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This paper describes and illustrates a conceptual framework developed to assist novice REBT therapists with enlarging their disputational repertoire. First, four disputational strategies are described and illustrated. Then four disputational styles of presenting the strategies to the client are also described and illustrated. Then the disputational strategies and the disputational styles are combined within a conceptual framework to assist the developing REBT therapist in generating a variety of disputes for a single IB. Finally, the conceptual framework is applied to the IB of the case of Karen from Dryden and Digiuseppe'sPrimer on Rational Emotive Therapy to yield thirty-two separate disputes (sixteen disputes for the premise of the IB, and sixteen disputes for the derivative) of the IB.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the irrational evaluative beliefs, postulated by Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy, are associated with body dissatisfaction, 94 women (21 diagnosed with an eating disorder, 38 with high body dissatisfaction but without an eating disorder, and 35 with low body dissatisfaction) completed the Survey of Personal Beliefs and the Eating Disorders Inventory. Analysis showed no significant difference in body dissatisfaction between the Eating Disordered and High Body Dissatisfaction subgroups. No significant correlations between body dissatisfaction and irrational beliefs were found for the Eating Disordered subgroup. For the High Body Dissatisfaction subgroup, significant but low correlations were found between scores on body dissatisfaction and irrational standards for self and others and with negative self-rating. In terms of irrational beliefs the Eating Disordered and High Body Dissatisfaction subgroups showed a significantly greater tendency towards Catastrophizing, Low Frustration Tolerance, and Negative self-rating, compared to the controls, without any significant difference between the former two groups. The Eating Disordered subgroup but not the High Body Dissatisfaction subgroup differed significantly from the controls in terms of more Self-directed demands.  相似文献   

Factor analytic study of irrational beliefs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  



Disputation of irrational beliefs about overeating  相似文献   

Power and goal pursuit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Powerful individuals more easily acquire desired outcomes compared to powerless individuals. The authors argue that these differences can partly be attributed to self-regulation. The effects of power on the ability to act in a goal-consistent manner were analyzed across different phases of goal pursuit. Study 1 examined goal setting, Study 2 focused on the initiation of goal-directed action, Study 3 examined persistence and flexibility, and Study 4 assessed responses to good opportunities for goal pursuit and the role of implementation intentions. Consistently across studies, power facilitated prioritization and goal-consistent behavior. Power had, however, independent effects from implementation intentions. Consequences for performance are discussed.  相似文献   

The present research reveals the bi-directional relationship between career-related control beliefs and strivings, and their predictive relationship with hours of gainful employment. Three waves of data of a longitudinal study of 532 graduating high school seniors from four ethnically diverse schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results show individuals?? career-related personal control beliefs in effort and social connections, but not in ability or luck, were significantly predictive of career-related control strivings 1?year later. Thus, only personal control beliefs in causal factors that are contingent on an individual??s primary control strivings to enact effects are predictive of active motivational engagement in pursuit of career-related goals. Regarding the inverse direction of influence (i.e., strivings predict beliefs), career-related control strivings were significantly predictive of career-related personal control beliefs in ability, effort, and social connections, but not luck, 1?year later. These results support the idea that active goal engagement creates an implemental mindset that optimistically biases individuals?? beliefs in their personal control over causal factors relevant to attaining a pursued career-related goal. In addition, the results show that career-related control strivings, but not career-related personal control beliefs, are significantly positively associated with the number of hours of gainful employment worked 1-year later, supporting a beliefs-strivings-outcome sequential relationship.  相似文献   

