“认知疏远”的应对策略能有效缓解消极交往的负面影响。未来研究应进一步考察不同文化背景及社会网络背景下消极交往对老年人心理健康的影响, 同时加强对消极交往的理论研究和线上研究, 并关注相关的干预研究。  相似文献   

论人格、交往行为与人际关系和谐   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人格,作为人在实践活动中生成的内在精神要素和外在行为规范的系统结构,是以自我意识为核心的,是在与环境的交互作用中形成的,并被主体吸纳为自身的一种本质力量.人格影响和制约着人的交往行为,合理化的交往行为对人格的修养具有促进作用.良好的人格修养和交往行为合理化,是实现人际关系和谐的现实需要与重要标志,使整个社会成员形成良好的价值取向、交往行为模式,能够协调人际关系和规范社会秩序,有利于和谐人际关系的构建.  相似文献   

刘松博  李育辉 《心理学报》2014,46(6):852-863
员工跨界行为正在成为团队领域的热点课题, 但目前为止尚缺乏在中国情境下关于员工跨界行为作用机制的系统研究。本研究通过对来自61个团队的领导及其292名员工的两波纵向数据进行跨层分析, 将文化和社会网络理论整合入跨界行为领域, 在控制了个体层次的员工年龄、教育程度、性别、本团队工作时间和个人的集体主义导向, 以及团队层次的团队规模后, 发现员工跨界行为有助于提升其团队内部网络中心性的地位, 并进而促进其任务绩效, 团队集体主义氛围在员工跨界行为和网络中心性的关系中到显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

人类“性交往”的进化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
David   M.   Buss 《心理学报》2007,39(3):502-512
性交往是人类繁衍出现差异的进化“引擎”。现代人继承了祖先成功繁衍后代的性交往策略。这些策略涵盖长期守诺的性交往(如婚姻)、短期性交往(如短暂的外遇)、婚姻外的性交往(如不忠)、私通他人配偶(引诱别人的配偶)以及配偶维持(与单一配偶性交往)等。两性在性交往过程中面临不同的适应问题,性交往问题的进化机制存在极大的性别差异。配偶偏好不同、短期性交往的愿望不同以及性嫉妒的诱因不同等都是性交往具有性别差异的表现。很多实证研究都证实了性交往策略的存在,人类性交往研究是进化心理学研究中较为成熟的一个研究领域  相似文献   

针对当前思想政治教育中存在的话语霸权问题,提出构建“交往话语权”范畴的必要性,认为交往话语权既指教育者的意识形态话语权,也指受教育者的民主话语权,是两种话语权的融合,这种融合是建立在教育者和受教育者的交往基础之上的话语权力与话语权利的辩证统一.同时,实现交往话语权的关键是正确认识好教育者以及受教育者各自所具有的主体性和客体性,并正确处理二者的关系.  相似文献   

马克思在《德意志意识形态》等著作中,对交往以及人类社会历史上各个时期的交往形式做了系统的考察,首次创建了普遍交往理论.马克思的普遍交往理论具有一般性和普适性,对人类历史具有一般的解释力,对于我们建设中国特色的社会主义事业以及现代化建构具有重要的现实意义.马克思普遍交往观还蕴含着社会发展理论的丰富内容,对我们建设中国特色社会主义公民社会有重要启示.尽管马克思当时’还没有遇到今天这样的公民社会发展问题,但马克思从“普遍交往”的视角出发对“世界历史”的研究,为我们正确认识和定位中国的公民社会,为研究社会发展问题提供了方法论依据.  相似文献   

姜勇  庞丽娟 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1120-1123
师生交往是当前教师与儿童发展研究的前沿领域。对幼儿园师生交往类型的探讨已成为近年来国内外研究与关注的焦点。本研究通过对105名幼儿教师的师生交往所进行的因素分析与聚类分析,较深入地揭示了幼儿园师生交往的四种类型:严厉型、民主型、开放学习型、灌输型及其各自所具有的特征.并指出开放学习型是我国幼儿园师生交往的一种特有类型。  相似文献   

