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A sample of southern college students is used to investigate race and sex differences among nine Likert-type sex role attitudes. Results show that black and white men share a similar sex role orientation while black and white women also share a similar world view. There were only two instances where blacks were notably different from whites. First, blacks were more likely to feel that a woman's real fulfillment in life comes from motherhood, and second, blacks were more likely to feel that it was appropriate for a mother with school-age children to work.  相似文献   

Eighty-nine male and female undergraduates completed the Attitudes toward Feminism Scale and the author-devised Attitudes Toward Prostitution Scale, which contained five factors. Profeminist attitudes were related to three out of five factors. Respondents scoring in a profeminist direction were more likely to view prostitution as reflecting exploitation and subordination of women, less likely to believe women become prostitutes out of economic necessity, and less likely to approve of decriminalization and legalization of prostitution. Gender differences also appeared that were not explained by differences in profeminist attitudes: women were more likely than men to disagree with decriminalization and legalization efforts and were more likely to view prostitution as reflecting exploitation and subordination.  相似文献   

The goals of this article are to review published data from both English and Chinese sources on current attitudes toward women in Taiwan and China and to discuss issues in cross-cultural research that may affect the discovery and reporting of effects. Chinese women in both countries, when compared to men, had more liberal attitudes toward women, but women in China had more traditionally oriented attitudes than women in Taiwan. Yang's (1986) modernization theory was used to explain these results. There was also some overlap of gender roles in both cultures, with some traditional masculine (or feminine) roles played by the other gender. We propose that modernization may lead not only to greater gender equality but also to changes in the nature of gender roles, leading to greater gender-role overlap, in which it is advantageous for both men and women to have less distinctive gender-role characteristics. Finally, issues of construct validation, response sets, and alternative approaches to scale development are addressed, and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the effects of occupational sex-dominance on sex differences in occupational performance expectations. Female and male college students indicated their expectations for their own performance— self expectations—and that of either a typical male, female, or male and female person— comparison person expectations —for six occupations varying according to perceived sex-dominance. Additionally, the performance expectations were reported under anticipated private or public conditions. Results indicated that in contrast to males, females reported lower expectations for themselves alone and lower expectations for themselves in comparison to another person for male-dominated occupations. However, unlike males, females reported higher expectations for themselves and for themselves in comparison to others for female-dominated fields. Occupational sex dominance appeared to influence females' performance expectations, while males' expectations were similar across fields varying in sex-dominance. Neither the sex of the comparison person nor the anticipated privacy of the expectations were found to be related to the sex differences in performance expectations.  相似文献   

Studies of attitudes toward sexist language have consistently revealed a gender gap, with women considerably more supportive of inclusive language than men. The present study investigated this gender gap in the presence of "attitudes toward women," a potential mediator variable. Participants were a convenience sample of 18- to 20-year-old college students ( N = 278). Most were European American/White (87%) women (60%). Data were collected using the Modern Sexism Scale, Neosexism Scale, Attitudes Toward Women Scale, and Inventory of Attitudes Toward Sexist/Nonsexist Language-General. The customary gender gap in attitudes toward sexist language was found in this sample. Regression tests of mediation, however, revealed that when measures of attitudes toward women were included in the analysis, the gender effect diminished by as much as 61% ( p <.01). These findings provide empirical evidence of a link between attitudes toward sexist language and the cultural construct, attitudes toward women.  相似文献   

Sex differences in rates of depressive disorders and depressive symptomatology, as measured by the Diagnostic Interview Schedule, are examined for an island-wide probability sample of Puerto Rico. Consistent with previous research, depression is significantly more prevalent in Puerto Rican women than men. Risk factors associated with depressive symptomatology are examined from a sex-role perspective. The results of multiple regression analyses show that even after demographic, health and marital and employment status variables are controlled, women continue to be at higher risk of depressive symptomatology than men. These results are interpreted within a cultural and sex-role perspective.  相似文献   

书写字体的性别差异研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
莫雷  杨莲清 《心理学报》1995,28(4):407-412
从珠海市中小学一年级至初中三年级随机选出540名学生,要求他们每个人抄一段400字左右的短文,收回抄写卷540份。40名有经验的教师,对书写者的性别做出判断,并回答一份关于判断男女笔迹的依据的问卷。结果表明:1.小学低年级男女生的字体没有明显的性别差异,到中高年级以后,性别差异才明显地表现出来。二、三年级之间,五、六年级之间是差异形成的两个加速期。2.判断者对小学低年级书写者的性别的判断不准确,主要是由于将女生的字体误判为男生的字体而造成的。3.男女生字体的差异主要表现在五个方面,即字体大小程度,字的力度、字体的刚劲度、字的工整度和字的棱角度。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of non-personal visitors (mainly university students studying sociology and psychology) upon the residents of Juvenile Correctional Institutions. The subjects of this study were 95 Saudi males (average age; 15.85 years) enrolled in Riyad's Juvenile Correctional Institution. A sentence completion questionnaire (ASCQ) was developed by the researcher to elicit attitudes of the subjects toward the non-personal visitors. The analysis of the data indicated that most of the subjects were in favour of the continuation of the visits, and were happy to talk to the visitors. Only a very small percentage of subjects expressed negative attitudes towards the visitors. It seems that the visits are thus an opportunity to provide the inmates with new role models.  相似文献   

