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The self-perception explanation of the foot-in-the-door technique suggests that a person who complies with a small request infers that he or she is the kind of generous individual who is more likely to comply with a larger demand. It was hypothesized that individuals who are promised a monetary reward for their compliance with a small request are not more likely to comply with a larger demand because they cannot perceive themselves as generous persons. To test this hypothesis, subjects were presented with a small request (a 5-minute telephone interview) followed, 2 or 3 days later, by a larger demand (a 25-minute telephone interview). Some of the subjects were promised a monetary reward for their compliance with a small request (pay condition) while others were not promised a reward (no-pay condition). Results showed that rate of compliance in the no-pay conditon (64.3%) was significantly higher than rate of compliance in either a no-initial-request control condition (45.0%) or the pay condition (33.3%). The difference in rate of compliance between the control condition and the pay condition was not significant.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of 2 variables on compliance rates within the foot-in-the-door procedure. Participants who agreed to a small request were presented with a larger request either immediately after the first request or 2 days later. The second request was presented either by the same person or by a different requester. Compared to a control group receiving only the large request, participants were more likely to agree to the second request in all experimental conditions except one. When the same requester presented the second request without delay, participants were less likely than the control group to agree to the target request. This latter condition represents a situation in which typical foot-in-the-door procedures can backfire on the requester.  相似文献   

Persuading teen smokers to volunteer for smoking-cessation programs is a challenging yet understudied problem. As a method of dealing with this problem, we used and tested a foot-in-the-door (FITD) approach. Teen smokers were intercepted at malls and were assigned randomly to request compliance with a small behavior request of either (a) answering a few questions (light FITD) or (b) answering the same questions and a few additional ones, plus watching a short video about the effects of nicotine (heavy FITD). Participants were then called back by telephone several weeks later and asked to comply with a large behavior request of joining a cessation program that involved the use of self-help materials and telephone counseling. Although no differences were found in responses from the light and heavy groups, consent to enter the program was obtained from 12% of the pooled qualified intercepts and their parents (for those under 18 years). This recruitment rate was considered good, given that this is one of the only reported studies that recruited teen smokers from the general population to cessation programs.  相似文献   

A psychological theory which suggests that a person's attitude toward any object is a function of his beliefs about the object and the evaluative aspects of those beliefs is presented. Thus, in the political arena, a person should like or dislike a given candidate because (a) he believes the candidate has certain personal characteristics, is affiliated with certain reference groups, or is for or against various issues; and (b) evaluated these characteristics, groups, and issues positively or negatively. Evidence from a local survey in the 1964 presidential election supports this theory and its application to voting behavior. In addition, the data clearly indicate that voters do take partisan stands on some issues, do clearly discriminate between the candidates vis-a-vis certain issues, and do change their beliefs during the course of a campaign. These data suggest that a new protrait of the American voter is overdue.  相似文献   

Risk behavior during adolescence results in substantial morbidity and mortality. Sensation seeking consistently relates to engagement in risk behavior, but the psychological mediators of this relationship remain unclear. The current study demonstrates that adolescents’ judgments of the costs versus benefits of risk behavior were a significant mediator of this relationship. Participants were 406 racially and ethnically diverse adolescents ages 12-17 (M = 14.5, SD = 1.7; 48.3% female) who participated in a larger multi-site investigation of personality and neurocognitive predictors of risk behavior. Data were collected via self-report in a single laboratory session. Mediation of the relationship of sensation seeking to risk behavior was tested using structural equation modeling. Results indicated that higher levels of sensation seeking predicted weighing the benefits of risk behavior higher than its costs, which in turn predicted higher levels of risk behavior. Implications of these findings for understanding mechanisms underlying adolescents’ risk behavior and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Attitudes are a key construct in health psychology due to their central role in motivating and changing behavior. An expectancy‐value framework has been the dominant conceptual approach for exploring the impact of attitudes on health behavior, applications of which emphasize volition and rational decision making. More recently, attention has focused on automatic attitudes, which are believed to capture reflexive aspects of motivation. Dual‐process models such as the MODE generally treat expectancy‐value and automaticity accounts as representing separate processing pathways. However, both accounts depend on associative learning. Learning history pairs beliefs or features with evaluations; subsequent activation of beliefs or features activates associated evaluations and drives overall attitude. Therefore, a single information processing architecture may accommodate expectancy‐value and automaticity approaches within a unifying framework, and this is provided by neural network (connectionist) accounts. In this paper, we highlight how a greater emphasis on the information processing mechanics of associative learning can provide a more parsimonious model of attitudes, which may also extend to a wider array of memory‐related phenomena of relevance to health psychology.  相似文献   

