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Persistent drug seeking/taking behavior involves the consolidation of memory. With each drug use, the memory may be reactivated and reconsolidated to maintain the original memory. During reactivation, the memory may become labile and susceptible to disruption; thus, molecules involved in plasticity should influence acquisition and/or reconsolidation. Recently, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been shown to influence neuronal plasticity, presumably by their regulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules involved in synaptic reorganization during learning. We hypothesized that inhibition of MMP activity would impair the acquisition and/or reconsolidation of cocaine-conditioned place preference (CPP) in rats. Intracerebral ventricular (i.c.v.) microinjection of a broad spectrum MMP inhibitor, FN-439, prior to cocaine training suppressed acquisition of CPP and attenuated cocaine-primed reinstatement in extinguished animals. In a separate experiment, the cocaine memory was reactivated on two consecutive days with a cocaine priming injection. On these two days, artificial cerebral spinal fluid (aCSF) or FN-439 was administered either 30 min prior to or 1 min after cocaine-primed reinstatement sessions. Infusion of FN-439 partially impaired retrieval of the cocaine-associated context when given 30 min prior to cocaine. In both groups, however, FN-439 suppressed reinstatement compared with controls on the third consecutive test for cocaine-primed reinstatement, when no FN-439 was given. Control experiments demonstrated that two injections of FN-439 + cocaine given in the home cage, or of FN-439 + saline priming injections in the CPP chambers did not disrupt subsequent cocaine-primed reinstatement. These results show for the first time that (1) MMPs play a critical role in acquisition and reconsolidation of cocaine-induced CPP, and (2) rats demonstrate apparent disruption of reconsolidation by an MMP inhibitor after extinction and while they are under the influence of cocaine during reinstatement.  相似文献   

Reactivation of stabilized memories returns them to a labile state and causes them to undergo extinction or reconsolidation processes. Although it is well established that administration of glucocorticoids after training enhance consolidation of contextual fear memories, but their effects on post-retrieval processes are not known. In this study, we first asked whether administration of corticosterone after memory reactivation would modulate subsequent expression of memory in rats. Additionally, we examined whether this modulatory action would depend upon the strength of the memory. We also tested the effect of propranolol after memory reactivation. Adult male Wistar rats were trained in a fear conditioning system using moderate (0.4 mA) or high shock (1.5 mA) intensities. For reactivation, rats were returned to the chamber for 90 s 24h later. Immediately after reactivation, rats were injected with corticosterone (1, 3 or 10mg/kg) or vehicle. One, 7 and 14 days after memory reactivation, rats were returned to the context for 5 min, and freezing behavior was scored. The findings indicated that corticosterone when injected after memory reactivation had no significant effect on recall of a moderate memory, but it impaired recall of a strong memory at a dose of 3mg/kg. Propranolol (5mg/kg) given after the reactivation treatment produced a modest impairment that persisted over three test sessions. Further, the results showed that corticosterone, but not propranolol deficit was reversed by a reminder shock. These findings provide evidence that administration of glucocorticoids following memory reactivation reduces subsequent retrieval of strong, but not moderate, contextual conditioned fear memory likely via acceleration of memory extinction. On the other hand, propranolol-induced amnesia may result from blockade of reconsolidation process. Further studies are needed to determine the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

巩固的记忆被提取后,进入不稳定状态,再重新稳定下来,这个过程称为记忆再巩固。本文首先阐述人类记忆再巩固主要研究方法和经典范式,梳理记忆再巩固在人类恐惧记忆和情景记忆两个方面的相关研究,并从认知神经科学角度整理记忆再巩固的加工机制。然后总结记忆再巩固应用于创伤性应激障碍和药物成瘾等心理障碍临床治疗的相关文献。最后本文提出未来研究的方向和建议,希冀对人类记忆再巩固的理论研究和临床应用提供新思路。  相似文献   

