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As customer-relationship selling continues to emerge as a significant selling strategy, the role of customer-oriented selling takes on added significance. The personal selling relationship literature lacks a comprehensive review that summarizes and organizes the empirical research regarding customer-oriented selling. Subsequently, it is unclear what exactly has been learned by research on customer-oriented selling and what questions remain to be answered. Therefore, this paper addresses these concerns by reviewing the current literature in customer-oriented selling, offering propositions to extend our understanding, providing directions for developing a customer-oriented sales force based on our current understanding, and offering suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

With the advent of technology enabling greater customer tracking, more robust knowledge management, and direct customer communication, the implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) strategies has grown in importance with many implications for sales-intensive organizations. Implications of CRM strategy, analytical CRM, and operational CRM are discussed, particularly in terms of research opportunities. Although there are, no doubt, many other interesting and worthwhile research opportunities available, the nexus of technology, CRM, and sales-intensive go-tomarket strategies provide myriad opportunities for exciting research.  相似文献   

One fourth to one half of parents of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have ADHD themselves, complicating delivery of evidence-based child behavioral and pharmacological treatments. In this article, we review the literature examining the relation between parent ADHD and outcomes following behavioral and pharmacological treatments for children with ADHD. We also review research that has incorporated treatment of parent ADHD (either alone or in combination with child treatment) with the goal of improving parenting and child outcomes. Finally, we offer recommendations for future research on the relation between parent ADHD and evidence-based treatment outcomes for their children, with the purpose of advancing the science and informing clinical care of these families.  相似文献   

As the population ages, the need for effective methods to maintain or even improve older adults’ cognitive performance becomes increasingly pressing. Here we provide a brief review of the major intervention approaches that have been the focus of past research with healthy older adults (strategy training, multi-modal interventions, cardiovascular exercise, and process-based training), and new approaches that incorporate neuroimaging. As outcome measures, neuroimaging data on intervention-related changes in volume, structural integrity; and functional activation can provide important insights into the nature and duration of an intervention’s effects. Perhaps even more intriguingly, several recent studies have used neuroimaging data as a guide to identify core cognitive processes that can be trained in one task with effective transfer to other tasks that share the same underlying processes. Although many open questions remain, this research has greatly increased our understanding of how to promote successful aging of cognition and the brain.  相似文献   

Mimicry, the imitation of the nonverbal behaviour of others, serves to establish affiliation and to smoothen social interactions. The present research aimed to disentangle rapid facial reactions (RFRs) to affiliative emotions from RFRs to nonaffiliative emotions from a trait perspective. In line with the Mimicry in Social Context Model by Hess and Fischer, we expected that only the former are mimicry responses indicative of underlying social relating competence and predictive of social satisfaction, whereas the latter superficially resemble mimicry responses and are driven by social relating incompetence and have opposite effects on social satisfaction. Further, we assumed that social relating competence would moderate the relationship between stable individuals' tendencies to show (mal)adaptive RFRs and social satisfaction. To test these hypotheses, 108 participants first completed scales measuring social relating competence, then participated in a mimicry laboratory task and finally evaluated their naturally occurring social interactions for 10 days. Affiliative RFRs to sadness were related to proximal indices of social relating competence and predicted positive social interactions, whereas nonaffiliative RFRs to disgust were related to social relating incompetence and predicted negative social interactions. By contrast, neither affiliative RFRs to happiness nor nonaffiliative RFRs to anger were linked to proximal indices of social relating competence, and both RFRs were only (dys)functional for interaction quality in less social relating‐competent individuals. Copyright © 2015 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

组织公平文献综述及未来的研究方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林帼儿  陈子光  钟建安 《心理科学》2006,29(4):1016-1018
文章的主要目的在于回顾组织公平自其产生至今的主要文献,并介绍Colquitt(2001)的组织公平四因素结构(即分配公平、程序公平、人际公平和信息公平)[1]。文章还讨论了组织公平的工具性和非工具性模型。最后,文章介绍了组织公平今后的几个研究方向。  相似文献   

As the diversity within the U.S. population continues to increase, multicultural counseling competency (MCC) remains a central focus in counselor education and research. Accordingly, assessment of competencies is necessary to ensure culturally appropriate counseling services to an increasingly diverse clientele. This article discusses available tools for evaluating counselors' awareness, knowledge, and skills for working with culturally diverse clients, as well as new directions and trends in MCC assessment.  相似文献   

The author examined the factor structure of the 12-item Consideration of Future Consequences (CFC) Scale (A. Strathman, F. Gleicher, D. S. Boninger, & S. Edwards, 1994) among 664 undergraduate university students enrolled in human development courses. A principal-components factor analysis with varimax rotation yielded 2 factors. The author used confirmatory factor analysis procedures to examine the fit of 4 models, according to the principal-components factor analysis findings, with the observed covariance. The author used a number of fit indices to compare the 4 models. Both sets of analysis provided the greatest support for an 8-item short version of the CFC Scale. The author discussed findings in regard to the CFC Scale as an instrument to measure future time perspective.  相似文献   