Différences selon le sexe dans les facteurs de sensibilité à la persuasion chez des sujets chinois. — Plusieurs analyses factorielles distinctes ont été faites à partir des notes de sensibilité à la persuasion d'adolescents chinois, filles et garçons. Pour les garçons, trois facteurs émergent: le premier est relatif aux aux questions qui ne sont ni idéologiques, ni personnelles, le second aux questions idéologiques et le troisième, aux questions personnelles. Pour les filles, quatre facteurs ont pu être identifiés: L'un semble exprimer un certain ressentiment contre L'autorité masculine, le second est semblable au facteur idéologique trouvé chez les garçons; les deux derniers indiquent une sensibilité, L'un aux effets de priorité, L'autre, aux effets de récence. Les différences selon le sexe que L'on a constatées dans les facteurs, semblent être le reflet des différences dans les normes prescrites à L'un et L'autre sexe dans la culture chinoise traditionnelle.  相似文献   

Feminist attitudes toward legislative control of pornography were investigated. A sample of 119 recipients of the National Organization of Women Newsletter in a Southern California community responded to a questionnaire assessing variables expected to be related to pornography control: demographic variables, and attitudes toward pornography, censorship, free speech, and the harm of pornography. Values were related to attitude toward pornography control, especially the prioritizing of responsibility versus freedom. Attitudes toward pornography were also significant predictors; however, beliefs about importance of protecting free speech and the harm of pornography were the strongest predictors, with the protection of free speech making the largest contribution. In understanding mainstream feminists' attitudes toward pornography control, the most important variables appear to be those that assess the consequences of pornography.  相似文献   

A study by Thompson, Hatchett, and Phillips (1981) found that males and females differed in their judgment of interpersonal verbs (IPVs). Females were said to give more extreme affect ratings and less extreme control ratings to IPVs than did males. The present study re–examined these findings utilizing multidimensional scaling techniques. Similarity/dissimilarity ratings of 105 combinations of 15 paired IPVs were made by 43 female and 39 male students. Analysis via COSPA yielded two dimensions of meaning underlying IPVs which were similar to those used by Thompson et al.: Affect and Control. Analyses of the data using three different approaches failed, however, to bear out Thompson et al.'s findings of sex differences in the judgment of IPVs.  相似文献   

Abstract— As predicted by models derived from evolutionary psychology, men within the United States have been shown to exhibit greater psychological and physiological distress to sexual than to emotional infidelity of their partner, and women have been shown to exhibit more distress to emotional than to sexual infidelity. Because cross-cultural tests are critical for evolutionary hypotheses, we examined these sex differences in three parallel studies conducted in the Netherlands ( N = 207), Germany ( N = 200), and the United Slates ( N = 224) Two key findings emerged First, the sex differences in sexual jealousy are robust across these cultures, providing support for the evolutionary psychological model Second, the magnitude of the sex differences varies somewhat across cultures—large for the United States, medium for Germany and the Netherlands Discussion focuses on the evolutionary psychology of jealousy and on the sensitivity of sex differences m the sexual sphere to cultural input.  相似文献   

大学生空间思惟的性别差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验运用填图和拼图两项测验,通过对137名大学生被试进行研究,结果表明,就大学生这一层次而言,男女两性的空间思惟在整体上表现出的差异不具显著性,整个分布情况是:在连续分布的两端男生均高于女生。研究结果也表明,在空间思惟上,大学生也存在着明显的个性差异。  相似文献   

Written language in all cultures is composed of symbols to which sounds have been attached somewhat arbitrarily. Meanings are also attached somewhat arbitrarily to letters and groups of letters. The transformation of symbols into sounds is generally seen to be part of the reading process, though it is not clear whether it is of equal importance at all stages of competence. It is possible that, at some stages, the skilled reader may have direct access to the meaning of a word or phrase from its visual representation. There is evidence from work of Coltheart, Hull and Slater (1975) that females tend to use phonological encoding to a greater extent than males when reading. Naish (1980) found that females encoded phonologically at a faster rate than males, and suggested that this might explain why the preferred mode of access to meaning appeared to be phonological for females but visual for males.  相似文献   

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