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An understanding of attitudes toward violence against women is vital for effective prevention strategies. In this study we examined attitudes regarding violence against women in samples of undergraduate women and men students from four countries: India, Japan, Kuwait, and the United States. Attitudes toward sexual assault and spousal physical violence differed between men and women and across the four countries. Variations in gender differences across countries indicated that, for attitudes regarding sexual assault of women in particular, sociocultural factors may be a stronger influence than gender. Findings suggest the importance of examining differences within the larger sociocultural context of political, historical, religious, and economic influences on attitudes toward gender roles and violence against women.  相似文献   

Based on previous typologies of domestically violent men ( Holtzworth-Munroe & Stuart, 1994 ), women who were referred to a treatment agency for abusive behavior  ( N = 52)  were categorized into two groups based on the breadth of their use of violence: Partner-Only (PO) and Generally Violent (GV). PO women were hypothesized to use reactive violence, for example, out of fear or in self-defense, whereas GV women were hypothesized to use instrumental violence, that is, in order to exert control. Self-defense was assessed in three different ways and convergent validity was demonstrated for these three new measures. GV women reported using instrumental violence more than PO women, in a variety of situations. GV women tended to report more traumatic symptoms than PO women, although they did not experience significantly more abuse. GV women were more likely to witness their mothers' physical aggression. Thus, we theorize that GV women have been socialized to believe that it is acceptable for women to use violence to resolve conflict. Trauma history and violent socialization should be addressed clinically.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an attachment theory formulation of violent acts perpetrated by men against women, usually in the context of sexual relationships. It is proposed that relationship violence may be seen as an exaggerated response of a disorganized attachment system. It is related to a disorganized attachment pattern in infancy coupled with a history of abuse and an absent male parental figure. The author proposes a theory based on a psychoanalytic understanding of the development of the self, and highlights similarities between the clinical presentation of male perpetrators and those with borderline personality disorder.  相似文献   

Violence against women (VAW) has become an increasingly salient issue in India, with women at risk for different forms of gendered violence. While there may be universal elements in the international phenomenon of violence against women, it is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon that takes shape in a particular sociocultural context. The current study employs a narrative framework to systematically examine how culture is expressed in the formal systems response and women's help‐seeking in two metropolitan cities in India. Specifically, we sought to understand, among formal system responders (a) what characterizes the dominant cultural narratives on violence against women in India; and (b) how these are reflected in community narratives of formal responders. Interviews were conducted with formal responders working in different types of local agencies (e.g., police, health centers, and non‐governmental agencies). The paper illustrates the major themes that emerged from participants’ narratives describing the multilevel influences that shape the formal system response to violence against women and women's help‐seeking efforts. The implications of these findings for effective response and directions for future research are summarized.  相似文献   

Although fathers play a key role in helping their children develop ideas about gender relations and close relationships, they have been largely overlooked as a resource to help prevent violence against women. This paper explores some of the reasons why fathers have not been successfully engaged in violence prevention. Engaging fathers to promote wider definitions of masculinity for themselves and their children is presented as a major mechanism by which fathers could help prevent violence against women. The information-motivation-behavior model of change, developed for preventing high-risk sexual behavior, is applied to the area to provide structure for understanding previous and current attempts to engage fathers. Examples of innovative programs are used to highlight the application of this model.  相似文献   

This article reviews progress made in the theory and practice of pastoral care and counseling with regard to the issue of intimate violence against women since the 1970’s. It includes a comprehensive survey of sociological, psychological, and pastoral literature, and a summary of research on teaching about domestic violence in mainline Protestant seminaries. Social and theological themes, including gender, power, and social and political context, and the challenges of justice-making are traced historically. The article concludes with new recommendations for churches, pastoral caregivers, counselors, and theologians.  相似文献   

The current rationale for Freedom of Speech is entangled in Enlightenment assumptions about the relationship of discourse to public life. This article critiques those assumptions and proposes an alternative rationale for Freedom of Speech based in assumptions of contemporary rhetorical theory.  相似文献   

Despite the high prevalence of violence in the lives of women of reproductive age, and the adverse consequences posed to pregnant women suffering from PTSD, few studies have examined violence-related trauma and PTSD among pregnant women. A structured research interview was administered to a convenience sample of 85 prenatal care women to collect information regarding their experiences of violence victimization, PTSD symptoms related to violence-related traumatic events, and whether these symptoms impaired various aspects of the women's daily functioning. Results indicated that 69% of the women experienced a violent traumatic event, with the majority of events occurring before the current pregnancy and being perpetrated by the women's intimate partners. The traumatized women evidenced high levels of PTSD symptoms during pregnancy, with 58% of the women meeting criteria for a PTSD diagnosis. Moreover, many of the women with PTSD symptoms reported that the symptoms adversely affected aspects of their daily functioning.  相似文献   

