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前瞻性人格是指个体不受情境阻力的制约,主动采取行动以改变其外部环境的倾向性。相关的实证研究发现前瞻性人格对个体工作结果、职业生涯结果、团队效能、领导效能、新进人员适应性以及创业等后果变量均具有一定的影响。该文对工业与组织心理学领域有关前瞻性人格的相关研究进行了较为全面的总结,并在此基础上指出未来的研究有必要加强组织层面因素在前瞻性人格与相关结果变量之间的调节作用等三方面问题的探讨  相似文献   

方媛  祝蓓里 《心理科学》2000,23(2):236-237
1 前言激发学生参加体育运动的内部动机、保持和提高自我效能 ,是促进学生身心和谐发展、培养终身体育观念和能力的重要保证。八十年代以来 ,在社会认知研究模式的指导下 ,梅尔、尼克尔斯等理论家创建的成就目标理论 ,集中于对成就情境中决定人的认知和行为的成就目标的分析。国外已就成就目标理论在体育运动领域中的应用进行了较为广泛的研究 ,并且得出一致的结论 :不同的成就目标定向 ,对于体育运动中个体的动机过程、认知、情感和行为有着不同的影响 ,而且在特定情境中究竟采取怎样的目标定向 ,不仅受到个人倾向性目标定向的影响 ,还受…  相似文献   

西方关于人格一致性研究的进展与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人格一致性问题是人格心理学中最活跃、也是最有争议的研究课题之一。对待人格的一致性与可变性,西方传统的人格理论持两种观点,即一致论与可变论。近年来,越来越多的研究表明,人格特质在跨时间及跨情境上具有一致性。本在综述这些研究的基础上,对人格一致性问题的争论进行了详细评价。作同时指出,要想走出人格是一致还是可变的两难境地,必须首先解决人格研究领域中的一些关键性问题。  相似文献   

张春虎 《心理科学进展》2019,27(8):1489-1506
对2018年5月为止基于自我决定理论的工作动机研究英文文献的系统检索得到了97篇实证研究样本。基于自我决定理论的核心假设, 运用“环境-基本心理需要-工作动机-结果”的理论模型对工作动机前因和结果的研究脉络进行了仔细地分析和归纳, 结果表明员工基本心理需要满足和自主性工作动机作为中介变量可解释自主性支持的工作环境和员工个体特征对工作行为、态度和心理健康的积极影响。将来的主要研究议题:一是对控制性工作环境具体因素对员工基本心理需要阻滞、控制性动机和去动机以及员工工作行为、态度和心理健康影响的研究; 二是不同动机类型对员工业绩、行为和态度影响的过程以及情境因素的研究; 三是外部奖励(包括薪酬、基于业绩的奖励等)对员工工作动机、基本心理需要、工作业绩和心理健康的影响及边界条件的深入研究。  相似文献   

企业人才甄选情境下求职者很容易在人格测验中作假。至今有关作假的研究已包含作假的内涵、来源和识别等多个方面,也诞生了多种心理模型尝试解释作假产生的心理机制,如作假动机与作假能力交互作用理论、作假计划行为理论、作假整合模型、一般作假行为模型以及作假的VIE模型,为后续理论研究点明方向。此外,作假应用领域中新兴的网络人格测验作假受到关注,在此介绍网络与纸笔测验两种形式下,人格测验作假行为、作假意向的不同。  相似文献   

吴婷  郑涌 《心理科学进展》2019,27(3):533-543
透镜模型强调线索的有效性是人格判断准确的重要条件。已有研究表明, 文字信息, 语音内容, 面孔图片, 反映不同情境的视频片段以及面对面交流涉及的言语、非言语信息在人格判断过程中发挥着重要作用。另一方面, 网络背景下常规的文字、视频信息等同样能够有效反映个体的人格特质, 而与人格特质密切相关的网络语言、表情的使用, 状态更新与点赞等特殊线索的有效性也值得深入探究。未来对人格判断线索的研究应加强现实生活情境以提高研究的生态效度, 考虑不同线索间的相互比较以考察线索有效性的适用条件, 深入探究网络情境中个体行为线索的有效性。  相似文献   

本文基于动机行动和成就动机理论,构建一个被调节的中介模型以检验创造性人格对员工创造力产生的作用机理。以251套来自主管-下属配对的问卷数据为样本,实证分析结果表明:创造性人格可预测员工创造力产生,学习目标导向与绩效证明目标导向在两者之间起部分中介作用;内在动机能够强化个体目标导向对创造力的作用,并显著正向调节创造性人格对员工创造力的间接效应。最后,论文讨论了研究发现对员工创造力产生的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

