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This article compares the properties of apparent motion between a light and a touch with apparent motion between either two lights or two touches. Visual and tactile stimulators were attached to the tips of the two index fingers that were held apart at different distances. Subjects rated the quality of apparent motion between each stimulus combination for a range of stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs). Subjects reported perceiving apparent motion between all three stimulus combinations. For light—light visual apparent motion, the preferred SOA and the direction threshold SOAs increased as the distance between the stimuli increased (consistent with Korte’s third law of apparent motion). Touch—touch apparent motion also obeyed Korte’s third law, but over a smaller range of distances, showing that proprioceptive information concerning the position of the fingers is integrated into the tactile motion system. The threshold and preferred SOAs for visuotactile apparent motion did not vary with distance, suggesting a different mechanism for multimodal apparent motion.  相似文献   

The interpretation of a dynamic visual scene requires integrating information within frames (grouping and completion) and across frames (correspondence matching). Fragmentary views of objects were used in five experiments. These views could not be matched with each other by any similarity transformation on the basis of their explicit visual features, but their completed versions were related by a rotational transformation. When the fragmentary images were successively presented to observers, it was found that they produced apparent motion in the picture plane and in depth. Thus, apparent motion is capable of establishing correspondence at the level of perceptually recovered objects in three-dimensional space.  相似文献   

Apparent motion is an illusion in which two sequentially presented and spatially separated stimuli give rise to the experience of one moving stimulus. This phenomenon has been deployed in various philosophical arguments for and against various theories of consciousness, time consciousness and the ontology of time. Nevertheless, philosophers have continued working within a framework that does not reflect the current understanding of apparent motion. The main objectives of this paper are to expose the shortcomings of the explanations provided for apparent motion and to offer an alternative explanation for the phenomenon.  相似文献   

The existence of a directional motion aftereffect (MAE) for long-range (LR) stroboscopic apparent motion (SAM) was examined with the use of a directionally ambiguous test stimulus. The spatial and temporal parameters were such that the LR, rather than the short-range, mechanism was likely to be implicated. MAEs were found for SAM, which were in the same direction, but somewhat weaker than those for a comparable stimulus in real motion. The MAEs for SAM were present only when good apparent motion was perceived, and could be shown also when only the unstimulated area between the two stroboscopic flashes was tested. The LR mechanism was further implicated, since the MAEs were also obtained under dichoptic adaptation conditions. It is concluded that the LR-motion mechanism does show a usual MAE under proper testing conditions.  相似文献   

P A Kolers  M Green 《Perception》1984,13(3):249-254
Two shapes of either the same or different color will seem to be in smooth apparent motion with like-colored mates, at proper conditions of flash timing and spacing. An experiment is reported in which the condition was tested for unlike-colored pairs, for example red-green alternated with green-red. The question of interest was how the visual system would resolve the disparity of color. An 'intelligent' solution would rotate the shapes in three dimensions. Like-colored and unlike-colored parts were found to move and transform similarly, however, the resolution being dependent more upon timing than upon color. The motion of intelligence as it might be applied to vision is discussed in light of these results.  相似文献   

Figural change in apparent motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

To maintain figural identity during motion perception, the visual system must match images over space and time. Correct matching requires a metric for identifying "corresponding" images, those representing the same physical object. To test whether matching is based on achromatic (black/white) polarity and chromatic (red/green) color, observers viewed an ambiguous motion display and judged the path of apparent motion. Matching preserved black/white identity regardless of whether frames were viewed binocularly or dichoptically. Red/green identity was also preserved, but coherence of motion depended in part on the number of frames in the motion sequence and on the background luminance. These results suggest that correspondence is computed by a weighted metric containing terms for image features coded early in visual processing.  相似文献   

Yeshurun Y  Hein E 《Perception》2011,40(8):905-918
Transient spatial attention refers to the automatic selection of a location that is driven by the stimulus rather than a voluntary decision. Apparent motion is an illusory motion created by stationary stimuli that are presented successively at different locations. In this study we explored the effects of transient attention on apparent motion. The motion target presentation was preceded by either valid attentional cues that attract attention to the target location in advance (experiments 1-4), neutral cues that do not indicate a location (experiments 1, 3, and 4), or invalid cues that direct attention to a non-target location (experiment 2). Valid attentional cues usually improve performance in various tasks. Here, however, an attentional impairment was found. Observers' ability to discriminate the direction of motion diminished at the cued location. Analogous results were obtained regardless of cue type: singleton cue (experiment 1), central non-informative cue (experiment 2), or abrupt onset cue (experiment 3). Experiment 4 further demonstrated that reversed apparent motion is less likely with attention. This seemingly counterintuitive attentional degradation of perceived apparent motion is consistent with several recent findings, and together they suggest that transient attention facilitates spatial segregation and temporal integration but impairs spatial integration and temporal segregation.  相似文献   

K Prazdny 《Perception》1986,15(5):619-625
Experiments are reported which show that three-dimensional structure can be perceived from two-dimensional image motions carried by objects defined solely by the differences in binocular and/or temporal correlation (ie disparity or motion discontinuities). This demonstrates that the kinetic depth effect is independent of motion detection in the luminance domain and that its relevant input comes from detectors based on some form of identity preservation of objects or features over time, ie the long-range processes of apparent motion.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusions Linke's pioneer observations made just fifty years ago on apparent visual motion conditioned by pairs of stimulus objects which differ in form, has been here experimentally elaborated and brought into relation with topology. Both deformations and connectivities have been studied. Topological limits of t-motion have been encountered in this investigation. Linke's concept of identity, which he regarded as the psychological key to seen movement, should now be replaced by the modern, powerful concept of invariance. Topology, with its biunique point-order structure, is inevitably brought into relation with the phenomena of apparent movement. There appears to be a substantial isomorphic relation between topological deformation in the stimulus objects and seen movement, although there are some topological inhibitors of motion. The perceptual contents of apparent motion do not evidence positional and form properties as separated parts: The contents are funded as an integrated kinematic whole.  相似文献   

