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An automated training system was used to compare the behavior of knockout (KO) mice lacking the fragile X mental retardation protein with that of wild-type (WT) mice (C57Bl/6 strain) in the acquisition and retention of olfactory discriminations. KO and WT mice did not differ in the acquisition of a four-stage nose poke shaping procedure. In two separate experiments, mutant mice required substantially more training to acquire a series of novel olfactory discrimination problems than did control mice. The KO mice required significantly more sessions to reach criterion performance, made significantly more errors during training, and more often failed to acquire discriminations. Both KO and WT mice showed similar error patterns when learning novel discriminations and both groups showed evidence of more rapid learning of later discriminations in the problem series. Both groups showed significant long-term memory two or four weeks after training but WT and KO mice did not differ in this regard. A group of well-trained mice were given training on novel odors in sessions limited to 20–80 trials. Memory of these problems at two day delays did not differ between WT and KO mice. Tests using ethyl acetate demonstrated that WT and KO mice had similar odor detection thresholds.  相似文献   

The Tennessee Self-concept Scale was orally administered to 27 mothers with mental retardation and self-administered to 95 mothers whose children attended daycare in the areas in which the former mothers lived. Analyses showed that the mothers with mental retardation scored significantly lower on all subscales. Where 72% of the comparison group scored above a recommended cut-off indicative of a positive self-concept, only 33% of the mothers with mental retardation did. Comparisons of the 27 mothers with mental retardation (18 with positive versus 9 with negative self-concepts) on personal, child, family, and other background variables suggested different relationships for the two groups. Cross-validation of the present work and studies of the actual childcare of these latter two groups of mothers are needed.  相似文献   

Enhancement of sensory, cutaneous stimulation may be one reason for self-injurious behavior among persons with mental retardation. For self-injury involving head or face, a contingently applied helmet prevents access to the sensitized skin area. Such a restraint procedure, with visual occlusion superimposed on the helmet, was tested with two women who are profoundly retarded. Helmet and transparent shield reduced target responses by both women to approximately 7% of baseline rates. When the helmet's face shield was made opaque, a small, further response reduction was obtained. Stable, low rates were maintained over a 6-month maintenance period.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the literature related to the quality of life of adults with mental retardation/developmental disabilities (MR/DD) who live at home with their families. We examine the nature of the relationships between adults with MR/DD and their parents and siblings, the social worlds of adults with MR/DD, age-related functional and health issues that affect their quality of life, the range of services and supports provided to them, and familial efforts to plan for their continued well-being when parental care is no longer viable. Individual characteristics associated with these dimensions and/or more compromised quality of life profiles are identified. The paper concludes with recommendations for expanded research on the quality of life of adults with MR/DD who live in the parental home, a topic which has received markedly less attention than the quality of life of adults who live in publicly supported residential settings. MRDD Research Reviews 7:105-114, 2001.  相似文献   

In comparison with the research done on phobias in non-retarded individuals, there is a paucity of research in the treatment of phobias in persons with mental retardation. In this study, contact desensitization was evaluated as a treatment for two individuals who have mental retardation and an intense fear of dogs. Following base-line assessment using a behavioral avoidance test (BAT) measuring actual approach behavior, treatment was implemented in a multiple base-line across subjects design. Contact desensitization resulted in the elimination of avoidance behavior in both subjects during the BAT. Measures of generalization in an outdoor setting, and maintenance during a two-month follow-up, showed that the clients continued to be free of avoidance behavior. The implications for further application and research are discussed.  相似文献   

This literature review describes the physical activity behavior of adults with mental retardation consistent with the U.S. Surgeon General's recommendation of 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on 5 or more days per week. The proportion of participants achieving this criterion ranges from 17.5 to 33%. These data are likely to be generous estimates of activity as individuals included in physical activity studies to date have been relatively young and healthy volunteers with mild to moderate limitations. Major sources of physical activity were walking and cycling for transport, chores and work, dancing, and Special Olympics. There is a pressing need to conduct studies using appropriately powered representative samples and to validate measures that assess physical activity less directly; including methodologies in which proxy respondents are used. Accurate information about existing patterns of behavior will enhance the development of effective strategies to promote physical activity among persons with mental retardation.  相似文献   

