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This article is a review of the current literature on loneliness. The relationship of loneliness to other variables, the major characteristics of the experience of loneliness, and a definition of loneliness for counseling are described. The unidimensional and multidimensional perspectives of the loneliness experience are illustrated, with special focus on how they relate to loneliness measurement. The incidence of loneliness among various populations is also discussed. Finally, treatment strategies for loneliness, which highlight cognitivebehavioral therapy, social skills training, and social support are provided, followed by suggestions and implications for counseling practice and research.  相似文献   

A special issue of the Journal of Health Psychology (Vol. 7, No. 2, 2002) was reviewed. The articles covered a variety of qualitative studies conducted using an interpretive phenomenological analysis method to examine the interviews with people who had received genetic testing and counseling. Implications for the broader counseling field were also presented.  相似文献   

Under-representation of racial/ethnic minority counselors has been an ongoing issue in the genetic counseling field. A better understanding of genetic counseling awareness and career consideration may help to increase the number of applicants to genetic counseling training programs from racial/ethnic minorities. This study sampled high school and college students (n = 233) to examine their awareness and perceptions of genetic counseling. Ethnicity, gender, parental level of education, and interest in biology were significant predictors of a subjects genetic counseling awareness; previous awareness of genetic counseling, interest in psychology, and level of education were significant predictors of whether a subject would consider genetic counseling as a career. The findings suggest that knowledge of genetic counseling is lower among racial/ethnic minorities, but that racial/ethnic minorities are just as likely to consider genetic counseling as a career. Awareness of genetic counseling prior to university education may increase racial/ethnic minority representation among potential applicants to genetic counseling training programs.  相似文献   

The authors summarize the growing body of empirical research literature in the area of psychology of religion that has been guided by attachment theory and indicate implications for counseling, including practical suggestions for case conceptualization, possible spiritual interventions, and ethical guidelines for practice. Attachment theory provides a fertile framework whereby counselors may conceptualize the religious experiences of Christian clients whose spirituality involves the belief in and relationship with a personal God.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors review the current conceptual and empirical literature from a variety of disciplines dealing with the construct of connectedness. A working definition of connectedness is provided along with a discussion of its multidimensional nature and major characteristics. Its relationship with a variety of other variables is also presented. Particular attention is given to gender and cultural considerations in the experience and operationalization of connectedness. Recommendations for counseling, assessment, and research related to connectedness are provided.  相似文献   

Risk communication is an important component of genetic counseling. However, many authors have noted that after genetic counseling, subjective risk frequently does not match the objective risk provided by the counselor. This inevitably leads to the conclusion that the risk communication process was not “effective”. There has been much discussion about how this problem can be better addressed, such that our clients recall numeric risks more accurately after genetic counseling. This article draws on the risk and probability literature from other fields (including psychology, economics, philosophy and climate change) to deconstruct the concepts of “risk” and risk perception to attempt to expand upon and develop thought and discussion about and investigation of the risk communication process in genetic counseling.  相似文献   

In this review, the authors summarize school counseling outcome research published between 1988 and 1995. Gysbers and Henderson's (1994) comprehensive developmental guidance model served as the organizing model through which the status of empirical literature regarding school counseling is examined. Results indicated that research focused more on remediation activities as compared to preventive interventions. This review found tentative support for career planning, group counseling, social skill training activities, and peer counseling. Practical implications and future research direction are drawn from these conclusions.  相似文献   

This study examined the potential utility of genetic counseling services for Somali immigrants by investigating their perceptions of disability. Five Somali women participated in structured interviews that assessed their perceptions of the nature, causes, and impact of disability, and care for persons with disabilities. Using a Heideggerian Hermeneutics qualitative method of analysis, six major themes emerged: (1) disability refers to both physical and mental conditions, with mental disability generally thought of first and as more severe; (2) in Somalia, the family cares for disabled family members, treating them as if they were normal (3) there are major cultural differences between Somalia and the United States in how persons with disabilities are treated; (4) caring for a person with a disability is stressful for the family; (5) Allah determines whether or not a child will be disabled, and this cannot be predicted or altered; and (6) family is the primary life focus, and therefore, risk of disability does not affect reproductive decisions. These themes suggest that traditional genetic counseling may have limited utility for Somali immigrants. We recommend several modifications to traditional genetic counseling for Somali patients that also may be useful for populations that have similar beliefs.  相似文献   

The author reviews the current definitions, models, and research literature available on pornography. The influence of the media on attitudes toward women and sexual aggression are discussed. Suggestions are made for educational and counseling interventions.  相似文献   

Spina bifida, a congenital physical disability, is indirectly associated with difficulties in scholastic achievement, social development, and self‐determination. Environment can have an impact on psychosocial development and impede functioning academically, socially, and vocationally. Counselors must be aware of the societal atmosphere to identify potential difficulties and more efficiently meet the needs of children and adolescents with spina bifida.  相似文献   

