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夏可君 《现代哲学》2002,65(1):96-106
1936年左右是海德格尔思想发展的关键时期,也即是其思想转折完成的时机,于是弄清楚这一转折(跨越30年代前期)的过程就相当重要了。随着《存在与时间》之后的一系列演讲的出版,其中尤其是海氏对荷尔德林诗歌的解释,可以使我们准确地理解他如何借助艺术与诗歌把存在的真理与美的显像关联来实现这一转折。本文主要通过重新阅读《艺术作品的本源》,并把它置于与荷尔德林的诗歌的关系中来讨论这一转折,从而使海德格尔这一阶段的世界理论更为明确,并为理解后期海德格尔以及第65卷对Ereignis的阐发提供了指引与路标。  相似文献   

Deaf persons form a distinct minority in the world of work. Many deaf persons are underemployed and face bleak vocational futures. Many actions can be taken to change the status of deaf employees. Professionals working with the deaf should be aware of the current vocational functioning of their clients. Deaf clients need specific job information, their social and communication skills may need improvement, and they may need basic skills in applying for a job. Comprehensive vocational counseling for the deaf is an obvious need. Also, employees must be encouraged to reduce job discrimination against the deaf. Employer attitudes preclude the deaf for appropriate job trials. If the counselor, client, and the employer work closely together, the occupational picture of deaf workers can be greatly upgraded.  相似文献   

<东方哲学史>以时间为纵轴,将公元前30世纪以来这五千年历史分为"上古"、"中古"、"近古"、"近代"和"现代"五卷;以地域为横轴,横向阐述东方各国的哲学思想.整部<东方哲学史>纵横结合,圆融无碍,彰显了东方哲学的个性和特点.  相似文献   

As revealed by Buddhism, there is no causelessconsequence under heaven. Today,s world is one ofcontinuous conflicts and confrontations as a result of thehuman nature for benevolence being undermined andalternated, and people,s souls being contaminated. Materialprogress and achievement alone not only fail to help peopleenjoy eternal happiness, but also aggravate their sufferings,leaving human beings with more challenges and miseries.inclusiveness instead of discrimination, communication instead…  相似文献   

The significance of work in the life of the individual is examined, and the implications of unemployment are explored, especially in the light of the possibility that it may become endemic through technological developments. Although beneath the significance of work there is also much ambivalence towards it, it is argued that work is central to an individual's self-concept, as a source of values and of structure to life. The potential of leisure as a psychologically adequate alternative to work is questioned  相似文献   

The reliance of traditional job analysis on job incumbents as the primary source of work-analytic data is critically examined. It is argued that the sole use of incumbents is practically and theoretically unjustified. The incorporation of non-incumbents to the work analysis process is advocated, especially when abstract human attributes and strategic requirements are evaluated. The time and resource savings afforded by the use of mechanical estimation of work dimensions are also discussed. A revision of traditional formats of data collection in job analysis such as paper-and-pencil surveys and face-to-face interviews is proposed. Instead, the potential work-analytic uses of electronic records of work information nowadays available in electronic performance monitoring systems are outlined.  相似文献   

George L. Murphy 《Zygon》1998,33(2):221-231
Ian Barbour has distinguished eight theologies of God's role in nature, together with corresponding models of divine activity. This essay examines these ideas in the light of a theology of the cross. Three of Barbour's approaches—the neo-Thomist, the kenotic, and the existentialist—are able to provide different aspects of a theology of divine action that is consistent with belief that God's definitive revelation takes place in the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. These approaches encourage attention to a part of traditional doctrines of Providence, the idea that God acts by "cooperation" with natural processes. The kenotic character of divine involvement in the world means that the regularities of the basic interactions of physics are maintained. The idea of cooperation can be extrapolated into the past, to give some insight into ways of understanding God's activity in originating the universe.  相似文献   

The present study (N = 136) combined global measures with specific, experience-based measures to investigate how enduring job burnout and engagement influence the impact of daily work activities on momentary need satisfaction and happiness. We used the day reconstruction method (DRM) to ask employees from various occupations to reconstruct their working days. On the basis of employee work engagement and self-determination theories, we hypothesized that time spent on (a) core work tasks; (b) administrative work tasks; (c) client interactions; (d) interactions with colleagues; and (e) meetings would be negatively related to need satisfaction on the task level for employees high (vs. low) in enduring burnout; and positively related to need satisfaction on the task level for employees high (vs. low) in enduring work engagement. In addition, we predicted that psychological need satisfaction would mediate the relationships between time spent on work tasks and happiness during the tasks. The results of multilevel analyses largely supported these hypotheses. Our findings contribute to the literature by showing how those with high levels of burnout do not manage to satisfy their basic needs through their work, whereas those with high levels of work engagement satisfy their daily needs and stay happy.  相似文献   

