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This study presents Danish data for Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) and Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT) from 100 subjects aged 60-87 years. Education and estimated verbal intelligence (DART score) had a significant impact on the RAVLT trial 1-5 score but not on other RAVLT measures. The RCFT copy score was significantly related to age and the DART score. On RCFT recall a highly significant difference was found between persons who could make a faultless copy and persons with incomplete copy performance. Thus, this study presents separate data for RCFT recall scores according to the subjects' copying performance (in separate tables for age and education groups). For all measures on both RAVLT and RCFT wide distributions of scores were found and the impact of this broad score range on the tests' discriminative validity is discussed. RAVLT performances for elderly were similar to previous published meta-norms, but the included sample of elderly Danes performed better on RCFT (copy and recall) than elderly from the United States.  相似文献   

Background. Verbal learning and memory is often compromised in patients with schizophrenia who prefer encoding words in order of their presentation (serial clustering) rather than using semantic categories (semantic clustering). Method. One hundred and four in‐patients with schizophrenia were assessed twice with the California Verbal Learning Test. Results. Patients showed significantly less semantic than serial clustering at both assessment times. Usage of encoding strategies were not stable over time. An increase in semantic clustering improved recall and recognition performance. Conclusions. Patients with schizophrenia should be taught to use the more effective encoding strategy of semantic clustering in order to improve their memory performance.  相似文献   

When copying or recalling a figure from memory, some patient with dementia or focal brain lesions may rotate the drawing through ±90° or 180°. We have tried to clarify the nature of this phenomenon by investigating the cognitive profile of 22 patients who rotated the copy of the Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure and 27 who rotated (only) the recall, and two control groups of cases with the same neuropsychiatric diagnoses, but no misorientation deficit. Brain MRI and FDG-PET images were also analysed. Predictor of rotation at the copy versus rotation at the recall was visuospatial impairment as measured by the copy of the Rey Figure; predictors of rotation at the copy versus no rotation were, again, visuospatial deficits, in addition to an abnormal performance at the task of selective attention. No specific profile of cognitive impairment distinguished patients with and without rotation at the recall. Disproportionate temporo-parieto-occipital atrophy or hypometabolism were evident in cases with misorientation of the copy, while predominant frontal abnormalities were found in cases of rotated recall. Based on these findings, rotated drawing at the copy is interpreted as a dorsal visual stream deficit, whose occurrence is more probable when attentional control is impaired. Rotation at recall seems to have a distinct, more anterior, neural substrate, but its dysexecutive nature has yet to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Data for copying and delayed recall (after a 15‐min delay) of the Modified Taylor Complex Figure (MTCF), an alternative form of the Rey‐Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF), were collected from 290 healthy participants. Normative data are provided. Age and education were significantly correlated with MTCF scores and must be corrected for to interpret results accurately. More specifically, increasing age adversely affected performance, whereas a higher education resulted in a better performance. Twenty‐five participants were tested with both complex figures (MTCF and ROCF) in two separate sessions to assess correlation, which proved to be high. The collected data allow using the MTCF as a valid alternative material for testing visual long‐term memory avoiding implicit learning that can occur when the same version of the ROCF is used for repeated testing sessions.  相似文献   

The comparability of recall performance was examined on the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure, the Taylor Complex Figure, and the Modified Taylor Complex Figure as measures of visuospatial abilities and visual memory in 66 healthy Japanese university students. A between-subjects design was used in which each of the participants received the three figures. The interrater reliability of each was excellent. While the three figures yielded equivalent copy scores, the Taylor Complex Figure produced significantly higher scores than the other two on both short (3-min.) and delayed (30-min.) recall tests. There were no significant differences between recall scores of the Rey-Osterrieth and the Modified Taylor figures. These results are consistent with the findings of the 2002 study of English-speakers by Hubley and Tremblay, and support that the Modified Taylor Figure is superior to the original one for the companion figure to the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure.  相似文献   

