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Hemispatial asymmetries in judgment of stimulus size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research has demonstrated a leftward bias in judgments of size. In the present experiments, hemispatial size bias was measured through simultaneous presentation of a circle and an ellipse varying in horizontal or vertical extent. A consistent leftward bias of horizontal size judgments (but not vertical) was obtained; at the point of subjective equality, the width of the objects that were presented in left hemispace was smaller than the width of the objects that were presented in right hemispace. These data suggest that the horizontal extent of stimuli appear larger in left hemispace than in right hemispace. Results also indicated that symmetrical stimulus presentation, with respect to the vertical meridian, is required for the bias to emerge. Furthermore, increasing or decreasing stimulus eccentricity weakened the effect. Attenuation of this bias upon the manipulation of parameters indicates that this phenomenon is context specific and is affected by similar parameters that are known to influence the magnitude of error in pseudoneglect.  相似文献   

Probabilistic models of same-different and identification judgments are compared (within each paradigm) with regard to their sensitivity to perceptual dependence or the degree to which the underlying psychological dimensions are correlated. Three same-different judgment models are compared. One is a step function or decision bound model and the other two are probabilistic variants of a similarity model proposed by Shepard. Three types of identification models are compared: decision bound models, a probabilistic multidimensional scaling model, and probabilistic models based on the Shepard-Luce choice rule. The decision bound models were found to be most sensitive to perceptual dependence, especially when there is considerable distributional overlap. The same-different model based on the city-block metric and an exponential decay similarity function, and the corresponding identification model were found to be particularly insensitive to perceptual dependence. These results suggest that if a Shepard-type similarity function accurately describes behavior, then under typical experimental conditions it should be difficult to see the effects of perceptual dependence. This result provides strong support for a perceptualindependence assumption when using these models. These theoretical results may also play an important role in studying different decision rules employed at different stages of identification training.We thank Robert Melara, Jerome Busemeyer and three anonymous reviewers for comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

In this article, we report a perceptual asymmetry for the two diagonals that is related to gender in that females prefer the diagonal spanning from top right to bottom left (/) whereas males prefer the opposite (\). This relationship is observed in a variety of tasks, including aesthetic judgment of paintings, spotting differences between two paintings, and visual search for a tilted line among similarly tilted distractors. This article does not provide an explanation of the relationship between this asymmetry and gender but rules out several potential mediating factors, such as eye dominance, head tilt, handedness, and hemispheric differences. At the same time, the scope of the phenomenon is outlined: The asymmetry is found for both meaningful and meaningless stimuli and in both brief and extended presentations. Moreover, the asymmetry is found to be related to the tilt of the visual elements that require processing, not to their location in the visual field.  相似文献   

Children (6- and 9-year-olds) and adults were required to discriminate identical pairs of visual stimuli from mirror images. It was hypothesized that a key factor in performance would be the extent to which orientation was a functionally significant attribute of the stimuli. Two variables were manipulated, type of orientation discrimination and stimulus class. The first variable refers to the fact that the mirror images could be produced by either left/right or top/bottom reversals. Three classes of stimuli, varying in the extent to which a particular orientation was emphasized, were used: mobile objects (for which left/right orientation is assumed to be important); stationary objects (which lack comparable relevance for left/right orientation); and novel, abstract forms. The prediction was that if the discrimination task involved left/right reversals, as contrasted with top/bottom reversals, subjects would show an advantage for mobile objects, producing an interaction between stimulus class and orientation discrimination. In the first study, the subjects were children and performance was measured in terms of error rates. In the second study adults were tested, and reaction times were measured. Both studies manifested the predicted interaction. Results are discussed in terms of an information-processing framework, in which the incorporation of orientation-related features in the code representing a stimulus varies with the functional significance of the orientation to the stimulus class.  相似文献   

Using an adjustment procedure, human observers matched the apparent spatial frequencies of sinusoidal gratings presented in different orientations (0, 45, 90, and 135 deg). Matches were made between all possible pairwise orientation combinations. Significant match deviations indicated that the apparent frequency of a grating depends on its orientation. The most consistent deviations were found between horizontal and vertical gratings, with horizontal gratings appearing to be of a lower spatial frequency than vertical gratings. These effects were relatively independent of stimulus contrast and persisted when the optics of the eye were bypassed with laser interferometry. A neurophysiological explanation of these effects is proposed.  相似文献   

