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Processes that emerge in the course of group treatment, such as universality and mutual aid, have been posited to promote therapeutic change (e.g., Yalom, 1995); however, they have received relatively little attention in the group cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) literature (Rose, 2004). Group CBT interventions have been successful in alleviating symptoms of mood and anxiety disorders, such as major depression and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder (e.g., Anderson & Rees, 2007; Himle et al., 2001). A specialized group CBT protocol has been developed to treat hoarding (Muroff et al., 2009; Steketee & Frost, 2007), characterized by excessive clutter in the home, difficulty discarding objects that appear of little value, and often excessive acquisition, resulting in significant distress and/or impairment (Frost & Hartl, 1996). Individual (Tolin, Frost, & Steketee, 2007) and group (Muroff et al.) CBT for hoarding have shown promising effects. An examination of group process factors relevant to hoarding, however, is critical in order to further understand and tailor group interventions for this complex problem. The current paper characterizes four group processes specific to group CBT for hoarding: (a) universality or inclusion may reduce stigma and shame about having hoarding; (b) cohesion seems to support attendance and to provide positive peer pressure to motivate change; (c) the opportunity to give mutual aid seems to instill hope and motivate change; (d) social contact and socializing may reduce social isolation, a characteristic of this population. Discussion includes specific case examples illustrating these group processes and their potential complexity, within the context of group CBT for hoarding. Recommendations are advanced for future directions in evaluating group CBT for hoarding, particularly the formal study of group process variables with this population.  相似文献   

Compulsive hoarding has emerged as a treatment refractory and impairing psychological disorder. Although promising research over the past decade has substantially furthered an understanding of hoarding, the etiology, diagnostic status, and associated features of this phenomenon are not yet completely understood. This article reviews current research on hoarding, including comorbidity and diagnostic issues, theoretical models, and treatment approaches. A cognitive–behavioral model of compulsive hoarding (R. O. Frost and G. Steketee, 1998) is presented, including the proposed information-processing deficits, beliefs and cognitions, and excessive emotional attachment to possessions. In addition, existing treatment approaches that target the cognitive and behavioral components of acquisition, difficulty organizing, and avoidance of discarding are described. Future directions for compulsive hoarding research are suggested to improve diagnostic clarity, refine therapeutic techniques, and enhance treatment response.  相似文献   

Compulsive hoarding is characterized by the acquisition of, and failure to discard, a large number of possessions and clutter that prevents the use of living spaces as intended. Current successful treatments such as individual and group cognitive-behavioral therapy are lengthy and costly, requiring a time commitment ranging from four to twelve months, trained clinicians to administer treatment, and multiple home visits. Nonprofessional interventions may provide a cost-effective pre-treatment, adjunct, or alternative for individuals who want to work on hoarding problems but are unable or unwilling to engage in treatment. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of an innovative program consisting of a 13-session non-professionally facilitated biblio-based, action-oriented support group using Tolin, Frost, and Steketee’s (2007b) self-help book. In study 1, seventeen self-identified hoarding participants experienced significant decreases in clutter, difficulty discarding, and excessive acquisition from pre-treatment to post-treatment, with reductions evident at mid-treatment. Study 2 replicated the findings of study 1 using interview and observational measures taken in participants’ homes. These findings suggest that a facilitated biblio-based group may be a promising intervention for hoarding disorder.  相似文献   

This investigation examined response to a manualized cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) protocol for compulsive hoarding (Steketee & Frost, 2007) in a sample of 12 adults over age 65. All participants were cognitively intact, not engaging in any other psychotherapy, and had compulsive hoarding as their primary problem. All received 26 sessions of individual CBT over the course of 17 weeks. The primary outcome measures were the Savings Inventory-Revised and UCLA Hoarding Severity Scale, which were administered at baseline, mid-treatment, post-treatment, and 6-month follow-up. Other outcomes included Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scores, depression, anxiety, disability, and clutter image ratings. Results demonstrated statistically significant changes on hoarding severity and depression. However, only three of the twelve participants were classified as treatment responders at post-treatment, and their gains were not maintained at 6-month follow-up. CGI, anxiety, disability, and clutter ratings were unchanged at post-treatment and follow-up. No participants dropped out, but homework compliance was variable and correlated with decreases in hoarding severity. Findings suggest that older adults with compulsive hoarding may require an enhanced or alternative treatment.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to estimate the prevalence rate of compulsive hoarding, and to determine the association between compulsive hoarding and compulsive buying in a nationally representative sample of the German population (N = 2307). Compulsive hoarding was assessed with the German version of the Saving Inventory-Revised (SI-R; Frost, R.O., Steketee, G., & Grisham, J. (2004). Measurement of compulsive hoarding: saving inventory-revised. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42, 1163-1182.). The point prevalence of compulsive hoarding was estimated to be 4.6%. Individuals with compulsive hoarding did not differ significantly from those without compulsive hoarding regarding age, gender, and other sociodemographic characteristics. Significant correlations were found between the compulsive hoarding and the compulsive buying measures. Participants with compulsive hoarding reported a higher propensity to compulsive buying than respondents without hoarding. About two thirds of participants classified as having compulsive hoarding were also defined as suffering from compulsive buying. In summary, these results suggest that compulsive hoarding may be relatively prevalent in Germany and they confirm the close association between compulsive hoarding and compulsive buying through the investigation of a large scale representative sample.  相似文献   

