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家族相似是维特根斯坦反对本质主义的一个经典论证。有学者认为该理论充满内在的谬误,会导致虚无主义,并以此为切入点,对维特根斯坦的语言游戏说及其哲学立场提出了一个挑战。本文在回应上述批评的基础上指出,家族相似理论不仅没有他所指责那些论证谬误,而且也不会导致怀疑主义、虚无主义。它背后是一种语境决定论的哲学思想,里面包含着一种基于生活形式的原初确定性。  相似文献   

对维特根斯坦“家族相似”理论的批判   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
维特根斯坦在《哲学研究》中提出了著名的“家族相似” (familyresemblance)的“语言游戏”观 ,以此来否定和消解传统哲学中的“本质主义”。维氏的这一理论影响极为广泛 ,并被奉为是对形而上学教条的重大理论突破。然而本人认为 ,“家族相似”理论不过是一种似是而非的东西 ,其中包含着内在的逻辑谬误。如果我们沿着维氏的思维方式走下去 ,否定事物之间客观的共同性关系的存在 ,必然会堕入虚无主义的泥沼。事实上 ,当下盛行的与维氏之家族相似理论具有实质一致性的各种相对主义 ,已经表现出其内在的和根底上的虚无主义气息。因此 ,如果说家…  相似文献   

<正>巴别塔的故事是我们最为熟悉的旧约故事之一。当时人们联合起来希望建造通天高塔,但是上帝通过变乱语言,阻止了人类的计划。通常我们从这个故事看到的是上帝对人类骄傲自大的惩罚,但这段经文更想向我们传递的也许是上帝拯救的信息。一、确有此塔?巴别塔是像金字塔、长城等古建筑一样在历史中真实存在的吗?抑或只是一个寓意故事,是一个传说?笔者的观点,更多地倾向于它是一个真实的历史建  相似文献   

或许人类语言的最大秘密就隐藏在洪堡的一段论述中,可以概括为:"语言是‘有限方法的无穷应用’"。根据对有限方法的理解,语言学分野为句法主义和词汇主义。沿着这两个路线,语法与语义界面理论形成了两条进路,一条是语言传统下的以句法为中心的句法主义进路,另一条则是逻辑传统下的以词法为中心的词汇主义进路。句法主义进路和词汇主义进路在处理语法与语义不匹配时候采取的策略有差异,句法主义倾向于在语法层次进行更多地抽象,同时通过语法生成过程来解决不匹配问题,而词汇主义则倾向于通过丰富词库和语义本体来解决不匹配问题。  相似文献   

包向飞 《哲学研究》2012,(2):80-84,92
<正>在对数学的哲学基础研究中,20世纪通常说来有三大流派:逻辑主义、形式主义和直觉主义。但在哥德尔定理出现以后,一致性问题给逻辑主义和形式主义带来了难以克服的困难;而直觉主义又很难对数学中的"抽象实体"作出合理的解释,并且数学中有些重要定理的证明完全超出了直觉主  相似文献   

纵观整个西方主流哲学的发展, 逻辑推演因其在人类思维活动中不可或缺的地位, 逐步由人类思维活动的手段、工具嬗变为人类思想追求的目的和主宰, 逻辑成了决定人类一切活动的根据和尺度,进而成了人的本质。与逻辑本体化进程同步的是对逻辑本体化的抵制和反抗; 在逻辑本体化所演绎出的追求确定性的绝对主义、独断主义盛行之时, 强调不确定性的相对主义、怀疑主义亦在生长。后者视生命为本体, 认为反抗力和想象力是构成人类生命本质的要素, 没有它们也就没有人的自由。本文认为, 对于逻辑与生命之争及其走向这一重要问题的研究, 不能仅限于以…  相似文献   

