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Mental health values of national samples of Baptist, Catholic, and Methodist clergy were compared with those previously reported for psychologists. Small differences were found on 3 of 8 value dimensions. Clergy considered untrustworthiness to be more indicative of poor mental health than did psychologists. Psychologists considered receptivity to unconventional experiences to be more indicative of poor mental health than did Catholic and Methodist clergy. Catholic and Methodist clergy considered religious commitment to be more indicative of good mental health than did psychologists.  相似文献   

Schools have become the primary setting for mental health service among youth. However, school-based providers are sometimes limited by lack of time, training, and other resources. Furthermore, problem-solving models emphasize the importance of developing partnerships with other professionals and agencies. Thus, it is critical to engage in collaborative practice with non–school-based, community mental health providers (CMHPs). The purpose of this study was to survey practicing school psychologists about their experiences in communicating and collaborating with CMHPs. Participants (n = 194) indicated their frequency of communication and collaboration with CMHPs; although communication (i.e., release and receipt of information) was typical, fewer school psychologists reported engaging in ongoing collaboration. Benefits and barriers to collaboration were identified, and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了加拿大健康战略出台的背号、战略愿景、目标、优先发展领域和具体的行动计划,在此基础上总结了加拿大健康战略实施过程的基本特点与经验,并结合我国的实际情况,提出了我国制定和实施“健康中国2020”战略的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(4):383-392
Evidence exists that behavioral and social science researchers have been frustrated with regulations and institutional review boards (IRBs) from the 1970s through today. Making matters worse, many human participants protection instruction programs—now mandated by IRBs—offer inadequate reasons why researchers should comply with regulations and IRBs. Promoting compliance either for its own sake or to avoid penalties is contrary to the developmental aims of moral education and may be ineffective in fostering the responsible conduct of research. This article explores the concept of professional virtue and argues that compliance is capable of becoming a professional virtue like scientific honesty. This requires, however, that regulatory and IRB demands contribute to human well-being and to the aims of research as a profession and that researchers, therefore, internalize the norms that underlie regulatory and IRB demands. This, in turn, requires a series of changes in the way society develops, promulgates, and enforces regulatory and IRB rules. The challenge is, simply put, to embed compliance into the world of living morality.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that laypersons differ as a function of gender and ethnicity in their views about the meaning of “mental health.” The current study examined agreement among psychotherapists about the nature of healthy psychological functioning. National samples of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and psychoanalysts completed the Mental Health Values Questionnaire, a measure of value dimensions used in appraising emotional adjustment. Results indicated a relatively high degree of consensus among the four professional disciplines surveyed. Individual differences were associated with gender and with the geographic area in which the therapist was raised.  相似文献   

It has been documented in the professional literature that psychologists and mental health professionals in general tend to neglect their own mental health, despite serving in a field that promotes the health and well‐being of others. Numerous empirical studies support the need for psychologists and mental health professionals to be more conscientious of the effect that stress and the nature of their work has on them. This article reviews some of the recent literature and discusses the pertinent issues at hand. A number of interventions are suggested along with tips for professionals to consider in order to function in a more productive and ethical fashion.  相似文献   

美国健康战略及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了美国健康战略出台的背景,并重点介绍了美国“健康公民2010”战略的目标、优先领域、主要健康指标以及相应的行动计划,比较了美国“健康公民2000”和“健康公民2010”的异同,在此基础上总结了美国健康战略发展的基本特点与经验,并提出了对我国制定和实施“健康中国2020”战略的启示。  相似文献   

介绍了英国健康战略的出台背景、战略愿景、目标、优先发展领域和具体的行动计划,在此基础上总结了英国健康战略实施过程的基本特点与经验,并提出了对我国制定和实施“健康中国2020”战略的相关启示。  相似文献   

This study compared clinical judgment on case conceptualization and treatment planning (TP) tasks among psychologists, mental health counselors, and social workers using Clinical Treatment Planning Simulations depicting anxiety and affective disorders. Orientation and work setting did not significantly influence judgment; experience exerted a “modest” curvilinear effect Mental health counselors scored higher than social workers and similar to psychologists on both tasks. The best predictors of TP scores for the anxiety disorder were interventions addressing stress management and family dynamics; strong predictors for the affective disorder included focus on family dynamics and the therapeutic relationship. Implications of findings for training are discussed.  相似文献   

目前国内的精神卫生工作者不能满足社会的需要,认为精神卫生工作开展难度大、职业发展前景不乐观、工作的特殊性和职业满意度低等社会心理因素是导致目前这种状况的主要原因,提出规范精神卫生服务行业,政府增加投入、普及精神卫生知识和工作人员自我调节等措施干预目前这种困境.  相似文献   