We have investigated the neurochemical mechanisms of memory reconsolidation and, in particular, the functional requirement for intracellular mechanisms initiated by beta-adrenergic signaling. We show that propranolol, given in conjunction with a memory reactivation session, can specifically disrupt the conditioned reinforcing properties of a previously appetitively reinforced conditioned stimulus (CS), whether the stimulus had been associated with self-administered cocaine or with sucrose. These data show that memories for both drug and nondrug CS-US associations are dependent on beta-adrenergic receptor-mediated signaling for their reconsolidation, with implications for the potential development of a novel treatment for drug addiction and some forms of obesity.  相似文献   

There is extensive evidence that post-training administration of the adrenocortical hormone corticosterone facilitates memory consolidation processes in a variety of contextual and spatial-dependent learning situations. The present experiments examine whether corticosterone can modulate memory of auditory-cue classical fear conditioning, a learning task that is not contingent on contextual or spatial representations. Male Sprague-Dawley rats received three pairings of a single-frequency auditory stimulus and footshock, followed immediately by a post-training subcutaneous injection of either corticosterone (1.0 or 3.0mg/kg) or vehicle. Retention was tested 24h later in a novel test chamber and suppression of ongoing motor behavior served as the measure of conditioned fear. Corticosterone dose-dependently facilitated suppression of motor activity during the 10-s presentation of the auditory cue. As corticosterone administration did not alter responding after unpaired presentations of tone and shock, tone alone, shock alone or absence of tone/shock, the findings indicated that corticosterone selectively facilitated memory of the tone-shock association. Furthermore, injections of corticosterone given 3h after training did not alter motor activity during retention testing, demonstrating that corticosterone enhanced time-dependent memory consolidation processes. These findings provide evidence that corticosterone modulates the consolidation of memory for auditory-cue classical fear conditioning and are consistent with a wealth of data indicating that glucocorticoids can modulate a wide variety of emotionally influenced memories.  相似文献   

The central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) is traditionally portrayed in fear conditioning as the key neural output that relays conditioned information established in the basolateral amygdala complex to extra-amygdalar brain structures that generate emotional responses. However, several recent studies have questioned this serial processing view of the amygdalar fear conditioning circuit by showing an influence of the CeA on memory consolidation. We previously reported that inhibition of endogenous CeA secretion of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) at the time of contextual training effectively impaired fear memory consolidation. However, the time-dependent range of CeA CRF secretion in facilitating consolidation processing has not been examined. Therefore, to address this issue, we performed CeA site-specific microinjections of CRF antisense oligonucleotides (CRF ASO) at several post-training time intervals. Rats microinjected with CRF ASO at post-training intervals up to 24-h subsequently exhibited significant impairments in contextual freezing retention in contrast to animals treated 96-h after training. To further establish the validity of the results, CeA fiber-sparing lesions were made at two distinct post-training periods (24-h and 96-h), corresponding respectively to the temporal intervals when CeA CRF ASO administration disrupted or had no significant effects on memory consolidation. Similar to the CeA CRF ASO results, CeA lesions made 24-h, but not 96-h, after training induced significant freezing deficits in the retention test. In conclusion, the current results demonstrate: (1) an extended involvement of CeA CRF in contextual memory consolidation and (2) that contextual fear memory storage is not dependent on a functional CeA.  相似文献   

The nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) is known to be involved in the memorization of several conditioned responses. To investigate the role of the NBM in fear conditioning memorization, this neural site was subjected to fully reversible tetrodotoxin (TTX) inactivation during consolidation in adult male Wistar rats that had undergone fear training to acoustic conditioned stimulus (CS) and context. TTX was stereotaxically administered to different groups of rats at increasing intervals after the acquisition session. Memory was assessed as the conditioned freezing duration measured during retention testing, always performed 72 and 96 h after TTX administration. In this way, there was no interference with normal NBM function during either acquisition or retrieval phases, allowing any amnesic effect to be due only to consolidation disruption. The results show that for contextual fear response memory consolidation, NBM functional integrity is necessary up to 24 h post-acquisition. On the other hand, NBM functional integrity was shown to be necessary for memory consolidation of the acoustic CS fear response only immediately after acquisition and not 24-h post-acquisition. The present findings help to elucidate the role of the NBM in memory consolidation and better define the neural circuits involved in fear memories.  相似文献   

