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Noninvasive brain stimulation methods are becoming increasingly common tools in the kit of the cognitive scientist. In particular, transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) is showing great promise as a tool to causally manipulate the brain and understand how information is processed. The popularity of this method of brain stimulation is based on the fact that it is safe, inexpensive, its effects are long lasting, and you can increase the likelihood that neurons will fire near one electrode and decrease the likelihood that neurons will fire near another. However, this method of manipulating the brain to draw causal inferences is not without complication. Because tDCS methods continue to be refined and are not yet standardized, there are reports in the literature that show some striking inconsistencies. Primary among the complications of the technique is that the tDCS method uses two or more electrodes to pass current and all of these electrodes will have effects on the tissue underneath them. In this tutorial, we will share what we have learned about using tDCS to manipulate how the brain perceives, attends, remembers, and responds to information from our environment. Our goal is to provide a starting point for new users of tDCS and spur discussion of the standardization of methods to enhance replicability.  相似文献   

Cognitive functions like perception, memory, language, or consciousness are based on highly parallel and distributed information processing by the brain. One of the major unresolved questions is how information can be integrated and how coherent representational states can be established in the distributed neuronal systems subserving these functions. It has been suggested that this so-called "binding problem" may be solved in the temporal domain. The hypothesis is that synchronization of neuronal discharges can serve for the integration of distributed neurons into cell assemblies and that this process may underlie the selection of perceptually and behaviorally relevant information. As we intend to show here, this temporal binding hypothesis has implications for the search of the neural correlate of consciousness. We review experimental results, mainly obtained in the visual system, which support the notion of temporal binding. In particular, we discuss recent experiments on the neural mechanisms of binocular rivalry which suggest that appropriate synchronization among cortical neurons may be one of the necessary conditions for the buildup of perceptual states and awareness of sensory stimuli.  相似文献   

This paper argues that humans possess unique cognitive abilities due to the presence of a functional system that exists in the human brain that is absent in the non-human brain. This system, the frontal feedback system, was born in the hominin brain when the great phylogenetic expansion of the prefrontal cortex relative to posterior sensory regions surpassed a critical threshold. Surpassing that threshold effectively reversed the preferred direction of information flow in the highest association regions of the neocortex, producing the frontal feedback system. This reversal was from the caudo-rostral bias characteristic of non-human, or pre-human, brain dynamics to a rostro-caudal bias characteristic of modern human brain dynamics. The frontal feedback system works through frontal motor routines, or action schemes, manipulating the release and reconstruction of stored sensory memories in posterior sensory areas. As an obligatory feature of frontal feedback, a central character, or self, emerges within this cortical network that manifests itself as agent in these reconstructions as well as in the experience of sensory perceptions. Dynamical-systems modeling of cortical interactions is combined in the paper with recent neuroimaging studies of "resting-state" brain activity to bridge the gap between microscopic and macroscopic levels of cortical behavior. This synthesis is used to support the proposal of an information flow reversal occurring in the hominin brain and also to explain how such a reversal generates the wide variety of cognitive and experiential phenomena that many consider to be uniquely human.  相似文献   

Activation studies in patients with aphasia due to stroke or tumours in the dominant hemisphere have revealed effects of disinhibition in ipsilateral perilesional and in contralateral homotopic cortical regions, referred to as collateral and transcallosal disinhibition. These findings were supported by studies with selective disturbance of cortical areas by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in healthy volunteers and in patients with focal brain lesions. Both, collateral as well as transcallosal disinhibition might be relevant for the compensation of lesions within a functional network. From these data a hierarchical organization of recovery of aphasia after stroke and of compensation of language defects due to brain tumours can be deduced, by which the reactivation of undamaged network areas of the ipsilateral hemisphere usually lead to better outcome than the involvement of homotopic contra-lateral regions. rTMS can be used to identify areas relevant for speech production and might play a role in treatment strategies targeted at modulating the activity of contralateral homotopic areas of the functional network which might interfere with language recovery.  相似文献   

大脑的知觉加工并非单纯由外部刺激驱动,而是存在自上而下的知觉调控。尽管这一现象被大量实验研究证实,但其神经机制仍然是认知神经科学研究的重要问题。本研究系统介绍了知觉调控的神经基础、实现形式、研究范式,及其理论模型,分析指出了当前研究面临的主要问题,并对未来的研究进行了展望,以期促进该问题研究的进一步开展。  相似文献   