Vertebrates use geometric and featural information for spatial navigation. When both geometric and featural cues are available, animals can use a variety of spatial strategies based on this information. To examine the nature of these strategies, we manipulated the spatial relationship between a conspicuous cue and the position of the goal when goldfish (Carassius auratus) were searching for the exit of a rectangular environment with one distinctive wall. Two groups of fish were used, one with the distinctive wall close to the goal and the other with the distinctive wall on the other end of the enclosure. Results showed that fish encoded featural and geometric information in both conditions but the spatial relationship between the goal and the distinctive wall influences the characteristics of the encoding of the spatial cues and the strategy used to locate the goal. These results suggest that fish in both procedures use the local featural cues associated with the goal instead of the whole set of spatial cues as previous studies propose.  相似文献   

Executive and memory dysfunctions are among the most frequently reported deficits following a ruptured aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery (ACoA). In order to study the impact of the dysexecutive syndrome on episodic and semantic memory, the data obtained from 59 ACoA patients were examined retrospectively. All patients were assessed on a variety of episodic memory tests (Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test, Rey Complex Figure Test, Weschler Memory Scale), semantic memory (verbal fluency), and standardized tests of executive functions (Trail Making Test, Maze tests, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test). There was a strong positive correlation between executive dysfunction and retrieval difficulties in episodic and semantic memory tasks. Comparisons of subgroups of patients with high and low frontal lobe functioning on delayed recall and recognition revealed a significant group X condition interaction in addition to significant group and condition main effects. ACoAs patients with low frontal lobe functioning were particularly deficient in free recall (immediate and delayed) while recognition was equally well preserved in the two subgroups. Neither subgroup presented with an abnormal forgetting over time suggesting a retrieval deficit rather than a true retention impairment.  相似文献   

The veridicality and reactivity of children's self-report of covert and overt memory strategies were investigated in a task allowing a direct comparison of self-report and the strategy observed. External memory strategies (e.g., moving objects) were investigated with 7-, 9-, 11-, and 17-year-old typical children and 11- and 17-year-old children with mild mental retardation. Participants placed objects in specified spatial locations after hearing sequences of tape-recorded sentences. After each trial, half of the children immediately reported the strategy used. There were strong positive correlations between the frequency of reported strategy use and observed strategy use. Self-reports were accurate but not always complete. There was no effect of the self-reporting procedure on measures of verbal strategies, external memory strategies, and accuracy of recall. Children were less likely to report strategies not related to recall; these results are compatible with a "goal-sketch" mechanism.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that, in visual search, repetition of a target's "context" significantly improves search performance (contextual cuing; Chun & Jiang, 1998). Context in those studies was defined as either spatial configuration or featural combination. In the present work, we demonstrate that repeating the spatial arrangement of object colors (conjunction of spatial configuration and featural combination) also leads to contextual cuing (Experiment 1). Experiments 2 and 3 rule out the possibility that the contextual cuing we find in Experiment 1 is caused only by the spatial configuration of color patches. Experiment 4 rules out the possibility that it is caused only by featural combination. Experiments 5 and 6 demonstrate that color-arrangement-based contextual cuing is an unconscious process. Experiments 7 and 8 demonstrate that contextual cuing seems to be more effective onchromatic (hue) variation than on achromatic (luminance) variation. In sum, our results demonstrate that contextual cuing is not merely associated learning in separate domains; it is a more integrated process than has perhaps been appreciated.  相似文献   

镶嵌图形测验、框线测验和认知偏差任务是目前国际上常用的三种场相依/场独立的测量工具。该研究发现:1)在框线测验中,个体不受背景信息干扰的能力,与整合背景信息的能力存在显著正相关关系;2)执行镶嵌图形测验愈佳者,执行框线测验的绝对任务与相对任务也愈佳;3)但认知偏差任务与镶嵌图形测验以及框线测验均无相关关系。因此,个体在感知过程中对场的利用,与其在推理决策过程中对场的利用,很可能是两个独立的心理过程。此外,由于镶嵌图形测验与智商测验有相关,框线测验可能更适合于跨文化心理学中对场相依/场独立概念的测量。  相似文献   