The roles of the basolateral amygdala and nucleus basalis magnocellularis in fear conditioning reconsolidation were investigated by means of tetrodotoxin bilateral inactivation performed 96 h after conditioning, immediately after reactivation training. Footshocks of 1.2 mA intensity were employed to induce the generalization phenomenon. Basolateral amygdala inactivation disrupts the contextual fear response and its generalization but not acoustic CS trace retention, when measured 72 and 96 h after tetrodotoxin administration. Nucleus basalis magnocellularis functional inactivation does not affect memory post-reactivation phase of any of the three conditioned fear responses. The present findings show a differential role of the two structures in fear memory reconsolidation and can be a starting point for future investigation of the neural circuits subserving generalization.  相似文献   

情绪障碍治疗的关键在于消退条件性恐惧记忆,研究证明基于记忆再巩固的提取-消退范式能有效消除或改写原有的恐惧记忆。本研究将提取-消退范式应用到更复杂的恐惧记忆中,采用多感官复合刺激(声音+图片)作为条件刺激,以皮电反应作为恐惧反应指标,考察采用单个线索(声音或图片)、复合线索(声音+图片)进行提取-消退对条件性恐惧记忆的消退效果有何差异。结果表明:声音线索提取-消退组出现了自发恢复和重建效应,图片提取-消退组只出现了重建效应,复合刺激提取-消退组未出现自发恢复和重建效应。说明由复合刺激线索引发的条件性恐惧,采用复合刺激中的单个较强线索或原有完整线索进行提取-消退,对恐惧记忆的消退效果最好。  相似文献   

Learning in a contextual fear conditioning task involves forming a context representation and associating it with a shock. The dorsal hippocampus (DH) is implicated in representing the context, but whether it also has a role in associating the context and shock is unclear. To address this issue, male Wistar rats were trained on the task by a two-phase training paradigm, in which rats learned the context representation on day 1 and then reactivated it to associate with the shock on day 2; conditioned freezing was tested on day 3. Lidocaine was infused into the DH at various times in each of the two training sessions. Results showed that intra-DH infusion of lidocaine shortly before or after the context training session on day 1 impaired conditioned freezing, attesting to the DH involvement in context representation. Intra-DH infusion of lidocaine shortly before or after the shock training session on day 2 also impaired conditioned freezing. This deficit was reproduced by infusing lidocaine or APV (alpha-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid) into the DH after activation of the context memory but before shock administration. The deficit was not due to drug-induced state-dependency, decreased shock sensitivity or reconsolidation failure of the contextual memory. These results suggest that in contextual fear conditioning integrity of the DH is required for memory processing of not only context representation but also context-shock association.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the reconsolidation and extinction of hippocampal-dependent contextual fear memory can be initiated by a single context conditioned stimulus (CS) presentation of either short or long duration, and that both processes require protein synthesis in this brain region. Furthermore, reconsolidation depends on Zif268 activity in this region. Here we show that by infusing a recombinant brain-derived neurotrophic factor (rBDNF) directly into the brain of rats, that high levels of mature BDNF in the hippocampus at retrieval constrain the extinction of the fear memory after prolonged memory recall. We also show after a short CS exposure that reconsolidation was impaired using antisense oligonucleotides targeting Zif268, and that, similarly, reductions in conditioned behavior were observed after prolonged CS presentation when extinction is constrained by high levels of BDNF. This is direct evidence that in the mammalian brain extinction proceeds exclusively after prolonged CS exposure. In addition, that BDNF activity in the hippocampus contributes to a molecular switch for the extinction of hippocampal-dependent memory.  相似文献   

