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A house divided? The psychology of red and blue America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently it has become commonplace in America for commentators and the public to use the terms "red" and "blue" to refer to perceived cultural differences in America and American politics. Although a political divide may exist in America today, these particular terms are inaccurate and reductive. This article presents research from social psychology demonstrating that the increased use of these terms is likely to increase the conflict between political groups in America by making political conflict salient in nonpolitical contexts, reducing the ability of Americans to form multifaceted complex identities, pushing Americans to misperceive political in-groups and out-groups, and contributing to a "spiral of silence." An alternative model for discussing cultural differences is proposed.  相似文献   

Younger adult students between 19 and 24 years of age (M = 21.3 years), older adult students between 61 and 76 years of age (M = 67.9 years), and older adult nonstudents between 62 and 76 years of age (M = 68.5 years) were assessed for health (self-ratings of physical and mental health), social functioning (self-ratings of physical and mental activity, perceived role activity level, perceived roles, locus of control, and age-norm expectations), and cognitive functioning (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised vocabulary and block design, and paired associate memory). Age differences were observed in self-ratings of health, social roles, intellectual performance, and memory. No student status differences were observed. The results are discussed in terms of plasticity of intellectual function and characteristics of student status in later adulthood.  相似文献   

Phytobiology, p.3
What are the Findings Regarding Ginkgo's Cognitive Effects in Humans?, p.3
Animal Models, p.5
Biological Actions, p.7
Conclusions, p.9  相似文献   

Literature on the cognitive effects of nonexcessive alcohol use suggests that relatively high-quantity-per-occasion use may be related to subsequent decreases in sober-state abstracting skills in adults, but provides no clear prediction for youth. The need to identify persistent alcohol-intake effects on cognition is particularly acute for the period of adolescence and young adulthood because even slight damage may impair developmentally significant skills. We examine the relation between multiple measures of neuropsychological status and both continuous and categorical measures of alcohol-use patterns in an age- and sex-stratified sample of 1,308 18-, 21-, and 24-year-olds. The results of correlational and hierarchial regression analyses suggest that cognitive performance bears little direct relation to drinking behaviors in young nonclinical males and females. Although the data provide no strong support for the hypothesis of a causal relationship between alcohol use and cognitive functioning, there is a slight suggestion that frequent high-quantity consumption may become a salient parameter of use as subjects age. Prospective longitudinal data are needed to explore the directional causality of effects.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of implicit learning on cognitive control. In a sequential Stroop task, participants implicitly learned a sequence placed on the color of the Stroop words. In Experiment 1, Stroop conflict was lower in sequenced than in random trials (learning-improved control). However, as these results were derived from an interaction between learning and conflict, they could also be explained by improved implicit learning (difference between random and sequenced trials), under incongruent compared with congruent trials (control-improved learning). Therefore, we further unraveled the direction of the interaction in 2 additional experiments. In Experiment 2, participants who learned the color sequence were no better at resolving conflict than participants who did not undergo sequence training. This shows that implicit knowledge does not directly reduce conflict (no learning-improved control). In Experiment 3, the amount of conflict did not directly improve learning either (no control-improved learning). However, conflict had a significant impact on the expression of implicit learning, as most knowledge was expressed under the highest amount of conflict. Thus, task-optimization was accomplished by an increased reliance on implicit sequence knowledge under high conflict. These findings demonstrate that implicit learning processes can be flexibly recruited to support cognitive control functions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   


The notion that human life at Creation had been set into a series of ordered relationships was central for the Lutheran reformers’ understanding of Church, home, and state. Expositors developed this imaginative theological construct primarily out of the narrative of the Creation and Fall, and they used it as a framework for understanding the obligations of humankind in relation to the Creator, as well as for homes and societies rightly ordered. The Christian home, however, did double duty, serving as an archetype not only of life rightly ordered (law) but also of the love and freedom given by Christ in union with the Church (gospel). Lutheran expositors struggled to balance these two, especially when they derived the coercive authority of the state from parental, or paternal power. Could the institution of marriage simultaneously provide the foundation for state authority, and image the love between Christ and the Church?  相似文献   

