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初中阶段青少年健康行为的因素结构特点分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以北京地区398名初中学生为被试,以适度睡眠、合理饮食、口腔卫生、体育锻炼、防止久坐五类健康促进行为与冒险、越轨、吸烟、过量饮酒、冒险骑车五类健康危害行为为对象,对其健康行为的因素结构特点进行了分析。研究结果表明,初中阶段青少年的健康危害行为间具有显著的正相关,而健康促进行为间的关系则较为复杂。验证性因素分析结果表明,初中阶段青少年健康行为的因素结构主要包含了两个因素,其中健康生活习惯因素主要包括适度睡眠、合理饮食与口腔卫生三类健康促进行为;冒险生活方式因素则包括了冒险、越轨、吸烟、过量饮酒、冒险骑车五类健康危害行为以及体育锻炼、防止久坐两类健康促进行为。  相似文献   

教师组织承诺结构的验证性因素分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
通过文献回顾、半结构访谈、问卷调查及理论分析,提出了教师组织承诺的结构。对278名教师进行测查以考察教师组织承诺的因素结构,验证了教师组织承诺的结构,发现教师组织承诺包含四个维度,即感情承诺、规范承诺、理想承诺和投入承诺。  相似文献   

工作倦怠结构的验证性因素分析   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
用所编制的工作倦怠问卷,先后对541名被试的调查,对工作倦怠的结构进行探讨。结果表明,工作倦怠由耗竭、人格解体和成就感降低三个因素构成。工作倦怠的三因素结构模型在三个职业样本的验证性因素分析中都得到了支持。工作倦怠问卷的信度与效度指标也都达到了心理测量学的要求。  相似文献   

The present investigation evaluated the factor structure of the Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS; Simons and Gaher 2005) among a sample of 173 (54.9% males) daily cigarette smokers (M = 16.64 cigarettes per day, SD = 7.83). Comparison of a single higher-order model and a hierarchical multidimensional model was conducted using confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). In addition, evaluation of the internal consistency and convergent and discriminant validity of the better-fitting model was completed. CFA of the DTS indicated a single second-order factor of distress tolerance, and four lower-order factors including Tolerance, Appraisal, Absorption, and Regulation; each factor demonstrated acceptable levels of internal consistency. In addition, the DTS displayed good convergent and discriminant validity with theoretically relevant smoking and affect variables. Results are discussed in terms of explicating the latent structure of distress tolerance, as measured by the DTS, within the context of smoking research.  相似文献   

《学习适应量表》的验证性因素分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
在北京多所学校对425名学生进行了《学习适应量表》的测量,验证性因素分析结果表明,总量表和各个分量表的模型拟合都未违反基本适令标准,总量表的整体模型拟合性良好,内在结构适合性也比较好。学习方法、学习习惯、学习态度、学习环境和身心适应五个分量表的整体模型拟合性较好,但内在结构不佳。  相似文献   

The Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI) is an 18-item self-report tool designed to measure the construct of anxiety sensitivity (i.e. the belief that anxiety may have harmful consequences such as sickness, embarrassment, or loss of control) in children and adolescents. Previous factor analytic examinations of the CASI have produced varied results. Gender may play a role in this observed variability. In an effort to confirm the factor structure of the measure across gender, CASI items for 671 children and adolescents were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis. Results indicated that for boys two-, three-, and four-factor structures provided a relatively good fit to the data, with the three-factor structure emerging as having the best fit overall. In contrast, for girls only the three-factor structure fitted the data well. Direct comparison of fit of the three-factor model across gender provided evidence to support the notion that childhood anxiety sensitivity is similar in structure across gender.  相似文献   

This article challenges the adequacy of the eight primary theories that are used to analyze and account for what happens to persons in contemporary U.S. culture during the aging process. The theory presented in this article, Symbolization-Avoidance Theory, draws its clue from contrasting attitudes toward death during several periods in this country's history. The author suggests that there is a direct correlation between the modern avoidanceldenial of death through "removal," and the image of elders as symbolic reminders of death, resulting in their rejection/departmentalization through "invisibility." This phenomenon, destined to become a growlng dynamic in the future, is the dynamic known as "ageism."  相似文献   