A study of 971 sexually active, heterosexual, nonpregnant women was undertaken in an HIV-endemic community in the New York City area to determine the psychological correlates of carrying condoms. Analyses suggested that women factor concerns about negative social reactions from society in general most heavily in their attitude toward carrying condoms, followed by their overall attitude toward condoms, and concerns about the increase in preventive efficacy resulting from carrying condoms. This brief structure was generalized across risk groups. Intervention implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the structure of attitudes toward the political party an individual primarily identifies with and attitudes toward the other party with an emphasis on differentiating between the cognitive and affective components. Participants responded to a telephone survey that included measures of party identification, partisan attitudes, political information involvement activities, and voting behavior. Results indicated attitudes toward the parties were a function of both cognitive and affective components, although strong partisans had an attitudinal structure characterized as having a stronger cognitive component. Strong partisans were more polarized in their attitudes across parties. In addition, individuals with more cognitive‐affective ambivalence toward their own parties were less likely to vote, and their votes were less likely to be along party lines.  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness of incentive and minimal justification techniques in promoting electrical energy conservation among 90 homeowners was investigated. Subjects in the Questionnaire condition were asked to complete a short energy conservation survey. Those in the Commitment condition were asked to curtail their consumption of electricity by 15%. In the Questionnaire + Commitment condition, subjects received both requests. These three groups were compared to an Incentive condition, where individuals were offered a highly attractive monetary incentive for conserving electricity, a Questionnaire + Commitment + Incentive condition, and a Control condition. The groups did not differ in electricity consumption during baseline, initial request, or follow-up periods. However, during the conservation period, homeowners in the Commitment and the combined treatment groups conserved more electricity and contained more conservers than either of the remaining groups. These outcomes were discussed in terms of the comparative effectiveness of minimal justification and incentive strategies for inducing behavioral change.  相似文献   

On phenomenological theories of pleasure, what makes an experience a pleasure is the way it feels. On attitudinal theories, what makes an experience a pleasure is its relationship to the favorable attitudes of the subject who is having it. I advance the debate between these theories in two ways. First, I argue that the main objection to phenomenological theories, the heterogeneity problem, is not compelling. While others have argued for this before, I identify an especially serious version of this problem that resists existing solutions, and I explain why even this version of the problem does not undermine phenomenological theories. Second, I argue that a grand reconciliation can be effected between the two types of theory: it can be true both that pleasures are pleasures in virtue of the way they feel and that they are pleasures in virtue of how they are related to their subjects' favorable attitudes, so long as the attitudes that are constitutively related to pleasures are ones that feel a certain way. Hybrid views of this sort have significant advantages over pure attitudinal or phenomenological views.  相似文献   

This study examined the predictive power of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) in explaining alcohol consumption in 3 prospective samples of students ( Ns = 178. 176. and 159). Generally, the TPB performed well. with attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control (PBC) explaining between 28% and 46% of the variability in intentions. Intentions and PBC explained between 12% and 50% of the variability in behavior. Measures of self-identity as a "drinker" and past behavior contributed to predictions of intentions over and above the contribution of attitudes. subjective norms. and PBC. Measures of past behavior but not self-identity consistently contributed to predictions of behavior over and above the contributions from intentions and PBC. The direct relationship between past behavior and intention and between past behavior and behavior (independent of the TPB variables or self-identity) could not be attributed to common method variance.  相似文献   

为探讨现实利他行为与网络利他行为对主观幸福感的影响,并着力考察现实社会支持、网络社会支持与自尊在其中所起的作用,以1064名在读大学生为被试进行问卷调查,研究结果显示:(1)现实利他行为与网络利他行为均能在一定程度上预测主观幸福感。(2)现实、网络社会支持在现实、网络利他行为对主观幸福感的影响中起中介作用。(3)现实社会支持和自尊、网络社会支持和自尊在现实、网络利他行为对主观幸福感的影响中起多重中介作用。  相似文献   