The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF; Rey 1941; Osterrieth, 1944) is frequently used in the neuropsychological assessment of children and adults. The present study was designed, in part, to examine the impact of providing organizational scaffolding to young children being tested with the ROCF. To this end, 6-, 7-, and 8-year-old children were administered the test either in the standard fashion, or using a format in which the 18 key elements of the figure were introduced sequentially. Participants included 132 children who were randomly assigned to the standard or step-by-step administration groups. Significantly higher accuracy and organization scores for both copy and recall were seen with the step-by-step format than with the standard format, even though children in the step-by-step condition took less time to execute their drawings. Retention of encoded information was not affected by age or testing format. The fact that 6-year-olds in the step-by-step condition performed as well as, or better than, 8-year-olds in the standard condition suggests that the primary problem young children experience with the ROCF lies with organizational strategy formation. Advantages of using the Step-by-step ROCF in clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent models of schizophrenia suggest deficient use of contextual response cues when confronted with countermanding emotional cues. It is important to clinically validate these models by testing patients diagnosed with schizophrenia on tasks with competing emotional and contextual response determinants. Control and schizophrenia groups completed a novel task that elicited motor responses consistent with, or in opposition to, pre‐potent emotional actions (i.e., approach vs. avoidance). An analogous non‐emotional task was also used to examine cue‐conflict impairment more generally. The groups demonstrated statistically equivalent performance decrements on incongruent versus congruent trials on both tasks. However, within the schizophrenia group, the incongruency effect was significantly greater in the emotional versus non‐emotional task. These data suggest that, while patients with schizophrenia were able to employ contextual response cues to override competing emotional responses, they were slower to resolve emotional versus non‐emotional response conflict. When patients were subdivided according to the presence or absence of disorganized symptoms, this effect was confined to patients with disorganized symptoms.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the visuospatial perception, short-term working memory, and motor skills of children with special reading difficulties, using the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure, which can record visuomotor and memory skills, observe drawing processes, and detect deficiencies in specific skills. 306 right- and left-handed boys and girls, ages 6.6 to 9.6 yr. (102 with special reading difficulties, 102 normal readers, and 102 with general learning difficulties) comprised one experimental and two control groups, respectively. The task was to depict the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure under two conditions, copying and drawing it from memory. Analysis indicated that (a) difficulty of the depiction of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure, especially from memory, sharply affects children's performance and (b) the experimental group's performance was significantly poorer than that of controls in both conditions. The results are discussed in view of the predictive value of certain motor and cognitive skill deficiencies of children with special reading difficulties.  相似文献   

The Simple Copy Task (SCT) is a figure copying test with inherent appeal due to its short administration time, graded task difficulty, varied stimuli, and potential to eliminate floor effects. Despite this, there is a lack of data regarding its construct validity and diagnostic utility. The present study compared SCT performance of schizophrenia (n = 29), dementia (n = 64), and movement disorder (n = 12) groups with that of unmatched healthy control participants (n = 49). Movement disorder patients committed a high degree of misplacement errors, whereas dementia patients tended to omit items, add extraneous detail, and perseverate. The schizophrenia group was most similar to the dementia group in their performance on the SCT, committing primarily omission and perseveration errors. The SCT was most closely related to the Rey Complex Figure Task (r = 0.68, p < .01) and the Block Design Task (r = 0.62, p < .01). Age (r = ?0.14, p < .01) and education (r = 0.35, p < .01) effects were present; however, there was no impact of gender and handedness. Taken together, these findings provide support for the utility of the task and directions for clinical interpretation.  相似文献   

In some individuals, noise appears to have an adverse effect on memory recall. This decrement may result from a shift in the memory strategy being employed. Studies have shown memory strategies used by persons with an internal locus of control differ from those used by persons with an external locus of control. The present investigation asked subjects who were classified as either internal or external in locus of control to recall words presented under conditions of noise and of quiet. Word recall was aided by providing subjects with potential memory strategies. Each word list included words from meaningful content categories (which favor a semantic strategy) and word pairs that rhymed (which favor a perceptual strategy). Though internal and external subjects did not differ in total words recalled, they did differ in their use of strategies. Whereas internal subjects' strategies were unaffected by noise, external subjects decreased their use of the higher level semantic memory strategy (content categories) and increased their use of lower level perpetual (rhymes) strategy in the noise condition. The results are discussed in terms of a differential arousal hypothesis.  相似文献   