Few instruments are available to assess compulsive hoarding and severity of clutter. Accuracy of assessment is important to understanding the clinical significance of the problem. To overcome problems associated with over- and under-reporting of hoarding symptoms, the clutter image rating (CIR) was developed. This pictorial scale contains nine equidistant photographs of severity of clutter representing each of three main rooms of most people’s homes: living room, kitchen, and bedroom. The psychometric properties of this measure were examined in two studies. Internal consistency, test–retest, and interobserver reliabilities were good and convergent validity with other questionnaire and interview measures was also good. The CIR correlated more strongly with measures of clutter than with other hoarding and psychopathology scales. The CIR’s very brief pictorial assessment method makes it useful in clinical and treatment contexts for measuring the clutter dimension of compulsive hoarding. The Clutter Image Rating (CIR) is available in conjunction with the following publication: Steketee, G., & Frost, R.O. (2007). Treatment of compulsive hoarding. New York: Oxford University Press at .  相似文献   

Hoarding among elderly clients can have serious health and safety consequences, including death. Because medications and standard behavioral treatments have yielded limited benefits for people with serious hoarding problems, we employed a specialized cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) based on Frost and colleagues' model of hoarding problems. Of 11 elderly clients who met screening criteria for hoarding at a community mental health center, 6 completed an average of 35 sessions of therapy administered by a B.A.-level therapist trained and supervised in CBT methods. Treatment consisted of weekly home visits that included motivational interviewing, organizing and decision-making skills, cognitive therapy regarding hoarding and related beliefs, and practice sorting, discarding, and not acquiring. Modest improvement was evident in ratings of clutter, risky situations in the home, and functioning. Clients were generally satisfied with treatment. Challenges in treating hoarding in elderly clients include health and safety risks as well as reduced physical capacity that required problem-solving strategies.  相似文献   

We examined procrastination, hoarding, and attention in 80 older adults in community samples in the American South. Volunteers completed Lay’s General Procrastination Inventory, Frost, Steketee, and Grisham’s Saving Inventory Revised, the Oral Trail Making Test, a computerized Stroop Color Word Test, and measures of semantic and phonemic verbal fluencies. Findings suggest that procrastination affects older adults and it may be reliably measured. As with younger people procrastination and hoarding correlated in a positive direction. Hoarding correlated negatively with performance on the Trail Making Test Part B and the Color Word Score on a modified version of the Stroop Test. Hoarding also correlated negatively with Semantic Fluency though not with Phonemic Fluency. Procrastination correlated significantly and negatively only with Semantic Fluency and not with other attention measures. Limitations of the study and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study tested the effectiveness of an existing private online CBT-based group intervention designed to help people with hoarding. Web-group participants were hypothesized to show more improvement in hoarding symptoms over time compared to those placed on a naturalistic waitlist. This web-based self-help group (N = 106 members, N = 155 waitlisted) includes a formal application process and requires that participants post action steps and progress at least once monthly. Members have access to educational resources on hoarding, cognitive strategies, and a chat-group. Potential research participants were invited to complete an anonymous web-based survey about their hoarding behaviors and clinical improvement on five occasions (3 months apart). The sample was mainly middle-aged, female and White. Regression analyses show that Recent members reported greater improvement and less clutter at 6 months (than Waitlist). Long-term members reported milder hoarding symptoms than Recent ones, suggesting benefits from group participation over time. All members showed reductions in clutter and hoarding symptoms over 15 months. Less posting activity was associated with greater hoarding severity. Online CBT-based self-help for hoarding appears to be a promising intervention strategy that may extend access to treatment. Evaluating the benefits of internet self-help groups is critical given growing popularity of and demand for web-based interventions.  相似文献   