矛盾态度是个体对同一客体同时存在的积极和消极评价与情感。本文主要阐述了矛盾态度的概念界定与测量方法,矛盾态度的相关因素与基本特性,以及矛盾态度对信息加工、行为意图和实际行为的影响。最后,文章指出矛盾态度的界定与测量还需扩展,对引发矛盾的客体、矛盾态度特性有待深入研究。  相似文献   

Beyond the typical design factors that impact a study’s power (e.g., participant sample size), planning longitudinal research involves additional considerations such as assessment frequency and participant retention. Because this type of research relies so strongly on individual commitment, investigators must be judicious in determining how much information is necessary to study the phenomena in question; collecting too little information will render the data less useful, but requiring excessive participant investment will likely lower participation rates. We conducted a simulation study to empirically examine statistical power and the trade-off between assessment quality (as a function of instrument length) and assessment frequency across a number of sample sizes with intermittently missing data or attrition. Results indicated that reductions in power resulting from shorter, less reliable measurements can be at least somewhat offset by increasing assessment frequency. Because study planning involves a number of factors competing for finite resources, equations were derived to find the balance points between pairs of design characteristics affecting statistical power. These equations allow researchers to calculate the amount that a particular design factor (e.g., assessment frequency) would need to increase to result in the same improvement in power as increasing an alternative factor (e.g., measurement reliability. Applications for the equations are discussed.  相似文献   

Female college students (N = 293) completed an unreversed (Q1) and a reversed (Q2) form of the Mother's Parental Attitude Research Instrument (PARI). By comparison of answers on the two forms, three response sets were calculated: acquiescence, opposition, and extreme sets. The acquiescence and opposition sets showed substantial correlation with Ql scales, and the extreme set correlated substantially with Q2 scales. Factor analysis corroborated scale analyses. The investigators suggested a method of developing a new Mother's PARI (Q4) which would minimize acquiescence and opposition sets by selecting appropriate Q1 and Q2 scales.  相似文献   

An important factor concerning the use of the polygraph in employment settings has been overlooked: How does the polygraph experience affect a new employee's work-related attitudes? In two experiments, subjects were exposed to different hiring scenarios-one included a polygraph examination, the other did not—and then responded to a questionnaire of work-related attitudes. Results indicated that preemployment polygraph examinations may induce negative work-related attitudes. These findings suggest that the polygraph experience acts as a symbolic communication from the employer to the prospective employee, imparting information that may induce feelings of distrust and dislike. Moreover, the polygraph experience may be interpreted by prospective employees as evidence of high levels of employee theft, thus establishing a new (higher) norm of peer theft behavior.  相似文献   

为探讨善良人格与网络利他行为的关系及其内在心理机制,研究采用实验法,将192名被试随机分配到不同风险情境中,并完成善良人格问卷、自我控制问卷和网络利他行为任务。结果表明:(1)善良人格正向预测网络利他行为;(2)自我控制在善良人格与网络利他之间起中介作用;(3)情境风险在善良人格与网络利他行为之间的直接路径以及自我控制中介效应的后半路径起调节作用。因此,善良人格对网络利他行为的影响是有调节的中介作用,该结果具有一定的理论和现实价值。  相似文献   

该研究探讨了亲子关系与青少年冒险行为的关系,并提出一个有调节的中介模型,考察自控力的中介效应和不良同伴交往对该效应的调节效应。对1263名青少年采用问卷调查,研究工具包括关系网络问卷、中学生自我控制能力量表、同伴群体特征问卷、青少年冒险行为问卷。结果表明:(1)自控力在亲子关系与青少年冒险行为之间起中介作用,即亲子关系通过自控力间接影响青少年的冒险行为。(2)亲子关系通过自控力的间接效应受到不良同伴交往的调节,交往较多的不良同伴使低自控力青少年的冒险行为增多。因此,自控力在亲子关系与冒险行为之间存在中介效应,且该效应受到不良同伴交往的调节。  相似文献   

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