This study examined attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS within a sample of 220 young men and women. As predicted, a multiple regression analysis revealed that the fear of contracting HIV/AIDS through casual contact was a significant predictor of both men's and women's willingness to interact with people living with HIV/AIDS. Attitudes toward homosexuality were also a significant predictor of attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS among women, who generally have a low risk of contracting the disease in Western societies. These results indicate that attitudes toward people with a serious illness may be strongly related to the perceived risk of contracting the disease.  相似文献   

Item factor analysis has a rich tradition in both the structural equation modeling and item response theory frameworks. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate a novel combination of various Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation routines to estimate parameters of a wide variety of confirmatory item factor analysis models. Further, I show that these methods can be implemented in a flexible way which requires minimal technical sophistication on the part of the end user. After providing an overview of item factor analysis and MCMC, results from several examples (simulated and real) will be discussed. The bulk of these examples focus on models that are problematic for current “gold-standard” estimators. The results demonstrate that it is possible to obtain accurate parameter estimates using MCMC in a relatively user-friendly package.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) parameterization of the Profile Analysis via Multidimensional Scaling (PAMS) model to demonstrate validation of profile pattern hypotheses derived from multidimensional scaling (MDS). Profile Analysis via Multidimensional Scaling (PAMS) is an exploratory method for identifying major profiles in a multi-subtest test battery. Major profile patterns are represented as dimensions extracted from a MDS analysis. PAMS represents an individual observed score as a linear combination of dimensions where the dimensions are the most typical profile patterns present in a population. While the PAMS approach was initially developed for exploratory purposes, its results can later be confirmed in a different sample by CFA. Since CFA is often used to verify results from an exploratory factor analysis, the present paper makes the connection between a factor model and the PAMS model, and then illustrates CFA with a simulated example (that was generated by the PAMS model) and at the same time with a real example. The real example demonstrates confirmation of PAMS exploratory results by using a different sample. Fit indexes can be used to indicate whether the CFA reparameterization as a confirmatory approach works for the PAMS exploratory results.  相似文献   

采用与Hu & Bender不同的设计进行模拟研究,发现在他们推荐的8个指数中,NNFI、CFI、IFI在所有样本量条件下几乎都能得到最低的α与β错误率,而且最佳界值都在0.95左右,属于优良的指数。但Mc与GammaHat的表现却不好,因此不建议使用。他们建议的2指标策略被证明能降低α与β错误率,在样本量较小时尤其值得尝试。  相似文献   

In a test of the hypothesis that irrational thinking is associated with phobic anxiety, the Rational Behavior Inventory and the Fear Survey Schedule were administered to 128 undergraduates. Although a statistically significant correlation between irrationality and phobic anxiety was found, the result appears to have little clincial meaning. Other evidence is cited which suggests that rational emotive therapy is best suited for the treatment of generalized anxiety, whereas deconditioning treatments are appropriate for most cases of phobic anxiety.  相似文献   

Many self-report measures include some items worded in the direction opposite to that of other items. These so-called reverse-worded (RW) items can reduce the reliability and validity of a scale, and frequently form a separate method factor that does not appear to be substantively meaningful. One possible explanation for factors defined by RW items is respondent carelessness. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate whether relatively few careless responders to RW items can influence confirmatory-factor-analysis model fit enough that researchers would likely reject a one-factor model for a unidimensional scale. Results based on simulations indicated that if at least about 10% of participants respond to RW items carelessly, researchers are likely to reject a one-factor model for a unidimensional scale.  相似文献   