The starting point of the investigation was the field dependence-independence construct as measured with the Embedded Figures Test of H.A. Witkin. An overview of the research on the information-processing strategies in solving the items of this test was converging into a theory in which strategies for a successful solution can be located on a bipolar dimension with at one extreme a simultaneous strategy and at the other extreme a successive strategy. A new administration procedure for evaluating the use of four solution strategies was developed: the simultaneous, the successive, the extemalized-successive and the global-manipulatory strategy. Based on the prediction that the use of strategies was related to sex and age, we carried out an experiment involving groups of ten boys and ten girls of 5, 6 and 7 years of age, who were given eight tasks with the new administration procedure. No. significant difference was found between boys and girls. However, significant differences existed in strategy profiles in six of the eight tasks between the three age groups.  相似文献   

Studies of localized brain dysfunctions have revealed connections between patterns of cognitive dysfunction and specific profiles of memory impairment. The amnesic type of memory impairment is defined by deficits in both free recall and recognition memory, whereas the dysexecutive memory impairment is characterized by retrieval deficits, i.e. a disproportional impairment in free recall relative to recognition memory. The present study tests whether classifications of psychiatric patients into recall impaired only (= RO group) and Recall and Recognition impaired (= RR group) correspond to the executive type and amnesic type of memory impairment. The alternative hypothesis is that the two groups merely differ in degree of neuropsychological and psychiatric disturbance. Forty-four subjects impaired on California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) were selected from a larger database of 103 impaired and non-impaired subjects with schizophrenia or recurrent major depression. Subjects were classified into RO and RR groups and compared on measures of memory strategy (recency effect and interference on CVLT), overall neuropsychological function (Stroop Test and WAIS-R similarity) and psychiatric symptom load (positive and negative symptoms). Repeated measures ANOVA showed no effects of group, i.e. the RR group did not perform consistently below the RO group with regard to memory strategy, neuropsychological function or psychiatric symptom load. Two out of three analyses showed group x test interaction, supporting the dissociation of distinct executive and amnesic profiles among psychiatric patients. The RO group was more susceptible to interference but had better recency score than the RR group. The RO had higher negative symptoms while the RR group had higher positive symptoms.  相似文献   

This article reports findings of the Würzburg Longitudinal Memory Study, which focused on children's verbal memory development. The study started with 100 kindergarten children who were tested on various memory measures, including sort-recall, text recall, short-term memory capacity, and metamemory. Assessments were repeated nine times, with adjacent measurement points separated by 6-month time intervals. The main goals of the study concerned the strategy acquisition process (gradual vs. abrupt), the assessment of utilization deficiencies, and the impact of multiple strategy use during the course of strategy development. Findings showed pronounced interindividual differences in strategy acquisition. However, semantic organization strategies were acquired rapidly (and not gradually) in most cases. Moreover, although strategy discovery was not always accompanied by superior recall, utilization deficiency problems were comparably rare throughout the course of the study. Multiple strategy use turned out to be important in that, from the very beginning onwards, those children who used two or more memory strategies substantially outperformed their peers who used fewer than two strategies.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine whether the recall of gestures in working memory could be enhanced by verbal or gestural strategies. We also attempted to examine whether these strategies could help resist verbal or gestural interference. Fifty-four participants were divided into three groups according to the content of the training session. This included a control group, a verbal strategy group (where gestures were associated with labels) and a gestural strategy group (where participants repeated gestures and were told to imagine reproducing the movements). During the experiment, the participants had to reproduce a series of gestures under three conditions: “no interference”, gestural interference (gestural suppression) and verbal interference (articulatory suppression). The results showed that task performance was enhanced in the verbal strategy group, but there was no significant difference between the gestural strategy and control groups. Moreover, compared to the “no interference” condition, performance decreased in the presence of gestural interference, except within the verbal strategy group. Finally, verbal interference hindered performance in all groups. The discussion focuses on the use of labels to recall gestures and differentiates the induced strategies from self-initiated strategies.  相似文献   

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