大脑通过视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉等感官通道接收来自外界的信息。不同感觉功能受损涉及抑郁发生的中枢机制,而基于不同感官通道进行适当刺激以及多感官联合干预也可能发挥显著的抑郁治疗作用。笔者以症状-脑区-机制-治疗为逻辑主线,首次系统梳理了五种主要感觉障碍人群的抑郁临床症状、抑郁神经机制以及基于感觉刺激的抗抑郁治疗。结果表明,不同感觉功能障碍对抑郁相关神经机制的影响可能表征了不同的抑郁病理,涉及神经元电活动(某些神经元放电和神经环路激活等)和神经生化改变(神经可塑性和神经发生、炎症免疫和HPA轴、神经激素和神经递质等),且主要发生在边缘系统及其附近脑区,涉及岛叶、颞叶、额叶等。因此,未来研究可聚焦于机体对不同感觉信息的提取,这将为人类抑郁的病因和治疗提供新的研究视角。  相似文献   

Histological procedures are necessary in brain stimulation or lesion work to determine the neural area which has been stimulated or damaged. Preparation of brain tissue often involves embedding and staining techniques that require specialized training, and the expense of a technician and a large assortment of special apparatus and supplies. In addition, the results of such techniques are unavailable for at least several days. A photographic method, which requires little special skill and a minimal amount of apparatus, is described here. Results can be available within minutes after the subject is sacrificed. This method has been shown to be adequate for the gross determination of lesion boundaries and electrode or cannula tip loci in brains of rats, cats, and squirrel monkeys.  相似文献   

The visual system historically has been defined as consisting of at least two broad subsystems subserving object and spatial vision. These visual processing streams have been organized both structurally as two distinct pathways in the brain, and functionally for the types of tasks that they mediate. The classic definition by Ungerleider and Mishkin labeled a ventral "what" stream to process object information and a dorsal "where" stream to process spatial information. More recently, Goodale and Milner redefined the two visual systems with a focus on the different ways in which visual information is transformed for different goals. They relabeled the dorsal stream as a "how" system for transforming visual information using an egocentric frame of reference in preparation for direct action. This paper reviews recent research from psychophysics, neurophysiology, neuropsychology and neuroimaging to define the roles of the ventral and dorsal visual processing streams. We discuss a possible solution that allows for both "where" and "how" systems that are functionally and structurally organized within the posterior parietal lobe.  相似文献   

Robert B. Glassman 《Zygon》2002,37(2):255-278
Consideration of the amazing organized intricacy of human cortical anatomy entails a deeper appreciation of nature that is fully consistent with a mature religious spirit. A brain seems at first glance to be a mere lump of grayish claylike stuff, but facts of basic neuroanatomy compel us to consider that this particular kind of stuff may really contain all the richly tangible and richly ghostly inner essences of emotion, thought, and behavior. Humans are the "college graduates" of evolution. The human cortex is 3,400 times the volume of, yet only slightly thicker (about 3 millimeters) than, that of the mouse. This remarkable sheet is as thin as a graduation-day "mortarboard" cap, but its 2,600 square centimeter area is four times as large (about 20 × 20 inches if a square; both metric and English units used deliberately). Zooming in, there are about 50 billion cortical neurons; though named after "pyramids," they are more like tiny "magic trees," with branches and roots so long and fine that there are 1 or 2 miles of these electrically scintillating fibers within each cubic millimeter of cortex. Cortical neurons communicate intimately: viewed from above, beneath a single square millimeter 100,000 nerve cells intertwine; each such neuron makes 5,000 or more connections with others. These and many additional amazing facts about brain tissue, together with some conjectures about dense connectedness in the mathematics of graph theory, help to bear out the groundwork prepared by such pioneers as Ralph Wendell Burhoe that the spirit and knowledge of science might rejoin that of religion. If it takes enchanted matter to contain consciousness, this is a kind of enchantment that science may well be able to penetrate for eventual thoroughgoing understanding. Inevitable by-products will be greater reverence for nature and greater awe at the mystery of nature's origin.  相似文献   

A network of brain areas collectively represent location, but the underlying nature of this "cognitive map" has remained elusive. A recent study reports that the activity patterns of some entorhinal cortical neurons form a remarkably regular array of evenly spaced peaks across the surface of the environment. These "grid cells" might be the basis of a metric used for calculating position, and their discovery could greatly advance our understanding of how navigational computations are performed.  相似文献   

