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态度及其与行为模式述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
态度一直是社会心理学的核心问题,态度对于预测行为具有重要作用。本文阐述了态度的界定、态度的结构模型及态度预测行为模型的各种理论,在这些理论的基础上,提出了态度预测行为的另一模型。  相似文献   

学生的价值观、价值取向及其与亲社会行为的关系初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人是社会的动物,也是理性的动物。人类的祖先为了战胜自然和改善生活环境相互结合形成了社会,并在参与社会生活过程中获得了本性的改变,成为担负推进社会发展使命的社会人。  相似文献   

儿童合作倾向与家长价值观   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究采用组内设计的方法,测量了53名5~6岁的儿童在两种情境中的合作行为倾向,以及与他们的家长的工作价值观的关系。结果表明:对情境的知觉影响儿童的合作倾向,一方面表现在对好朋友与不认识的小朋友的合作行为倾向有显著性差异;另一方面是对不同的实验材料有不同的合作行为表现。另外,儿童的合作行为倾向与父母的工作价值观——特别是经济利益价值、管理价值等有显著相关。  相似文献   

态度结构一致性指态度的情感或认知成分与总体态度的一致程度以及态度的情感与认知成分两者间的一致程度。本文介绍了结构一致性的界定和操作方法,回顾了结构一致性对态度和行为的影响,包括其在态度形成中的作用以及对态度可获得性和态度-行为关系的影响。同时指出未来研究应关注各种结构一致性的交互,将结构一致性研究推广到群体水平,并进一步应用于社会预警研究。  相似文献   

企业员工工作价值观与组织公民行为的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究旨在探讨企业员工工作价值观与组织公民行为的关系。用工作价值观调查表、中国组织公民行为量表对525名企业员工进行了问卷调查,结果发现:整体工作价值观与整体组织公民行为存在着显著性相关;工作价值观的能力警曼等璧翌组织公民行为的公司认同、个人主动性、保护公司资源因素有显著正向影响;工作价值观的地位因素对组织公民行为的公司认同、同事间的利他行为、个人主动性因素有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

内隐和外显态度预测消费者行为的一致性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以非耐用商品(洗发水)和耐用商品(手机)为态度对象,探讨了内隐态度和外显态度之间的一致性及其对行为选择的预测作用.结果发现:(1)当态度对象为非耐用品时,内隐和外显态度之间呈一致性,而当态度对象为耐用品时,内隐和外显态度之间出现分离;(2)在非耐用品上,内隐态度能更好地预测被试的选择行为,而在耐用品上外显态度能更好地预测被试的选择行为.  相似文献   

新生代农民工的教育状况、社会阅历、生活期望、外出动因、行为方式等方面较第一代农民工有着明显差异,他们的价值观受到了城市文明更深刻的冲击和振荡,因此呈现出矛盾的整体特征,这种价值观现状与新生代农民工所处的社会组织、管理、制度、自体等方面的因素密切相关,社会应该从制度变革、组织引导、培养提升三方面入手,缓解并消除新生代农民工的价值观矛盾现状,引导他们完成向社会主义核心价值体系的渐近和归依.  相似文献   

态度与行为关系研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关于态度与行为关系研究存在以下几种模式:态度和行为直接相关;态度和行为通过其他的中介,调节变量共同作用于行为;态度的不同构成对行为起不同的作用。该文结合以上的研究框架介绍了近些年来有影响力的模型如计划行为理论、态度强度模型等,并提出未来的态度和行为的关系应该充分考虑内隐态度测量以及采用时间序列追踪研究的新的角度  相似文献   

论经济价值观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文旨在确立熔经济学与哲学为一体的经济价值观范畴。全文论述四个问题 :经济价值观的概念界说及有关问题 ;经济价值观的评价及其标准 ;经济价值观的作用 ;经济价值观的研究方法。  相似文献   

工作价值观的研究进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
工作价值观是指超越具体情境,引导个体对与工作相关的行为与事件进行选择与评价,指向希望达到的状态与行为的一些重要性程度不同的观念与信仰。最近学者们越来越关注工作价值观的研究,内容主要涉及工作价值观的结构、测量、与其他相关构念的关系,以及跨文化、跨代际差异等方面的内容。本文对最近几年工作价值观的研究进展进行了全面的总结,并且分析了不同性别、行业、代际、国家地区人群的工作价值观差异。最后指出,今后的研究需要进一步关注工作价值观测量工具的跨文化适用性、工作价值观的匹配性及其变化机制等问题。  相似文献   

There is growing evidence for the efficacy of acceptance-based behavioral therapies, which aim to increase acceptance of internal experiences and values-consistent action. Further, experimental studies have demonstrated that acceptance decreases distress and increases willingness to engage in challenging tasks (e.g. Levitt, Brown, Orsillo, & Barlow, 2004). However, research demonstrating the positive effects of values articulation on psychological functioning is needed. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of a brief intervention in reducing anxiety related to a stressful speech task. Contrary to predictions, engagement in values writing did not reduce anticipatory or posttask anxiety relative to engagement in a neutral writing task. However, self-esteem significantly predicted anxious response to the task. Experiential avoidance and valued living were also associated with anxious response to the task, although the contribution of these predictors was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

