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Abstract— There has been considerable recent interest in covert face-recognition effects. In Experiment 1, we adapted a paradigm, previously shown to produce covert recognition effects, to test 5-year-old children. Classmates' photographs served as the familiar faces. Children showed effects of familiarity on face matching similar to the effect normal adults and prosopagnosics had previously shown for famous faces In Experiment 2, we investigated whether brief familiarization with the photographs used in Experiment 1 would suffice to produce the effects, in children and adults. It did not, even though the exposure did lead to above-chance overt recognition. Taken together with previous studies, the data suggest that covert recognition may be doubly dissociable from overt recognition. Finding a double dissociation would place constraints on models of face recognition.  相似文献   

Abstract— The diversity of American society raises concerns about whether authorities can maintain social cohesion amid competing interests and values The group-value model of justice suggests that authorities function more effectively when they are perceived as fair (e g, benevolent, neutral, and respectful) However, such relational evaluations may be effective only if authorities represent a group with which people identify In a diverse society, subgroup memberships may assume special importance People who identify predominantly with a subgroup may focus on instrumental issues when evaluating a superordinate-group authority, and conflicts with that authority may escalate if those people do not receive favorable outcomes Results indicate that subgroup identification creates problems for authorities only when people have strong subgroup subgroup identification and weak superordinate-group identification As long as people identify strongly with the superordinate group, even if they also identify strongly with their subgroup, relational issues will dominate reactions to authorities  相似文献   

Abstract— Artificial social categories were created in a laboratory context in order to test predictions regarding the relative importance of group size and status as determinants of in-group favoritism. Subjects were assigned to categories of "overestimator" or "underestimator" and were told that one category included a majority of college students while the other represented a minority. Prior to category assignment, half of the subjects had been given confidentiality instructions designed to make them feel highly depersonalized. Based on feedback about test performance, status differentials between the two estimation categories were introduced.
Consistent with predictions, there was a three-way interaction between depersonalization, in-group size, and in-group status as determinants of evaluative in-group bias on social trait ratings. Under control conditions (no depersonalization), group status and majority size both contributed to positive valuations of the in-group. Under the depersonalization condition, however, subjects valued minority group membership more than majority categorization, and the effect of status was eliminated.  相似文献   

视觉资料的力量:说服、情感与认同   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大众媒体反复灌输被选来吸引其受众注意力的视觉资料。图像不但被用来阐述新闻和突出风格,还被用在试图劝导其目标受众改变态度和行为的广告与活动中。这些包括健康、安全和慈善活动。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the connections between death, pathological identifications and anorexia nervosa. Literature is reviewed concerning various psychodynamic models of causation of anorexia, and in particular transgenerational patterns in the evolution of this eating disorder, with reference to problems in the development of autonomy of the emerging self. The role of loss in the family is examined, and the development of pathological identifications is described. A case of an adolescent girl initially presenting with an unexplained seizure is described in which multiple identifications seem to be occurring while the patient develops anorexia, perhaps reflecting previous losses in the family and also in a kind of strange identification with, and mimesis of, the parents' unmourned dead. It is suggested that the development of these multiple identifications gives some aetiological clues to this puzzling illness and also indicates a therapeutic focus. It is argued that a psychodynamically‐informed child psychiatrist can bring an enriching approach to working with patients with this disorder.  相似文献   

In this study, we used a four-step social validation process to identify and validate critical skill components that constitute high school students' conversational behavior. The four steps were nominating target behaviors, establishing a normative range of performance, manipulating simulations of behavioral dimensions, and comparing ratings of judges to levels of performance on those behavioral dimensions. Multiple measures, both quantitative and qualitative, suggested that the rate and percentage of time initiating and responding verbally, the percentage of time attending, and the percentage of time not engaging in distracting motor behavior related to favorable ratings by a wide variety of 60 judges. Findings are discussed in relation to the utility of the multistep social validation process and the identification of critical social skill components as targets of interventions.  相似文献   

Louise Braddock 《Ratio》2012,25(1):1-18
Identification figures prominently in moral psychological explanations. I argue that in identification the subject has an ‘identity‐thought’, which is a thought about her numerical identity with the figure she identifies with. In Freud's psychoanalytic psychology character is founded on unconscious identification with parental figures. Moral philosophers have drawn on psychoanalysis to explain how undesirable or disadvantageous character dispositions are resistant to insight through being unconscious. According to Richard Wollheim's analysis of Freud's theory, identification is the subject's disposition to imagine, unconsciously, her bodily merging with the figure she identifies with. I argue that this explanation of identification is not adequate. Human character is held to be capable of change when self‐reflection brings unconscious identifications to conscious self‐knowledge. I argue that for self‐knowledge these identifications must be an intelligible part of the subject's self‐conception, and that Wollheim's ‘merging phantasy’ is not intelligible to the subject in this way. By contrast, the subject's thought that she is numerically identical to the figure she identifies with does provide an intelligible starting‐point for reflecting on this identification. This psychoanalytic account provides a clear conception of identification with which to investigate puzzle cases in the moral psychology of character.  相似文献   