Consolidation refers to item stabilization in long-term memory. Retrieval renders a consolidated memory sensitive, and a "reconsolidation" process has been hypothesized to keep the original memory persistent. Some authors could not detect this phenomenon. Here we show that retrieved contextual fear memory is vulnerable to amnesic treatments and that the amygdala is critically involved. Cholinergic and histaminergic systems seem to modulate only consolidation, whereas cannabinoids are involved in both consolidation and reactivation. The lability of retrieved memory affords opportunities to treat disorders such as phobias, post-traumatic stress, or chronic pain, and these results help searching for appropriate therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Memory consolidation is the process by which newly learned information is stabilized into long-term memory (LTM). Considerable evidence indicates that retrieval of a consolidated memory returns it to a labile state that requires it to be restabilized. Consolidation of new fear memories has been shown to require de novo RNA and protein synthesis in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA). We have previously shown that de novo protein synthesis in the LA is required for reconsolidation of auditory fear memories. One key question is whether protein synthesis during reconsolidation depends on already existing mRNAs or on synthesis of new mRNAs in the amygdala. In the present study, we examined the effect of mRNA synthesis inhibition during consolidation and reconsolidation of auditory fear memories. We first show that intra-LA infusion of two different mRNA inhibitors dose-dependently impairs long-term memory but leaves short-term memory (STM) intact. Next, we show that intra-LA infusion of the same inhibitors dose-dependently blocks post-reactivation long-term memory (PR-LTM), whereas post-reactivation short-term memory (PR-STM) is left intact. Furthermore, the same treatment in the absence of memory reactivation has no effect. Together, these results show that both consolidation and reconsolidation of auditory fear memories require de novo mRNA synthesis and are equally sensitive to disruption of de novo mRNA synthesis in the LA.  相似文献   

Contextual fear conditioning involves forming a context representation and associating it to a shock, both of which involved the dorsal hippocampus (DH) according to our recent findings. This study tested further whether the two processes may rely on different neurotransmitter systems in the DH. Male Wistar rats with cannula implanted into the DH were subjected to a two-phase training paradigm of contextual fear conditioning to separate context learning from context-shock association in two consecutive days. Immediately after each training phase, different groups of rats received bilateral intra-DH infusion of the GABA(A) agonist muscimol, 5HT(1A) agonist 8-OH-DPAT, NMDA antagonist APV or muscarinic antagonist scopolamine at various doses. On the third day, freezing behavior was tested in the conditioning context. Results showed that intra-DH infusion of muscimol impaired conditioned freezing only if it was given after context learning. In contrast, scopolamine impaired conditioned freezing only if it was given after context-shock training. Posttraining infusion of 8-OH-DPAT or APV had no effect on conditioned freezing when the drug was given at either phase. These results showed double dissociation for the hippocampal GABAergic and cholinergic systems in memory consolidation of contextual fear conditioning: forming context memory required deactivation of the GABA(A) receptors, while forming context-shock memory involved activation of the muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   

Extensive evidence indicates that the septum plays a predominant role in fear learning, yet the direction of this control is still a matter of debate. Increasing data suggest that the medial (MS) and lateral septum (LS) would be differentially required in fear conditioning depending on whether a discrete conditional stimulus (CS) predicts, or not, the occurrence of an aversive unconditional stimulus (US). Here, using a tone CS-US pairing (predictive discrete CS, context in background) or unpairing (context in foreground) conditioning procedure, we show, in mice, that pretraining inactivation of the LS totally disrupted tone fear conditioning, which, otherwise, was spared by inactivation of the MS. Inactivating the LS also reduced foreground contextual fear conditioning, while sparing the higher level of conditioned freezing to the foreground (CS-US unpairing) than to the background context (CS-US pairing). In contrast, inactivation of the MS totally abolished this training-dependent level of contextual freezing. Interestingly, inactivation of the MS enhanced background contextual conditioning under the pairing condition, whereas it reduced foreground contextual conditioning under the unpairing condition. Hence, the present findings reveal a functional dissociation between the LS and the MS in Pavlovian fear conditioning depending on the predictive value of the discrete CS. While the requirement of the LS is crucial for the appropriate processing of the tone CS-US association, the MS is crucial for an appropriate processing of contextual cues as foreground or background information.  相似文献   

