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Passive smoking has been shown to be hazardous to the health of nonsmokers. Given this documented link between exposure to smoke-filled environments and deleterious health consequences, there is a need to develop effective procedures that establish and maintain no-smoking areas in various public settings. The present study focused on decreasing cigarette smoking in a section of a university cafeteria. Posting of no-smoking signs was found to decrease levels of smoking only minimally. However, when smokers were verbally prompted not to smoke, in the presence of the signs, marked decreases in smoking occurred in the target area.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the causal attributional dimensions used in the dissolution of premarital romantic relationships by using the subjects' own ratings, and to examine cultural influences on such dimensions. Twenty-two items tapping dimensions revealed by previous research were prepared and administered to 135 Turkish students who have broken up a relationship within the past year. Respondents' ratings of their perceived principal reason for dissolution were subjected to factor analysis which revealed the following six factors: self-control, partner's control, control external to the relationship, partner's lack of caring, instability, and transitoriness. The relationship between negative emotional reaction to the breakup and attributional dimensions and other dating-related variables revealed that the intensity of involvement and attributing the dissolution to external factors increases, whereas, initiating the breakup decreases the negative emotional impact of such an experience. The results of the study were greatly overlapping with the findings reported in the western literature. The implications of the results were discussed in relation to research in heterosexual relationships.  相似文献   

《Philosophical Papers》2012,41(1):75-109

I address what I call the ‘Number Issue’, which is raised by our ordinary talk and beliefs about certain social groups and institutions, and I take the Hallé orchestra as my example. The Number Issue is that of whether the Hallé is one individual or several individuals. I observe that if one holds that it is one individual, one faces an accusation of metaphysical extravagance. The bulk of the paper examines the difficulty of reconciling the view that the Hallé is several individuals with two prima facie plausible theses about the manner of its persistence through time. The paper is structured around some remarks made by Peter Simons about groups, and the Hallé in particular, in his Parts.  相似文献   

We conducted an archival study at a coeducational Catholic university to test the proposition that single-sex secondary education predicts lasting differences in college majors. Men from single-sex schools were more likely to both declare and graduate in gender-neutral majors than those from coeducational schools. Women from single-sex schools were more likely to declare gender-neutral majors, but were not different from their coeducated peers at graduation. A second study was conducted with a sample of first-year students to examine the correspondence between egalitarian attitudes, single-sex secondary education, and major choice. Egalitarianism was higher in students in nontraditional majors, but did not correspond in expected ways with single-sex education. Men from single-sex schools were less likely to hold egalitarian attitudes about gender roles, whereas women from single-sex and coeducational high schools did not differ in egalitarianism. Taken together, our results raise questions about the potential of single-sex high schools to reduce gender-stratification in professions.  相似文献   

For Joseph Ratzinger, elected Pope Benedict XVI in 2005, modernity has transformed Europe into a continent without God. As a result, Europe's self‐understanding is flawed. This outcome puts serious doubts on the Church's resolution, expressed in Gaudium et spes, to dialogue with the modern world. Moreover, the present pope was among the first to warn both church and society against the erosion of modernity. Also more recently, e.g. in his Values in a Time of Upheaval, he argued that only a Europe firmly rooted in Christian faith can survive the nihilism and moral crisis with which it is confronted. As a creative minority Christians should help Europe win back the best of its heritage and use it to the service of all humanity. In this contribution Boeve presents the evolution and primary features of Joseph Ratzinger's thought in this regard and concludes with a number of critical observations.  相似文献   

两岸四地大学生对创造力特征及创造力 人才的认知调查   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
岳晓东 《心理学报》2001,34(2):148-154
该研究表明,北京、广州、香港和台北的大学生在对创造力和创造力人才的内隐认知甚为一致。其中北京和广州大学生的内隐认知更为接近,而香港和台湾大学生的内隐认知更为接近。在对高创造力特征的内隐认知上,四地大学生一致看重的条目有:有创造力、有创见、创新、有观察力、有思考力、愿做尝试、灵活性、有自信、有想象力、有好奇心、有个性和有独立性等。而在对低创造力表现的内隐认知上,四地大学生的一致认同的条目有:呆钝、保守、跟随传统和愿做让步。在对创造力人才的认知上,四地的大学皆首推政治名人,次推科技界名人。四地大学生最不看重的创造力人才是艺术界和音乐界名人。这说明,两岸三地的中国人虽然分离长久,但其对创造力的认知上仍相当一致,都甚看重政治与科技人物的影响。  相似文献   

本工作在我们已报道的外源性精氨酸加压素([Arg~8] Vasoprpssin,AVP)促进小鼠记忆巩固结果的基础上,应用本实验室研制成功的抗精氨酸加压素单克隆抗体(Monoclonal Antibody to[Arg~8]Vasopressin,AVPMcAb)中枢及外周注射,观察小鼠内源性AVP对记忆巩固的影响。结果为:中枢注射AVP-McAb1.5—4.5毫微克/鼠后,小鼠抑制性回避反应的潜伏期和生理盐水对照组相比,均显著缩短(P<0.05);而外周尾静脉注射AVPMcAb0.15—1.50微克/鼠对小鼠此行为反应无影响,与生理盐水组对比,潜伏期无显著性差异。这提示,中枢内源性生理水平的加压素可能对小鼠记忆巩固起易化作用,而外周的加压素在生理条件下可能无此效应。 小鼠游泳试验中,训练后立即中枢注射AVPMcAb也降低小鼠游泳平衡的反应。这暗示,中枢内源性加压素在该行为模式上也参与记忆的调制过程。  相似文献   

The scientific career of eminent experimentalist and psychological tester James McKeen Cattell (1860–1944) began at the Johns Hopkins University during the year (1882–1883) he held the university's Fellowship in Philosophy. This article opens by sketching the scope of Cattell's lifetime achievement and then briefly reviews the historical attention that his life and career has attracted during the past few decades. It then outlines the origins and evolution of Cattell's “scientific ideology,” traces the course of events that led to his fellowship, reviews his earliest studies at Johns Hopkins, and analyzes in some detail his initial laboratory successes. These laid the groundwork for his later distinguished work as a psychological experimentalist, both in Europe and America. It concludes, however, that even as Cattell's early experimental achievements impressed others, the personal arrogance he exhibited during his year in Baltimore served to alienate him from his colleagues and teachers. Over the long run, this arrogance and his often‐antagonistic approach to others continued to color (and even shape) his otherwise distinguished more than 50‐year scientific career.  相似文献   

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