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After placing a female house mouse into the home cage of a male, the occurrences of four behaviors were recorded on separate channels of an event recorder: (1) male sniffing female, (2) male mounting female, (3) male intromitting female, and (4) 70-kHz vocalizations. The amount of vocalizing was greatest shortly after pairing and was associated with the male sniffing the female. After the male began mounting, vocalizations also were associated with mounting. Vocalizations were recorded during intromissions and occasionally occurred coincident with pelvic thrusts. Very few vocalizations were detected when the male was not sniffing or mounting the female. Vocalizations ceased following ejaculation but typically resumed several minutes before the resumption of another mounting sequence. Thus 70-kHz vocalizations appear to be closely linked to male sexual arousal.  相似文献   


The case of Anna presented by Professor Giliberti is discussed from an interpersonal perspective. Attention is given to Anna's real experiences of hypocrisy, social inadequacy, hatred and blame projection. Paranoid aspects are emphasized and seen as connected with a disparity between appearance and reality in the communicative pattern of the family.  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - The use of anvils to strike prey is a behavior observed in some species of birds around the world. Here, I investigated the use of anvils by the Great Kiskadee (Pitangus...  相似文献   

The theory of social representations occupies a place apart in social psychology both by the problems it raises and the scale of the phenomena with which it deals. This provokes many a criticism and misunderstanding. Such a theory may not correspond with the model of social psychology as it is defined at present. One attempts however to show that it answers important social and scientific questions, in what it differs from the classical conception of collective representations and, from the very beginning, adopts a constructivist perspective which has spread in social psychology since. Several trends of research have confirmed its vision of the relations between social and cognitive phenomena, communication and thought. More detailed remarks aim at outlining the nature of social representations, their capacity to create information, their function which is to familiarize us with the strange, according to the categories of our culture. Going farther, one insists on the diversity of methodological approaches. If the experimental method is useful to understand how people should think, higher mental and social processes must be approached by different methods, including linguistic analysis and observation of how people think. No doubt, social representations have a relation with the more recent field of social cognition. But inasmuch as the former depend on content and context, i.e. subjectivity and sociability of people, they approach the phenomena differently from the latter. Referring to child psychology and anthropology, one can contend, despite appearances, that it is also a more scientific approach. There is however much to be learned from criticisms and there is still a long way to go before we arrive at a satisfactory theory of social thinking and communication.  相似文献   

This paper deals with Larry Laudan's attack on the symmetry thesis of Bloor's “strong programme”. It will be shown that Laudan's argumentation is fallacious and, therefore, his attempt at refuting the symmetry thesis has failed.  相似文献   

The Book of Mormon presents a fascinating opportunity to test aspects of structuralist analysis of myth and culture. This article examines some of the key issues in structuralist theory and attempts to develop some new avenues of structuralist analysis, particularly in relation to agency and transformation. Although in some sense these avenues can be seen as challenging principles of traditional structuralism, the changes suggested are more refinements than significant alterations. The article then tests these theories in relation to a series of very complex allegories in the Book of Mormon. This discussion both demonstrates the analytical power of the approach and raises some interesting ethnographic issues, particularly the presence of triadic rather than dyadic structure. In order to add a diachronic aspect to the discussion and to examine process of transformation between cultures, the article touches on the use of similar allegories in the New Testament and in Intertestamental literature.  相似文献   

Cortical stimulation—evoked perception of tones differing in pitch suggests that the perception of pitch may be discretely organized in the human auditory parakoniocortex. Findings, obtained from a neurosurgical patient undergoing temporal lobectomy, are discussed with reference to anatomical and functional considerations of the auditory parakoniocortex in humans. These tonotypic findings are potentially significant since, as previously reported (see references in Discussion section), auditory sensations have not been analyzed in relation to perceptual categories of pitch. Address correspondence to: Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233.  相似文献   

现象学本身不是神学.现象学描写我们的非永久的、总是处于生存和消亡中的现实.但现象学对于神学不是无关痛痒的,不是中立的.正如它对于把相对的生存的诸向面的各种绝对化的做法是一种纠正一样,它也是一种对只在一种我们的生活现实的维度上设定和寻求永恒者的片面做法的纠正.它面对那种单一的灵魂深处的神秘论、那种单一的仁爱形而上学、那种单一的以自然为根基的形而上学,召唤我们回忆起我们生活中这个或那个被其忽略的和遗留下纯粹无常所带来的痛苦的向面.现象学只有从"三位一体"的宗教出发才能有助于拯救我们的整个现实.  相似文献   

