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Speed of information processing is measured in terms of reaction time (RT) and movement time (MT) to five stimulus displays which differ in the amount of information transmitted, over a range from 0 to 3 bits of information. RT, but not MT, increases as a linear function of the number of bits in the stimulus display. RT and MT show reliable individual differences which are significantly correlated with intelligence as measured by Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices.  相似文献   

The roles of attention in reaction time and in the relationships among reaction time, intelligence, and achievement were analyzed. The subjects were 105 seventh-grade children. The results were generally consistent with most studies involving the Hick paradigm: both mean reaction time and the standard deviation of reaction time correlated with the intelligence and achievement measures used. Reaction time measures were correlated with attention and perceptual speed as well as with general intelligence, or g. Implications of these results for current theories linking reaction time and intelligence are discussed.  相似文献   

Two samples of adult subjects of reasonably average intelligence were given IQ tests and a series of RT tests using 0, 1, 2, and 3 bits of information in a Hick paradigm. Both series showed negative correlation between IQ on the one hand, and RT and σRT, on the other, confirming earlier work. On the other hand, there was no evidence of correlation between the Hick slope and IQ, and the correlation between IQ and RT of σRT did not increase from 1 to 3 bits of information. It was found that the Hick paradigm did not apply to some 20% of the samples, and that the exclusion of these nonconformists increased the correlation between IQ and RT/σRT.  相似文献   

The purpose of the investigation was to replicate and extend a study by Jensen and Munro which found reaction time (RT) and movement time (MT) parameters to correlate negatively and moderately with Raven matrices performance. A sample of 20 ninth-grade girls was used. Relationships between RT and MT and Raven scores were found to be negative and moderate to high, thus replicating the Jensen and Munro study. In addition, moderate to strong negative correlations were found between RT and MT parameters and reading comprehension and performance on the California Test of Basic Skills. Weaker relationships were found for mathematics and English grades although the direction was consistently negative.  相似文献   

People who score highly on intelligence tests also tend to have faster and less variable reaction times. Effect size estimates for the reaction time–intelligence association are larger in samples that are more representative of the population. However, such samples have often been tested on a reaction time device that requires reading a number and processing its association with a specific response location (Cox, Huppert, & Whichelow, 1993). Here, we use this device and another reaction time device (Dykiert et al., 2010) that is similar, except that the responses require less processing; subjects simply press a button that is adjacent to the stimulus light. We focus on the possibility that lights as stimuli require less higher-order cognitive engagement than numbers, and then test whether parameters from these two tasks are highly correlated and similarly associated with age and higher cognitive abilities. Both tasks measured simple and choice reaction times and their intra-individual variation across trials. The parameters of the two tasks were very highly correlated and parameters from both tasks were similarly associated with age, social factors, and differences in higher cognitive abilities. The respective choice reaction time parameters from either task accounted for much of the age- and higher cognitive ability-associations of the other task's parameters. These findings are important in establishing that the effect sizes of higher cognitive ability associations with processing speed measures may be found when the processing demands are minimal.  相似文献   

A total of 205-nine-year-olds were tested on reaction times providing 12 reaction time (RT) parameters consisting of: movement times, decision times in simple, choice, and odd-man-out tasks, variabilities, and also on a number of intelligence tests measuring the major primary abilities. Virtually all the reaction time parameters were significantly correlated with psychometric intelligence at a magnitude of around 0.2 Factor analysis showed the existence of a general factor on which reaction time and psychometric tests were correlated. In addition, there were four primary factors of psychometric intelligence, movement time, reaction time, and the odd-man-out task. Broad similarities, and some differences, were found between the present results and those of a similar study by Buckhalt and Jensen (1989).  相似文献   

To date research has been inconclusive in explaining the relationship between sociomoral reasoning and adult offending, with some researchers suggesting that this relationship is mediated by intelligence. This study investigated sociomoral reasoning among 100 mentally disordered offenders in a maximum security hospital, 50 with a primary diagnosis of personality disorder (PD) including psychopathy and 50 with severe mental illness (SMI). Participants completed a battery of measures including the Gough Socialisation Scale, the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, and the Sociomoral Reflection Measure – Short Form. Between-group differences showed that, compared with the PD group, the SMI group had significantly fewer antisocial personality traits, lower IQ, and lower-level sociomoral reasoning. Hierarchical multiple regressions showed that IQ was the most powerful predictor of sociomoral reasoning after controlling for a number of other variables including social desirability. While psychiatric diagnosis may appear to predict sociomoral reasoning, intellectual function is an important mediator of the process.  相似文献   

Nine-year-old Korean children (N = 299) were tested for reaction time (RT) and intelligence measured by Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices. Reaction times were broken into decision times and movement times and into three degrees of complexity. The results showed low but generally statistically significant correlations between decision times and intelligence. Generally, no significant differences existed between movement times and intelligence. Boys showed significantly faster movement times than girls did.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirteen high school students were randomly assigned to one of two groups that were administered an intelligence test (the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery) under either timed or untimed conditions. Subsequently, all subjects were given a battery of 8 reaction time tests. Multiple regression analyses showed that combinations of RTs were approximately equally good predictors of IQ scores in both groups. Zero-order correlations between each RT test and IQ scores were also approximately equal for timed and untimed Verbal and Full-Scale scores but correlations with Performance scores were higher in the timed condition. The extent to which the different RT tests correlated with timed scores was quite highly related to the tests' loadings on a general speed factor but these loadings were not related to the tests' correlations with untimed scores. Rather, the relative complexity of the RT tests had a stronger influence on their correlations with IQ scores in the untimed condition. It is concluded that timed and untimed intelligence tests impose different information-processing demands on subjects but that the speed with which subjects can cope with these demands is equally important in both conditions.  相似文献   