一逻辑学在 2 0世纪获得蓬勃发展 ,提出了构造形式系统和语义模型的技术手段。而自然语言本身就是一种特定的符号形式系统 ,能够接受语义模型的解释 ,因而从某种意义上说 ,自然语言的内在基础就是逻辑。另一方面 ,高度发达的计算机信息技术要求人们在逻辑的框架内去描述自然语言的特征。在机器的自动句法分析、以逻辑公式为中介语的机器翻译以及计算机的自然语言理解等领域 ,逻辑方法都发挥着巨大的作用。所以 ,近 30年来 ,逻辑的应用范围从数学和哲学扩大到语言学和计算机人工智能科学等领域 ,形成了所谓逻辑、语言和信息计算等学科的交叉…  相似文献   

本文作者是美国纽约州立大学数学系教授。他从客观性原则出发,认为数学是一门客观的科学,并对数学哲学中的形式主义、直觉主义、逻辑主义和柏拉图主义作了分析和评论,引起数学界一些人的重视。例如S.M.莱恩说:“数学哲学中的这些学派或理论没有一个对数学的本质作出令人满意的分析。N.D.古德曼最近写的一篇文章《数学是一门客观的科学》,对这种缺陷作了令人信服的分析。最近发表的数学哲学方面的一些著作,从普特兰、奎因到王浩,都很少提出新的见解,很少从数学输入新的东西”(《数学译林》1989年第2期第136—144页)。为了使读者了解古德曼的工作,我把它翻译出来,供读者参考。  相似文献   

魏屹东  武锐 《世界哲学》2015,(2):113-120
物理主义与反物理主义的争论是当代心灵哲学的焦点。后者提出知识论证、僵尸论证和解释鸿沟论证攻击前者,前者则提出"现象概念策略"并运用知识二元论原则合理地反驳了反物理主义论证。反物理主义论证的本质是把人类认知层面的二元直觉不合理地扩大到了本体论层面,而现象概念策略正是把认知层面和本体层面隔离开来有效地保卫了物理主义。  相似文献   

大卫·休谟在《人性论》中提出了著名的"是"与"应当"的两分:不能从一个"是"陈述推出一个"应当"陈述。这个两分成为持久的伦理学话题。当代的马克·纳尔逊和约翰·瑟尔为解决这个两分提出了各自的形式主义尝试;罗莎琳德·赫斯特豪斯的亚里士多德主义尝试则更具实质性。但这些尝试都是不成功的。而朱熹对人性的解释为我们提供了一个更有可能成功的方案。  相似文献   

This paper describes the processes we engaged into develop a measurement protocol used to assess the outcomes in a community based suicide and alcohol abuse prevention project with two Alaska Native communities. While the literature on community-based participatory research (CBPR) is substantial regarding the importance of collaborations, few studies have reported on this collaboration in the process of developing measures to assess CBPR projects. We first tell a story of the processes around the standard issues of doing cross-cultural work on measurement development related to areas of equivalence. A second story is provided that highlights how community differences within the same cultural group can affect both the process and content of culturally relevant measurement selection, adaptation, and development.  相似文献   

Emotions are an integral part of the creative process; however, it is hard to find computer models of creativity where emotions play a fundamental role. This paper describes a computer model for plot generation based on emotions and tensions between characters. In particular, the document illustrates how emotions are employed to progress a story in a coherent way and generate novel situations, and how the dramatic tension of the story in progress can be employed to evaluate its interestingness. The model is implemented in a computer program named MEXICA [Pérez y Pérez, R., & Sharples, M. (2001). MEXICA: a computer model of a cognitive account of creative writing. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 13(2), 119–139]; this work concentrates on the role of emotions in plot generation. The main claim is that a story can be represented as a cluster or group of emotional links and tensions between characters that progresses over story-time; story-actions work as operators that modify such clusters. I present results showing how story generation is affected by various model parameters. This approach means the program is flexible, as it avoids using predefined story-structures or characters’ goals to drive story generation. Furthermore, evaluation of computer generated stories showed that MEXICA’s stories were most often selected as the best story. This suggests that the story-generation mechanisms within MEXICA are sufficiently rich to generate interesting and novel stories.  相似文献   