In this review, empirical investigations that followed the Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck model of value-orientations are presented. The review finds between-group as well as within-group variations in cultural values. The author also discusses how an understanding of cultural values can enrich cross-cultural effectiveness. En este repaso se presenta las investigaciones que utilizaron el modelo Kluckhohn y Strodtbeck de evaluación orientativa. Se encuentran variaciones de valores culturales inter e intra grupo. Elautor también discute la manera en que el conocimiento de valores culturales puede mejorar la efectividad intercultural.  相似文献   

Race, class, and gender are social, political, economic, and cultural constructs that describe the positionalities of people. How these constructs are defined depends on the status occupied by individuals and the individual, institutional, and societal status of the individuals who have the power to construct hierarchies. The authors examine the intersection of race, class, and gender and the dimensions of oppression and discrimination in counseling. Historical and contemporary dimensions of racism, misogyny, and classism are presented. La Raza, clase social, y el género son construcciones sociales, políticas, económicas, y culturales que describen las posicionalidades de la gente. La definición de éstas construcciones depende de la posición social ocupada por los individuos e instituciones que tienen el poder de construir estas jerarquías. Los autores examinan el cruce de la raza, la clase, y el género y las dimensiones de la opresión y la discriminación en la consejería. Las dimensiones históricas y contemporáneas del racismo, la misoginia, y el clasismo se presentan.  相似文献   

Although the basic goal and components of genetic counseling appears to be the same across the globe, judged by my experiences there are significant differences in the provision of genetic counseling services in Australasia (Australia and New Zealand) and India. There is poor recognition of the professional status of a genetic counselor in India at present. This may be partly because genetic counseling itself is a relatively new discipline within the medical field in India, although some types of genetic services and research have been conducted since 1960s. In this paper, I aim to provide insight from my personal transnational experiences.  相似文献   

In this interview, two counseling psychologists describe aspects of a relatively unique career counseling service that has been validated by 40 years of success in the marketplace. Composed of 3 intensive individual interviews and 15 to 25 hours of educational and psychological testing, the service assists clients in identifying and beginning pursuit of suitable educational and occupational goals. The counselors describe how they organize and sift through test results to formulate recommendations for a client's unique career circumstances, why they accept responsibility for developing and presenting concrete recommendations, and what the changes in their clients' concerns suggest about the evolution of work in the United States. Their specificity and professionalism will help counselors understand the craft of career counseling.  相似文献   

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has primarily pediatric onset and well-documented unique impacts on family functioning. Limited research has assessed the understanding that parents of children with OCD have of the etiology of the condition, and there are no data regarding potential applications of genetic counseling for this population. We recruited 13 parents of 13 children diagnosed with OCD from the OCD Registry at British Columbia Children’s Hospital, and conducted qualitative semi-structured telephone interviews to explore participants’ experiences with their child’s OCD, causal attributions of OCD, and perceptions of two genetic counseling vignettes. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using elements of grounded theory qualitative methodology. Analysis revealed key components and contextual elements of the process through which parents adapt to their child’s OCD. This adaptation process involved conceptualizing the meaning of OCD, navigating its impact on family dynamics, and developing effective illness management strategies. Adaptation took place against a backdrop of stigmatization and was shaped by participants’ family history of mental illness and their child’s specific manifestations of OCD. Parents perceived genetic counseling, as described in the vignettes, as being empowering, alleviating guilt and blame, and positively impacting treatment orientation. These data provide insight into the process of parental adaptation to pediatric OCD, and suggest that genetic counseling services for families affected by OCD may help facilitate adaptation to this illness.  相似文献   

This article is a comprehensive literature review of the research regarding reentry women for 1980 to 1990, with recommendations for counseling and research. The article is divided into the following sections: (a) reentry trends; (b) general characteristics; (c) reasons for reentry; (d) personality; (e) role, values, and family; (f) satisfaction in the student role; (g) career choice; (h) reentry women after graduation; (i) research limitations; (j) research recommendations; and (k) conclusion. Research replications were found to be very limited and restricted to four areas: (a) reasons for reentry, (b) personality, (c) family variables, and (d) career choice.  相似文献   

Satisfaction is an important patient reported outcome of genetic counseling, as it is one of the elements used by professional organizations and healthcare accrediting bodies to determine the quality of professional work. However, empirical research on patient satisfaction with genetic counseling has been limited, partly due to the lack of standardized measures available to assess this construct. The purpose of this study was to conduct a psychometric analysis of a new satisfaction measure, the Genetic Counseling Satisfaction Scale (GCSS), within a sample of women participating in a no-cost cancer genetic counseling and testing program. The sample consisted of 61 women undergoing counseling and testing for hereditary breast-ovarian cancer risk (BRCA1/2 testing) who completed the GCSS following pretest counseling. The results suggest that the GCSS was reliable (Cronbach's coefficient alpha = 0.90) and that participants were highly satisfied with the care they received. In addition, there were no differences in satisfaction between cancer genetic counseling and prenatal counseling participants (based on preexisting norms), and satisfaction did not vary by sociodemographic characteristics. Implications and recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   

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