The choice of referral and the relationship between referral sources can pose clinical and ethical dilemmas, due to the potential that the relationship between the psychologist and the referral source will interfere with the treatment relationship. Once the referral has been made, the referring psychologist must be sensitive to a second, and often a more problematic level of risk: conflicts that occur between the patient and the referral recipient. The situation becomes even more problematic when a psychologist is giving or receiving any form of compensation in connection with the referral. In addition to clouding the clinical relationship, the giving or receiving of such compensation, whether it is characterized as “referral fees” or otherwise, has important legal consequences, and may well result in license revocation proceedings or even criminal liability.  相似文献   

In a review of literature on clinical licensure programs and certified mental health disciplines, no studies specifically compared didactic methods and clinical training standards for family-based interventions. Consequently, consumers and insurers of these services have no basis from which to evaluate the relative competency of each of the mental health disciplines in providing family-based interventions. This study used content analysis to examine the amount of family based training that is required by six core mental health disciplines (Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychiatric Nursing, Professional Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Social Work) in each of the 50 United States. Results indicate that a marriage and family therapist is required to have three times more family therapy coursework than any other professional mental health discipline. Also, before becoming licensed a marriage and family therapist, must complete 16 times more face-to-face family therapy hours than a mental health professional from any other discipline. Implications for consumers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

Although not a formal psychometric instrument, the mental status examination (MSE) has been used predominantly in psychiatry, clinical psychology, and social work for several decades, but is being increasingly used by counselors in work settings requiring assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders. The MSE is used to obtain information about the client's level of functioning and self‐presentation. Generally conducted (formally or informally) during the initial or intake interview, the MSE can also provide counselors with a helpful format for organizing objective (observations of clients) and subjective (data provided by clients) information to use in diagnosis and treatment planning.  相似文献   

为探讨团体宽恕干预在大学生恋爱受挫群体中的应用效果,本研究以31名在恋爱中受到过伤害的女大学生为对象进行6次团体宽恕干预,并设立一般干预组和控制组进行比较。研究结果显示:(1)前测中,三个组在恋爱宽恕问卷的四个维度、抑郁量表、焦虑量表和幸福感量表上均不存在显著差异;(2)后测中,在恋爱宽恕问卷的四个维度上,宽恕干预组均优于控制组,而一般干预组和控制组没有显著差异;在抑郁、焦虑和幸福感三个量表上,宽恕干预组和一般干预组都要优于控制组,但两个干预组之间差异并不显著;(3)前后测比较显示,宽恕干预组在各个指标上均有了显著变化;一般干预组在抑郁、焦虑和幸福感量表的得分上有了显著变化,但在恋爱宽恕的各个维度上(除报复维度)变化不显著;控制组则在各个指标上都没有显著变化。研究表明,面对恋爱受挫群体,宽恕干预的针对性更强,并对大学生的心理健康教育具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

Humor and Its Contributions to Mental Health   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Self control assistance includes steady doses of humorous comment and reflection. Getting past the perfect person syndrome en route to an emotionally healthier existence can be done by the appreciation of use of humor. Distinguishing between commercialized and rational humor allows for more permanent long range happiness and survival. To be able to laugh and learn at the same time are two bull's-eyes that promote more optimal emotional well-being. Humor ignites thirty-seven listed provisions in the service of emotional health. Fifteen precise dimensions of mental health that humor can pave the way toward are reviewed. Twenty-nine irrational beliefs about humor are fleshed out followed by nine types of rational humor. Stories and stormy anecdotes from the wiles of the author's practice of psychotherapy and parenting misdemeanors further document the topic under consideration.  相似文献   

Psychologists in academic health centers (AHC) face important ethical issues including confidentiality when working with a multidisciplinary team, sharing of information through the electronic health record, obtaining informed consent in a fast-paced healthcare environment, cultural competency in the medical setting, and issues related to supervision and training. The goal of this paper is to describe ethical issues for psychologists in AHCs in the context of case examples, and to consider ethical decision-making tools to enhance clinical care. Considerations for best practices in integrated care settings will be discussed, and the APA Ethical Standards will be referenced throughout.  相似文献   

国外心理健康服务及其启示   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
徐华春  黄希庭 《心理科学》2007,30(4):1006-1009
在回顾了美国、瑞典等国家心理健康服务概况的基础上提出了以下启示:1.中国心理健康服务体系应以构建和谐社会理论为基础;2.在心理服务的教育与培训中,应当尽量兼顾普及知识与提高专业化水平两个目标;3.政府应当大力支持社区心理健康服务以及包含各种社区可用资源的综合性社区服务;4.中国心理健康服务必须从本国文化与国情出发,因此还需要更多这方面的文献总结与实际诃查工作;5.心理健康服务应当全面而有区别地实施予心理健康水平不同的人群。  相似文献   

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