Hoarding is a symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), as well as a diagnostic criterion for obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). One recent study suggests that people who suffer from compulsive hoarding report more general psychopathology than people who do not [Frost, R.O., Krause, M.S., & Steketee, G. (1996). Hoarding and obsessive compulsive symptoms. Behavior Modification, 20, 116-132]. The present study addressed whether persons with OCD hoarding exhibit more depression, anxiety, OCD and personality disorders symptoms than community controls, OCD nonhoarders, or other anxiety disorder patients. Disability was also examined. Hoarding subjects were older than the other three groups, but age did not account for any of the differences observed among the groups. Compared to controls, OCD hoarding, nonhoarding OCD and anxiety disorder patients showed elevated YBOCS scores, as well as higher scores on depression, anxiety, family and social disability. Compared to nonhoarding OCD and anxiety disorder patients, OCD hoarding patients scored higher on anxiety, depression, family and social disability. Hoarding subjects had greater personality disorder symptoms than controls. However, OCD hoarding subjects differed from OCD nonhoarding and anxiety disorder subjects only on dependent and schizotypal personality disorder symptoms. The findings suggest that hoarding is associated with significant comorbidity and impairment compared to nonhoarding OCD and other anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Hoarding disorder is a new DSM-5 disorder that causes functional impairment and affects 2 to 6% of the population (Frost and Steketee 2014). The current study evaluated a multiple mediation model with 243 undergraduate women in which indecisiveness (VOCI; Thordarson et al. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42(11), 1289-1314, 2004) and decisional procrastination (DPS; Mann 1982) mediated the relationship between dimensions of perfectionism (F-MPS-B; Burgess et al. 2016a) and hoarding behavior (SI-R; Frost et al. Behaviour Research And Therapy, 42(10), 1163–1182, 2004) and excessive acquiring (CAS; Frost et al. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 8, 219–242, 2012). Multiple mediational analyses indicated a significant indirect effect for decisional procrastination, but not indecisiveness, in mediating evaluative concerns (but not striving) to SI-R Total, SI-R Clutter, SIR Excessive Acquisition, and both CAS subscales. Both mediators were significant pathways between evaluative concerns and SI-R Difficulty Discarding. These findings support a cognitive behavioral model of hoarding, suggesting that evaluative concerns produces problems in decision-making that influence acquisition, discarding, and clutter.  相似文献   

Anxiety and depression are commonly comorbid in older adults and are associated with worse physical and mental health outcomes and poorer response to psychological and pharmacological treatments. However, little research has examined the effectiveness of psychological programs to treat comorbid anxiety and depression in older adults. Sixty-two community dwelling adults aged over 60 years with comorbid anxiety and depression were randomly allocated to group cognitive behavioural therapy or a waitlist condition and were assessed immediately following and three months after treatment. After controlling for cognitive ability at pre-treatment, cognitive behaviour therapy resulted in significantly greater reductions, than waitlist, on symptoms of anxiety and depression based on a semi-structured diagnostic interview rated by clinicians unaware of treatment condition. Significant time by treatment interactions were also found for self-report measures of anxiety and depression and these gains were maintained at the three month follow up period. In contrast no significant differences were found between groups on measures of worry and well-being. In conclusion, group cognitive behavioural therapy is efficacious in reducing comorbid anxiety and depression in geriatric populations and gains maintain for at least three months.  相似文献   

This study tested Rachman's cognitive behavioral method for treating obsessions not accompanied by prominent overt compulsions. The cognitive behavioral treatment was compared to waitlist control and an active and credible comparison of stress management training (SMT). Of the 73 adults who were randomized, 67 completed treatment, and 58 were available for one-year follow-up. The active treatments, compared to waitlist, resulted in substantially lower YBOCS scores, OCD-related cognitions and depression as well as improved social functioning. Overall, CBT and SMT showed large and similar reductions in symptoms. Pre-post effect sizes on YBOCS Obsessions for CBT and SMT completers was d = 2.34 and 1.90, respectively. Although CBT showed small advantages over SMT on some symptom measures immediately after treatment, these differences were no longer apparent in the follow-up period. CBT resulted in larger changes on most OCD-related cognitions compared to SMT. The cognitive changes were stable at 12 months follow-up, but the differences in the cognitive measures faded. The robust and enduring effects of both treatments contradict the long-standing belief that obsessions are resistant to treatment.  相似文献   

