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In the context of studies on mechanisms of emotional treatment and regulation in affective blunting, this paper focalizes on those whose objective is to disminish awareness of subjective emotional experience. The cognitive mechanism of repression is first presented, defined as a coping strategy which, used in a habitual way, is conceptualised as a personality dimension. Its role on the whole panel of emotional components and the researches on its underlying cognitive mechanisms, in particular those which may explain the observed memory deficits for negative emotional events, are developed. The paper also presents models of maturation of emotional awareness, differentiating several hypothetic ways of emotional treatment which determine specific emotional subjective experiences. In regard of studies which have explored these modes of emotional treatment in alexithymia, hypotheses on their role in the blunting of affect process and on the quality of subjective experience are proposed.  相似文献   

In arithmetic problems solving, the representation of the problem spontaneously induced by the content of the statement is not always compatible with the solving strategy. This study evaluates a learning approach designed to lead pupils to build an alternative representation to the one spontaneously induced. In this paper, we evaluate the efficiency of this learning approach with children with learning difficulties enrolled in a priority education network. This learning by semantic recoding is a process based on an analogy between the problems and a comparison of strategies. The results show that after learning, the pupils built alternative representations.  相似文献   

Recent proposals in the field of text revision reveal significant changes in perspective concerning cognitive processes involved in writing. Whereas revision has been considered for a long time as being aimed at enhancing writing, this activity is now seen as a control of the different writing processes. Thus, planning is now added to this control process. Our review shows how results of novel studies strengthen this conception and in which way further researches should be pursued. In particular, we focus on three issues: training of control performed by expert writers, the cognitive cost of the required cognitive treatments and the conditions which permit to increase this control among writers during learning.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to summarise the field covered by the submitted theme: “Developmental pragmatics: normal aspects and pathological aspects”, to discuss the tracks already explored by published articles and to indicate the research tracks to be explored. We are trying to show how the developmental pragmatics allowed to take in consideration the social uses of language and communication, to renew the theoretical perspectives which model children development, to increase our empirical knowledge and to finally progress in the building of relevant methodological tools. Therefore pragmatics allow to solve the mental processes which underlie the use of communication and language by children.  相似文献   

For approximately three decades, the theory of the attachment has decentred bond mother-child. Whereas the relation of attachment father-child was largely documented in the scientific literature, the fraternal relation of attachment was forsaken and only was little approached. Our contribution thus pursues the goal to specify how the paradigms evolved of the maternal primacy to the paternal figure, and how the fraternal relation can be examined from the point of view of this theory. From a review of the scientific literature carried out on the basis of three data bank, we will examine whether the brother, as a member of the family system, can be a figure of attachment, and we will specify the characteristics related on safety and exploration to define the sibling attachment.  相似文献   

We present the main features of the European French-Speaking Normative Study for the Rorschach comprehensive system (CS) in adults. After reviewing previous attempts at establishing norms and diverse methodological considerations, we justify the choices made for the present project based on a clear definition of the sample, careful control of recruitment and quality of data collection procedures. Results of phase 1 (N =146) are presented and analyzed. Main variables from the CS are described and some key variables are compared to samples currently used as references (from the US). Differences are observable, although it is too early at this point to draw any conclusions that could influence interpretation. Such conclusions will be formulated when data collection is completed (final objective N =450).  相似文献   

In order to study the correlational and causal relationships which link the antecedents, the process, and the results of the school-to-work transition, a longitudinal research (18 months) was performed with a sample of 123 engineering students during the last semester of their academic program. A multidimensional theoretical approach allowed to show, with the use of structural equations, that the intention to find a job (antecedent) resulted essentially from the perceived behavioral control and the social norm associated with such a project, and predicted the efficiency of the job search activity (process) which, itself, significantly determined the objective and the subjective quality (result) of the obtained job. Results are discussed in terms of their theoretical implications and of possible preventive interventions with persons who have to cope with a school-to-work transition.  相似文献   

The first purpose of the article is to take advantage of observations made on the status of criticism in sociology. This involves a diagnosis on the state of work psychology. The aim is to alter the trend of criticism and support a clinical approach to activity derived from Vygotski's research. The idea of critical psychology as a self-sufficient line of study is invalidated. An example is developed in order to describe the operating method. The last part of the article is devoted to a brief discussion of Beauvois's recent theories.  相似文献   

The psychological brain is an object, invented in the history of psychophysiology, which finds today an epistemological renewal in the neurosciences of the action and the emotion: the moving body is from now on an alive subject in the heart of psychological research.  相似文献   

For its epistemic integrity as a framework for scientific personality studies, contemporary trait psychology requires the assumption that aggregate statistical patterns gleaned from correlational studies of individual differences constitute an epistemic “window” onto what is transpiring with the individuals comprising that aggregate. This assumption is the cornerstone of the “neogaltonian” paradigm for psychological research (Danziger, 1987) in terms of which Cronbach (1957) famously called for a merger of scientific psychology's experimental and the correlational disciplines. In the present contribution, this perspective on personality studies is submitted to close critical scrutiny and shown to be scientifically untenable. It is argued that a viable science of personality will be one focused on persons and not on individual differences variables.  相似文献   

The progress in prenatal medicine raises complex questions with respect to the physician–patient relationship. The physician needs to reconcile medical aspects, ethical principles as well as judicial norms. Already, during the first trimester, the physician has to put into practice the schedule combining for each individual pregnancy physical, laboratory and other appropriate exams. Physicians are under the obligation to inform in a clear and comprehensive way without creating unnecessary anxiety for their patients. Legal requirements include informed consent, the respect for the patient's right to self-determination, and compliance with the Swiss federal law on genetic testing, especially with its articles on prenatal screening and diagnosis. This article discusses the complexity of obstetrical practice when it comes to delivering adequate information within the scope of ethical and legal requirements in Switzerland.  相似文献   

The psychological literature about child survivors of the Holocaust, including “hidden children”, is recent and essentially American and Israeli. Trauma of child survivors of the Holocaust has been recognized in the 1980s. First articles have been published in the United States and Israel. All the clinicians identify traumatic symptomatology. The diagnosis of PTSD is questioned. Literature about “hidden children” has been written after 1991. After recognition of their suffering, articles and books emerged, especially American and Israeli studies. In Europe, only a few articles come out, they are mostly from Netherlands. This article presents a review of the psychological literature, predominantly American and Israeli concerning child survivors of the Holocaust and “hidden children” according to qualitative and quantitative methodology. Recently, a few researches start coming out and are published in French journals.  相似文献   

La perception des violations des droits de l'homme par de jeunes individus insérés dans des contextes nationaux différents est-elle organisée selon des principes comparables à ceux d'experts ou d'institutions internationales? La présente étude contribue à élucider cette question en la situant dans le champ de la psychologie sociale. La représentation sociale des droits humains a été analysée par le biais d'un questionnaire standardisé soumis à des sujets de quatre pays (Costa Rica, France, Italie et Suisse) âgés de 13 à 20 ans. Les résultats montrent que les individus partagent dans une large mesure une conception institutionnelle des droits humains. De fortes variations à l'intérieur et entre les contextes nationaux apparaissent néanmoins, en particulier dans la délimitation des libertés individuelles et du contrôle étatique.  相似文献   

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