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Gregory McCullogh 《Ratio》2001,14(4):318-335
It's pretty standard to find pretty compelling the claim that for all one can tell one may be a vat-brain: not least, to say the least, because it's a version of Descartes' demon thought-experiment in the First Meditation. Here I refute that claim. Like Descartes I start with the idea that one has an undeniable grip on most of what one is thinking. To this I add the idea that knowing thinking as thinking is being able to engage in it. Then I argue that one can't engage in the (purported) thinking of a vat-brain (there are various specimens of vat-brain to be considered). The essential point is that one cannot make anything of what a vat-brain's intended ontology would be, and how the brain might conceive of it. So one cannot engage with any vat-brain's (purported) thinking. Yet one engages with one's own. So one isn't any of them. I'm not, anyway: you can speak for yourself.  相似文献   

This article addresses the dynamics of faith manifested in Christian discipleship and patriotism. Exploration of the dynamics of faith, whether in Christian or patriotic discipleship, involves identifying the nature of the object of devotion and concomitant expectations of one’s relationship vis-à-vis the object. From this exploration, various contradictions between Christian and patriotic discipleship are identified. To resolve cognitive dissonance or smooth over contradictions, Christian patriots employ several psychosocial strategies, namely, merger, weak dissociation, rationalization, and denial.
Ryan LaMotheEmail:


The “Wason selection task” is still one of the most studied tasks in cognitive psychology. We argue that the low performance originally obtained seems to be caused by how the information of the task is presented. By systematically manipulating the task instructions, making explicit the information that participants are required to infer in accordance with the logical interpretation of the material implication “if, then”, we found an improvement in performance. In Experiment 1, the conditional rule has been formulated within a relevant context and in accordance with the conversational rules of communication, hence transmitting the actual meaning of the material implication. In Experiment 2, a similar improvement has been obtained even without the realistic scenario, only by making explicit the unidirectionality of the material implication. We conclude that task instructions are often formulate neglecting the conversational rules of communication, and this greatly reduces the possibility to succeed in the task.  相似文献   

Entitled to Speak: Talk in the Classroom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For young children, learning begins in conversation contexts such as schools. The author of this paper contends that talk activities are fundamental to future knowledge and understanding. Implicit is critique of a current British model that values the practice of speaking through effective talk. This view is contrasted to one centered on expressive speech and authentic listening.  相似文献   

The opportunity for men to give and receive counsel with other men is now a reality with the men's consciousness-raising movement. This article describes a men's CR program that encourages men to explore their ideas, feelings, and values in a noncompetitive and trusting atmosphere. Three important themes—self-disclosure, competition, and affection are identified. Barriers to developing close relationships and methodological problems are also identified. In addition, the article provides some examples of experiential and discussion activities that may enhance the level of group participation and trust.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1-2):33-39
In greater numbers, Native health care givers are caring for Native American people. This article explores the significance of ceremony from the perspective of three Native women elders. Choctaw shop proprietor Phyllis Hogan explains how she was able to accept her aging when at 40 years old she performed a menstruation ceremony. Lorena Lomatuwayma is head of the sacred Mazua (Women's Society) in Hoteville, Arizona. She reflects upon the spiritual significance of ceremony in a Hopi's life. Medicine Woman Mary K. Boone is a well-known Navajo herbalist and healer. She describes her role as elder and advisor in her culture and speaks about the Navajo view of death.  相似文献   

Little is known about how social factors influence vulnerability to, and consequences of, HIV infection among men who have sex with men (MSM) in South Africa. This study aimed to analyse social stratification and its links with HIV among MSM in Cape Town, South Africa. Six interviews and six focus group discussions (n = 25) were conducted. Tools were based on the World Health Organisation’s Commission on the Social Determinants of Health framework. Directed content analysis was used to analyse data. Race and education were directly linked to social position. MSM from lower social positions were more vulnerable to HIV, and had more negative consequences of HIV infection, compared to wealthier MSM. Engagement with community leaders, health workers and police to promote inclusion could reduce vulnerability of MSM to HIV. Increased access to free, non-discriminatory HIV-related services would reduce inequities in access to HIV services by MSM.  相似文献   

略论后现代心理学思想的孕育与生成   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
随着后现代文化思潮的涌入与冲击,现代心理学的合法地位产生了动摇,在后现代科学精神与后现代哲学理念的导引和助势下,后现代心理学思想得以孕育与生成。  相似文献   

This essay discusses some aspects of the logical behaviour of sentences in languages containing indexical and demonstrative expressions. After some preliminary remarks in section one, sections two and three focus on instances of logically true sentences that may be uttered falsely, and on cases of logically equivalent sentences whose utterances may have distinct truth-values. The logical and semantic problems taken into consideration include the validity of a Principle of Translation, the so-called puzzle of addressing, and examples related to measurement and approximation. Section four discusses the complementary phenomenon of sentences that may presumably always be uttered truly, but that do not qualify as logically true. In particular, I argue against the widespread tendency to consider I am here now or I exist as truths of the logic of indexicals.  相似文献   

Religiosity is associated with behaviors that reduce the risk of HIV/STI infection among general-population and heterosexual-specific samples. Whether this association is similar to homosexual persons is unknown. Measures of religiosity have not been evaluated psychometrically among men who have sex with men (MSM), a population who, because of stigma, experience religiosity differently than heterosexual persons. We assessed the duke religion index and the spiritual well-being in two samples of MSM. Neither instrument produced adequate model fit. To study the association between religiosity and HIV/STI risk behaviors among MSM, scales are needed that measure the religious and spiritual experiences of MSM.  相似文献   

兰州红泥沟志公道观住持、全真教龙门派第二十四代玄裔、著名道医陈涵谷道长.于1999年夏历八月二十三日在西固柳沟大坪,无疾无苦,端坐而逝,享年八十六岁.今已过数年,而陈道长言谈笑语音容宛在.念及老人家谈<易>说道、讲医论武之情,如在昨日.而今却驾鹤西游,人去楼空,广陵散绝,悲哉!  相似文献   

Fifty-one inpatients, hospitalized on average for 21 days, were studied by means of discharge debriefing interviews. An unstructured, mandatory, and functionally heterogeneous psychotherapy group was compared with a structured, voluntary, and functionally homogeneous psychotherapy group. Statistical analysis of the patients' valuation of the group psychotherapy experiences and of their rankings of traditional group psychotherapy curative factors were performed. Results demonstrated that group psychotherapy was a highly valued component of the overall inpatient treatment. Structural modifications aimed at increasing the here and now, and interpersonal focus of the group meetings, such as the use of patient agendas and group rehashes, significantly affected the patients' group experiences. A comparison of both types of inpatient groups with an outpatient group psychotherapy sample suggests certain guidelines for the goal setting and conduct of inpatient group psychotherapy, recognizing the specific and heterogeneous needs and capacities of the patients treated.  相似文献   


The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of the coping mechanisms of 82 unemployed African men with dependents. Results revealed significant relationships between perceived stress and stressful life events, as well as between perceived stress and four groups of coping mechanisms, the strongest relationships being reported for stressful life events, psychological coping resources, and family resources. Only four of the fifteen identified coping mechanisms could reduce the relationship between stressful life events and perceived stress. These were an internal locus of control, extended family social support, mastery and health within the family, and the utilization of community resources.  相似文献   

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