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In this study, the social role theory of gender and helping (Eagly & Crowley, 1986) was applied to understand gender differences in helping behavior. Relationships among criterion variables of time spent helping and help quality; and key predictors of problem severity, empathic tendency, anger, sympathy, closeness, causal controllability, coping, and self-efficacy were applied. Participants from a large community sample ( N = 1,004) described situations in which they helped a friend and completed questionnaires describing factors that influenced their actions. Recipients of the help also filled out similar questionnaires. It was found that across many problem settings women spend more time helping, give higher quality help, and feel more empathy and sympathy in response to their friends' problems. Further, the presence of anger toward a friend is associated with more time spent helping but a lower quality of help. In contrast, men rate their friends' problems as more controllable/blameworthy and experience more anger. Further, controllability has a greater influence on a number of help-related variables. For both men and women, self-efficacy and perception of problem severity are the greatest direct predictors of helping.  相似文献   

T his study explores the relationship between high level managers' promotional success and two measures of intellectual ability. The Concept Mastery Test was administered to 235 middle managers and 130 higher level executives who attended advanced management training programs. The Ship Destination Test was also given to about half the trainees. Both tests are considered to discriminate well among superior individuals. Those managers who earned high scores were rated more favorably by their peers and the training staff. However, advancement in the 4 to 7 years after the training program was unrelated to test performance.  相似文献   

汉语语句句式表征及命题表征能力的年龄比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耿海燕  张述祖 《心理学报》1996,29(3):252-259
通过三个年龄段的被试对同命题不同句式汉语语句再认的比较,以再认比率和再认反应时为指标,探讨了句子在记忆中的表征问题。研究结果表明:(1)命题表征是一种原始倾向,既不同于记忆准确性的年龄发展,它在性质上又区别于记忆误差。把句式表征与命题表征分化开是后天发展的结果;(2)命题表征的建立和巩固需要时间,但一经建立,巩固性较强。相反,句式表征的巩固性较差。  相似文献   

Différences selon le sexe dans les facteurs de sensibilité à la persuasion chez des sujets chinois. — Plusieurs analyses factorielles distinctes ont été faites à partir des notes de sensibilité à la persuasion d'adolescents chinois, filles et garçons. Pour les garçons, trois facteurs émergent: le premier est relatif aux aux questions qui ne sont ni idéologiques, ni personnelles, le second aux questions idéologiques et le troisième, aux questions personnelles. Pour les filles, quatre facteurs ont pu être identifiés: L'un semble exprimer un certain ressentiment contre L'autorité masculine, le second est semblable au facteur idéologique trouvé chez les garçons; les deux derniers indiquent une sensibilité, L'un aux effets de priorité, L'autre, aux effets de récence. Les différences selon le sexe que L'on a constatées dans les facteurs, semblent être le reflet des différences dans les normes prescrites à L'un et L'autre sexe dans la culture chinoise traditionnelle.  相似文献   

The study examined the development of cognitive styles among 182 Chicano children growing up in two communities, one traditional and one dualistic. The Children's Embedded Figures Test was employed as the measure of field independence. In the first and fifth grades, Chicano children in the traditional community were found to have a relatively field-dependent cognitive style, whereas those in the dualistic community had a relatively field-independent cognitive style. No such difference was present in the third grade. In both communities there was a progressive increase in field independence with increasing age. There were no significant sex differences in cognitive style.  相似文献   

职业紧张因素的结构关系分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用经修订的库珀职业紧张量表对不同职业和性别的我国职工的职业紧张作了研究,发现不同职业和性别对于职务感受和个人因素解释及身体健康状况等各有显著影响,通过对量表的结构关系分析后认为目标要求、应付工作压力的策略和职工的内部控制感是影响职业紧张的深层原因。从而对现今国外有关职业紧张的理论提出了新的看法,为今后的研究与应用提供了理论根据和实践指导。  相似文献   

Perceived relationships among nine facial expressions were structurally represented in a two-space configuration by multidimensional scaling procedure. The two dimensions operative for Chinese judges were interpreted as positive versus negative emotions and open versus controlled styles of expressions. While there was some consensus in identifying seven of the nine intended emotions, interest-excitement and disgust-revulsion were often not recognized. Implications of cross-cultural comparisons in identification rates were discussed.  相似文献   

英语学习不良儿童语音能力与阅读理解的关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
探讨了英语学习不良儿童语音能力的发展状况,分析了这些儿童在英语学习中语音能力,句法意识及阅读理解能力间的关系。结果发现,除了在假词拼读能力上存在缺陷外,英语学习不良儿童在其他语音能力--英语语音意识、听觉言语工作记忆及视觉言语工作记忆上均不存在发展滞后现象;在对儿童的阅读理解能力进行预测时,假词拼读、语音意识、句法意识和听觉工作记忆是较好的预测效标。  相似文献   