Les recherches sur la sélection et l'évaluation sont abordées d'un point de vue tourné vers l'avenir. On recense quatre grand thèmes d'importance majeure dans le développement des futures recherches: la prédiction bimodale, l'adaptation polyvalente, les réactions et décisions pertinentes et les tensions entre la recherche et la pratique dans la sélection professionnelle. Pour chacun de ces thèmes, nous soulevons certains problèmes qui restent à traiter. On discute enfin des conséquences sur la patique et les avancées actuelles dans le domaine de la sélection, traditionnellement l'une des plus actives des disciplines centrales de la psychologie internationales du travail.
A future-oriented perspective for selection and assessment research is presented. Four superordinate themes of critical import to the development of future research are identified: (i) bimodal prediction, (ii) multilevel fit, (iii) applicant reactions and decision making, and (iv) tensions between research and practice in employee selection. Under each theme we pose a number of outstanding questions for research. Implications for practice and the ongoing advancement of the sub-field of selection, traditionally one of the most robust core disciplines in international IWO psychology, are discussed.  相似文献   

Research on the hypothesized relationship between sexual orientation and suicide is limited both in quantity and quality. National or statewide data on the frequency and causes of completed suicide in gay and lesbian people in the general population, including youth, do not exist. Similarly, national or statewide data on the frequency of suicide attempts among the general population or among gay and lesbian people, including youth, do not exist. Methodological limitations in the small research literature include a lack of consensus on definitions for key terms such as suicide attempt and sexual orientation, uncertain reliability and validity of measures for these terms, nonrepresentative samples, and a lack of appropriate nongay and/or nonclinical control groups for making accurate comparisons. These numerous methodological limitations prevent accurate conclusions about the role sexual orientation might play in suicidal behavior; the limitations also suggest opportunities for future research. Furthermore, recent evaluations of some school suicide-awareness programs suggest that these programs are ineffective and may actually have unintended negative effects. The premature dissemination of unproven programs is unwarranted.  相似文献   

工作场所不文明行为违背人际相互尊重的原则, 为组织环境带来广泛的慢性危害, 但由于其表现形式温和、伤害意图不明显, 因而长期被人们所忽视。近年来, 和谐的工作环境成为各界关注的热点, 工作场所不文明行为也受到越来越多学者的关注。回顾国外研究, 对工作场所不文明行为的概念界定、测量工具、前因变量和影响结果进行了系统梳理, 在此基础上总结对制度设计和选拔培训的管理启示, 并提出测量本土化、机制情境化、层次群体化、视角动态化等未来研究方向。  相似文献   

The Consideration of Future Consequences construct has been found to relate meaningfully to several positive outcomes in temporal research. Researchers have proposed 1-factor, 2-factor, and bifactor solutions to the Consideration of Future Consequences Scale (CFCS). Using 313 British University undergraduates, we tested four competing models: (a) a 12-item unidimensional model, (b) a model fitted for two uncorrelated factors (CFC-Immediate and CFC-Future), (c) a model fitted for two correlated factors (CFC-I and CFC-F), and (d) a bifactor model. Results supported the bifactor model, suggesting that the two hypothesized factors are better understood as grouping factors. Accordingly, the present study supports the CFCS as a unidimensional global future orientation measure. These results have important implications for the study of future orientation using the CFCS. Researchers using the CFCS are encouraged to examine a bifactor solution for the scores.  相似文献   

儿童青少年内外化心理病理问题存在共发现象,已受到发展心理学和心理病理学研究者的广泛关注。本文对当前关于儿童青少年内外化问题的描述性研究和解释性研究进行了梳理,对儿童青少年共发现象发生率、发展特点、预测因素和发展结果等方面的重要研究发现进行系统性介绍。最后,基于发展级联和个体与环境因素交互作用视角,对未来本领域的研究进行展望,以期系统、完整地揭示内外化问题共发的原因。  相似文献   

This study involved a comparison of the factor structure of the MCMI in: a general psychiatric sample, a substance misuse sample, and a drug misuse sample. Examination of the factor matrices for the three clinical samples provided evidence for a sturdy factor measuring a negativistic-avoidant personality style with associated anxiety, depression, and somatization. Evidence was also available in all three samples for factors measuring: a) a paranoid cognitive and interpersonal pattern, and b) an asocial-avoidant personal orientation.  相似文献   

《Memory (Hove, England)》2013,21(6):577-590
The causes of the positive relationship between comprehension and measures of working memory capacity remain unclear. This study tests three hypotheses for the relationship by equating the difficulty, for 48 individual subjects, of processing demands in complex working memory tasks. Even with difficulty of processing equated, the relationship between number of words recalled in the working memory measure and comprehension remained high and significant. The results favour a general capacity view. We suggest that high working memory span subjects have more limited-capacity attentional resources available to them than low span subjects and that individual differences in working memory capacity will have implications for any task that requires controlled effortful processing.  相似文献   

工作中的主动性行为是旨在引起或促使变革的行为。它包括三个成分:自发性、前瞻性和变革性。组织行为学中得到较多关注的主动性行为包括主动改进工作方法、主动解决问题、个人主动性、寻求个性化的契约关系以及主动寻求反馈等行为。不同类型的主动性行为可以整合为三个高阶分类, 与角色外行为、适应性行为等有本质区别。主动性行为研究的逻辑关系网络包括前因变量、结果变量以及可能的调节变量。未来研究应基于中国特殊的文化和经济背景, 进一步整合主动性行为的内涵, 拓展研究领域。  相似文献   

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