Ellis, Beck, and others in the cognitive therapy tradition maintain that there is a strong correlation between irrational beliefs and nonpsychotic mental health problems such as anxiety. Numerous studies have found that irrational beliefs are correlated with high trait anxiety. In a multi-cultural sample (n = 250; 46.7% Caucasian, 23.6% Asian, 23.6% multi-cultural, and 6.1% of other ethno-cultural backgrounds), these findings are replicated. Profile analysis (MANOVA) results reveals significant relationships between high trait anxiety and seven of the ten irrational beliefs scales on Jones' Irrational Belief Test. Asians are found to be the most anxious, and the relationship between ethno-culture and irrational beliefs was significant on three of the ten scales, with Asians having more irrational beliefs than Caucasians or multi-cultural individuals. However, no interaction is found between anxiety and ethno-culture in their relationship to irrational beliefs. Thus, these results reveal that there are ethno-cultural differences in anxiety and irrational beliefs. Clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Ellis, Beck, and others in the cognitive therapy tradition maintain that there is a strong correlation between irrational beliefs and nonpsychotic mental health problems such as anxiety. Numerous studies have found that irrational beliefs are correlated with high trait anxiety. In a multi-cultural sample (n = 250; 46.7% Caucasian, 23.6% Asian, 23.6% multi-cultural, and 6.1% of other ethno-cultural backgrounds), these findings are replicated. Profile analysis (MANOVA) results reveals significant relationships between high trait anxiety and seven of the ten irrational beliefs scales on Jones' Irrational Belief Test. Asians are found to be the most anxious, and the relationship between ethno-culture and irrational beliefs was significant on three of the ten scales, with Asians having more irrational beliefs than Caucasians or multi-cultural individuals. However, no interaction is found between anxiety and ethno-culture in their relationship to irrational beliefs. Thus, these results reveal that there are ethno-cultural differences in anxiety and irrational beliefs. Clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Rational-emotive therapy (RET) holds that people largely make themselves neurotically anxious, depressed, hostile, and self-denigrating by strongly holding major dogmatic, absolutist, musturbatory beliefs and that they can use several cognitive, emotive and behavioral methods to modify these beliefs and increase their emotional health. This paper presents some evidence supporting this hypothesis and outlines the counseling advantages and disadvantages of active-directive cognitive restructuring.Invited address to British Psychological Association, Leeds, England, April 16, 1988.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that regions of left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) are involved in integrating the motivational and executive function processes related to, respectively, approach and avoidance goals. Given that sensitivity to pleasant and unpleasant stimuli is an important feature of conceptualizations of approach and avoidance motivation, it is possible that these regions of DLPFC are preferentially activated by valenced stimuli. The present study tested this hypothesis by using a task in which goal pursuit was threatened by distraction from valenced stimuli while functional magnetic resonance imaging data were collected. The analyses examined whether the impact of trait approach and avoidance motivation on the neural processes associated with executive function differed depending on the valence or arousal level of the distractor stimuli. The present findings support the hypothesis that the regions of DLPFC under investigation are involved in integrating motivational and executive function processes, and they also indicate the involvement of a number of other brain areas in maintaining goal pursuit. However, DLPFC did not display differential sensitivity to valence.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the relationship between young women's beliefs about approval, frustration, and dependency and their sex-role identification. Sixty-six college women responded to a questionnaire which contained the Irrational Beliefs Test (Jones, 1969) and the Multidimensional Sex Role Inventory (MSRI; Bernard, 1981). As predicted, women who score high in irrational beliefs concerning approval, frustration, and dependency also scored higher on the MSRI scale pertaining to anxiety and neuroticism than did their more rational counterparts. Also, the high irrational group scored lower than did the low irrational group on the MSRI scale measuring instrumental-agentic traits. These results have two implications for feminist RET psychotherapists. First, they clarify the value of using instruments to assess both irrational beliefs and sex role identification in treatment planning. Secondly, they sensitize the psychotherapist to the impact of sex-role socialization and identification on the psychological adjustment of young women.This article is based in part on a master's thesis completed by Tracy L. Vining, M.A.The authors thank William Tooke, Ph.D., for his helpful advice.Tracy L. Vining, M.A., is a School Psychologist at the Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES in Rushville, N.Y. William P. Gaeddert, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at SUNY-Plattsburgh, and Naomi B. McCormick is a Professor in the Psychology Department at SUNY-Plattsburgh and a Fellow of the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.  相似文献   

The effects of power legitimacy on self-regulation during goal pursuit were examined. Study 1 focused on goal-setting and goal-striving. Specifically, it examined how much time legitimate and illegitimate powerless individuals needed to set goals, and how many means they generated to pursue these goals. Study 2 examined persistence in the face of difficulties. Consistently across these studies illegitimacy improved self-regulation in powerless individuals. Illegitimate powerless individuals behaved similarly as control participants. They took less time to decide on a course of action, used more flexible means to strive for goals, and persisted longer in the face of difficulties, compared to their legitimate counterparts. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Four studies tested a model for goal pursuit, which proposed three relational mechanisms that yield motives for a goal. These motives, in turn, predict goal outcomes, but the association was expected to be stronger among women than among men. Study 1 (n = 116) tested the model for a short‐term, collaborative project between strangers; Study 2 (n = 186) examined parents being motivated by their children to be healthier; Study 3 (n = 124) examined nontraditional college students' career searches; and Study 4 (n = 181) examined young adults' progress toward a self‐improvement goal. Results showed support for the model in all four studies, with the exception that feeling accountable to others was not a consistent predictor of relational motives.  相似文献   

A total of 126 college students, 53 men and 73 women, completed the Manifest Alienation Scale and the Irrational Beliefs Scale to assess alienation and irrationality. A linear relationship indicated students with elevated Alienation scores showed substantially higher irrationality than did students scoring lower. Analysis suggests that a positive linear effect for measured irrationality and reported Alienation characterizes students in a nonclinical population. The relationship between normal and pathological Alienation and irrational belief are addressed, and potential interventions in clinical situations are considered.  相似文献   

Psychological momentum (PM) is thought to be a force that influences judgment, emotion, and performance. Based on a review of the extant literature, we elucidate two distinct approaches that researchers have adopted in their study of PM: the input‐centered approach and the output‐centered approach . Consistent with the input‐centered approach, we conceptualize PM as a process whereby temporal and contextual PM‐like stimuli (i.e., perceptual velocity, perceptual mass, perceptual historicity, and perceptually interconnected timescales)—initially perceived as an impetus—are extrapolated to imagined future outcomes through mental simulation. In turn, and consistent with the output‐centered approach, we posit that mental simulation elicits experiential (e.g., perceptual, cognitive, emotional) and behavioral states that govern goal pursuit, and that the pursuit of goals further influences perceptions of self, environment, and action quality. In all, we suggest that PM is interdependently linked to perceptions and behaviors in the sense that PM both influences and is influenced by changes in self‐perceptions, environmental perceptions, and behavior, and we conclude by linking the PM construct to recent work on prospection.  相似文献   

The current research explored whether sharing intentionality leads to implicit coordination, a situation in which isolated individuals independently adopt a similar standard of behavior. We propose that knowing that a given goal is experienced in common with other in-group members or similar others intensifies goal pursuit. Two experiments examined whether simply being aware that one's own individual goal was also being separately pursued by similar others results in more goal-congruent behavior. When a promotion goal was shared with similar others, participants produced greater promotion behaviors than when the same goal was shared with different others. Similarly, sharing a prevention goal with similar others led to greater prevention behavior than conditions where a) similar others had a different goal and b) different others shared the same goal. Overall, shared goals served as an intensifier of individual goal pursuit. We discuss shared goals as a foundation for the emergence of social synchrony in groups.  相似文献   

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