Epigenetic mechanisms have been widely implicated in synaptic plasticity and in memory consolidation, yet little is known about the role of epigenetic mechanisms in memory reconsolidation processes. In the present study, we systematically examine the role of histone acetylation and DNA methylation in the reconsolidation of an amygdala-dependent Pavlovian fear memory. We first show that the acetylation of histone 3 (H3), but not histone 4 (H4), is regulated following auditory fear memory retrieval in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA). We next show that histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition in the LA enhances both retrieval-induced histone acetylation and reconsolidation of an auditory fear memory. Conversely, inhibition of DNA methytransferase (DNMT) activity in the LA significantly impairs both retrieval-related H3 acetylation and fear memory reconsolidation. The effects of HDAC and DNMT inhibitors on fear memory reconsolidation were observed to be time-limited and were not evident in the absence of memory reactivation. Further, memories lost following DNMT inhibition were not observed to be vulnerable to spontaneous recovery, reinstatement, or to a shift in testing context, suggesting that memory impairment was not the result of facilitated extinction. Finally, pretreatment with the HDAC inhibitor was observed to rescue the reconsolidation deficit induced by the DNMT inhibitor. These findings collectively suggest that histone acetylation and DNA methylation are critical for reconsolidation of fear memories in the LA.  相似文献   

