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阳明思想中的"好恶"之情集中体现了阳明心学的特质。龙场悟道后,阳明以"心学"为其致学方向。心学也就是身心之学,它是以"心—身"作为整体结构共同参与的事业。在这项事业中,"好善恶恶"之情连结心、身,是促使心体的道德原则落实为身体实践的关键和机括。与此同时,阳明以"有无"论其学问宗旨,这个特性在"不作好恶"与"有无相合"的关系中也典型地体现了出来。在阳明心学里,"不作好恶"有三层意涵,每一层意涵都关联着并指向着有无相合的理想之境。  相似文献   

新发现的民国安徽通志馆传抄本《新安理学先觉会言》表明,明中后期,阳明学在徽州十分活跃,而这一切都归功于阳明高足的传播活动。邹守益、王畿等阳明高足,通过徽州的学术讲坛并深入徽州乡村大族等方式,把阳明心学之风吹到了徽州地区,进而影响了徽州人的思想,实现了阳明学在徽州的大众化,取得了良好的传播效果。阳明学在徽州的传播实践为我们今天实现儒学大众化提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

朱子学与阳明学可以有广狭两义的理解,狭义指朱子或阳明个人的哲学思想,广义则包含朱子或阳明之后学以及后世的朱子学者或阳明学者有关朱子学和阳明学的思想诠释、理论发展。由此以观,朱子学和阳明学就不是封闭的静止的理论系统,而是可以不断发展和开拓的动态的思想体系。这就需要我们转换审视的角度,既要将朱子学和阳明学置于广义宋明理学视域中,同时亦须将宋明理学视作一场整体的思想运动,才能对朱子学和阳明学获得整体性的思想了解和历史把握,以重现作为广义宋明理学视域中的朱子学和阳明学的理论意义及其思想价值。  相似文献   

黎业明 《现代哲学》2020,(1):127-133
束景南先生在其《王阳明年谱长编》中,关于阳明在成化十九年就已经认识白沙并深受其影响、就已经对白沙学问"熟闻习见"的论述;关于阳明在成化二十年便与张诩相识,"盖张诩可谓阳明生平最早相识之白沙弟子,自此阳明乃可从张诩接触白沙之学"的推断;关于"张诩确在弘治十八年来京师,将《白沙先生全集》赠王华、阳明"的考证,都缺乏足够的文献依据,值得怀疑。因此,束先生关于阳明与白沙之间存在"学脉传承"关系的论断,值得商榷。  相似文献   

宁波城市在文化建设的发展过程中,对阳明文化传播的重视程度有待于进一步加强,需要对阳明文化符号介入宁波城市文化可持续发展的价值进行更加多元化的研究。文章通过分析文化符号与城市可持续发展的关系,阐明阳明文化符号在宁波城市文化传播中的价值,通过阐述阳明文化与宁波文化的关系,探究阳明文化符号对促进宁波城市文化可持续发展所起的灵魂作用。  相似文献   

要领会阳明哲学的意义。首先应明确阳明看问题的视角。只有这样,才能对阳明哲学有同情的了解,而不致发生这样或那样的种种误解。本文拟就阳明哲学的视角问题作一初步探讨,以就正于方家。一、吾性自足求尽其心  相似文献   

中晚明阳明学的宗教化,不仅构成儒学史研究的重要内容,还可以为中西方的比较宗教学研究提供丰富的素材。本文首先考察中晚明阳明学核心人物王龙溪的良知信仰论,以为阳明学宗教化的具体个案。然后在此基础上,力求在一个比较宗教学的视野中揭示中晚明阳明学宗教化的基本特征与不同取向。  相似文献   

阳明文字辑佚近来成绩斐然,新编《王阳明全集》与《阳明佚文辑考编年》是其中的代表性著作。然辑佚的同时,亦须辨伪,本文尝试于此有所发明。本文所辨析的焦点,集中于上述两书中误以崔铣一疏为阳明佚文。崔铣此疏,乃因灾异修省之诏,借灾异以弹劾时任首辅费宏,冠以阳明所作既于事实不符,亦于阳明政治心态有曲解。  相似文献   