<庄子>作为一个具有丰富的解释可能性的文本在西方哲学这一新的眼光下展示出了新的意义.然而,英语世界真正以严肃的哲学眼光看待<庄子>并不像想象中那么长久,还只是最近几十年的事情.本文评述了这期间最有影响的庄子哲学研究:葛瑞汉、陈汉生、郝大维和安乐哲、史华兹以及爱莲心的研究,特别关注在中西文明的互动中所激发出来的洞见以及隐藏着的尴尬和陷阱.也正是在文明间日益复杂的互动中,<庄子>才可能走近我们身边,走向世界.  相似文献   



This article considers some important questions faced by youth as they enter and adapt to paid work. We focus on two key questions: (1) how many hours should teenagers work during the school year and (2) what available jobs are desirable?


To help answer these questions, we review studies that have examined the effects of early work experiences on academic achievement, positive youth development, and health-risk behaviors. We also draw upon nationally representative data from the Monitoring the Future (MTF) study to illustrate some new findings on youth employment.


Moderate work hours, especially in jobs of higher-quality, are associated with a broad range of positive developmental outcomes.


These questions are not only important to teenagers and their parents, they also reflect key debates among scholars in sociology, developmental psychology, and economics regarding the potential short- and long-term consequences of early work experiences for social development and socioeconomic achievement.


Although work intensity is an important dimension of adolescent work experience, it is clearly not the only one and we argue that it may not even be the most important one. By focusing on types and qualities of jobs, more can be gained in terms of understanding for whom and under what conditions teenage work does provide benefits for and detriments to youth development.

《Psychoanalytic Inquiry》2013,33(5):602-634
In my professional path, I strove for the integration of my identity as a psychiatrist and as a psychoanalyst, in the frame of pluralism, which exists in modern psychoanalysis. Having been trained in a Kleinian approach, I will explore the painful breach experienced during my parallel trainings as a psychoanalyst and as a dynamic psychiatrist. I worked for five years as a psychoanalyst and a researcher in Germany and was involved to a large extent with the psychoanalytic world, which increased my self-definition as a pluralist. On my return to Chile, I discovered the need for political changes in the psychoanalytic society and curricular modifications in my training institute to recover psychoanalysis from its academic isolation. Finally, I will analyze the extant connections between the ideology of pluralism in psychoanalysis and its application in clinics. I will show that the exploration of the inference processes of the psychoanalyst inside a session—the psychoanalyst's mind at work—demonstrates that the analyst in fact functions as an artisan thinker. This means that pluralism—that is, the use of more than one theoretical frame and of different levels of abstraction and explicitness—is the way the majority of psychoanalysts “naturally” work. What probably differs is the self-consciousness, scope, and rank of pluralism.  相似文献   


National governments have failed spectacularly to mitigate anthropogenic climate change and a sustainable approach to mitigation remains out of sight. This circumstance alone demonstrates the need for institutional reform. However, climate change is causing and will continue to cause large-scale loss and damage. Perhaps the most striking kind of that loss is territorial. Climate change induced sea level rise threatens not only vast coastal areas but also entire states. Therefore, mitigation is no longer sufficient. From the collective failure to mitigate climate change arises the collective duty to compensate. Compensating for territorial loss puts the spotlight on institutional deficiencies—which is why I explore them here. Specifically, I argue that (i) providing compensation for territorial loss is both morally required and politically advantageous and that (ii) it cannot be implemented effectively or efficiently without creating a global institution in charge of coordinating the process. Further, I (iii) make design recommendations for creating a global compensatory climate fund, (iv) situate my proposal within the debate on ideal and non-ideal theory, and (v) contend that the proposed institution would be a tool of world governance rather than a form of world government.  相似文献   

Strevens  M. 《Philosophical Studies》1999,95(3):243-275
Philosophical Studies -  相似文献   

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