郝娜  崔丽莹 《心理科学进展》2022,30(7):1626-1636
作为两种常见且易被混淆的自我意识情绪, 诸多研究者对内疚和羞耻的产生前因及影响后效进行研究, 尤其是近年来的研究逐渐关注两者对合作行为的影响。我们通过对已有研究进行梳理发现, 内疚和羞耻对合作行为的影响及其机制存在差异, 内疚的影响更为稳定及具有普适性, 羞耻的影响具有复杂性和多样性, 更容易受到其他因素的影响。内疚和羞耻对合作行为的不同影响可从动机机制和调节机制两方面进行解释。首先, 动机机制包括内疚对他人的补偿、修复动机以及羞耻对自我的保护、修复动机。内疚对他人的补偿、修复动机主要体现在维护社会互动中的公平; 弥补对他人造成的伤害, 降低自己和他人的痛苦; 修复人际关系, 重新获得他人或自己的接纳与认同。羞耻对自我的保护、修复动机主要体现在释放消极的情绪状态; 维护积极的自我形象和声誉, 修复自我; 保护自我, 防止后续伤害及不良后果。总体而言, 内疚者关注过失行为及后果, 侧重于对受害他人的补偿或对与他人关系的修复, 而羞耻者关注整体自我的受损, 侧重于对自我的保护和对自己社会形象的修复, 基于此, 我们在前人研究的基础上构建了内疚与羞耻影响合作行为的动机机制对比模型图。其次, 调节机制涉及到个体因素和情境因素的调节作用, 其中个体因素包括认知因素、社会价值取向、自我控制能力、情绪特质和情绪状态, 情境因素包括暴露情境和掩蔽情境、实验情境和日常情境、相关情境和不相关情境。具体而言, 内疚对合作行为的影响的较少受情境的限制, 而羞耻受情境因素限制较多, 在暴露情境、相关情境中更能促进合作行为的产生, 而在掩蔽情境、不相关情境中, 羞耻较难影响个体的合作抉择, 且无论是实验室情境还是日常情境, 内疚似乎都比羞耻更易影响合作。最后, 鉴于内疚与羞耻的诱发和测量方法的有效性仍需检验, 两种情绪对合作行为影响的过程机制和生理机制仍不明晰, 个体因素影响的研究尚不充足以及跨文化研究较为缺乏, 未来研究可以从内疚和羞耻诱发与测量方法的有效性, 情绪作用发生的内在过程和生理机制, 情绪影响的个体和文化差异这几方面进行扩展和深挖。  相似文献   

张兴贵  熊懿 《心理科学》2012,35(2):424-429
人格研究对任何层次的组织行为都产生了深远的影响,大量元分析都显示了人格特质对工作动机、工作绩效、员工幸福感、压力与应对、团队效能、冲突与谈判、权利与政治、领导以及反组织行为等组织行为指标具有良好的预测力。但是人格研究在组织中的应用因为人格测验的效度和被试在测验中“作假”而饱受争议和批评。人格理论的拓展及其跨文化的适用性,人格特质的负面作用以及结合组织情境的动态研究都是今后研究值得关注和探索的方向。  相似文献   

个体自身内在行为变异(个体在不同情境中行为的变化)蕴含着有关个体特征的大量信息,并且具有时间稳定性。这种稳定的变化模式被称为个体的“行为识别标志”,它刻画了个人行为的稳定性和独特性。相对于特质范式的静止性和流于现象学描述而言,自身内在变异规律可能从另一个侧面反映了人格的内在机制和动力过程。作者以模拟情境研究为例,介绍了人格学家在使用系统化、数量化方法揭示上述内在机制和动力过程方面所做的尝试。  相似文献   

The heritability, cross-situational consistency, and cross-temporal stability of aggressive behavior is examined in an effort to assess the logical, practical, and empirical utility of the violence-prone personality. For reasons of conceptual obscurity, circular reasoning, labeling, and negation of process, the concept of a violence-prone personality is rejected in favor of several more specific processes (i.e., Person × Situation interaction, survival strategies, psychological adjustment, the motivation to avoid change, implicit personality theories, systemic reinforcement of behavior, environmental stability, methodological issues).  相似文献   

Lamiell (1981, 1982a) has recently advanced an idiographic approach to the measurement of personality that he has labeled “idiothetic” In contrast to classical nomothetic strategies, the idiothetic method of scaling personality traits discounts normative transformations of attribute scores and, according to Lamiell, provides the basis for a useful index of cross–situational behavior consistency An analysis of Lamiell's procedures indicates several problems with the idiothetic approach to personality assessment and with the proposed measure of behavior consistency Notable is the fact that the method does not account for base rates of behavior in situations and, therefore, may suggest anomalous interpretations of personality characteristics and of behavior consistencies It is argued that conventional nomothetic methods are sufficient for the goals of explaining and predicting behavior  相似文献   