李退溪是朝鲜李朝的著名朱子学者,被称为"朝鲜的朱子"、"东方百世之士"。他是严正而系统地辨斥阳明学的第一个朱子学者,拉开了朝鲜时代阳明学辨斥史的序幕。本文首先分析《传习录论辩》中的"至善"论辩和"知行合一"论辩,检讨李退溪辨斥阳明学的具体内容。然后采用"庄敬本体"和"悦乐本体"的图式,说明李退溪排斥阳明学的原因。退溪认为,根据朱子学,可以实现他所想的为圣之学,故反对阳明违背朱子的格物说而建立"心即理"。尤其是,退溪以庄敬心体反对阳明的悦乐心体以为放荡,"类禅"。这样,阳明学被退溪学激烈批判,在韩国迟迟不振,几乎没有机会给韩国儒学添加悦乐本体的传统。  相似文献   

王阳明没有专门的易学著作,在语录和著述中提到《易》的地方也不多见,但是从阳明的人生经历中,却可以发现《易》对阳明良知思想的建构有着深刻的影响。他在居夷处困中体悟易理,在人生抉择上实践易理,并提出了"良知即是易"的重要命题。本文通过对阳明论易的梳理,阐明了《易》与阳明致良知之学的内在关联,为深入理解阳明学提供了一个易学的角度。  相似文献   

Book Information Psyche And Soma: Physicians and Metaphysicians on the Mind-Body Problem from Antiquity to Enlightenment. Psyche And Soma: Physicians and Metaphysicians on the Mind-Body Problem from Antiquity to Enlightenment John P. Wright Paul Potter Oxford Clarendon Press 2000 xii + 298, Hardback £45.00 Edited by John P. Wright; Paul Potter. Clarendon Press. Oxford. Pp. xii + 298,. Hardback:£45.00,  相似文献   

Children's (5 years, 8 months to 8 years, 4 months) comprehension of "because" and "so" was assessed on both enactment and sentence completion tasks. The use of a within-subject design permitted performance on each task to be interpreted in terms of performance on the other. The pattern of results provided evidence against a componential model for the acquisition of causal connectives. This model holds that the two meaning components (cause, order) are acquired separately, with the order component being acquired several years later than the causal component. The results also were in accord with predictions derived from a contextual model of children's developing understanding of terms expressing logical relationships. This model posits that the understanding of relational terms is initially context dependent, such that children can understand relational terms when they express familiar relationships, but experience difficulty in forming representations of novel relationships solely on the basis of linguistic input. The lexical components of because and so are understood during the context-dependent stage, and the transition from context-dependent to context-independent understanding does not reflect further lexical development, but rather increasing facility in dealing with decontextualized linguistic input.  相似文献   

This paper investigates an apparent contradiction between recent studies of "ratios" and "differences" of heaviness. Birnbaum and Veit (1974) found a single rank order for judgments in the two tasks, whereas Rule, Curtis, and Mullin (1981), who used a different stimulus set, procedure, and experimental design, reported two orders. To investigate the cause of this discrepancy, the present study manipulated the experimental design using the same stimuli and procedure as Rule et al. (1981). In one experiment (within-subject designs), each subject judged all combinations of the standard and comparison stimulus; in the other experiment (between-subjects designs) each subject received only one standard, and different groups of subjects were given different standards. "Ratios" and "differences" of heaviness were monotonically related for the majority of subjects who judged all combinations of standards and comparisons. Variations in the modulus and response examples did not affect the rank order of "ratios" within subjects. These results suggest that the contradiction in results is due to the difference in experimental design rather than differences in stimuli or procedure. In the between-subjects designs, the rank order of the "ratio" judgments depended on the standards and examples. Both previous and present results are consistent with the theory that subjects use one operation, subtraction, for both tasks and that the judgment function varies with between-subjects manipulations of the standard, examples, and modulus.  相似文献   

Very highly hypnotizable subjects are rare, easily induced, and able to manifest the whole spectrum of hypnotic phenomena, including post-hypnotic amnesia. The aim of this study was to detect and localize by means of quantitative functional MRI and EEG changes in cortical activity during hypnosis induction and deep "pure hypnosis" in a hypnotic "virtuoso" subject. We focused on areas forming the default mode network (DMN), since previous studies found that very highly suggestible subjects in hypnosis showed decreased activity in anterior DMN. During undisturbed hypnosis, our "virtuoso" subject showed not only detectable changes in DMN, but also peculiar activations of non-DMN areas and hemispheric asymmetries of frontal lobe connectivity. Our findings confirm that hypnosis is associated with significant modulation of connectivity and activity which involve the DMN but are not limited to it, depending on the depth of the hypnotic state, the type of mental content and emotional involvement.  相似文献   