Although head rotations are frequent patterns in play behavior in many mammalian species and differ from head movements used in other contexts, they have not been quantitatively described and their function remains unclear. The head rotations occurring in the play behavior of free-ranging Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus) were described from videotaped sequences. The authors tested 2 possible hypotheses about their function. Either the head rotations serve to create unexpected situations and should therefore occur in both solitary and social play and also be very variable, or they serve as play signals and should therefore occur only in social play and be ritualized. If head rotations have both functions, they should be less variable in social play. The data revealed that head rotations were very variable and were present both in solitary and social play. Furthermore, there was no difference in the variability between the head rotations present in the 2 types of play. The results do not support the function of head rotations as play signals but, rather, suggest that head rotations may serve to create unexpected situations in play.  相似文献   

The Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) is a widely used 36-item uni-dimensional parent rating scale constructed to measure disruptive behavior problems in children. However, in an American sample a 22-item version, including three subscales, has been suggested in order to increase the usefulness of the ECBI. Two studies were conducted to test the ECBI in a Swedish sample (N = 841). The aims of Study I were (a) examine the psychometric properties of the ECBI (b) to investigate the correspondence between mothers' and fathers' ratings, and (c) to obtain Swedish norms. The aim of Study II was to test the suggested three-factor solution in the Swedish sample using a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The ECBI showed good psychometric properties also in the present study, and Swedish normative data is presented. The best-fitting CFA-model was identical to the previously suggested three-factor model, which thus might be a useful alternative to the 36-item version.  相似文献   

Domestic cats (Felis catus) were administered an object permanence task in a novel and a familiar situation to investigate flexibility (i.e., pause behavior and searching by following a path opposite of that taken by the object when it disappeared) in search behavior. Pause and opposite search were assumed to be independent, equiprobable, and randomly exhibited (i.e., random model). The random model predicted that cats would exhibit flexible behavior on 75% of the trials. The results revealed that flexible behavior occurred on 69% of the trials in the novel situation, but only on 52% of the trials in the familiar setting in which pauses were less frequent and shorter than in the novel situation. Thus, the random model provided a good fit of the data in the novel but not in the familiar situation. It is argued that pause and opposite search reflect decision processes when cats are dealing with the behavior of prey that has disappeared while being pursued.  相似文献   

An aversion for an auditory stimulus was established in laboratory rats when a tone was spatially and temporally contiguous with a novel taste in a food conditioned stimulus compound followed by toxicosis. The procedure involved varying the location of the tone relative to a novel tasting food. During toxicosis conditioning, one group ate sweet food with a speaker located in the food, two groups ate sweet food with the speaker displaced (near or far) from the food, and a fourth group was presented with a tone without food available. It was found that the potentiation of auditory aversions required both the presence of a novel taste and spatial contiguity between the taste and the tone.  相似文献   

The author describes the less frequently examined process of seeking forgiveness from others. Examples from the seminary classroom are used to describe the process. The examination of the seeking forgiveness process provides insight into the whole construct of forgiveness.  相似文献   

A 32-year-old woman was bedridden for a year because of chronic pain and headaches. She had insomnia, depression, suicidal thoughts and a severe chemical allergy. She had been on steroid therapy for two years and became Cushingoid with striae in the arm pits, groins and abdomen. However, she had no hypertension, nor the buffalo fat and hirsutism. She was very edematous, with a weight gain from 112 to 180 lbs. The fluid retention did not conform to the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone. Studies revealed abnormal scalp EEG discharges and high-voltage seizure discharges in the posterior thalamus. Electrothalamic stimulation suppressed the thalamic discharges and relieved the patient’s pelvic pain and headaches. After one month of several thalamic stimulations per day, she was able to get out of bed and ambulate. In addition, the patient no longer was edematous and was tolerating perfumes and floor detergents. Steroids were progressively reduced without complications of withdrawal. She went from a completely steroid dependent state to independent during the first 1-1/2 yrs of thalamic stimulation. With continued thalamic stimulation she has done well for 8-1/2 yrs, weighs 112 lbs, keeps house and drives a car. It’s speculated the illness is a chronic pain multiple system syndrome predominantly due to mesothalamic discharges and body infirmities. The mesothalamic discharge implicated neural networks, which represent biologic systems, i.e. pain, sleep, fluid retention, etc. Therapeutic stimulation attenuates the discharges and the neural networks return to their normal set points of homeostasis.  相似文献   

This case report described a veteran with social anxiety disorder who reported fears of negative evaluation by others, social avoidance, and accompanying physiological symptoms of heart palpitations, gastrointestinal discomfort, muscle tension and mental confusion. The symptoms of social anxiety disorder subsided with the use of a Christian hymn "Be Still My Soul" and its accompanying musical poem, in Finlandia. The veteran attributed the symptom remission to the feeling of stillness and surrender to God conveyed by the words and music of the hymn. Although previous studies have shown that both music and religious beliefs can affect mental health, the findings in this case cannot be generalized without conducting further prospective empirical studies.  相似文献   

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