该著致力于研究哈贝马斯的交往行为理论与历史唯物主义的关联。哈贝马斯认为历史唯物主义在当代社会陷入了困境,他要对历史唯物主义进行更新,希望用其交往行为理论来对历史唯物主义的基本原理进行构建。哈贝马斯早期非常重视认识论的研究,他认为马克思仅仅把社会劳动作为历史唯物主义的基础是不够的,应该添加交往行为这一维度,但他更加突出交往行为在社会进化中的作用。  相似文献   

Across two studies, the current research investigated how different dimensions of narcissism (grandiosity/agentic extraversion, entitlement/self-centered antagonism, vulnerability/narcissistic neuroticism) relate to social networking site (SNS) use and behaviors. Study 1 employed a community sample of young adults, whereas Study 2 examined college students. Participants completed assessments of narcissism and SNS use through an online survey. Grandiosity/agentic extraversion was generally associated with greater levels of downward social comparison relative to the other two dimensions. Entitlement/self-centered antagonism generally showed weak correlations with SNS outcomes. Vulnerability/narcissistic neuroticism was generally associated with greater upward social comparison and perceived social exclusion relative to the other two dimensions. Results suggest that SNS experiences may vary depending on the dimensions of narcissism.  相似文献   

自恋作为一种人格特质,以膨胀的自我概念、寻求他人持续的关注和肯定为主要特征,而社交网站鼓励多种形式的自我提升行为,深受自恋者的喜欢。在考察社交网站上的一般性使用行为、不同类型社交平台上、不同性质的使用行为以及具体的使用行为时,均发现了自恋的显著预测作用(自我选择效应);不同形式的社交网站使用行为也会强化个体的自恋水平(媒体效应)。自恋和社交网站使用之间相互作用、相互强化(强化螺旋模型)。两者的关系还受性别、年龄和代际差异以及文化等因素的影响。未来研究还需进一步探讨自恋和社交网站使用行为的界定及测量、两者的作用方向以及研究方法的改进等问题。  相似文献   

The present research examined how narcissism is manifested on a social networking Web site (i.e., Facebook.com). Narcissistic personality self-reports were collected from social networking Web page owners. Then their Web pages were coded for both objective and subjective content features. Finally, strangers viewed the Web pages and rated their impression of the owner on agentic traits, communal traits, and narcissism. Narcissism predicted (a) higher levels of social activity in the online community and (b) more self-promoting content in several aspects of the social networking Web pages. Strangers who viewed the Web pages judged more narcissistic Web page owners to be more narcissistic. Finally, mediational analyses revealed several Web page content features that were influential in raters' narcissistic impressions of the owners, including quantity of social interaction, main photo self-promotion, and main photo attractiveness. Implications of the expression of narcissism in social networking communities are discussed.  相似文献   

People are beginning to develop symbiotic relationships with social networking sites (SNSs), which provide users with abundant opportunities for social interaction. We contend that if people perceive SNSs as sources of social connection, the idea of SNSs may reduce the desire to pursue offline social activities and offline pleasures. Experiment 1 demonstrated that priming with SNSs was associated with a weakened desirability of offline social activities and an increased inclination to work alone. Felt relatedness mediated the link between SNS primes and reduced desire to engage in offline social activities. Experiment 2 showed that exposure to SNS primes reduced the desirability of offline socializing and lowered the desire for offline pleasurable experiences as well. Moreover, heavy users were more susceptible to this detrimental effect. We provide the first experimental evidence that the idea of online social networking may modulate users’ engagement in offline social activities and offline pleasures. Hence, online social networking may satisfy the need for relatedness but undercut the likelihood of reaping enjoyment from offline social life.  相似文献   

采用方便抽样法对630名具有社交网站使用经验的大学生进行问卷调查,探讨社交网站使用对妒忌的影响,以及向上社会比较、自尊在其中的作用机制。结果表明:(1)社交网站使用显著正向预测妒忌;(2)向上社会比较在社交网站使用与妒忌之间起部分中介作用;(3)该中介效应受到自尊的调节。具体来说,相对于高自尊大学生,低自尊大学生的向上社会比较产生更多妒忌。  相似文献   