Hermans' polyphonic model of the self proposes that dialogical relationships can be established between multiple I-positions1 (e.g., Hermans, 2001a). There have been few attempts, however, to explicitly characterize the forms that these intrapersonal relationships may take. Drawing on Buber's (1958) distinction between the "I-Thou" and "I-It" attitude, it is proposed that intrapersonal relationships can take one of two forms: an "I-I" form, in which one I-position encounters and confirms another I-position in its uniqueness and wholeness; and an "I-Me" form, in which one I-position experiences another I-position in a detached and objectifying way. This article argues that this I-Me form of intrapersonal relating is associated with psychological distress, and that this is so for a number of reasons: Most notably, because an individual who objectifies and subjugates certain I-position cannot reconnect with more central I-positions when dominance reversal (Hermans, 2001a) takes place. On this basis, it is suggested that a key role of the therapeutic process is to help clients become more able to experience moments of I-I intrapersonal encounter, and it is argued that this requires the therapist to confirm the client both as a whole and in terms of each of his or her different voices.  相似文献   

"情"与"智"概念的相关研究及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了国内外关于“情”与“智”的研究成果,指出,“情”与“智”是相互依赖,相互整合的关系。“智”对“情”有一定的决定作用,合理控制利用“情”也有利于“智”的发挥。处理两者之间的关系应该用整体论的思想进行考察,把二者有效地结合起来,合而为一,这样才能达到整体大于部分之和的功效,才能实现布鲁姆所提倡的教学目标。  相似文献   

We studied the formation of style scheme (identification of the style that characterizes an artist) presenting 100 participants aesthetic visual stimuli. Participants were Spanish university students who volunteered: 72 women, 28 men of mean age 22.8 yr. Among those 50 were enrolled in History of Art and 50 students in Psychology. Stimuli belonged to different categories--High Art (pictures of well-known artists, like Van Gogh)/Popular Art (decorative pictures like Christmas postcards) and Representational (pictures with explicit meaning content, like a landscape)/Abstract (pictures without explicit meaning content, like Pollock's colored stains). Analysis using Signal Detection Theory techniques focused on how participants discriminate representational and abstract pictures. With High Art stimuli, participants can better discriminate representational paintings than abstract ones. However, the difference in discrimination between representational and abstract pictures diminishes among participants studying History of Art. It seems that prior education in art favors forming style schemes and to some extent enables the participant to detect the "meaning" in High Art abstract paintings.  相似文献   

The problems of so-called "therapy resistant or chronic" depression has been investigated on own patients of the year 1986, but simply one chronic example could be noticed. Configurations-frequence-analytic research didn't essentially result in significant statements. It is referred to that the frequent occurrence of the so-called "therapy resistant" depressions described by some authors, could be in connection with limited diagnosis inventories and insufficient to the personality orientated therapy regime.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
S amuels , A. The Plural Psyche. Personality, Morality and the Father
S egaller , S., B erger , M. Jung, The Wisdom of the Dream
S tork , A nthony . Freud
H aynal , A ndre . The Technique at Issue. Controversies in Psychoanalysis from Freud and Ferenczi to Michael Balint
B rähler , E. (Ed.) Body Experience. The Subjective Dimension of Psyche and Soma  相似文献   

In two studies, students were asked to rate their knowledge of a number of different topics, extracurricular as well as drawn from their textbooks of the history of psychology and philosophy. The score distributions on a scale from "unknown" to "well known" were in all cases distinctly U-formed, as if knowledge were a question of either/or, rather than one of degree. However, when knowledge was rated on a scale from "know nothing about" to "know much about", the U-pattern failed to appear, and the students tended generally to give more cautious ratings. The differences are interpreted as evidence for the philosophical and linguistic distinction between "knowledge by acquaintance" (German: "kennen", French: "connaître") and "knowledge-about" (German: "wissen", French: "savoir").  相似文献   

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