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Research has demonstrated strong but independent attention to the role of self-control and street code attitudes in predicting criminal and violent behavior. Yet, there are good theoretical notions to believe that street code attitudes may be a salient mechanism in the self-control–offending relationship. Specifically, the present study investigates: (1) the extent to which self-control predicts adopting street code attitudes and (2) whether street code attitudes mediate the effect of self-control on criminal behavior. Using data collected from a multisite sample of over 900 young adults, we assess this mediation hypothesis for three distinct types of criminal activity: violent, property, and drug use. Our results reveal that individuals with lower self-control are more likely to adopt street code attitudes, that self-control is related to all three forms of offending, and that street code attitudes fully mediate the effect of self-control on violence, partially on property crime, but not in the case of drug use. Findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article investigates cognitive and motivational decision processes in the pursuit of dieting goals and implements the theory of trying in a field study. The theory of trying is an extension of the theory of planned behavior and investigates the effects on intentions of (a) 3 prefactual attitudes (attitudes toward success, failure, and the process of goal striving), (b) subjective norms, and (c) perceived behavioral control (i.e., resistance to temptation). Dieting decisions of 609 adult women were studied. Perceived behavioral control in the form of resistance to temptation was found to interact with subjective norms to influence intentions, and the 3 forms of prefactual attitudes had additive effects on intentions.  相似文献   

Diagnosis, intervention and support for people with autism can be assisted by research into the aetiology of the condition. Twin and family studies indicate that autism spectrum conditions are highly heritable; genetic relatives of people with autism often show milder expression of traits characteristic for autism, referred to as the Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP). In the past decade, advances in the biological and behavioural sciences have facilitated a more thorough examination of the BAP from multiple levels of analysis. Here, the candidate phenotypic traits delineating the BAP are summarised, including key findings from neuroimaging studies examining the neural substrates of the BAP. We conclude by reviewing the value of further research into the BAP, with an emphasis on deriving heritable endophenotypes which will reliably index autism susceptibility and offer neurodevelopmental mechanisms that bridge the gap between genes and a clinical autism diagnosis.  相似文献   

The present article describes six strategies found useful when working with depressed clients who are struggling with severe financial limitations. First, it is important to help clients maintain an attitude of hope for a better future, so they remain as positive yet realistic about their current options and future goals. Second, empathy is considered to be a central component in all psychotherapy sessions, helping therapists to understand their clients’ life experiences and ongoing struggles. Third, clients can learn to develop more adaptive perspectives about life, family, and friends, trying to focus on the positive events they have experienced and the supportive bonds they have developed. Fourth, clients can develop new specific coping skills that may help them to manage the problems they encounter. Fifth, many clients can better utilize the social support that is often available, starting to ask family members and friends for assistance and support when help is needed. Sixth, an interdisciplinary treatment team is often optimal when the treatment plan integrates the potential benefits derived from psychotherapy, medications, and social service agencies. An effective psychotherapist respects the limits of psychology while consulting with colleagues from other health care professions. These six strategies can help guide therapists when working with clients who are struggling with persistent depression in the face of adversity.  相似文献   

Apologizing is an effective strategy for reconciling relationships after transgressions. However, transgressors often resist or refuse to apologize. The current research investigated the role of self-control in apologizing. In Study 1, self-control was associated with participants’ proclivity to apologize and apologetic and nonapologetic behavior. In Studies 2 and 3, self-control was manipulated to test the causal relationship. Both studies found participants with high self-control were more apologetic and less nonapologetic and were more likely to use apologetic statements in e-mails to their victims. Overall, these studies suggest that transgressors with high self-control are more apologetic than those with low self-control.  相似文献   