Perceptual organization in multistable apparent motion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Is motion perception based on a local piecemeal analysis of the image or do 'global' effects also play an important role? Use was made of bistable apparent-motion displays in trying to answer this question. Two spots were flashed simultaneously on diagonally opposite corners of a 1 deg wide square and then switched off and replaced by two spots appearing on the other two corners. One can either see vertical or horizontal oscillation and the display is bistable just as a Necker cube is. If several such bistable figures are randomly scattered on the screen and presented simultaneously, then one usually sees the same motion axis in all of them, suggesting the presence of field-like effects for resolving ambiguity in apparent motion. While viewing a single figure observers experience hysteresis: they tend to adhere to one motion axis or the other and can switch the axis only by looking away and looking back after 10-30 s have elapsed. The figure can be switched off and made to reappear at some other random location on the screen and it is then always found to retain its motion axis. Several such demonstrations are presented to show that spatial induction effects in metastable motion displays may provide a particularly valuable probe for studying 'laws' of perceptual organization.  相似文献   

Experiments are reported which have been designed to establish what features of a pair of figures can be used as an input for apparent motion. The display consisted of a central figure, A, which appeared briefly and was followed immediately afterwards by two figures, B and C, which appeared on either side of the original location of A. Figure A can thus move towards either B or C. When A was a low-pass filtered square it moved towards C (a low-pass filtered square that was similar to A but 'rotated' by 45 degrees) rather than toward B (a high-pass filtered square identical to A in orientation and size). When A was an unfiltered square it moved towards C (a low-pass filtered square of identical orientation) rather than towards B (a high-pass filtered square of identical orientation). Lastly, when A was a 'solid' square it moved towards C (a solid circle) rather than towards B (an outline square). All three experiments suggest that the direction of perceived movement is determined exclusively by low spatial frequencies rather than by similarity of oriented edges, especially when speed of alternation is rapid.  相似文献   

Mirabella G  Norcia AM 《Perception》2008,37(9):1368-1379
Transformational apparent motion (TAM) arises when a shape that is abruptly flashed on and off next to a static shape of similar color or texture appears as a protrusion that extends and retracts smoothly from the static object. Here we report that the strength of the TAM percept can be predicted from the waveform of visual evoked potentials (VEPs) measured while observers rated their percepts. The VEPs at pattern onset and offset are maximally symmetric when the static inducer and the flashing patches of the display are of the same contrast. VEP symmetry is affected by how the two patches can be matched as a single surface and may reflect the relative contribution of different motion and object detection systems in visual cortex.  相似文献   

Abstract: In two experiments, we investigated how the number of auditory stimuli affected the apparent motion induced by visual stimuli. The multiple visual stimuli that induced the apparent motion on the front parallel plane, or in the depth dimension in terms of the binocular disparity cue, were accompanied by multiple auditory stimuli. Observers reported the number of visual stimuli (Experiments 1 and 2) and the displacement of the apparent motion that was defined by the distance between the first and last visual stimuli (Experiment 2). When the number of auditory stimuli was more/less than that of the visual stimuli, observers tended to perceive more/less visual stimuli and a larger/smaller displacement than when the numbers of the auditory and visual stimuli were the same, regardless of the dimension of motion. These results suggest that auditory stimulation may modify the visual processing of motion by modulating the spatiotemporal resolution and extent of the displacement.  相似文献   

Response priming refers to the finding that a prime stimulus preceding a target stimulus influences the response to the following target stimulus. Typically, responses are faster and more accurate if the prime calls for the same response as the target (i.e., compatible trials), as compared with the situation where primes and targets trigger different responses (i.e., incompatible trials). However, the effect depends on presentational and temporal parameters such as the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of prime and target, or prime duration. Until now, the special role of moving stimuli was largely ignored. In the present research, experiments were conducted using clearly visible moving dots as primes and static arrows as targets. Essentially, with short SOAs up to 200 ms, participants responded faster to compatible targets. In contrast, with SOAs above 200 ms, participants responded faster to incompatible targets. The results were compared with response priming with static primes. Here, a different pattern of results emerged, with faster responses to compatible than incompatible targets at a long SOA of 300 ms. Overall, the experiments provide evidence for the existence of an inhibitory mechanism in action control when (distracting) motion stimuli are present. Results could be explained with slight changes to different accounts of negative response priming effects, as well as theories of attention.  相似文献   

The likelihood of reporting a figure in motion was measured when the point of fixation was systematically separated from the point of attention. More reports of optimal motion were made when the two points were separated than when they were close together. Control tests showed that the reduction in the probability of seeing motion through the center of fixation was more likely due to the structure of the eye than to the conflict of fixation point and object in illusory motion. The notion of attention as a perceptual event contributes little to these results.  相似文献   

Distance disparity is a strong cue to element correspondence in apparent motion. Using a 2-AFC paradigm we have previously shown that shape similarity also plays a role. We now demonstrate a small gender difference in these effects: women are more sensitive to distance disparity, whereas men are more sensitive to differences in shape. Furthermore, in the competing presence of a shape cue, women's sensitivity to distance decreases while men's sensitivity is unaffected. These observations may be related to putative gender differences in the 'form' and 'motion-spatial relations' cortical pathways.  相似文献   

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