Ten subjects with WAIS Full Scale IQ scores ranging from 119 to 47 were required to discriminate between two lines of markedly different length, exposed in random order for ten different durations, by pressing one of two keys. Estimates of inspection time gamma, the rate at which sensory input is accumulated and passed to subsequent decision processes, were calculated directly from the psychometric functions obtained gamma was found to correlate negatively with subtests contributing to Performance IQ. There was a substantial degree of consistency between estimates of gamma on two different occasions and training did not appear to affect the index, although differences between the two estimates increased as the value of the first estimate increased. Mean overall response latency did not correlate significantly with intelligence and measures obtained from retarded subjects were very like those reported in similar experimental situations utilizing normal subjects. This unexpected finding is interpreted as suggesting that, in this situation, retarded subjects have been prepared to respond on the basis of less evidence than is usually required by intellectually normal subjects.  相似文献   

This study replicated and extended Kranzler and Jensen's [Intelligence 13 (1989) 329] meta-analysis of the relationship between inspection time (IT) and intelligence (IQ). Separate meta-analyses were conducted on obtained correlations (r's) between IT and general IQ for the total sample and for studies using samples of adults and children. Two new meta-analyses were also conducted. The first compared the IT–IQ r between visual and auditory IT; the second compared the r between strategy users and nonusers. For the total sample (N>4100), the r was −.51 after correction for artifactual effects (−.30 prior to correction). No statistically significant difference was observed between the mean corrected r of −.51 for adults and −.44 for children. The mean corrected r for visual and auditory IT measures were −.49 and −.58, respectively, suggesting that the relationship between IT and IQ is comparable across type of IT task. The mean corrected r of −.77 for strategy nonusers was statistically significantly higher than the r of −.60 for strategy users. Implications of these findings for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Inspection time, defined as the minimum duration for which two different stimuli must be presented if they are to be perceived as different, was measured for both auditory and visual stimuli. The minimum durations were determined by means of a two- alternative forced-choice task for 50 children whose average age was 12 years 2 months. The times were correlated with the children's verbal (Mill-Hill vocabulary) and nonverbal (Raven matrices) intelligence. The Kendall correlation coefficients were ?.3188 and ?.0929 for the auditory and visual inspection times with verbal intelligence, and ?.2322 and ?.2676 for those times with nonverbal intelligence. Auditory and visual inspection times were correlated .1721 with each other. These results do not support earlier claims that inspection time is closely related to conventional measures of intelligence.  相似文献   

The experiments reported were designed to examine the relationship between reaction time and the response dynamics of a finger-press task. Experiments 1 and 2 manipulated force duration and peak force level in both simple and choice reaction-time paradigms. Experiment 3 constrained both force duration and peak force, leading to independent changes in the rate of force production. The findings from all three experiments suggest that the rate of force production, rather than force duration, is the key response parameter determining reaction time. Reaction time decreased as an exponential function of rate of force production independent of force duration and peak force.  相似文献   

The relationship between psychometric intelligence and inspection time (IT) is reviewed. Results are contradictory, which makes questionable the reliability of this relation. Moreover, the hope that IT constitutes a measure of ‘culture fair’ intelligence has not been confirmed and its correlation with tests considered to be culture fair and tests supposedly influenced by culture are not very different. The results do not allow us to establish a greater correlation between IT and specific factors of intelligence like verbal, spatial or numerical ability. Procedural problems apparent in measuting IT could explain, in part, the variability in results.  相似文献   

The study examines four core components of cultural intelligence (CQ) - Behavioral, Motivational, Cognitive and Meta-cognitive - as predictors of cross-cultural adaptation problems in a longitudinal study of international students in New Zealand and tests the hypothesis that Motivational CQ predicts better psychological and sociocultural outcomes over time. One hundred and four students completed measures of CQ during a pre-term orientation program and assessments of adaptation problems approximately three months later. In line with the hypothesis, bi-variate correlations indicated that Motivational CQ was related to fewer psychological symptoms (r = −.30, p < .01) and sociocultural adaptation problems (r = −.27, p < .01). However, hierarchical regression analysis, controlling for age, gender, length of residence abroad and region of origin, revealed that while Motivational CQ was a significant (negative) predictor (ß = −.36, p < .01) of psychological symptoms, the overall amount of variance explained (14.6%) in the model was not significant. In contrast, region of origin (ß = .37, p < .01) was the only significant predictor of sociocultural adaptation problems with international students from Western countries reporting fewer difficulties than those from other regions. The results are discussed in relation to contemporary theories of motivation along with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in scores of 59 mentally retarded adults (mild, moderate, severe, or profound), 133 advantaged, and 130 disadvantaged (low income) children in Grades 1, 2, 3 on the Primary Measures of Music Audiation. Test-retest reliabilities for the Tonal and Rhythm subtests were .81 and .86, respectively, for the retarded group. Analysis of variance indicated that the mildly retarded children performed significantly better than other groups of retarded children on these two tests. 2 x 3 analyses of variance indicated that third graders from both advantaged and disadvantaged groups performed significantly better than the first or second graders on both subtests and that advantaged children performed significantly better than the disadvantaged. However, disadvantaged children made greater gains, especially for third graders, than the advantaged.  相似文献   

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