In this commentary, I focus on the deficiencies in the reflective‐impulsive model (RIM) by Strack, Werth, and Deutsch (2006) in terms of understanding the mechanics of the reflective system. Strack et al. outlined the cognitive architecture of the consumer with the RIM but failed to specify how its most impressive feature, the reflective system, is powered. Drawing on the literature on self‐regulation (as a reconceptualization of RIM incompatibility), I argue that self‐regulatory resources drive the reflective system. Research from 5 domains—overeating among dieters, impulsive spending, logical thinking, making choices, and subjective perceptions of duration—supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS; Tangney, Baumeister, & Boone, 2004) was developed to assess dispositional self-control as it is conceptualized by contemporary theoretical perspectives; however, concerns regarding its unidimensionality and validity remain. This article addresses these concerns using three samples to define, confirm and test a multi-factor version of the BSCS. Results of Study 1 (= 909) identified two factors of the BSCS: restraint and impulsivity. Results of Study 2 (= 364) confirmed that the 2-factor structure fit the data well and performed better than 1-factor structures. Finally, results from Study 3 (= 175) demonstrated the utility of the multi-factor BSCS in predicting self-reported affective and behavioral outcomes. Implications for research and theoretical development are discussed.  相似文献   

李博  赵笑梅 《心理科学》2016,39(1):56-62
旨在探究健康个体执行控制资源损耗对自传体记忆生动性及情绪的影响。实验一采用Stroop任务探讨了一般执行控制资源损耗的影响,结果发现损耗组自传体记忆生动性和情绪强度显著低于控制组。实验二进一步探讨不同的执行控制资源损耗的影响,结果显示中央执行的资源损耗对生动性和情绪强度影响最大,而视空间模板与语音环之间没有显著差异。实验结果支持了自传体记忆的执行控制资源受损理论和资源有限理论,并对临床治疗具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

People's numeric probability estimates for 2 mutually exclusive and exhaustive events commonly sum to 1.0, which seems to indicate the full complementarity of subjective certainty in the 2 events (i.e., increases in certainty for one event are accompanied by decreases in certainty for the other). In this article, however, a distinction is made between the additivity of probability estimates and the complementarity of internal perceptions of certainty. In Experiment 1, responses on a verbal measure of certainty provide evidence of binary noncomplementarity in the perceived likelihoods of possible scenario outcomes, and a comparison of verbal and numeric certainty estimates suggests that numeric probabilities overestimated the complementarity of people's certainty. Experiment 2 used a choice task to detect binary noncomplementarity. Soliciting numeric probability estimates prior to the choice task changed the participants' choices in a direction consistent with complementarity. Possible mechanisms yielding (non)complementarity are discussed.  相似文献   

为考察父母忽视与青少年短视频过度使用的关系,并探索正念与自我控制的多重中介机制,选取1015名青少年为研究对象,进行父母忽视、自我控制、正念和短视频过度使用的测量。结果表明:(1)父母忽视与短视频过度使用呈显著正相关。(2)自我控制在父母忽视与短视频过度使用间起中介作用,且正念和自我控制还在两者间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

《Psychological inquiry》2013,24(3):149-159
Understanding how emotion regulation is similar to and different from other self-control tasks can advance the understanding of emotion regulation. Emotion regulation has many similarities to other regulatory tasks such as dieting, and abstaining from smoking, drugs, alcohol, ill-advised sexual encounters, gambling, and procrastination, but it differs in a few important respects. Emotion regulation is similar to other kinds of self-regulation in that it consists of three components: standards, monitoring, and strength. Emotion regulation involves overriding one set responses with another, incompatible set, just like with other types of self-control. And like other regulatory tasks, emotion regulation can fail either because of underregulation or because of misregulation. Although emotion regulation is similar in many respects to other regulatory tasks, it is a special case of self-regulation in that it can often undermine attempts at other kinds of self- control. Specifically, focusing on regulating moods and feeling states can lead to a failure of self-control in other areas.  相似文献   

为探讨社会排斥与冲动性消费的关系及其作用机制,本研究采用社会排斥量表、名人崇拜量表、自我控制双系统量表以及冲动性购买倾向量表,对811名大学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)在控制性别、年龄、家庭月收入和每月生活费后,社会排斥显著正向预测冲动性消费;(2)名人崇拜在社会排斥和冲动性消费间起部分中介作用;(3)自我控制在中介路径的前半段及直接路径间起调节作用。本研究有助于对大学生冲动性消费的理解和干预。  相似文献   

