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30 adult male white rats were equally divided into control, scopolamine, and electroconvulsive shock groups to learn 20 successive reversal problems in an E-maze for water after 23 1/2 hr. of deprivation. The noncorrection method was used. After 1 mo. of preliminary training, each scopolamine animal received an intraperitoneal injection of 1 mgm of scopolamine hydrobromide per kgm of body weight while each in the shock group was given an ECS of 35 mA for .2 sec. at the end of every 10 daily trials. When a rat obtained 9 correct of 10 trials, the goal was switched to the opposite side of the maze. Controls were much superior to both experimental groups. While scopolamine animals experienced more detrimental effects initially, they caught up with the shock group and finally became superior. This shift is interpreted in terms of building tolerance to scopolamine and increasing anxiety to shock as effects of differential treatments accumulated.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the whole-partial effect of overtraining in concurrent discriminations and assessed the effect against single discrimination training in rats. In Experiment 1 overtraining facilitated reversal in Group W, in which rats were given concurrent training on two simultaneous discrimination tasks (A and B) in original learning before both tasks were reversed. By contrast, overtraining delayed reversal in Group P, in which animals were given the same training as in Group W in original learning, but only Task A was reversed. After overtraining, Group W reversed more rapidly than Group P. Without overtraining, Group P reversed more rapidly than both Group W and Group C, in which animals were trained only on Task A before this task was reversed. Experiment 2 investigated the effects of overtraining on the reversal of a successive discrimination in Groups W, P, and C. In addition, animals in a further group, Group S, received the same concurrent training as Group W before Task B was omitted and Task A reversed. Overtraining facilitated reversal in Groups W, C, and S but delayed it in Group P. After overtraining, Group W reversed more rapidly than Groups P, S, and C. Both Groups S and C also reversed more rapidly than did Group P. Without overtraining, Group P reversed more rapidly than Groups W, S, and C. There were no significant differences in reversal performance among Groups W, S, and C. These findings indicate that the effects of overtraining on reversal learning in concurrent discriminations differ from those observed in single discriminations.  相似文献   

Exposure to acute stress alters cognition; however, few studies have examined the effects of acute stress on executive functions such as behavioral flexibility. The goal of the present experiments was to determine the effects of acute periods of stress on two distinct forms of behavioral flexibility: set-shifting and reversal learning. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were trained and tested in an operant-chamber-based task. Some of the rats were exposed to acute restraint stress (30 min) immediately before either the set-shifting test day or the reversal learning test day. Acute stress had no effect on set-shifting, but it significantly facilitated reversal learning, as assessed by both trials to criterion and total errors. In a second experiment, the roles of glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) in the acute-stress-induced facilitation of reversal learning were examined. Systemic administration of the GR-selective antagonist RU38486 (10 mg/kg) or the MR-selective antagonist spironolactone (50 mg/kg) 30 min prior to acute stress failed to block the facilitation on reversal learning. The present results demonstrate a dissociable effect of acute stress on set-shifting and reversal learning and suggest that the facilitation of reversal learning by acute stress may be mediated by factors other than corticosterone.  相似文献   

Recent theories of hippocampal function focus on its role in the formation of associations in the temporal domain. A reversal learning paradigm based on leverpress automaintenance was developed to vary the CS-US relationship along two independent dimensions, one temporal and one not: CS(+)-US delay and the probability of reinforcement [P(RFT)] following the CS+. Eight male hooded Long-Evans rats were trained to reverse these automaintained discriminations repeatedly, until stable performance was achieved. The neurotoxicant trimethyltin (TMT) was used to induce lesions in the CNS, including the CA3-4 region of Ammon's Horn in dorsal hippocampus. Following iv injection of 7 mg/kg TMT to half the rats, reversal learning was assessed under varying conditions of delay and P(RFT). After recovery from the acute effects of TMT (1-2 weeks), treated rats reversed normally when no delay separated the CS+ and US; with delays of 2 to 4 s, they reversed less completely within a session than did controls. Changing P(RFT) did not affect reversal learning in either group, but reduced response rates similarly in both groups. Morphological damage was quantified by measuring the length of the remaining pyramidal cell line in sections of dorsal hippocampus. The degree of behavioral impairment correlated significantly with hippocampal damage only at nonzero CS(+)-US delays. These results indicate that TMT impaired ability of rats to integrate temporal relationships between stimulus events, and are consistent with theories of hippocampal mediation of temporal associations.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to discriminate lights, tones, or odors and then given a series of discrimination reversals. Only rats trained with odors showed positive transfer on the first reversal and acquisition of a reversal set. Other experiments demonstrated that rats preferentially attend to odors when presented in compound with lights or tones; that odors exert more discriminative control than tones in tests using compound stimuli of competing sign; and that after pretraining on the positive stimulus, acquisition of an odor but not a light discrimination occurs with virtually no errors. These results demonstrate the importance of stimulus modality in the establishment of stimulus control and the need for more careful analysis of stimulus factors in cross-species comparisons of learning ability.  相似文献   

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