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This paper suggests revisions in our understanding of feminine identity formation, the girl's negative oedipus complex, and masculine identifications in girls. Analytic material from the cases of three girls is used to explore the various origins and intrapsychic functions of masculine identifications at each phase of the girl's development. Accounts of feminine development based on such concepts as castration shock, primary femininity, primary identification with mother, or core gender identity are seen as oversimplified. Feminine and masculine identifications are neither primary nor secondary, but the product of a long line of development, of ongoing conflict resolution, and of defensive transformations.  相似文献   

Oncofertility is one of the 9 NIH Roadmap Initiatives, federal grants intended to explore previously intractable questions, and it describes a new field that exists in the liminal space between cancer treatment and its sequelae, IVF clinics and their yearning, and basic research in cell growth, biomaterials, and reproductive science and its tempting promises. Cancer diagnoses, which were once thought universally fatal, now often entail management of a chronic disease. Yet the therapies are rigorous, must start immediately, and in many cases result in premature failure of the body's reproductive ability. In women, this loss is especially poignant; unlike the routine storage of sperm, which is done in men and boys facing similar treatment decisions, freezing oocytes in anticipation of fertility loss is not possible in most cases, and creating an embryo within days of diagnosis raises significant moral, social and medical challenges. Oncofertility is the study of how to harvest ovarian tissue in women facing cancer to preserve their gametes for future use with IVF, thus allowing the decisions about childbearing to be deferred and reproductive choices to be preserved. The research endeavor uses the capacity of the ovarian follicle to produce eggs in vitro. Developing the human follicle to ovulate successfully outside the body is scientifically difficult and ethically challenging. Infertility is linked to long-standing religious and moral traditions, and is intertwined with deeply contentious social narratives about women, families, illness and birth. Is the research morally permissible? Perhaps imperative if understood as a repair from iatrogenic harms? How are considerations of justice central to the work? How will vulnerable subjects be protected? What are the moral implications of the work for women, children and families? What are the implications for society if women could store ovarian tissue as a way of stopping the biological clock? What are the moral possibilities and challenges if eggs can be produced in large quantities from a stored ovarian tissue?  相似文献   

This study tested one hypothesis concerning the attribution of gender role stereotypes about competitive behavior and three hypotheses concerning differences in attribution of sex between male and female subjects. The study used a Prisoner's Dilemma Game setting to expose subjects to one of three conditions (competitive, cooperative, or tit-for-tat) to measure attribution of sex to an unknown confederate. A chi-square analysis revealed significant differences in the attribution of sex to the anonymous confederate between the competitive and the combined cooperative and tit-for-tat groups. In the competitive condition, subjects were more prone to think that the anonymous confederate was male than were subjects in the cooperative and tit-for-tat condition. This finding is consistent with the gender role stereotype that generally associates competitive behavior with masculinity and not with femininity. Post hoc chi-squares also revealed no difference between male and female subjects in the attribution of sex in any of the three conditions. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The career hopes of, and the career guidance provided to, a group of adolescent Muslim girls are analysed. In-depth interviews were conducted with 24 British Asian Muslim girls in the final year of compulsory schooling at three schools, with their parents and with 18 of their teachers. The findings indicate British Muslims' ardent desire for upward social mobility through the routes of education and careers, point to the role of negotiation and persuasion in career choices, and caution against stereotyping ethnic-minority groups.  相似文献   

State anxiety scores for male adults, facing redundancy, were elevated whilst subjects awaited dismissal. Six months later, anxiety levels fell most notably for the reemployed. Simple strategies, providing some amelioration for individuals during the stressful anticipation period, were rarely provided by employers.  相似文献   

The impact of forced intra-task waiting periods was evaluated in a laboratory study designed in analogy to forced waiting periods in human-computer interaction. Each task consisted of two lines of grouped capital letters (so-called Sterzinger lines) that had to be processed individually, separated by the experimental waiting period. The final response to both lines was taken after removal of the second line. The experiment was conducted according to a within-subjects design with the order of the two factors "duration" (2 s vs. 8 s) and "variability of the waiting periods" (constant vs. variable) controlled. The dependent variables were performance indices, heart rate, electrodermal activity, and subjective measures of mood and physical complaints. The results showed effects of the duration of waiting periods for the performance and the physiological variables, and effects of the variability factor for the subjective variables. Shorter waiting periods were associated with higher scores of heart rate and skin resistance responses, variable waiting periods seemed to confuse the subjects more than constant ones. The results are discussed with respect to the effects of the two experimental factors. With respect to dialog structures in human-computer interaction, the results lead to the conclusion that response interference could be avoided by giving the user the possibility to immediately input problem solutions. Partial and preliminary inputs should be permanently kept visible during the whole task cycle by the software.  相似文献   