Domestic violence is a significant issue for the United States and internationally. Although many social workers may desire to work in the domestic violence field, such work is far more difficult and challenging than many social workers would expect. In fact, many domestic violence workers are abused by their clients or their clients' family members in the course of their work. The purpose of this article is to clarify why examining client violence toward workers in the domestic violence field is critically important, describe the current state of the research, and discuss recommendations for future research in this area.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the social problem of dating violence and present a didactic support group model designed to empower young women to see themselves as “choice makers” with the ability to make informed decisions in their own best interest. They also present research findings that support the content of the group model and articulate some of their experiences in conducting this group in both high school and college settings. Finally, they discuss the potential impact of the group according to feedback from participants.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to systematically review and synthesize the available empirical research related to intimate partner violence (IPV) in the lives of African immigrant women. A comprehensive literature search for articles that were published between the years 2005 and 2015 was performed using the following databases: Academic Search Complete, Criminal Justice Abstracts, CINAHL Plus, Family Studies Abstract, JSOR, MEDline, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Social Services Abstract. Seven studies met the inclusion criteria. The literature on prevalence rates and types of violence, risk factors for IPV, mental health problems and coping strategies, and help-seeking behavior are discussed. Suggestions for future research are included.  相似文献   


Tissue engineering is one potential arm of the much-heralded regenerative medicine. We use the concepts of technological zone, risk framing and regulatory jurisdiction to analyse what risks are formulated in the zone of tissue engineering and whether those risks are reflected in emerging regulatory policy in Europe. In the regulatory jurisdictions of the European Union, public health risks have become increasingly important. Tissue engineering challenges pre-existing regulatory frameworks. Scientific–industrial actors formulate the risks of tissue engineering in three primary frames: technological safety risk; therapeutic efficacy risk; and economic risk. Study of the prevailing configuration of European Commission institutions and the EU process of regulatory regime-building for tissue engineering shows that risk frames are mobilized selectively. Whilst the technological safety frame and the economic frame are strongly mobilized, therapeutic efficacy—especially comparative efficacy—is not. Additionally the regime avoids any Europe-level position on the so-called ethics of sourcing and engineering tissues and cells. Efficacy and ethics are defined as the jurisdiction of national authorities, underpinned by the subsidiarity principle. Outcomes include the likely banning of certain therapeutic technologies by European countries that have objections to products deriving from controversial materials and processes, and the prevention of adoption of products due to efficacy concerns, so creating new imbalances in the European therapeutic marketplace. Consequently, the tissue-engineered medical products that European societies consume, at least in the near term, will reflect the medically defined needs of the European population to a limited and patchy extent.  相似文献   

The development of the various themes of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is based on numerous papal documents and ecclesiastical statements. While this paper provides a summary of a number of these documents, this paper focuses on two themes: the common good and care of the environment, and on three documents authored by Pope John Paul II in 1990, by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010, and by Pope Francis in 2015. By analyzing these documents from an engineer’s perspective, the author proposes a model for Socially Responsible Engineering. The proposed model is intended to serve as a guide for engineering students and practicing engineers of all faith traditions and to those with no faith tradition at all who wish to incorporate CST in the daily conduct of their personal and professional lives; to provide guidance for the professional the author terms the aspiring Socially Responsible Engineer; and to offer engineers a preferred alternative to the undesirable aspects of the technocratic paradigm. While intended primarily for engineers, this document also serves as a guide for those with expertise in social justice and who, by gaining a better understanding of the thought processes of engineers, can become better mentors for engineering students and practicing engineers seeking to incorporate CST into their daily lives.  相似文献   

选用台湾杨国枢先生编制的《传统性量表》和自编《管理成败归因风格问卷》,随机选取542名企业管理人员,调查研究中国传统文化取向管理人员的成败归因风格特征。研究发现:1)“孝亲敬祖”和“宿命自保”文化取向的人,成功外归因的倾向显著地高于成功内归因倾向。2)“男性优越”、“权威守成”、“宿命自保”文化取向的人,失败不可控外归因倾向显著地高于失败内归因倾向。  相似文献   

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