Research on employee job search and separation traditionally focuses on situationally specific variables. Such variables may change with particular employment situations (e.g., job tenure, salary, perceived organizational success), they may be differentially relevant to work situations over time (e.g., education), or may reflect individual reactions to particular work situations (e.g., job satisfaction). More enduring individual characteristics, particularly personality and cognitive ability, may affect job search in consistent ways across different situations, but to date we have little empirical research on those effects. The present study extends traditional job search investigations by incorporating these two enduring individual characteristics–personality and cognitive ability. The value of these two enduring individual characteristics, in predicting job search, is then tested on a sample of U.S. executives. Cognitive ability as well as the personality dimensions of Agreeableness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience related positively to job search. These effects remained even in the presence of an array of situational factors previously shown to affect search. The relationship between Extroversion and job search became significant and positive in the presence of situational factors, particularly job satisfaction. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

传统中国文化处理心理健康问题的三种思路   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
景怀斌 《心理学报》2002,34(3):107-112
近年来 ,从中国文化的角度进行心理健康问题的研究越来越多 ,但是从文化整体的角度对这一问题的研究尚嫌不够。本文认为 ,虽然传统中国文化没有现代心理学意义上的心理健康的说法 ,但是由于人的存在的共同性 ,传统中国文化客观上具有处理心理健康问题的功能。这表现为三种思路 :信仰—养性的思路 ,养生—治身的思路 ,迷信—功利的思路。它们各自对心理健康有自己的见解和做法。文章分析了这三种思路的基本情况和特征 ,并进一步讨论了它们对当代心理健康研究的启发  相似文献   

中国大学生羞耻和内疚之现象学差异   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
谢波  钱铭怡 《心理学报》2000,32(1):105-109
采用对26条项目进行定量评定的方法,考察了305名中国大学生的羞耻和内疚在现象学表现上所存在的差异。实验结果表明:(1)在中国大学生中,羞耻和内疚在现象学上的差异与西方人基本相似;(2)与西方研究的不同点在于该研究中未发现羞耻和内疚在对个人能力的负性评价上的差异;(3)羞耻和内疚都有可能在有他人在场和无他人在场时被体验到。  相似文献   

一般能力倾向成套测验简介及其中国试用常模的修订   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对一般能力倾向成套测验作了简要的介绍。为了试用,对它进行了修订。版本是以日本劳动省1983年修订版为蓝本的。日本的版本是来自美国。为了适合国情,对该测验在三个方面作了微小的变动。修订工作自1989—1992年初。标准化样组是由全国17个中等以上城市初二至高三学生2148名构成的。男女学生的比例为1:1。该测验在结构效度上有很好的证据,稳定信度分数相当好。  相似文献   

问 题 人眼对光谱各波长的灵敏度,是产生一种阈限反应或主观相等亮度所需要的辐射能量的倒数。它们原称光谱视亮度,现在我们称之为光谱相对视亮度。即使是等能光谱,各波长引起的相对视亮度也很不相同。具体测量时除绝对阈限法外,一般常用匹配法:使人眼将不同波长的光谱色光分别和一个固定强度的白色标准光作亮度匹配,达  相似文献   

汉字属性匹配与大脑两半球协同活动   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张武田  冯玲 《心理学报》1998,31(2):129-135
在识别汉字时,大脑两半球同时加工的作业成绩是否随加工阶段的增加而显出优势。本研究用汉字形、音、义三种属性分别相匹配的方法用用指定指定提取法,所得实验结果一致表明,形似材料双侧视野同时识别与单侧视野识别成绩无显著差别,而同音与近义材料则表现出双侧呈现显著优于单侧呈现的作业成绩。最后结合脑功能成像研究,对加工阶段影脑半球佃同活动的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文报道了中国人眼白—黑系列明度等级的实验研究结果,并与孟色尔体系的白—黑系列结果作了比较。结果表明,明度值(V)和亮度因素(Y)之间的关系是一种非线性关系。中国人的明度值,以明度等级5(即V=5.00)为中点,无论在高明度等级一端,或是低明度等级一端,都与孟色尔体系的结果有一定差别。在高明度一端,亮度因素值(Y)低于孟色尔体系的结果,而在低明度一端,亮度因素值(Y)则高于孟色尔体系的结果。本结果对研制中国色谱中的白—黑系列具有积极意义。  相似文献   

大学生羞耻和内疚差异的对比研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以 48名北京大学本科生为被试 ,检验羞耻和内疚差异的 3种假设 :研究一同时检验“公开化与私人化”和“个人无能与违背道德”两个假设 ;研究二检验“伤害自我与伤害他人”假设。方法是依次呈现一系列不同的负性情境 (情境事先已按要检验的假设加以控制 ) ,要求被试设想自己亲身经历该情境 ,然后回答体验到的羞耻和内疚的程度及理由。结果表明 :①“公开化与私人化”对羞耻和内疚的影响有显著差异 (p <0 0 5 ) :“有他人在场”可以易化羞耻 ,而内疚感的产生一般不需要“观众”在场。②“违背道德”在引发羞耻和内疚感上基本相等 ,而“个人无能”引起更多的羞耻感 (p <0 0 1)。③“公开化与私人化”和“个人无能与违背道德”的交互作用不显著。④“伤害自我”更多引起羞耻感 (p <0 0 5 ) ,而“伤害他人”更多引起内疚感 (p <0 0 1)。  相似文献   

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