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Previous factor studies of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; Spielberger, Gorsuch, & Lushene, 1970) have reported certain typical factors that are state-trait (S-T) 2-factor solutions and positively-negatively (P-N) worded item 2-factor solutions in addition to 4-factor solutions (positively and negatively worded state factors, positively and negatively worded trait factors). We explored the possibility that these factor structures are included in a factor space. Responses to the Japanese version of the STAI in a sample of 848 male workers were factor analyzed. The first-order factors obtained from principal-component analysis were almost equal to the previous 4 factors, except for a minor factor, and their second-order factors were the P-N factors. However, the S-T factors were also obtained from the same first-order factors by the oblique Procrustes rotation. Moreover, coexistence of these two 2-factor structures was determined in the same factor space by the orthogonal Procrustes rotation.  相似文献   


In the present study the consistency model (Steyer, 1987) was applied to data gathered with the German version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Laux, Glanzmann, Schaffner, and Spielberger, 1981). The questionnaire was presented twice to 64 university students with an interval of two months between first and second testing. The consistency and specificity coefficients, estimated by LISREL (Jöreskog and Sörbom, 1984), support the state-trait distinction. The state variables have high specificity and consistency coefficients; the trait variables, in contrast, have high consistency coefficients but low or even negligible specificity coefficients. The discussion points out the advantages of the consistency model over the stability model; the most important advantage is that the theoretical structure of the consistency model is more appropriate for the type of application considered. It contains a state factor for each occasion of measurement and a trait factor common to all occasions of measurement. In the stability model, only latent states, but no latent traits occur. Consistency, specificity, and reliability can be identified as proportions of variance determined by latent variables specified in the model. Therefore, data analysis provides statistics concerning the practical significance of the trait and of the effects of situations and/or interactions.  相似文献   

Driving anger: correlates and a test of state-trait theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey and field study evaluated predictions from state-trait theory applied to driving anger. Trait driving anger, the propensity to become angry when driving, correlated positively with anger in frequently occurring driving situations and in day-to-day driving and with aggressive and risky behaviors while driving. Although not correlated with crash rates or moving violations, trait driving anger correlated with crash-related conditions such as loss concentration, loss of vehicular control, and close calls. Results generally supported predictions from state-trait theory and the construct validity of the Driving Anger Scale, as well as mapping correlates of the disposition to become angry while driving.  相似文献   

Extensions of latent state-trait models for continuous observed variables to mixture latent state-trait models with and without covariates of change are presented that can separate individuals differing in their occasion-specific variability. An empirical application to the repeated measurement of mood states (N=501) revealed that a model with 2 latent classes fits the data well. The larger class (76%) consists of individuals whose mood is highly variable, whose general well-being is comparatively lower, and whose mood variability is influenced by daily hassles and uplifts. The smaller class (24%) represents individuals who are rather stable and happier and whose mood is influenced only by daily uplifts but not by daily hassles. A simulation study on the model without covariates with 5 sets of sample sizes and 5 sets of number of occasions revealed that the appropriateness of the parameter estimates of this model depends on number of observations (the higher the better) and number of occasions (the higher the better). Another simulation study estimated Type I and II errors of the Lo-Mendell-Rubin test.  相似文献   

Substantially higher mean scores on symptom-negatively versus symptom-positively worded items have consistently been reported in the literature for the balanced Stait-Trait Anxiety Inventory. In this study we aimed at replicating and comparing these findings for the Dutch adaptation of the inventory. Results indicated significantly higher mean subscale scores for symptom-negative as opposed to symptompositive items of both the Trait and State version, across sexes and age groups as well as across different levels of distress in students, policemen and psychiatric out-patients. Positive-negative mean difference scores were consistently larger for the State than for the Trait version. State and Trait mean difference scores were found to be mainly confined to symptom-positive subscales. Scale intercorrelations were lowest between symptom-positive and symptom-negative subscales both within and across measures. Factor analyzing the combined versions identified separate symptom-negative and symptom-positive factors, tentatively labeled “absence of positive affect” and “presence of negative affect”. Several explanations of the findings among which item-intensity specificity, the response style of social desirability and the model of positive and negative affectivity are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the association between alcohol use disorders (AUDs) and psychological distress over an 11-year period using a sample of 378 young adults (46% men, 54% women: baseline age = 18.5; 51% with paternal history of alcoholism). The authors examined this relation using a state-trait model, which decomposes variance in a given construct into a general traitlike factor that spans measurement occasion and more situational, occasion-specific variability. Trait AUD and trait distress were correlated (r =.43), suggesting that the tendency to meet criteria for an AUD is associated with the tendency to experience psychological distress. Much of this association was due to 3rd variables (primarily neuroticism but also childhood stressors and behavioral undercontrol), supporting a common 3rd-variable influence model of comorbidity.  相似文献   