McCreary  Donald R.  Rhodes  Nancy D.  Saucier  Deborah M. 《Sex roles》2002,47(3-4):169-177
The Sex Role Behavior Scale (SRBS; Orlofsky & O'Heron, 1987; Orlofsky, Ramsden, & Cohen, 1982) is the only measure of the extent to which people engage in male- and female-valued behaviors, as well as sex-specific behaviors. Because of this, researchers must be assured of its reliability and validity. Although the SRBS has demonstrated good reliability, validity tests have been limited to examinations of scale intercorrelations, correlations with other gender role measures, and tests of gender differences. Tests of the SRBS's construct validity have not been performed. Thus, a scale-based confirmatory factor analysis of the short form SRBS was undertaken to determine the validity of its proposed 12-factor, lower-order and 3-factor, higher-order factor structures. In this sample of undergraduates, both lower-order and higher-order models failed to provide a good fit to the data, which suggests that a new version of the SRBS may be required. Discussion focussed on possible directions for a revision, potential limitations, as well as the need for more measures like the SRBS.  相似文献   

A quasi-experimental study was conducted on temporal effects of intergroup contact on nondisabled (ND) children's attitudes toward disability. Children from a mainstream primary school were involved in an integration program with children from a school for children with severe learning disabilities (SLD). 3 3 Severe learning disabilities (SLD) is the term currently used in the U.K. to describe people who might formally have been described as having “severe mental handicap” or “severe retardation.” This term is interchangeable with “severe learning disabilities.”
Measures were administered 3 times over a period of 3 months to 26 integrating (experimental) and 24 nonintegrating (control) children. Social orientations in the experimental group became significantly more positive over time, while the control group showed little change. The experimental and control children initially categorized on the basis of gender and disability; subsequently the strategies of the experimental children were more idiosyncratic while the control children still used the same two dimensions.  相似文献   

A modified form of the Attitudes Toward Censorship Questionnaire (Hense & Wright, 1992) was developed to assess the degree to which that scale measures attitudes toward censorship in general as opposed to censorship of material representing particular sociopolitical values. The revised form characterized the potentially censorable materials as racist, sexist, or violent. University student respondents who showed high acceptance of censorship in this context scored high on measures of authoritarianism, political conservatism, and conventional family ideology (as had procensorship respondents on the Hense and Wright scale), but low on a scale of economic conservatism. Women were more favorably inclined toward censorship than men. Supporters of Canada's most left-wing (social democratic) major federal party were most favorable to censorship. Factor analysis showed that most of the variance could be explained by a cluster that we have labeled “Politically Correct Puritanism”: support for censoring racist and sexist materials and depictions of sexual violence. The second major factor was related to commercial availability of such materials. Content-specific items on both the original and our modified scales may establish a context that guides the interpretation of nonspecific items, so that both the original Attitudes Toward Censorship Questionnaire and our modified version may be measuring attitudes toward censorship of materials violating a particular view of morality, rather than toward censorship in principle.  相似文献   

The twin scales, Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire and Body Sensations Questionnaire (D. L. Chambless, G. C. Caputo, P. Bright, & R. Gallagher, 1984), have been used frequently in the area of anxiety, and in particular, panic disorder with agoraphobia. The present study employed confirmatory factor analysis to investigate the factor structure of the scales in a sample of Australian patients with anxiety disorder. Model testing indicated that neither the original nor the modified factor structures offered a good fit to the data. In addition, confirmatory factor analyses highlighted statistical inconsistencies in the scales. Except for a few, most of the items were problematic. This indicated a need for possible revision of the scales. Moreover, until further research is conducted, researchers and clinicians are recommended to use the scales with caution.  相似文献   

This paper reports an examination of the factor structure of Orbach's Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale (MAST) utilizing confirmatory factor analytic techniques. Participants were 215 undergraduate students ranging in age from 18 to 20 who completed the MAST, the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale, the Suicide Ideation Questionnaire, and a self-harmful behavior scale. Support was found for the original factor structure, reliability, and validity of the MAST. A correlated model fit the data significantly better than an uncorrelated model. The results of this study indicate that the MAST is a valid and reliable measure appropriate for use with college-aged individuals for research purposes. Because the correlated model fit the data better than the uncorrelated, we suggest that future studies should attempt to replicate this finding, which would lead to a reexamination of the theory which underlies the MAST.  相似文献   

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