Facial expression and direction of gaze are two important sources of social information, and what message each conveys may ultimately depend on how the respective information interacts in the eye of the perceiver. Direct gaze signals an interaction with the observer but averted gaze amounts to "pointing with the eyes", and in combination with a fearful facial expression may signal the presence of environmental danger. We used fMRI to examine how gaze direction influences brain processing of facial expression of fear. The combination of fearful faces and averted gazes activated areas related to gaze shifting (STS, IPS) and fear-processing (amygdala, hypothalamus, pallidum). Additional modulation of activation was observed in motion detection areas, in premotor areas and in the somatosensory cortex, bilaterally. Our results indicate that the direction of gaze prompts a process whereby the brain combines the meaning of the facial expression with the information provided by gaze direction, and in the process computes the behavioral implications for the observer.  相似文献   

An important goal in the study of object, word, and face perception is to understand how the brain integrates various visual features- the binding process. Along with the progress of knowledge of the neurophysiological properties of integration processes in cortical areas, a number of psychophysical, neuropsychological, and computational studies have provided information about how and in what conditions the visual system combines different signals across time and space, the factors that modulate integration processes, the local processes that control larger scale integration, and how the mechanisms can be implemented physiologically. This special issue is aimed at summarizing recent data about integration processes based on investigations ranging from the neurochemical substrate of integration processes, the role of attention in integrating characteristics, the spatial and temporal integration of local signals into coherentpercepts, the integration of visual information during the programming of saccade, and what remains when integration fails in neurologically impaired patients.  相似文献   

From the pair of 2-D images formed on the retinas, the brain is capable of synthesizing a rich 3-D representation of our visual surroundings. The horizontal separation of the two eyes gives rise to small positional differences, called binocular disparities, between corresponding features in the two retinal images. These disparities provide a powerful source of information about 3-D scene structure, and alone are sufficient for depth perception. How do visual cortical areas of the brain extract and process these small retinal disparities, and how is this information transformed into non-retinal coordinates useful for guiding action? Although neurons selective for binocular disparity have been found in several visual areas, the brain circuits that give rise to stereoscopic vision are not very well understood. I review recent electrophysiological studies that address four issues: the encoding of disparity at the first stages of binocular processing, the organization of disparity-selective neurons into topographic maps, the contributions of specific visual areas to different stereoscopic tasks, and the integration of binocular disparity and viewing-distance information to yield egocentric distance. Some of these studies combine traditional electrophysiology with psychophysical and computational approaches, and this convergence promises substantial future gains in our understanding of stereoscopic vision.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of irrelevant information on the multidimensional "same"--"different" task. Subjects were instructed to compare two geometric figures with respect to certain attributes but to ignore other attributes in making the "same"--"different" decision. The irrelevant attributes were chosen in such a way that they could not easily be ignored to see how the existence of irrelevant differences would affect the comparison process. As expected, the overall latencies were longer than is usually found in tasks with no irrelevant differences. However, the nature of the comparison process appeared unchanged. The usual finding of a "fast-same" phenomenon persisted even when irrelevant information was present. The similarity of the results in this task to results in the "same"--"different" task with no irrelevant features supports the idea that the same comparison mechanism is used whether or not irrelevant differences are present in the stimulus pairs. The results suggest a more general-purpose comparison mechanism than is usually included in models of this task. Two-process models of visual comparisons are thus ruled out entirely. A modified version of Krueger's noisy-operator theory does appear consistent with the results.  相似文献   

This article summarizes a variety of current as well as previous research in support of a new theory of consciousness. Evidence has been steadily accumulating that information about a stimulus complex is distributed to many neuronal populations dispersed throughout the brain and is represented by the departure from randomness of the temporal pattern of neural discharges within these large ensembles. Zero phase lag synchronization occurs between discharges of neurons in different brain regions and is enhanced by presentation of stimuli. This evidence further suggests that spatiotemporal patterns of coherence, which have been identified by spatial principal component analysis, may encode a multidimensional representation of a present or past event. How such distributed information is integrated into a holistic precept constitutes the binding problem. How a precept defined by a spatial distribution of nonrandomness can be subjectively experienced constitutes the problem of consciousness. Explanations based on a discrete connectionistic network cannot be reconciled with the relevant facts. Evidence is presented herein of invariant features of brain electrical activity found to change reversibly with loss and return of consciousness in a study of 176 patients anesthetized during surgical procedures. A review of relevant research areas, as well as the anesthesia data, leads to a postulation that consciousness is a property of quantum-like processes, within a brain field resonating within a core of structures, which may be the neural substrate of consciousness. This core includes regions of the prefrontal cortex, the frontal cortex, the pre- and paracentral cortex, thalamus, limbic system, and basal ganglia.  相似文献   