Relations between anxiety sensitivity (AS) and the higher-order and lower-order dimensions of the 'Big Five' model of personality were examined in 317 university students. AS was significantly associated with a number of personality domains and facets of the NEO-PI-R. Regression analyses indicated that only the higher-order domains of neuroticism and extraversion (negatively) and the lower-order N facets of anxiety and self-consciousness, significantly predicted AS. Three lower-order factors within AS were identified and were also compared to NEO-PI-R domains and facets. In a hierarchical regression, the three AS factors significantly predicted variance in a measure of panic-related anxiety after the effects of the six N facets were statistically controlled. Results are discussed in the context of previous work with a Big Three taxonomy of personality and implications for understanding the nature and possible origins of AS are outlined.  相似文献   

The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children was administered to 644 children in grades 4, 5 and 6. The intercorrelations among the 40 STAIC items were subjected to a principal components analysis using unities in the diagonals. Orthogonal rotations were then performed via the Varimax procedure. Examination of the 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2 factor rotations indicated that the three factor solution was best in terms of simple structure and psychological meaning. The three factors that emerged were: Trait Anxiety, State Anxiety Present, and State Anxiety Absent.  相似文献   


The “model of coping modes” distinguishes four dispositionally determined patterns of behavior (coping modes) which become apparent in stressful situations: repression, sensitization, nondefensiveness, and high anxiety. Following from this model, the present study is aimed at assessing associations between coping modes and children's looking behavior towards their mothers in a moderately stress-inducing laboratory setting. The visual exchange of 63 mothers and their eight- to 14-year-old children was observed during a ten-minute planning period for a Punch and Judy show which the child had to later perform. A close visual orientation toward the mother was registered for sensitizers. While repressers showed a heightened frequency of gazes at their mothers, their total time of looking was comparatively short. In high-anxious children, frequency of gazes as well as total time of looking were low.  相似文献   

Several researchers have found anxiety and depression to be indistinguishable in nonclinical samples and have suggested that both constructs may be components of a general psychological distress process. Another possibility is that overlap is due to the psychometric limitations of scales used. A series of exploratory factor analyses were conducted in a nonclinical sample (N = 605) using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI; Beck, 1978), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; Spielberger, 1983), and the Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales (EMAS; Endler, Edwards, & Vitelli, 1991). Both state and trait anxiety and depression could be differentiated with the BDI and the EMAS but not with the STAI. Some theoretical models of negative affectivity or general psychopathology may be premature.  相似文献   

The Dutch form of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was administered to 188 surgical patients the day before their operations and 3 days later. Scores for the state anxiety-present (S-Anx+) items were consistently lower than for the state anxiety-absent (S-Anx-) items; scores on the S-Anx+ items before and after surgery were close to minimum for males. Tentative explanations for these findings and consequences for scoring the STAI State Anxiety scale are indicated. The effects of item-intensity specificity, social desirability, and denial as a mechanism for warding off the distressing emotion of anxiety are discussed.  相似文献   


The State-Trait Personality Inventory and the Anger Expression Scale have been attracting increasing attention in research involving personality assessment, but no data regarding the test-retest reliability of these instruments have been published. The 14-day test-retest correlation coefficients for the subscales of these instruments reflect appropriately low stability for the state scales of the STPI and moderate stability for the STPI trait scales as well as the AX subscales.  相似文献   

This study concerned relationships between state (situationally defined) n Ach, trait n Ach, and sex of subject in 80 college freshmen. Three standard n Ach tests (the Adjective Check List, Personal Preference Schedule, and TAT measures) and the mean of n Ach states measured under nonarousal conditions were used as trait measures. State measures of n Ach were also obtained in four experimental conditions (Social Ability, Success-Failure, Conventional Arousal, and Extrinsic Competition). There were no significant correlations between the four trait measures. The mean of states in the neutral conditions was highly predictive of states in three of the four arousal conditions, but none of the standard trait tests predicted state arousal to any significant extent.  相似文献   