Humans can guide simple concurrent and seemingly independent movements of digits between hands, but it is shown here that they find it impossible to do this with digits within a hand. This inability demonstrates a basic characteristic of the relation between attention and the control of the skeletal musculature. Mechanisms that are available to provide the illusion of concurrent and independent guidance of separate movements between hands are not available within a single-hand control system. There is no reason to believe that the inability to divide focal attention in the guidance of two concurrent controlled activities, as exemplified in the example of within-hand movements, does not also extend to nonmotor processes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate whether sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) symptoms are associated with neurocognitive task performance and ratings of real-world executive functioning (EF) in preschoolers at risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The associations between parent- and teacher-rated SCT symptoms and neuropsychological task performance and ratings of EF in 61 4-year-old preschool children (51 boys, 10 girls) with self-regulation difficulties were examined, with regression analyses controlling for the effects of ADHD inattention symptoms. In the study sample, higher teacher-rated SCT symptoms are significantly associated with poorer performance on tasks of visual-perceptual abilities, auditory and visual attention, sustained and selective attention, inhibitory control, pre-numerical/numerical concepts, and slower processing speed, but SCT symptoms are not significantly associated with working memory, attention shifting or cognitive flexibility when controlling for ADHD inattention. Higher parent-rated SCT symptoms are significantly associated with visual-perceptual abilities. ADHD inattention symptoms are more strongly associated than SCT with daily life EF ratings; neither parent- nor teacher-rated SCT symptoms are significantly associated with daily life ratings of inhibition, working memory, or planning/organization after controlling for ADHD inattention. This study suggests that SCT symptoms contribute to EF deficits at least on neurocognitive tasks assessing visual-perceptual/spatial abilities, attention to detail and processing speed, as observed in this sample of young children at risk for ADHD, and may be an important intervention target.  相似文献   


We developed a self-assessment scale, the Divided Attention Questionnaire (DAQ), to investigate whether adults report that dividing attention between two activities becomes more difficult with increasing age, as would be predicted by a model of age-related reductions in inhibition (Hasher & Zacks, 1988). the DAQ difficulty rating scale produced satisfactory estimates of internal consistency and test-retest stability. Older adults, relative to young adults, rated most combinations of activities as more difficult, and also reported that most combinations had become more difficult over time. However, self-perceptions of ability in old age varied with task domain, such that activities that involved monitoring of novel information became increasingly difficult with advanced age, while routine activities and those involving speech processing showed little change across the older groups studied. We suggest that belieft about self-efficacy under conditions of divided attention can have important consequences for the behavior of the elderly.  相似文献   

In Study 1, high and low self-monitors wrote counterattitudinal essays. For some, we made it salient that they would be endorsing an opinion contrary to that of their peers. For others, no context was provided. Post-essay attitudes of high, relative to low, self-monitors were more consistent with essay topic after opposing peers. Post-essay attitudes of low and high self-monitors did not differ significantly in the no-context condition. In Study 2, high and low self-monitors wrote counterattitudinal essays in the context of opposing either their peers' beliefs or their own values. Post-essay attitudes of low, relative to high, self-monitors tended to conform more to their essays when they believed that they had written in opposition to their values. When writing in opposition to their peers, however, post-essay attitudes of high and low self-monitors did not differ significantly. We discuss the results in terms of the role that self-concept plays in the initiation of dissonance processesStudy 2 is based on the senior honors thesis of the second author conducted under the supervision of the first author, and both studies were supported by a Faculty Research Grant from Union College to the first author. We would like to thank Alice M. Isen, Mark Snyder, Hugh Foley, and an anonymous reviewer for their valuable comments on an earlier version of this article, and Nicole Audette, Amy Goldstein, Suzanne Shaker, and Courtney Shapiro for their assistance in collecting and analyzing data.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the cognitive system imposes patterns on the world according to a simplicity principle: Choose the pattern that provides the briefest representation of the available information. The simplicity principle is normatively justified-patterns that support simple representations provide good explanations and predictions on the basis of which the agent can make decisions and actions. Moreover, the simplicity principle appears to be consistent with empirical data from many psychological domains, including perception, similarity, learning, memory, and reasoning. Thus, the simplicity principle promises to serve as the starting point for the rational analysis of a wide range of cognitive processes, in Anderson's (1990, 1991a) sense. The simplicity principle also provides a framework for integrating a wide range of existing psychological proposals.  相似文献   

The efficacy of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) in the treatment of depression is now established. However, explanations for the efficacy of CBT are mixed. The evidence needed to support the explanation advanced by cognitive theory is lacking. This paper critically reviews the available empirical evidence. Forty-four outcome or process studies of therapy with depression are reviewed and 21 of these are subjected to a meta-analysis to investigate the relationship between change in cognitions and change in level of depression during different kinds of therapy. Our analysis shows that: (1) change in cognitive style occurs in all four categories of treatment: CBT, Drug Therapy, Other-Psychological Therapy, and Waiting List; (2) there was a significant difference between Waiting List and all the active treatments in change in cognitions, but not between active treatments; (3) the degree of change in cognitive style is significantly related to change in depression as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), but not the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRS-D); and (4) the relationship between cognitive change and depression is not unique to CBT. Our findings show that CBT does provide some support for the cognitive models of depression but the relationship between cognitive change and recovery from depression is not unique to CBT.  相似文献   