In contextual conditioning, a complex pattern of information is processed to associate the characteristics of a particular place with incentive or aversive reinforcements. This type of learning has been widely studied in mammals, but studies of other taxa are scarce. The context-signal memory (CSM) paradigm of the crab Chasmagnathus has been extensively used as a model of learning and memory. Although initially interpreted as habituation, some characteristics of contextual conditioning have been described. However, no anticipatory response has been detected for animals exposed to the training context. Thus, CSM could be interpreted either as an associative habituation or as contextual conditioning that occurs without a context-evoked anticipatory response. Here, we describe a training protocol developed for contextual Pavlovian conditioning (CPC). For each training trial, the context (conditioned stimulus, CS) was discretely presented and finished together with the unconditioned stimulus (US). In agreement with the CSM paradigm, a robust freezing response was acquired during the 15 training trials, and clear retention was found when tested with the US presentation after short (2 and 4 h) and long (1–4 days) delays. This CPC memory showed forward but not simultaneous presentation conditioning and was context specific and protein synthesis dependent. Additionally, a weak CPC memory was enhanced during consolidation. One day after training, CPC was extinguished by repeated CS presentation, while one presentation induced a memory labilisation–reconsolidation process. Finally, we found an anticipatory conditioned response (CR) during the CS presentation for both short-term (4 h) and long-term memory (24 h). These findings support the conditioning nature of the new paradigm.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that drug-related memories are reactivated after exposure to environmental cues and may undergo reconsolidation, a process that can strengthen memories. Conversely, reconsolidation may be disrupted by certain pharmacological agents such that the drug-associated memory is weakened. Several studies have demonstrated disruption of memory reconsolidation using a drug-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) task, but no studies have explored whether cocaine-associated memories can be similarly disrupted in cocaine self-administering animals after a cocaine priming injection, which powerfully reinstates drug-seeking behavior. Here we used cocaine-induced CPP and cocaine self-administration to investigate whether the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist (+)-5methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine maleate (MK-801) given just prior to reactivation sessions would suppress subsequent cocaine-primed reinstatement (disruption of reconsolidation). Systemic injection of MK-801 (0.05 or 0.20 mg/kg administered intraperitoneally) in rats just prior to reactivation of the cocaine-associated memory in the CPP context attenuated subsequent cocaine-primed reinstatement, while no disruption occurred in rats that did not receive reactivation in the CPP context. However, in rats trained to self-administer cocaine, systemic administration of MK-801 just prior to either of two different types of reactivation sessions had no effect on subsequent cocaine-primed reinstatement of lever-pressing behavior. Thus, systemic administration of MK-801 disrupted the reconsolidation of a cocaine-associated memory for CPP but not for self-administration. These findings suggest that cocaine-CPP and self-administration do not use similar neurochemical processes to disrupt reconsolidation or that cocaine-associated memories in self-administering rats do not undergo reconsolidation, as assessed by lever-pressing behavior under cocaine reinstatement conditions.The ability to disrupt previously consolidated memories in a reactivation-dependent manner is thought to be due to the disruption of a memory reconsolidation process. This disruption of reconsolidation has been observed in a wide variety of tasks and species (Nader et al. 2000b; Sara 2000; Alberini 2005; Riccio et al. 2006). Early reconsolidation experiments primarily focused on aversive learning paradigms, with an emphasis on disruption of reconsolidation as a potential treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (Misanin et al. 1968; Nader et al. 2000a; Debiec and Ledoux 2004; Brunet et al. 2008). Only more recently have investigators demonstrated that appetitive memories also undergo reconsolidation; most, but not all (Yim et al. 2006), studies found a disruption of expression for the drug-associated memory, suggesting the potential to target the reconsolidation process as a treatment for drug addiction (Lee et al. 2005; Miller and Marshall 2005; Milekic et al. 2006; Valjent et al. 2006; Brown et al. 2007; Kelley et al. 2007; Sadler et al. 2007; Fricks-Gleason and Marshall 2008; Milton et al. 2008a, b).Miller and Marshall (2005) showed that reconsolidation of cocaine conditioned place preference (CPP) in the rat could be disrupted by either pre- or post-treatment of a phosphorylation inhibitor of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (1/2) (ERK) in a reactivation-dependent manner. Other studies have shown that protein synthesis inhibitors (Milekic et al. 2006), a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor (Brown et al. 2007), a β-noradrenergic receptor antagonist (Bernardi et al. 2006; Robinson and Franklin 2007a; Fricks-Gleason and Marshall 2008), and an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist (Kelley et al. 2007; Sadler et al. 2007) can also disrupt the reconsolidation of drug-associated CPP memories. Studies by Lee and colleagues have shown that Zif268 antisense oligodeoxynucleotide infused into the basolateral amygdala prior to reactivation of memory for a cocaine-associated cue (the conditioned stimulus or CS) disrupts the ability of cocaine-associated cues to establish subsequent acquisition of a new instrumental response (Lee et al. 2005), and the ability of a drug-associated cue to induce relapse under a second-order schedule (Lee et al. 2006a). Thus, cocaine-associated memories appear to undergo reconsolidation in both Pavlovian and operant conditioning paradigms.Relapse to drug-seeking or drug-taking behavior can occur after re-exposure to three types of stimuli: the drug itself, drug-associated contextual and discrete cues, and stress; and all of these may promote relapse in humans (for review, see Epstein et al. 2006). Only a few CPP studies (Valjent et al. 2006; Brown et al. 2007) and no self-administration studies to our knowledge have tested whether the drug-associated memory can be rendered susceptible to disruption by pharmacological agents such that subsequent cocaine-primed reinstatement is suppressed. This drug-primed effect is observed in humans, producing relapse (Ludwig et al. 1974; Jaffe et al. 1989), and in rats, producing robust reinstatement of drug-seeking behavior in both CPP and self-administration tasks (McFarland and Ettenberg 1997; McFarland and Kalivas 2001; Sanchez and Sorg 2001; Kalivas and McFarland 2003). The development of a treatment strategy that makes use of the reconsolidation process will ultimately need to be powerful enough to diminish drug-seeking behavior in the presence of sizable doses of the drug itself. Therefore, the primary goal of this study was to determine whether drug-primed reinstatement could be suppressed in rats that have the memory reactivated in the presence of a pharmacological agent in cocaine self-administering rats. Since we previously have demonstrated the ability to disrupt cocaine-primed reinstatement only in animals in which the memory was reactivated using cocaine-induced CPP, we also tested the extent to which the same parameters used to disrupt reconsolidation in a cocaine-induced CPP task would disrupt reconsolidation in a cocaine self-administration task under conditions of drug-induced reinstatement.To examine this question, we chose the noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist (+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine maleate (MK-801). MK-801 has been shown to disrupt reconsolidation of spatial tasks (Przybyslawski and Sara 1997), fear tasks (Lee et al. 2006b), amphetamine-induced CPP (Sadler et al. 2007), cocaine-induced CPP (Kelley et al. 2007), and sucrose self-administration (Lee and Everitt 2008). Importantly, the two studies examining CPP using MK-801 did not explore whether MK-801 suppressed drug-seeking behavior in a manner that was dependent on whether the memory was reactivated, leaving open the possibility that it was not a reconsolidation process that was disrupted by MK-801.Here we demonstrate that MK-801 injected prior to cocaine-primed reinstatement of CPP disrupted subsequent cocaine-primed reinstatement of CPP, and this disruption was dependent on CPP contextual reactivation since injection of MK-801 and cocaine in the home cage did not disrupt subsequent cocaine-primed reinstatement of CPP. However, drug-seeking behavior in animals trained for cocaine self-administration was not disrupted when rats were reactivated under the same parameters that disrupted cocaine-induced CPP or when rats were given a reactivation session identical to their self-administration sessions. We thus demonstrate for the first time that memories associated with cocaine-induced CPP and cocaine self-administration are not similarly susceptible to disruption by MK-801.  相似文献   