Social networking technologies have become a ubiquitous framework for social interaction, serving to organise much of the individual’s social life. Such technological structuring affects not merely the individual’s psyche (as a psycho- technics), it also affects broader aspects of society (as a socio-technics). While social networking technologies may serve to transform society in positive ways, such technologies also have the potential to significantly encroach upon and (re) construct individual and cultural meaning in ways that must be investigated. Erich Fromm, who psychoanalytically describes humans as a product of their society and the economic systems within that society, may provide insight into the influence of social networking technologies in contemporary society. He sees the relationship between the individual and society as being in a constant state of dynamic change. Utilising Fromm’s psycho-societal insight, social networking technologies are shown to conflate and confuse the relation between Thanatos and Eros – the Thanatos of a lifeless and consumerist agenda-filled mechanisation, and the Eros associated with social engagement. Thanatos and Eros are tied together via social networking technologies. This results in, firstly, social networking technologies functioning predominantly to further capitalist agendas through the monetisation of these technologies – particularly in terms of linking commodity fetishism and the foundational social drive of the individual. Secondly, social networking technologies mechanise human action according to predictable behavioural paths through the use of these technologies, especially in terms of how socialisation is possible via these technologies (shaping how platonic and romantic relationships may take place in the contemporary world). Such a mechanisation of interpersonal engagement contrasts with Erich Fromm’s assertion that interpersonal relations (vis-à-vis love) are not “mere emotion”, but rather represent an interpersonal creative capacity and interplay. Fromm’s psycho-societal insights will show how contemporary individuals may take independent and responsible rational action to establish accountable and psychologically beneficial ways of engaging with others through social networking technologies.  相似文献   

The authors develop and evaluate an online networking intervention, Building Relationships and Improving Opportunities (BRIO), built in conjunction with the networking literature and social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1986, 1999). A field experiment using 491 unemployed job seekers shows that the intervention increases networking intensity, networking self-efficacy, and proximal networking benefits. Further, the intervention generates higher quality reemployment through its positive effects on networking self-efficacy. Individuals who completed the intervention and were also lower in extraversion showed the most positive improvements in networking self-efficacy and reemployment quality. The study advances the literature by uncovering the mechanisms through which a networking intervention may result in improved reemployment success, and demonstrating the moderating role of individual differences in affecting intervention outcomes. The study helps practice by providing a publicly available, research-based training to improve job search networking.  相似文献   

The AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) has written a position paper on how social medical use challenges medical professionalism. The report offers persuasive ethical and practical guidelines for nonclinical internet use, specifically for social networking. This commentary provides a framework from which to apply these guidelines, but adds that there may be important situations in which physicians are not able to act in accordance. The guidelines call for professional reporting of questionable online portrayals or behaviors, but this commentary argues that this may be not only cumbersome to implement, but may violate aspects of constitutional rights. While online social networking may in many ways be a new application of old challenges, there may be other aspects that require novel approaches to medical professionalism.  相似文献   

Theory and research indicates that individuals with more frequent positive emotions are better at attaining goals at work and in everyday life. In the current study we examined whether the expression of genuine positive emotions by scientists was positively correlated with work-related accomplishments, defined by bibliometric (e.g. number of citations) and sociometric (number of followers for scholarly updates) indices. Using a sample of 440 scientists from a social networking site for researchers, multiple raters coded smile intensity (full smile, partial smile, or no smile) in publicly available photographs. We found that scientists who presented a full smile had the same quantity of publications yet of higher quality (e.g. citations per paper) and attracted more followers to their updates compared to less positive emotionally expressive peers; results remained after controlling for age and sex. Thin-slicing approaches to the beneficial effects of positive emotionality offer an ecologically valid approach to complement experimental and longitudinal evidence. Evidence linking positive emotional expressions to scientific impact and social influence provides further support for broaden and build models of positive emotions.  相似文献   

Social networking sites (e.g., MySpace and Facebook) are popular online communication forms among adolescents and emerging adults. Yet little is known about young people's activities on these sites and how their networks of “friends” relate to their other online (e.g., instant messaging) and offline networks. In this study, college students responded, in person and online, to questions about their online activities and closest friends in three contexts: social networking sites, instant messaging, and face-to-face. Results showed that participants often used the Internet, especially social networking sites, to connect and reconnect with friends and family members. Hence, there was overlap between participants' online and offline networks. However, the overlap was imperfect; the pattern suggested that emerging adults may use different online contexts to strengthen different aspects of their offline connections. Information from this survey is relevant to concerns about young people's life online.  相似文献   

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