This article aims to demonstrate that peasant death culture–as a part of the social construction of reality–does not only support the grief work of survivors, but sometimes also interferes with and encumbers it. This destructive aspect of death culture is rooted in its this-worldly normative and order preservative role. If the deceased pursued a norm-following life course, peasant culture offers him or her a positive otherworldly perspective of existence, and supports the reorganization of the survivors in various ways. On the other hand, certain infringements of norms (e .g., suicide) are associated with deterrent otherworldly perspectives and are penalized with sanctions falling on the survivors. These sanctions increase survivors' bitterness and shelterlessness and make more difficult the finding of meaning, as well as a comforting closing of the relation to the deceased and its transition into an inner representation.  相似文献   

王希富 《心理学报》1991,24(2):10-20
错觉图是具有特殊生理、心理效应的两维图,包括悖理型、坐标阙如型、过渡变形型和双关两可型等几类。有的是在两维平面上表达类似三维的不可能虚构体,造成与实际三维知觉经验的强烈矛盾;有的则具有多重涵义,并以心理操作或图形的动态为条件产生变幻,造成各种幻觉感。长期以来,在生理心理学和图学研究中,仅仅触及了一些错觉图的幻觉现象,极少研究其中的错觉机制。错觉图不但给现有的三维和多维几何理论造成混乱,而且也在工程图的表达和判读中造成一些错觉而导致事故。本文从体视理论和图学分析方面对错觉机制进行了定量和定性分析。提出了形体重影机制、变换组合机制、范围渐变机制和方位移动机制等几种致幻理论,并运用上述理论以国内外常见的错觉图为实例,对形成错觉的图学、几何学和心理生理学过程做了具体论证,从而揭示了错觉图的错觉机制。  相似文献   

东西方面孔异族效应机理的电生理学证据   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采取事件相关电位方法研究东西方面孔记忆编码的差异(DM效应),从而阐明异族效应的神经机制。14名被试学习和再认东西方面孔照片的实验结果表明,无论记住与否,西方面孔产生的早期成分(潜伏期70~220ms)在头皮额部有一个比东方面孔更为正向的变化,表明在此阶段更多的资源分配于异族面孔,支持异族效应产生的特征选择假说。无论东方面孔还是西方面孔,记住与未记住相比较,则在额部和顶部产生潜伏期在晚期正成分(LPC)范围的正走向变化,但西方面孔在240~320ms潜伏期范围内,DM效应较小。另外,东方面孔在枕部诱发出一个明显的负波N260,而西方面孔产生的N260很小甚至没有,反映了大脑对不同种族面孔的编码机制有所不同,因而可能被称为“种族特异波”  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a brief overview of the language basis of reading and reading disabilities. First, we describe the Simple View of Reading, a model of reading that comprises two primary components, word recognition and language comprehension. We then review research showing that language problems underlie most difficulties children have learning to read. Lastly, we discuss implications of these findings for early identification and remediation of reading disabilities.  相似文献   

This study analysed the way 20 managers in the information technology industry in Australia viewed their lives, and identified two dimensions of central importance cutting across the work, family and leisure spheres encompassed by them. One dimension was positively loaded towards activities which were challenging, creative and under the individual's control. These activities were enjoyable, and included examples such as consulting with clients, creating new business, and communicating and dealing with others, whether at work or at home. The opposite pole of this dimension involved activities such as completing paperwork, general administration, doing the shopping, and disciplining the children. Such activities were seen as necessary, routine or stressful, and were generally disliked. The other dimension dealt with activities which, at one pole, were emotionally involving or involved moral standards, and included examples such as attending meetings, doing things as a family, and settling disputes, either at work or at home. At the other pole were activities which were usually done alone and involved no sense of social or moral obligation. Leisure activities typically fell into this category. The results indicated that these managers generally pursued a lifestyle which was seen to be non-stressful, and one valued for the challenge, enjoyment, freedom of choice and personal control which it offered.  相似文献   

首次用笔画类型概念描述一种汉字整体视觉结构特征。实验采用命名范式。结果发现,汉字无论处于垂直正位下,还是处于以45°间隔递增的七种倾斜角度下,都存在笔画类型效应。该研究还分析了线条倾斜效应和笔画类型因素在笔画类型效应中的作用  相似文献   

A well‐known difficulty of the interdisciplinary dialogue beyond the limits of particular disciplines is the lack of common ground regarding their metaphysical and methodological assumptions and commitments. This is particularly evident for the precarious relationship between science and religion. In a 2016 conference entitled “The Many Faces of Panentheism” held in Zurich, and now in this introduction as well as this section, we try to counteract this situation by choosing a focus theme located at the interface between nature and the divine. Thus, key perspectives, arguments, and implications of panentheism are introduced not only from one selected point of view but in relation to others. This allows us to explore territory beyond the boundaries of disciplinary backgrounds and to address intellectual and practical consequences for current debates.  相似文献   

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