We examined the search for partners by participants in two teen chat services having different ecologies. Over 12,000 utterances from monitored and unmonitored chat rooms were analyzed to assess online partner selection attempts and to see how such attempts may be influenced by the presence of an adult monitor. We found that the search for partners is ubiquitous in adolescents' online haunts, just as it is in their offline lives, and approximately two requests for a partner occur each minute. Although partner selection appears to be an important activity in online teen chat rooms, there are differences in frequency and format (e.g., the use of numerals, sexualized requests) as a function of participants' age and gender, and chat room ecology (monitored vs. unmonitored).  相似文献   

When can macroscopic data about a system be used to set parameters in a microfoundational simulation? We examine the epistemic viability of tweaking parameter values to generate a better fit between the outcome of a simulation and the available observational data. We restrict our focus to microfoundational simulations—those simulations that attempt to replicate the macrobehavior of a target system by modeling interactions between microentities. We argue that tweaking can be effective but that there are two central risks. First, tweaking risks overfitting the simulation to the data and thus compromising predictive accuracy; and second, it risks compromising the microfoundationality of the simulation. We evaluate standard responses to tweaking and propose strategies to guard against these risks.  相似文献   

Despite greater disability from knee osteoarthritis among Blacks, Whites are 3-5 times more likely to have total knee replacement (TKR). The authors explored whether beliefs among Blacks about arthritis and surgery contribute to this disparity. Ninety-four Blacks, ages 50 to 89, with knee arthritis underwent semistructured qualitative interviews regarding disability, beliefs about arthritis, beliefs about TKR, and treatment preferences. Content analyses yielded 6 themes: preference for natural remedies, negative expectations of surgery, beliefs about God's control, preference for continuing in their current state, relationships with specialists, and fear of surgery or death. Given its high levels of disability, this cohort had low expectations of TKR. Culturally sensitive educational programs might improve patient altitudes and beliefs regarding TKR, ultimately increasing appropriate usage.  相似文献   

204 Finnish children (98 from the capital, 106 from a rural area) participated in a longitudinal study concerning the development of their world-view. In interviews carried out at age 15, subjects were asked to give reasons/grounds for their beliefs (attitudes, opinions). The reasons given for answers relating to 17 topics (e.g., life values, vocational intentions, beliefs about important topics in everyday life, global problems, and the experiential character of human life) were rated in terms of maturity of thinking (MOT) about that topic. The relaliability of the MOT sum scale was ≥0.90. MOT was unrelated to most the ability tests included, and to parents' standard of living, but was related to school achievement (including achievement 3 years later), teacher's ratings, subjects' reading and TV-watching habits and other information-seeking activities, and acceptance of "untraditional" values. It was also related to self-image variables in females but not in males. The possible preferability of ecologically valid topic in studies of maturity of thinking is discussed.  相似文献   

This article makes an important distinction between two definitions of "token woman." In the first definition, a token woman is one of few women in a predominantly male setting. The second meaning of "Token Woman" identifies that subset of such women who have made the distinctive psychological adaptation described by Laws (1975). The methodological decisions in Young, MacKenzie, and Sherif's (1980) research are justified as based on that definitional distinction. Constantinople's critique is shown to be appropriate as an alternative to Laws' theory, but not as a criticism of our research. Alternative generational explanations for previous findings about Token Women are not supported by existing data.  相似文献   

In Spanish, objects and events at subject position constrain the selection of different forms of the auxiliary verb “to be”: locative predicates about objects require “estar en”, while those relating to events require “ser en”, both translatable as “to be in”. Subjective ratings showed that while the “object + ser + en” is considered as incorrect, the “event + estar + en” combination is also perceived as unacceptable but to a lesser degree. In an ERP study, we evaluated the impact of a purely semantic distinction (object versus events) on the subsequent processing of these auxiliary verbs followed by locatives in Spanish. For the “ser en” predicate, the P600 component was larger when the subject was an object than when it was an event. This P600 effect is consistent with an online repair of the defining predicate when it does not fit with the adequate semantic properties of the subject. On the other hand, for the “estar en” predicate, event subjects when compared to object subjects showed more positive ongoing amplitudes between 280 and 380 ms after the presentation of the “en” preposition, followed by a longer positive wave starting around 400 ms and lasting until 700 ms after the presentation of the following determiner, with central and frontal scalp distributions respectively. Thus, the different subject-predicate combinations, depending on the semantic features of the subjects, triggered syntactic reparatory processes at a structural level. These findings are consistent with an incremental interpretation of sentence meaning based on the interaction between syntactic and semantic information.  相似文献   

Fagot  Beverly I.  Hagan  Richard 《Sex roles》1985,12(3-4):341-351
Sex Roles - Forty-eight toddler boys and girls, 18 to 36 months of age, were observed in play groups. The assertive acts of each child and the responses of peers and teachers were recorded. The...  相似文献   

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