Although visual perception traditionally has been considered to be impenetrable by non-visual information, there are a rising number of reports discussing cross-modal influences on visual perception. In two experiments, we investigated how coinciding vibrotactile stimulation affects the perception of two discs that move toward each other, superimpose in the center of the screen, and then move apart. Whereas two discs streaming past each other was the dominant impression when the visual event was presented in isolation, a brief coinciding vibrotactile stimulation at the moment of overlap biased the visual impression toward two discs bouncing off each other (Experiment 1). Further, the vibrotactile stimulation actually changed perceptual processing by reducing the amount of perceived overlap between the discs (Experiment 2), which has been demonstrated to be associated with a higher proportion of bouncing impressions. We propose that tactile-induced quantitative changes in the visual percept might alter the quality of the visual percept (from streaming to bouncing), thereby adding to the understanding of how cross-modal information interacts with early visual perception and how this interaction influences subsequent visual impressions.  相似文献   

To construct a coherent percept of the world, the brain continuously combines information across multiple sensory modalities. Simple stimuli from different modalities are usually assumed to be processed in distinct brain areas. However, there is growing evidence that simultaneous stimulation of multiple modalities can influence the activity in unimodal sensory areas and improve or impair performance in unimodal tasks. Do these effects reflect a genuine cross-modal integration of sensory signals, or are they due to changes in the perceiver's ability to locate the stimulus in time and space? We used a behavioral measure to differentiate between these explanations. Our results demonstrate that, under certain circumstances, a noninformative flash of light can have facilitative or detrimental effects on a simple tactile discrimination. The effect of the visual flash mimics that produced by a constant tactile pedestal stimulus. These findings reveal that sensory signals from different modalities can be integrated, even for perceptual judgments within a single modality.  相似文献   

Slow paroxysmal EEG activity, also referred to as "subcortical signs", offers an indication of impaired subcortico-cortical functional interaction that may be set off as a result of intracranial processes of a wide range of localisation. For this reason, the occurrence of this EEG pattern should not be taken to indicate a primary localisation in the range of the medical subcortical structures, nor does its absence imply any improbability of extensive lesions in the region. Taking into consideration the form and frequency of the waves during paroxysms and their local distribution, even this aspecific pattern yields more information for the clinical diagnosis. In particular, generalised paroxysms from monomorphic delta waves are usually associated with an existing primary or secondary brain illness, and would suggest the need for further diagnostic clarification. In interpreting the slow-wave groups restricted to the temporal regions, frequently counted among the "subcortical signs", the wave frequency and the patient's age must be taken into account. In the second half of life they frequently occur unaccompanied by any pathological process.  相似文献   

Antal A  Paulus W 《Perception》2008,37(3):367-374
Membrane potentials and spike sequences represent the basic modes of cerebral information processing. Both can be externally modulated in humans by quite specific techniques: transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). These methods induce reversible circumscribed cortical excitability changes, either excitatory or inhibitory, outlasting stimulation in time. Experimental pharmacological interventions may selectively enhance the duration of the aftereffects. Whereas rTMS induces externally triggered changes in the neuronal spiking pattern and interrupts or excites neuronal firing in a spatially and temporally restricted fashion, tDCS modulates the spontaneous firing rates of neurons by changing resting-membrane potential. The easiest and most common way of evaluating the cortical excitability changes is by applying TMS to the motor cortex, since it allows reproducible quantification through the motor-evoked potential. Threshold determinations at the visual cortex or psychophysical methods usually require repeated and longer measurements and thus more time for each data set. Here, results derived from the use of tDCS in visual perception, including contrast as well as motion detection and visuo-motor coordination and learning, are summarised. It is demonstrated that visual functions can be transiently altered by tDCS, as has been shown for the motor cortex previously. Up- and down-regulation of different cortical areas by tDCS is likely to open a new branch in the field of visual psychophysics.  相似文献   

In normal right-handed subjects language production usually is a function oft the left brain hemisphere. Patients with aphasia following brain damage to the left hemisphere have a considerable potential to compensate for the loss of this function. Sometimes, but not always, areas of the right hemisphere which are homologous to language areas of the left hemisphere in normal subjects are successfully employed for compensation but this integration process may need time to develop. We investigated right-handed patients with left hemisphere brain tumors as a model of continuously progressive brain damage to left hemisphere language areas using functional neuroimaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to identify factors which determine successful compensation of lost language function. Only patients with slowly progressing brain lesions recovered right-sided language function as detected by TMS. In patients with rapidly progressive lesions no right-sided language function was found and language performance was linearly correlated with the lateralization of language related brain activation to the left hemisphere. It can thus be concluded that time is the factor which determines successful integration of the right hemisphere into the language network for compensation of lost left hemisphere language function.  相似文献   

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