This study used a multielement design to compare standard training (prompting and reinforcement) with and without reinforced directed rehearsal as a correction procedure in teaching expressive sign language to 10 nonverbal students with moderate to severe mental retardation. Standard training consisted of either sequential prompting or graduated guidance and 5 students were randomly assigned to each condition. Directed rehearsal involved 10 practices of the correct sign contingent on an error or no response; praise was given during directed rehearsal for cooperation and attempted signing. A stimulus control analysis revealed that only 6 of the 10 students (3 from each standard training condition) completely discriminated the trained signs within the maximum training period of 160 trials (3 of the 4 students who failed the stimulus control test were hearing impaired; the remaining 6 who showed stimulus control were not). Using only these six students' data, we found that directed rehearsal increased: (a) accuracy (percent correct), (b) speed of learning (required fewer trials to criterion), (c) efficiency (decreased total instruction time), and (d) generalization (across trainers, objects, and settings). There were no obvious interactions between directed rehearsal and the type of prompting strategy employed. Very little agitated behavior occurred in any of the sessions, and a treatment acceptability survey indicated that 10 of 14 direct-care staff and the trainers in this study preferred corrective directed rehearsal (as used in this study) over standard training alone. The results indicate that directed rehearsal may be a valuable adjunct to sign language training with nonverbal students with mental retardation.  相似文献   

Three adults with profound mental retardation and very limited reading skills were transitioned to community living after spending more than 20 years in a residential facility. Community-based instruction was used to teach them to independently prepare meals. Directed rehearsal and prompting procedures were used to teach them those meal preparation skills that they were unable to perform independently. We present assessment, training and followup data on the preparation of a dessert by the three participants. Following an assessment on the steps needed to prepare the dessert, training was introduced in a multiple baseline across subjects design. Results showed that the participants were able to independently prepare the dessert in up to 21 pre-training and training sessions. Monthly followup for six months showed that they were able to independently prepare the dessert in various community settings of their choice.  相似文献   

Programs to teach sexual abuse prevention skills to persons with mental retardation have rarely been evaluated empirically, and typical evaluations are limited to assessment of the participants' knowledge rather than their performance of specific skills. In the present study, 6 adult women with mental retardation were trained in sexual abuse prevention, and performance was assessed using four separate measures: pretests and posttests of knowledge, verbal report, role play, and naturalistic probes. All women learned the skills but failed to exhibit them to criterion during the probes. We discuss the implications for further training and assessment of sexual abuse prevention skills.  相似文献   

Two adults with mental retardation demonstrated the recombination of within-syllable units (onsets and rimes) using a spoken-to-printed-word matching-to-sample (MTS) procedure. Further testing with 1 participant showed comprehension of the printed words. Printed-word naming was minimal before, but greater after, comprehension tests. The findings suggest that these procedures hold promise for further basic and applied analyses of word-attack skills.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of discrimination training on improving reading skills for young adults. 90 college students (M age = 26.2 yr.), who were identified as low achievers with below average reading skills, were randomly assigned to one of three training conditions: the General Discrimination Group, the Reading Discrimination Group, and the Study Skills Group. Following 10 days of training, the subjects were tested on a standard reading achievement test, a problem-solving test, and a measure of cognitive style. Minimal differences between the pre- and posttraining scores for all three training conditions were noted. These findings contrast with developmental research that has indicated the importance of discrimination ability and suggest distinctive problems of adults with poor reading skills.  相似文献   

Eighty-two per cent of all cases of abuse or neglect of an adult with mental retardation substantiated by the Abuse Investigation Division of the Connecticut Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities over a five-year period occurred in the victim's residence. Chi square analyses revealed that there was significantly more abuse in institutions and group homes and significantly less in the individual's own home. Furthermore, analyses revealed that there was significantly more personal neglect in group homes and community training homes and significantly less in own homes. The results were discussed and recommendations made regarding ways of reducing abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

Behavioral procedures have been used to teach manual communication skills to individuals with mental retardation, although few studies have examined the assessment of generalization of such skills beyond the teaching environment. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of directed rehearsal for teaching and facilitating the generalization of manual signs by six hearing-impaired adults with mental retardation. The effects of directed rehearsal, alone and combined with positive reinforcement for correct responses, were compared to a no-training control condition in an alternating treatments design. Although directed rehearsal was superior to the no-training control condition in teaching manual signs, the procedure was more effective when combined with positive reinforcement. The combined procedure was used to facilitate the generalization of learned signs across a number of variables. The results showed that there were high levels of generalization by all participants across novel phrases, settings, and trainers but variable levels of generalization to another response mode by some subjects. Further, increased levels in overall vocal communication were found for most participants.  相似文献   

This study compared the types of social interactions among groups of adults with mental retardation who also were characterized as demonstrating or not demonstrating difficulties of conduct. Using an Interaction Assessment Protocal, participants were observed during their daily activities at randomly selected periods throughout the day. The specific roles of an interaction (initiate or receive), the type of communication (Mand or Non-Mand), relevant affective behaviors, and the outcome of communications (comply, ignore, resist) were noted. No significant differences were obtained between groups of persons with and without conduct disorders on any of the interaction dimensions evaluated. Limitations of these findings and implications for further investigations are offered.  相似文献   

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