A number of studies have indicated that delinquent adolescents have characteristic value systems. However, most of these studies have adopted a “known-groups” design—that is, they have compared institutionalized delinquents and non-institutionalized adolescents, assuming those adolescents to be non-delinquent. Designs of this type do not distinguish effectively between the statistical effects of delinquency and of institutionalization. In this study, the authors investigated relationships between values and self-reported antisocial behavior in three adolescent groups: 435 school-attending boys, 529 school-attending girls, and 95 delinquent boys in juvenile rehabilitation centers or prisons. The results indicate that antisocial behavior is associated with hedonistic values and a lack of interest in conventional values and social values. These relationships cannot be explained by the institutionalization effects.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to extend research on parenting and positive development of Latino youth. Participants were 207 Mexican American adolescents (M age = 10.9 years, SD = 0.83 years; 50% girls) who completed measures of their parents' supportive and firm parenting, their own endorsement of respect and traditional gender role values, and their tendency to engage in six forms of prosocial behaviors. Maternal nativity was also considered as an initial predictor of parenting, adolescents' cultural values, and adolescents' prosocial behaviors. Overall, the results demonstrated that maternal nativity was associated with traditional gender roles and specific forms of prosocial behaviors. Parenting dimensions were differentially associated with respect and traditional gender role values and prosocial behaviors. Cultural values, in turn, were associated with multiple forms of prosocial behaviors. Gender differences in the processes were also explored.  相似文献   

李静  郭永玉 《心理科学》2012,35(1):160-164
以价值观冲突理论为依据,探讨中国社会转型时期物质主义与儒家传统价值观的并存给当代大学生带来的心理冲突。采用测谎仪记录被试回答价值观选择两难情境问题时的皮电值,结果发现:对于高儒家传统价值观的大学生而言,物质主义水平的上升会引起其皮电值的显著增加,而对于低儒家传统价值观的大学生则没有这种效应。表明同时拥有高水平的物质主义和儒家传统价值观的大学生会体验到大量的心理冲突。  相似文献   

The postmaterialism thesis contends that newer cultural and social justice issues will supplant traditional, class‐based economic concerns as societies become increasingly wealthy. Although macrolevel evidence broadly supports this prediction, individual‐level evidence for the theory in the United States has been sparse. Moreover, alternative theories predict that postmaterialism will not travel well to the American context because religious cleavages that divide the major parties will be most salient. We test the postmaterialism thesis at the individual level using unique data that enable us to evaluate citizens' value‐preference structures across income levels, as well as the conditional effect of income on the relationship between individuals' ranked value preferences and political attitudes and behavior. Consistent with the theory, greater income strengthens the association between egalitarianism and ideology, partisanship, evaluations of President Obama, and presidential vote choice, and weakens the relationship between moral traditionalism and these same variables. However, income does not moderate the association between economic security and individuals' identities, evaluations, or behavior. Additionally, value‐preference hierarchies are quite similar across income groups after controlling for partisanship and ideology. The results lend insight into the nature of value‐ and income‐based cleavages in American politics.  相似文献   

采用问卷法调查了358名企业员工,探讨家庭支持型主管行为(FSSB)对工作满意感和离职意愿等工作态度的作用机制。结果表明:(1)FSSB对工作满意感有显著正向影响,对离职意愿有显著负向影响。(2)工作-家庭增益在FSSB与工作满意感之间起着中介作用,而工作-家庭冲突的中介作用不显著;工作-家庭增益与冲突在FSSB与离职意愿之间的中介作用均不显著。(3)边界控制感调节了FSSB—工作-家庭增益—工作满意感这一中介过程。本研究提示可通过干预FSSB来提升员工的工作态度。  相似文献   

IntroductionEven though cycling is an activity whose benefits in terms of urban mobility and health are globally recognized, its disproportional growth during the past few decades has led to some unexpected dynamics. In fact, the increasing number of traffic injuries and deaths involving cyclists has a high cost for public health systems. Considering the available empirical evidence, aberrant and positive behaviors on the road constitute relevant predictors for the injuries suffered by road users. Nevertheless, the scarcity of tools that measure and evaluate the behavior of road users, especially in the case of cyclists, constitutes a serious lack in terms of explaining, intervening and preventing traffic crashes through behavioral approaches.ObjectiveThis study had two essential purposes: first, to describe in detail the validation of measurement of risky and positive road user behaviors of cyclists using the Cycling Behavior Questionnaire. Second, to compare the mean scores of the validated version of the CBQ according to demographic and cycling-related factors.MethodAs a part of a larger collaborative research project, our data was collected from 1064 Spanish-speaking cyclists (between 17 and 80 years old) from 20 countries, who filled out an anonymous electronic survey on their riding behaviors. The data was analyzed using competitive Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA), thus obtaining basic psychometric values and an optimized structure for the scale.ResultsThe obtained results suggest that the CBQ has a clear factorial structure, items with high factorial weight, and good internal consistency. In particular, the results of the latent variable model with three factors, which were labeled errors, violations and positive behaviors, show that the CBQ is satisfactorily adjusted.ConclusionThe findings of this research support the idea that the CBQ may have important applications in the improvement of road safety through the study of cyclists' behavioral factors and their relationship to demographic and cycling-related factors.  相似文献   

心理契约破坏对员工态度与行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐琳  刘泽文 《心理科学进展》2012,20(8):1296-1304
心理契约破坏是指在雇佣关系中员工对组织未能履行的责任或承诺的认知评价。本文从概念上区分了心理契约破坏与心理契约违背, 然后从直接影响和间接影响(中介效应与调节效应)两方面回顾了国内外有关心理契约破坏对员工工作态度与行为影响的实证研究, 并对研究方法、理论依据存在的不足进行评述, 提出未来的研究应该:(1)基于中国的文化背景, 开发适合中国企业的心理契约量表; (2)从组织-员工双向视角考察心理契约破坏对双方影响的的动态过程。  相似文献   

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