This paper recounts the story of a National Health Service hospital which was almost closed for financial reasons in 1990. After a political campaign carried out in the full glare of publicity, the Hospital was reprieved. The account is based on the author's conversations with members of staff. The story of the staff, the patients, the Hospital, and the political struggle are woven together by common themes which are highlighted by reference to the Oedipus myth.  相似文献   

The invention of victimization surveys is often presented as a synthesis of the two theoretical attitudes that, supposedly, dominated the 1960s debate over official crime statistics: realism and social constructionism. This paper turns this genesis story on its head. Using original archives, I argue that victimization surveys responded to organizational opportunities in the field of applied research. It was only after the fact that two of their architects seized the debate on crime measurement to broadcast their invention. In so doing they strategically recast the terms of this debate into a binary division between two antithetical social ontologies. This case is used to discuss how social scientists come to reinterpret and misunderstand their history.  相似文献   

Aims: This paper introduces, describes and proposes life story research as an important, relevant and appropriate contribution to counselling and psychotherapy research. It shows how narrative knowledge is created and constructed through the stories people tell about their lived experiences and explores the concept of ‘narrative knowing’ (Bruner, 1986). Methods: Drawing on life story research with people who linked their history of problematic drug use with experiences of historic trauma/abuse, the paper contributes to the ongoing discussion related to the similarities/differences between therapy and research and what we might learn from each that informs the other. Implications for practice: The paper offers narrative ideas and practices as ways of researching matters of social and psychological importance. It suggests that therapists (and counselling researchers) could learn from what participants tell us about the therapeutic value of using life story methods which one participant described as helping him to face ‘out into the world, without unduly or specifically delving into, or focusing on [my] emotional state’. This learning may be particularly relevant for therapists working with traumatised clients.  相似文献   

This research investigates the effects of prosody on children's recall for stories using two successive studies. Study 1 is an ethnographic exploration of a group of fifth graders creating summaries of a children's story with overt prosodic elements. Study 2 is a quasi-experiment in which the story summaries created by students who heard one of two versions (more or less prosodic) of the story from Study 1 were compared. Overall, we find that the amount of prosody in a story has a significant effect on children's story recall and the quality of the stories they produce.  相似文献   

This is an account of an Internet romance—a kind of contemporary fable which is only a recent version of an old story: ancient myths and modern ones attest to the illusional nature of love and the beloved. This paper comments on the way the contemporary medium, the Internet, can be a kind of narcissistic particle accelerator—magnifying the power of otherwise weak and tiny impulses, supporting invention, inviting acting out, flattering grandiosity, and lending itself to collisions with the particulate impulses of others. The paper addresses the lovers' joint narrative in general—the way lovers become co-authors of a story of the occasion of and the reason for their passion. It comments on the selfobject function this narrative serves: bringing self-definition, cohesion and vitality to the experience of self for each of the partners.  相似文献   

研究采用对偶选择的范式考察了3~5岁儿童基于能力特质进行信任判断的策略。让144名3~5岁儿童在面对能力强和不挑食这两类人时做出信任判断。结果发现3~4岁儿童的信任判断受老师评价偏向的影响,他们的信任选择与老师评价偏向一致。5岁儿童的信任判断则不受老师评价偏向的影响。这些结果表明3~4岁儿童信任判断的策略是依据特质效价,5岁儿童的策略是依据特质意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the possible psychological implications of two adaptations of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, both of which were completed in 1997. The first is by a man: 'Deconstructing Harry', a film by Woody Allen. The second is by a woman: 'Eurydice in the Underworld', a short story written by Kathy Acker in the last year of her life. The paper argues that there are only four 'necessary events' in the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. It defines the sequence of these events as a 'mythic pattern' that represents the experience of loss, unconscious yearning, depression, and psychological inflation. The film is examined as an expression of an 'Orpheus complex', the short story as an expression of an 'Eurydice complex'. The paper suggests a possible reason for the persistence of interest in the myth throughout the twentieth century. Although it notes that women appear to find it easier to free themselves from identification with the mythic pattern, it also provides reasons for thinking that men may be about to do the same.  相似文献   

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