The issue of the variant vs. invariant in personality often arises in different forms of the “person–situation” debate, which is based on a false dichotomy between the personal and situational determination of behavior. Previously reported data are summarized that demonstrate how behavior can vary as a function of subtle situational changes while individual consistency is maintained. Further discussion considers the personal source of behavioral invariance, the situational source of behavioral variation, the person–situation interaction, the nature of behavior, and the “personality triad” of persons, situations, and behaviors, in which each element is understood and predicted in terms of the other two. An important goal for future research is further development of theories and methods for conceptualizing and measuring the functional aspects of situations and of behaviors. One reason for the persistence of the person situation debate may be that it serves as a proxy for a deeper, implicit debate over values such as equality vs. individuality, determinism vs. free will, and flexibility vs. consistency. However, these value dichotomies may be as false as the person–situation debate that they implicitly drive.  相似文献   

The architecture of personality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article presents a theoretical framework for analyzing psychological systems that contribute to the variability, consistency, and cross-situational coherence of personality functioning. In the proposed knowledge-and-appraisal personality architecture (KAPA), personality structures and processes are delineated by combining 2 principles: distinctions (a) between knowledge structures and appraisal processes and (b) among intentional cognitions with varying directions of fit, with the latter distinction differentiating among beliefs, evaluative standards, and aims. Basic principles of knowledge activation and use illuminate relations between knowledge and appraisal, yielding a synthetic account of personality structures and processes. Novel empirical data illustrate the heuristic value of the knowledge/appraisal distinction by showing how self-referent and situational knowledge combine to foster cross-situational coherence in appraisals of self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Using hypothetical vignettes, 152 parents of children 10–17 years old living in Chennai, India, made attributions about whether the origins of 2 positive and 2 negative behaviors performed by their own child or another child were due to the child's personality or the situation, or to parenting or nonparenting influences based on the frequency, intensity, and cross-situational consistency of the behavior. Parents attributed the positive behaviors of all children to the personality of the child and to parenting. Parents attributed negative behavior of their own children to situational influences and nonparenting effects, but attributed the negative behavior of other children to their personality and to parenting, a pattern that enhances and reinforces parent self-esteem. Results were discussed in terms of the self-serving bias and the actor–observer bias, cognitive distortions that protect and enhance parents’ views of themselves and their children.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The report deals with two main problems: ( a ) cross-situational consistency of person variables, which is discussed on the basis of a critical analysis of empirical research on cross-situational stability of actual behavior, and ( b ) the role of the momentary situation in models of behavior, and the consequences of an interactional view for theorizing and research on situations. The analyses and discussions are based on two distinctions, namely ( a ) a distinction between consistency in terms of actual behavior and consistency in terms of mediating processes, and ( b ) a distinction between personality theories and measurement models. Three different senses of consistency in terms of reactions are distinguished.  相似文献   

Motivated by calls from interactional psychology for theories and studies involving both personality and situation variables, two achievement motivation theories of personality-by-situation interaction illustrated by data are presented. It is shown how a pure personological or situational approach can lead us astray, how differences in behavior from situation to situation or over time can be predicted from personality and situation variables incorporated in achievement motivation theory, and how achievement motivation research bears on issues of interactional psychology like situation analysis, the consistency issue, situations as activators of motivational forces, and stored/situational information in the mediating process. The mechanistic/dynamic interaction distinction is discussed, and it is asserted that there is not necessarily a contradiction between these conceptualizations.  相似文献   

The degree to which behavior changes across situations is often conflated with the cross-situational consistency of individual differences. The current study assesses the extent of behavioral change and consistency, the relationship between them, and variables associated with behaviors’ differing patterns of change and consistency. Two hundred fifty-six participants were observed in three different, three-person interactions. In line with previous research, behaviors showed a great deal of both change and consistency. Behavioral change across situations was unrelated to the degree to which individual differences in these same behaviors were maintained, demonstrating that behavioral consistency does not imply lack of situational adaptation. Behaviors rated as relatively broad and as relatively automatic showed more consistency; behaviors rated as relatively controlled showed more change.  相似文献   

采用2(公正世界信念状态:公正vs不公正)×2(中奖者的个性品质:正向vs负向)被试间实验设计,以在校大学生为被试,考察公正世界信念是否具有跨情境动机效应。结果发现:预先激活的公正世界信念状态迁移到了回忆不同个性品质中奖者奖金数额这个不同情境中,影响了人们的记忆。表明公正世界信念存在跨情境动机效应。  相似文献   

This investigation tests an elaborated form of Omoto and Snyder's volunteer process model, which explains how the helping behavior of volunteers is influenced by antecedent factors and by subjective experiences while volunteering. Two-hundred-thirty-eight community volunteers from nine different organizations were recruited at the time of initial orientation and completed measures of personality and motivation. They were contacted at four times during their first year of volunteering and queried regarding their emotional reactions (sympathy, distress), satisfaction, and degree to which their motivations for volunteering were being fulfilled. Consistent with the elaborated model, feelings of sympathy, distress, and motive fulfillment were substantially predicted by antecedent factors, and satisfaction with the volunteer work was substantially predicted by these subjective experiences. Also consistent with the elaborated model, volunteer involvement (hours per week volunteered) was predicted by satisfaction, although volunteer persistence over time was not. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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