Lisa E. Dahill 《Dialog》2014,53(3):250-258
Viewing modern life from the perspective and world of those whose lives are treated as expendable commodities in our current economic systems—humans and creatures of every other species—creates, Bonhoeffer asserts, the most reliable hermeneutical standpoint for seeing and living in reality. This essay attempts to fashion in broad strokes a Christian theology of creaturely re‐engagement: learning to live again “way below,” in literal and metaphoric touch with reality. I assert that Bonhoeffer's theology of I/Thou encounter as the means of humans’ ethical formation has the potential to ground a broader theology of inter‐species encounter as well.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— In this research, we varied the composition of 4-member groups. One third of the groups consisted exclusively of "locomotors," individuals predominantly oriented toward action. Another third of the groups consisted exclusively of "assessors," individuals predominantly oriented toward evaluation. The final third of the groups consisted of a mix of locomotors and assessors. We found that the groups containing only locomotors were faster than the groups containing only assessors, and the groups containing only assessors were more accurate than the groups containing only locomotors. The groups containing a mix of assessors and locomotors were as fast as the groups containing only locomotors and as accurate as the groups containing only assessors. These results echo findings at the individual level of analysis, and suggest that the testing and action components of operating systems independently contribute to performance both intra- and interpersonally.  相似文献   

该研究探讨了初中生心理资本与学业成就的关系,并提出一个有调节的中介模型,考察自我控制的中介效应和感恩对该效应的调节效应。研究采用问卷调查的方式,对1208名初中生进行了研究,研究工具包括心理资本量表、学业成就问卷、自我控制量表、感恩量表。结果表明:(1)心理资本既可以直接预测初中生的学业成就,也可以通过自我控制间接预测学业成就,即自我控制在心理资本与学业成就间起部分中介作用。(2)心理资本通过自我控制对初中生的学业成就所起的间接效应受感恩的调节,且这种间接效应在高感恩水平的初中生中更显著。研究的发现对提高初中生的学业成就具有重要的理论和参考价值。  相似文献   

We examined the spillover of community diversity to the workplace using a sample of 2,045 professionals living in communities across the U.S. Spillover effects were examined using 2 measures of community diversity: the degree to which employees were racially or ethnically similar to others in their community and perceptions of their community's diversity climate. Aligned with theories of group threat and racial segregation, Whites who were racially dissimilar to their communities expressed stronger intentions to leave their communities, and ultimately their workplaces, than those living in primarily White communities. However, community diversity climate offset these relationships; Whites who lived in communities that were racially dissimilar to them, but experienced the climate as inclusive, had lower moving intentions than those in communities that were experienced as racially intolerant. In contrast, for people of color, community diversity climate, rather than racial similarity to the community, predicted moving intentions. For both groups, the diversity climate in the community predicted moving intentions, which in turn predicted work turnover intentions, job search behaviors, and physical symptoms of stress at work. These findings suggest that the intention to leave one's community, and ultimately one's workplace, is influenced by community experiences and the community's perceived diversity climate.  相似文献   

Have rumors of the demise of liberation theology been greatly exaggerated? There is a prevailing belief among scholars and other observers that the Latin American Catholic Church has withdrawn from the preferential option for the poor, which had encouraged a combination of faith and activism for social justice. This article challenges that belief by means of qualitative data gathered during 8 months in Brazil that provide evidence of close connections between the Pastoral of the Street, a church program that mobilizes homeless people, and the National Movement of the Street Population (MNPR). The principal data came from 42 interviews with homeless or formerly homeless people, movement leaders, and religious sisters and lay workers in the pastoral program. Participant observation and documentary research supplemented the interviews. The findings demonstrate that the Pastoral of the Street helped to create the MNPR and continues to provide it with material and ideological support.  相似文献   

Although people routinely estimate the value of items in their environment, from goods and services to natural resources and lost earnings following an accident, the processes that underlie human valuation estimates are not well understood. We show that people use familiarity and fluency-the ease with which they process information-to determine an item's value. In three experiments, participants believed that familiar forms of currency (e.g., a familiar $1 bill) had greater purchasing power than their unfamiliar counterparts (e.g., a rare and unfamiliar coin). Mechanistic analyses showed a positive correlation between participants' familiarity with the unfamiliar currency and their estimates of its value. We conclude by discussing the theoretical and practical implications of our findings for researchers, marketing experts, and policymakers alike.  相似文献   

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