Transfer from perception to action is well documented, for instance in the form of observational learning. Transfer from action to perception, on the other hand, has not been researched. Such action-perception transfer (APT) is compatible with several learning theories and has been predicted within the framework of common coding of perceptual and motor events (Prinz, 1992, 1997). Our first experiment aimed at an empirical evaluation of APT and involved motor practice of timed two-cycle arm movements on verbal command without visual feedback. In a transfer test, visual judgments of similar patterns had to be made. In addition, transfer from the visual to the motor task was studied. In Experiment 2 we separated kinesthetic aspects of motor practice from preparatory and efferent contributions to APT. The experiments provide evidence that transfer between perception and action is bi-directional. Transfer from perception to action and, more importantly, from action to perception was found. Furthermore, APT was equally pronounced for participants who had actively practiced movements during training and for passive participants who had received merely kinesthetic feedback about the movement. This kinesthetic-visual transfer is likely to be achieved via visuomotor-kinesthetic matching or via timekeeping mechanisms that are involved in both motor and visual performance. Received: 2 June 1999 / Accepted: 20 June 2000  相似文献   

Free-viewing chimeric stimuli tasks have been used in a number of studies to assess perceptual asymmetries and draw inferences about hemispheric lateralization in children and adults. In order to determine whether perceptual asymmetries for nonverbal information are present in children, a free-viewing chimeric stimuli task was used in 63 normally developing 6- through 16-year-old children. Stimuli included affect (happy faces), gender, quantity, and shape. An overall left hemispace (LHS) advantage was present by 6 years of age. This LHS preference was more prominent by age 10 and then plateaued. No preference for shape was detected at any of the age ranges studied. These results suggest that perceptual asymmetries for visual stimuli develop during childhood and appear to reach a plateau by age 10. The observed specificity for certain types of nonverbal stimuli should be taken into account in future studies of perceptual asymmetry in both normal and neurologically impaired children.  相似文献   

The patterns of perceptual asymmetry elicited by dichotic speech and complex pitch stimuli were evaluated in a group of 28 normal, right-handed subjects. As in previous studies, between 70 and 75% of the subjects showed a right-ear advantage for speech and left-ear advantage for pitch. However, less than half of the subjects (46%) showed the expected pattern on both tests. It is argued that the assumption of symmetrical, contralateral auditory pathway superiority during dichotic stimulation is only appropriate in roughly half of the dextral population. In the remaining half, significant subcortical asymmetries and/or a lack of contralateral advantage appear to be present. The assessment of complementary cortical functions should provide a way to reduce the confounding of cortical and subcortical contributions to auditory perceptual asymmetries, and thus provide a more accurate behavioral index of brain organization.  相似文献   

We examined perceptual biases of right-handers on six free-vision chimeric tasks; two involving a judgement of happiness of a facial expression in photographic and cartoon chimeras, two involving a judgement of femininity in male/female photographic and cartoon chimeras, and two involving a spatial judgement of nonface chimeric stimuli. All four of the face tasks and one of the nonface tasks elicited left spatial field biases of varying magnitudes, and perceptual asymmetries on all tasks were positively correlated. However, multiple correlational analyses revealed that these tests shared differing proportions of variance with each other. Results indicate that, in addition to a common factor or set of factors contributing to lateral biases that is independent of both the nature of the stimulus and whether the stimulus engages lateralized mechanisms, there are distinct lateralized mechanisms which yield different patterns of perceptual asymmetries for different stimuli.  相似文献   

The metaphoric expression ‘bright smile’ may reflect the actual judgment of facial lightness under varying emotional expressions. The present research examined whether people in fact judge smiling faces as perceptually brighter than frowning faces. Four studies demonstrated that participants believed smiling faces were brighter compared to frowning faces in a binary choice task and in an absolute judgment task. The results suggest that emotional expressions (i.e., smiles and frowns) can bias judgments of facial brightness in ways consistent with the metaphor. Among other implications, such results suggest that stereotypes about darker-skinned individuals may be attenuated by smiles.  相似文献   

The present study was concerned with Weber’s Law as it is related to the discriminability of the lengths of lines. Experiments were conducted to investigate three questions: (I) Is Weber’s Law equally applicable to simultaneous and nonsimultaneous viewing conditions? (2) Is the relationship between the stimulus sizes and the values ofDLs described more adequately by the function proposed by Weber or a generalized Weber’s Law stated by Miller? and (3) Is Weber’s Law better approximated by proximal or distal size? It was demonstrated that the discriminability of the lengths of lines follows Weber’s Law under the nonsimultaneous viewing condition, but not under the simultaneous viewing condition. Under the nonsimultaneous viewing condition, it was noted that the generalized Weber’s Law as stated by Miller described the relationship between the DL and stimulus size significantly better than the function proposed by Weber. From the results pertaining to the third question, it was not possible to determine whether the proximal or the distal size follows Weber’s Law more closely.  相似文献   

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