The literature on children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, combined type (ADHD-C), is currently inconclusive as to the nature of deficits in two forms of cognitive control — interference control and response selection (Nigg, 2006 Nigg, J. T. 2006. What Causes ADHD? Understanding what goes wrong and why, New York: The Guildford Press.  [Google Scholar]). This paper examined the performance of children with ADHD-C on interference control and response selection conflict tasks that required both speed and accuracy. The data was analyzed utilizing a new efficiency method to more effectively analyze overall responses. Both interference control and response selection conditions were combined within tasks allowing for a closer comparison of how children with ADHD-C perform on these specific types of cognitive control. Computerized tasks were administered to 62 boys, ages 7 to 12 (31 controls, 31 ADHD-C). Results revealed deficits in efficient performance for children with ADHD-C on interference control tasks and response selection tasks hypothesized to involve high cognitive control demand. These results highlight the utility of analyzing efficiency data to identify deficits in performance for children with ADHD-C and to foster an increased understanding of cognitive control functioning in this clinical population.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the treatment of depression in older adults (over age 65) using cognitive therapy techniques first developed by Beck and colleagues. The focus of this paper concerns whether modifications of CBT are required in order to ensure maximal efficacy and discusses what modifications may be suitable by advocating conceptual and theoretical reasons for their adoption. Some important contextual factors may need to be taken account of when working with older people such as dealing with expectancies about lifespan, the likelihood of chronic physical illness and longevity and chronicity of the personal history of problems. It is our contention that much more has been written about outcome in CBT with older people than has been written about psychotherapy process issues. This paper aims to address this perceived gap in the literature.  相似文献   

Police Academy trainees participated in a stress management program which focused on developing skills for coping with anxiety and anger. Stress management training took place in six 2-hour sessions and included instruction and practice in the self-monitoring of reactions to stressful situations, muscular relaxation, and the development of adaptive self-statements. Self-report measures of anxiety and anger were obtained before and after the stress management program. In addition, self and observer ratings of trainees' performance in stressful simulated police activities were utilized as posttreatment dependent measures. In comparison to a control group of trainees, the performance of the treatment group was rated, by academy personnel, as superior in several of the simulated police activities. The results of the present study suggest that stress management with law enforcement officers may be most effective when the program focuses on the specific situations which are likely to be encountered by trainees. Limitations of the present program are examined and suggestions for future efforts with law enforcement personnel are discussed.  相似文献   

The magnification of visual field asymmetry observed with bilateral compared to unilateral tachistoscopic presentation of homologous stimuli (bilateral effect) can be explained by two hypothetical processes: homologous activation with subsequent inhibition of callosal information transfer or intrahemispheric competition for processing resources. A lexical decision task with unilateral and bilateral stimulation and response with the right or left hand was used in an attempt to decide between these hypotheses. Analysis of response time data revealed a bilateral effect, superimposed on a right visual field advantage, and no interaction between visual field and response hand. Results are consistent with the hypothesis of intrahemispheric competition in the left hemisphere.  相似文献   

The habitual use of expressive suppression as an emotion regulation strategy has been consistently linked to adverse outcomes in a number of domains, including psychological functioning. The present study aimed to uncover whether the suppression-health relationship is dependent on cultural context, given differing cultural norms surrounding the value of suppressing emotional displays. We hypothesized that the negative associations between suppression and psychological functioning seen in European Americans would not be seen among members of East Asian cultures, in which emotional restraint is relatively encouraged over emotional expression. To test this hypothesis, we asked 71 European American students and 100 Chinese students from Hong Kong to report on their use of expressive suppression, life satisfaction, and depressed mood. A moderation analysis revealed that expressive suppression was associated with adverse psychological functioning for European Americans, but not for Chinese participants. These findings highlight the importance of context in understanding the suppression-health relationship.  相似文献   

Visuospatial attention was studied using three different reaction time tasks in a sustained attention paradigm (N = 35). Contrasting with findings from a phasic attention paradigm, our results suggest an equal ability to divide or focus sustained attention in the left and right fields in simple RT, a Go/No go-task, and choice RT.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of item format (single-stimulus vs. forced-choice) and response motivation (honest vs. applicant) on scores for personality scales measuring Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience. Consistent with the hypotheses, cognitive ability was related to forced-choice personality scores in the applicant condition but not in the honest condition. Cognitive ability was unrelated to single-stimulus personality scores in both the applicant and honest conditions. The results suggest that controlling for cognitive ability can reduce the incremental predictive validity of forced-choice personality scales in applicant settings. Findings are discussed in terms of the importance of considering how item format influences the construct and criterion-related validity of personality tests used to make selection decisions.  相似文献   

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