The relationships among conspiracy thinking and state and trait anxiety were examined with 118 high school students who were assessed using the Conspiracy Beliefs Scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Among boys there was a positive correlation between scores on A-Trait and the conspiracy thinking (r = .39) whereas among girls there was a negative correlation between these scores (r = -.32).  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to compare the interaction of fathers and mothers with their 10–12 months old infants (n = 97; parental sensitivity and mood, and infant mood) during five structured contiguous play segments, and to examine the utility of individual growth modeling. Conventional comparison of means across play-segments showed that parents were equally responsive, but mothers were happier than fathers, and infants were equally happy during interaction with both parents. Sensitivity and mood were more strongly related for mothers than for fathers. Uni- and multivariate growth models revealed fine-grained patterns not seen in conventional analysis: (a) parental and infant mood decreased across play more for mothers than for fathers, (b) parental sensitivity in one play-segment predicted parental mood and infant mood in the next segment, (c) change in infants’ mood was related to change in sensitivity in mothers, and to change in mood in fathers, and (d) mothers’ sensitive interaction with the infant was predicted by family socio-demographic background.  相似文献   

Health anxiety involves persistent worry about one’s health and is characterized by dysfunctional interpersonal processes such as excessive health-related reassurance-seeking and feelings of alienation from others. Cognitive-behavioral models largely ignore cyclical, interpersonally averse behaviors and social cognitions observed amongst health anxious individuals. The Interpersonal Model of Health Anxiety (IMHA) proposes health anxiety is maintained through activated anxious attachment insecurities, which drive frequent, but ineffective, health-related reassurance-seeking from others. Such excessive health-related reassurance-seeking leads to health-related alienation and beliefs others are unconcerned about one’s perceived health problems. Feeling alienated from others fuels further health-related worry, resulting in continued self-defeating attempts at health-related reassurance-seeking. The present study offers the first comprehensive articulation and test of the IMHA. Using a cross-sectional design and 107 undergraduates, path analysis supported five of six hypothesized paths in the model; all paths except that from anxious attachment to health-related reassurance-seeking were significant and in the expected direction. Specificity tests suggested anxious attachment was more central than avoidant attachment to the IMHA. The present test of the IMHA as a single, coherent model provides a conceptual foundation for future research on interpersonal processes in health anxiety. Clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The general population has experienced a significant elevation in fear and anxiety during COVID-19 both as a direct result of the virus but also due to measures taken to prevent it spreading, such as the need to stay inside and increase hand-washing. Lockdown has been used in many/most countries to prevent widespread infection. The advice and imposed actions are necessary to prevent the virus from spreading, but they might exacerbate the problems experienced by people with a preexisting anxiety-related disorder. The treatment of anxiety-related disorders can be provided while in quarantine. Staying at home in self-isolation does not preclude obtaining psychological treatment for anxiety-related disorders. Dealing with cognitive biases, over-estimations of threat, intolerance of uncertainty, inflated responsibility and excessive safety behavior, are useful clinical directions.  相似文献   

This study examined stability and change in endorsement of achievement goals across secondary school years. A longitudinal, complementary, integrative approach was utilized with a sample of 6908 Korean eighth graders followed over three years at one-year intervals. The autoregressive models demonstrated differential stability, whereas latent growth curve models showed mean-level changes. Applying a state-trait framework, achievement goals evidenced both trait and state components; endorsement of achievement goals is stable, but may also exhibit change over time. Although all achievement goal types were more state-like than trait-like, avoidance goals (mastery-avoidance and performance-avoidance goals) were more malleable than approach goals (mastery-approach and performance-approach goals); no differences were found between approach or avoidance goals.  相似文献   

This study examines correlations among scores on the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory, the Tiffany Control Scales, and the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for 104 undergraduates enrolled in the general psychology classes at a middle-sized midwestern university. Analysis indicated that adaptors and innovators perceive control from and/or over some aspects of their lives differently. Innovators feel control over internal (self) and over external (environment) while adaptors feel control from internal (self) and from external (environment). These results suggest innovators generally feel that they are in control of both themselves and the environment. Adaptors, however, generally feel they are controlled by internal drives and impulses or environmental events. The present study yielded no correlation between choice of college major and adaption-innovation but more research is needed. A relation between adaption and state anxiety was found, which may suggest adaptors feel more pressure when completing a novel task (answering questionnaires) than innovators. Finally, no significant correlation was found between the Kirton scores and trait anxiety.  相似文献   

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