In this paper, we approach the idea of group cognition from the perspective of the “extended mind” thesis, as a special case of the more general claim that systems larger than the individual human, but containing that human, are capable of cognition (Clark, 2008, Clark and Chalmers, 1998). Instead of deliberating about “the mark of the cognitive” (Adams & Aizawa, 2008), our discussion of group cognition is tied to particular cognitive capacities. We review recent studies of group problem solving and group memory which reveal that specific cognitive capacities that are commonly ascribed to individuals are also aptly ascribed at the level of groups. These case studies show how dense interactions among people within a group lead to both similarity-inducing and differentiating dynamics that affect the group’s ability to solve problems. This supports our claim that groups have organization-dependent cognitive capacities that go beyond the simple aggregation of the cognitive capacities of individuals. Group cognition is thus an emergent phenomenon in the sense of Wimsatt (1986). We further argue that anybody who rejects our strategy for showing that cognitive properties can be instantiated at multiple levels in the organizational hierarchy on a priori grounds is a “demergentist,” and thus incurs the burden of proof for explaining why cognitive properties are “stuck” at a certain level of organizational structure. Finally, we show that our analysis of group cognition escapes the “coupling-constitution” charge that has been leveled against the extended mind thesis (Adams & Aizawa, 2008).  相似文献   

Mental health disparities among racial and ethnic minorities (R&EM) are well documented. Some of the variables driving these disparities are limited care availability, difficulty accessing services, and attitudinal barriers. Although no single approach will eliminate all these obstacles, the use of technology to provide mental health services represents a paradigmatic shift in care delivery that could reduce unmet mental health need. Despite increasing evidence supporting the feasibility and efficacy of behavioral intervention technologies (BITs), such evidence is more limited among R&EM. For BITs to truly reduce disparities in care, these interventions need to overcome common barriers to treatment that disproportionally affect R&EM. This article reviews the empirical support of different BIT modalities with R&EM. We then provide informed clinical recommendations for the use of BITs with these groups, as well as a case example illustrating these guidelines. We conclude this article by discussing future directions that can inform the development and refinement of BIT approaches for R&EM.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(5):715-727
This study examined the function of hoarding behaviors and the relations between hoarding and a series of cognitive and affective processes in the moment using ecological momentary assessment. A matched-groups design was used to compare college students with higher hoarding symptoms (n = 31) and matched controls (n = 29). The two groups did not differ in what function they reported acquiring served, and positive automatic reinforcement was the most commonly reported function in both groups. Engaging in hoarding-relevant behaviors did not predict change in positive or negative affect when controlling for previous affect. Emotional reactivity and experiential avoidance in the moment were both elevated in the higher hoarding group compared to controls, while momentary mindfulness and negative affect differentiation were lower. Overall, these findings support the importance of emotion regulation processes in hoarding. They also suggest individuals may not be successfully regulating affect in the moment with hoarding behaviors, despite efforts to do so. It may be useful to evaluate processes such as striving for positive affect in hoarding disorder in the future.  相似文献   