Freezing to a tone following auditory fear conditioning is commonly considered as a measure of the strength of the tone-shock association. The decrease in freezing on repeated nonreinforced tone presentation following conditioning, in turn, is attributed to the formation of an inhibitory association between tone and shock that leads to a suppression of the expression of fear. This study challenges these concepts for auditory fear conditioning in mice. We show that acquisition of conditioned fear by a few tone-shock pairings is accompanied by a nonassociative sensitization process. As a consequence, the freezing response of conditioned mice seems to be determined by both associative and nonassociative memory components. Our data suggest that the intensity of freezing as a function of footshock intensity is primarily determined by the nonassociative component, whereas the associative component is more or less categorical. We next demonstrate that the decrease in freezing on repeated nonreinforced tone presentation following conditioning shows fundamental properties of habituation. Thus, it might be regarded as a habituation-like process, which abolishes the influence of sensitization on the freezing response to the tone without affecting the expression of the associative memory component. Taken together, this study merges the dual-process theory of habituation with the concept of classical fear conditioning and demonstrates that sensitization and habituation as two nonassociative learning processes may critically determine the expression of conditioned fear in mice.  相似文献   

Lesions of the dorsal hippocampus have been shown to disrupt both the acquisition and the consolidation of memories associated with contextual fear (fear of the place of conditioning), but do not affect fear conditioning to discrete cues (e.g., a tone). Blockade of central muscarinic cholinergic receptor activation results in selective acquisition deficits of contextual fear conditioning, but reportedly has little effect on consolidation. Here we show for the first time that direct infusion of the muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonist, scopolamine, into the dorsal hippocampus produces a dose-dependent deficit in both acquisition and consolidation of contextual fear conditioning, while having no impact on simple tone conditioning.  相似文献   

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