Guided internet CBT (iCBT) is a promising treatment for depression; however, it is less well known through what mechanisms iCBT works. Two possible mediators of change are the acquisition of cognitive skills and increases in behavioral activation. We report results of an 8-week waitlist controlled trial of guided iCBT, and test whether early change in cognitive skills or behavioral activation mediated subsequent change in depression. The sample was 89 individuals randomized to guided iCBT (n = 59) or waitlist (n = 30). Participants were 75% female, 72% Caucasian, and 33 years old on average. The PHQ9 was the primary outcome measure. Mediators were the Competencies of Cognitive Therapy Scale–Self Report and the Behavioral Activation Scale for Depression–Short Form. Treatment was Beating the Blues plus manualized coaching. Outcomes were analyzed using linear mixed models, and mediation with a bootstrap resampling approach. The iCBT group was superior to waitlist, with large effect sizes at posttreatment (Hedges’ g = 1.45). Dropout of iCBT was 29% versus 10% for waitlist. In the mediation analyses, the acquisition of cognitive skills mediated subsequent depression change (indirect effect = -.61, 95% bootstrapped biased corrected CI: -1.47, -0.09), but increases in behavioral activation did not. iCBT is an effective treatment for depression, but dropout rates remain high. Change in iCBT appears to be mediated by improvements in the use of cognitive skills, such as critically evaluating and restructuring negative thoughts.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2016,47(2):262-273
Executive functioning deficits have been found to underlie primary symptoms of hoarding, such as difficulty discarding belongings and significant clutter. Cognitive flexibility—the ability to inhibit irrelevant material and attend flexibly between different mental sets—may be impaired as well, as individuals experience difficulty staying on task and are often distracted by specific possessions that tend to evoke an exaggerated emotional response. The present study investigated cognitive flexibility deficits via eye-tracking technology as a novel approach. Participants (N = 69) with high and low self-reported hoarding symptoms were asked to respond to a series of auditory cues requiring them to categorize a small target number superimposed on one of three distractor image types: hoarding, nature, or a blank control. Across a range of behavioral and eye-tracking outcomes (including reaction time, accuracy rate, initial orientation to distractors, and viewing time for distractors), high hoarding participants consistently demonstrated greater cognitive inflexibility compared to the low hoarding group. However, high hoarding participants did not evidence context-dependent deficits based on preceding distractor types, as performance did not significantly differ as a function of hoarding versus nature distractors. Current findings indicate a pervasive, more global deficit in cognitive flexibility. Those with hoarding may encounter greater difficulty disengaging from previous stimuli and attending to a given task at hand, regardless of whether the context of the distractor is specifically related to hoarding. Implications and future directions for clarifying the nature of cognitive inflexibility are discussed.  相似文献   

Until recently, compulsive hoarding has been treated as a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder with mixed results. Little research exists on the efficacy of behavioral interventions specifically designed to treat hoarding disorder, and most existing research is limited with regard to the numbers of participants, their ethnic and cultural diversity, and study replication; therefore, the generalizability of findings is limited. This article reviews the prevalence of hoarding disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy treatment approaches, and measurement of symptoms. A systematic review compares the efficacy of various CBT methods, with particular attention to comparing therapy that is traditionally used to treat OCD with those designed specifically to treat hoarding disorder. Only clinical studies using CBT interventions designed to treat hoarding associated with OCD or hoarding disorder were included. Studies included participants of all ages, and articles were published in peer-reviewed journals. Case studies were excluded. After a comprehensive search and removing duplicates from databases and references, 65 articles were reviewed, of which 12 met criteria for review. Preliminary results demonstrate improvement in hoarding symptoms with CBT interventions that are both for OCD and those designed to specifically treat hoarding disorder; however, when compared to each other, the efficacy of these treatments is inconclusive, thus more research is needed.  相似文献   

Recently, studies have supported the efficacy of treating anxiety disorders utilizing a transdiagnostic, or non-diagnosis-specific, framework (Erickson, D. H. (2003). Group cognitive behavioural therapy for heterogeneous anxiety disorders. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 32, 179–186; Garcia, M. S. (2004). Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural group therapy in patients with anxiety disorders. Psychology in Spain, 8, 89–97; Norton, P. J., & Hope, D. A. (2005). Preliminary evaluation of a broad-spectrum cognitive-behavioral group therapy for anxiety. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 36, 79–97). Transdiagnostic group treatment packages focus on the common aspects inherent across the anxiety disorders such as behavioral and cognitive avoidance, and faulty cognitive appraisals of threat potential or meaning (Barlow, D. H., Allen, L. B., & Choate, M. L. (2004). Toward a unified treatment for emotional disorders. Behavior Therapy, 35, 205–230). Although research supports the overall efficacy of transdiagnostic cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders (Norton, P. J., & Philipp, L. M. (2008). Transdiagnostic approaches to the treatment of anxiety disorders: A quantitative review. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice and Training, 45, 214–226), the effect of diagnostically mixed group composition on individual outcomes is less clear. This study investigated the relationship between group composition and treatment outcome within diagnostically heterogeneous groups with the purpose of determining if diagnostic heterogeneity differentially impacted treatment outcome for 84 individuals during a 12-week transdiagnostic cognitive–behavioral group anxiety treatment program (Norton, P. J. (2012a). Group cognitive-behavioral therapy of anxiety: A transdiagnostic treatment manual. New York: Guilford). The diagnostic makeup of the treatment group was examined at the beginning of treatment and at the end of treatment, and the results indicated that the diagnostic makeup of the treatment group had no significant impact on individual treatment outcome. These findings have direct implications for the delivery of transdiagnostic treatments, and are discussed in terms of their global implications for the transdiagnostic approach to the treatment of anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

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