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Tom Buchanan  Nikesha Selmon 《Sex roles》2008,58(11-12):822-836
Research suggests race is associated with unique family structures and gender attitudes. Yet, extant research fails to examine how different gender role attitudes and family structures related to race impact other aspects of life. Self-efficacy refers to one’s belief in his or her abilities to achieve certain outcomes (Bandura, Self-efficacy: The exercise of control, Freeman, New York, p. 3, 1997). Using a sample of 486 traditional undergraduate college students from an American university in the middle south, we examine gender and race differences in self-efficacy and the impact of sex role attitudes and family structure on self-efficacy. We argue that gender differences in gender role attitudes and their impact on self-efficacy is moderated by race. For all but white males, sex role liberalism is positively related to self-efficacy. Mother’s full time employment is positively related to self-efficacy for whites. Implications for theory and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Two hundred and sixty predominantly White participants completed a measure of trait emotional intelligence (EI) and estimated their scores on 15 EI facets on a normal distribution with 100 points as the mean and 15 points as a standard deviation. Females scored higher than males on the social skills factor of measured trait EI. However, when the 15 facets of self-estimated EI were combined into a single reliable scale and the participants's measured trait EI scores were held constant, it was demonstrated that males believed they had higher EI than females. Most of the correlations between measured and self-estimated scores were significant and positive, thereby indicating that people have some insight into their EI. Correlations between measured and self-estimated scores were generally higher for males than females, and a regression analysis indicated that gender was a significant predictor of self-estimated EI.  相似文献   

情绪加工的性别差异及神经机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
袁加锦  汪宇  鞠恩霞  李红 《心理科学进展》2010,18(12):1899-1908
已有研究表明, 情绪加工存在显著性别差异。这主要表现为女性人群具有情绪识别优势, 更好的情绪记忆能力与更强的负性情绪易感性。此外, 情绪加工的性别差异也表现为情绪调节过程的不同:相比男性, 女性更善于抑制情绪行为, 却较难通过认知策略调节负性情绪。情绪加工的性别差异有重要生理基础, 与情绪脑结构, 荷尔蒙水平的男女差异有关。同时, 情绪加工的性别差异同女性更高的情绪障碍易感性有着密切联系:不善于调节负性情绪, 及更强的消极情绪易感性可能是女性更易患情绪障碍的重要原因。从情绪加工角度探讨情绪障碍的性别差异及其原因, 对于情绪障碍的预防和治疗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study examines the general and differential effects of spiritual/religious engagement on affective college outcomes (i.e., leadership skills, interpersonal skills, social satisfaction, sense of belonging, and psychological well-being) across different gender and racial groups among undergraduate students at research universities. The study utilized data on 63,528 students who participated in the 2008 University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES). The findings reveal differential effects of spiritual/religious engagement on college students' affective outcomes depending on their gender and race (i.e., gender- and race-based conditional effects). Implications for college students' spiritual development at public research universities and faith-based institutions are discussed.  相似文献   

Infidelity occurs in approximately 25% of marriages and is associated with various negative consequences for individuals (e.g., depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress), the couple relationship (e.g., financial loss, increased conflict, and aggression), and the couple's children (e.g., internalizing and externalizing behaviors). Infidelity is also one of the most frequently cited reasons for divorce. The increased stress brought on by the pandemic may be putting couples at an increased risk for experiencing infidelity, and data collected during the pandemic have shown that people across the United States are engaging in behaviors that are associated with a high likelihood of experiencing infidelity. The negative consequences of infidelity are also likely to be exacerbated for couples during the pandemic due to the intersection with the social, emotional, and financial consequences of COVID-19. Furthermore, couples are likely to experience disruptions and delays to the affair recovery process during the pandemic, which can negatively impact their ability to heal. Therefore, recommendations for navigating affair recovery during the pandemic, including adaptations for therapy, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Within psychology there is a longstanding debate concerning whether large, fundamental differences between races and genders exist. Much of this research involves comparisons that are invidious (offensively discriminating) and supports a political ideology in which members of different groups are held to be fundamentally different, alien, and therefore destined to different spheres. In this paper, specific factors are identified that make research on group differences more likely to produce distorted and partial findings. In addition, studies are cited whose methodological strategies offer insight into the processes that create and maintain group differences. Such research may illuminate not only the differences between groups, but also the very meaning of group categories. The process of scholarly peer review should become sensitive to the features that make comparisons invidious, so as to incorporate them into the criteria used to evaluate research.  相似文献   

Tepper  Clary A.  Cassidy  Kimberly Wright 《Sex roles》1999,40(3-4):265-280
Numerous examinations of children's picturebooks have found that they are gender biased againstfemales in terms of character prevalence in titles,pictures and central role, and in the type of activities engaged in by characters. This study examineda differentpotential area of gender stereotyping, genderdifferences in emotional language. Books that were readto/by a sample of primarily Caucasian preschool children during a one-week period were examinedfor evidence of stereotyping. Analysis of characterprevalence indicated that males had higherrepresentation in titles, pictures and central role.Contrary to expectation, males and females wereassociated with equal amounts of emotional language. Inaddition, no differences were found in the types ofemotional words associated with males andfemales.  相似文献   

Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to the abilities/competencies that an individual has about emotions and has proven to be related to positive aspects in life. Despite its growing relevance, results about the existence and magnitude of gender differences have been inconclusive, with some studies suggesting that such differences depend on the theoretical approach and type of instrument used. In an effort to better understand these relationships, this study examined the stereotyped nature of self-report instruments of EI from the two main theoretical EI approaches (ability-based and mixed models). Two hundred sixty Spanish undergraduates from a university in the South of Spain indicated the extent to which they considered several EI competences as typical of women/men. Results show that most EI dimensions are biased by gender stereotypes, in terms of being perceived as more characteristic of one gender or the other. An in-group gender bias appeared particularly among female participants whereby they attributed higher scores to women than to men in most EI dimensions. Men also favored men giving higher scores than women did in some of the dimensions. These results suggest that self-report EI measures may be influenced by gender stereotypes, which has relevant implications for EI researchers.  相似文献   

Benenson  Joyce F.  Morash  Deanna  Petrakos  Harriet 《Sex roles》1998,38(11-12):975-985
The emotional closeness between mothers andtheir children was examined to determine if motherdaughter pairs exhibit closer emotional relationshipsthan mother son pairs. Forty-one mother childpredominantly Caucasian dyads were videotaped during asemistructured play setting. The children were 4 (10males and 10 females) and 5 years of age (10 males and11 females). Emotional closeness was defined as physical proximity, mutual eye contact, and global levelof enjoyment. Results demonstrated that compared toboys, girls were physically closer to their mothers,engaged in more mutual eye contact with their mothers, and were rated higher on global enjoyment.Results are consistent with Chodorow's theory thatgender identity development is related to the emotionalrelationships that develop between children and their mothers.  相似文献   

This study examined gender differences in cognitive and emotional status after traumatic brain injury (TBI) among 262 men and 140 women with TBI referred for neuropsychological evaluations. In this cross-sectional study, cognition was measured in terms of both absolute level of functioning (i.e., raw/standard scores) and estimated decline from premorbid levels expressed as z-deficit scores in the following domains: intelligence [Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Revised (WAIS-R)], memory and attention [Wechsler Memory Scale—Revised (WMS-R)], processing speed (Trails A), and cognitive flexibility (Trails B). Emotional functioning was measured in terms of depression (Beck Depression Inventory) and general emotional distress (Brief Symptom Inventory). Kruskal–Wallis nonparametric one-way ANOVAs indicated that women and men differed significantly on 2 of 8 raw/standard cognitive scores [men demonstrated lower WMS-R General Memory (p < .05) and Trails B scores (p < .0001) and 4 of 8 relative decline scores [women demonstrated more estimated change in VIQ (Verbal IQ) [p < .0001], FSIQ (Full Scale IQ) [p < .01], and Attention (p < .01)]; men demonstrated greater estimated z-decline scores on Trails B (p < .01)]. Women reported significantly higher levels of depression (p < .01), but men endorsed significantly greater general psychological distress (p < .05). Research and assessment recommendations are suggested.  相似文献   

大学生人格因素的性别差异研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本研究通过对246名大学生施测16PF,分析了16种人格因素的性别差异现象。结果表明:在恃强、怀疑、幻想、紧张这四个因素上存在性别差异,表现为男生比女生更好强、固执,更爱怀疑、紧张,女生比男生更富于幻想;在世故性上,女生的变异率大于男生,女生表现出两极分化特征;经探索性因素分析结果表明,男女生所提取出的因子数量相同,但男女生的因子结构有些差异。  相似文献   

Large-scale representative surveys of 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students in the United States show high self-esteem scores for all groups. African-American students score highest, Whites score slightly higher than Hispanics, and Asian Americans score lowest. Males score slightly higher than females. Multivariate controls for grades and college plans actually heighten these race/ethnic/gender differences. A truncated scoring method, designed to counter race/ethnic differences in extreme response style, reduced but did not eliminate the subgroup differences. Age differences in self-esteem are modest, with 12th graders reporting the highest scores. The findings are highly consistent across 18 annual surveys from 1991 through 2008, and self-esteem scores show little overall change during that period.  相似文献   

Women often have low performance expectations for themselves but expect other women to succeed. We found minority students think not only that they will do worse than other minority group members, but also that their group will do poorly. Low individual and group success expectations make the results for minorities doubly troubling.  相似文献   

Alyssa N. Bryant 《Sex roles》2007,56(11-12):835-846
Gender differences in spirituality and related traits are an assumed reality despite the lack of empirical information that directly compares women and men. I used a national and longitudinal sample of 3,680 college students surveyed with the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Freshman Survey (2000) and later with the College Students’ Beliefs and Values (CSBV) Survey (2003) to examine gender differences on 13 spiritual characteristics and explore the personal and educational factors associated with changes in spirituality during college. The results showed marked gender differences in spiritual qualities, and gendered patterns of spiritual development were identified that are associated with religious identity, peer relationships, and science exposure.  相似文献   

This paper tests three competing explanationsfor male-female differences in sado-masochistic sexualarousal. The male arousal hypothesis posits that becauseof socialization that emphasizes sexual aggression and experimentation (and thus higher levels ofsexual arousal and activity in all areas), men will bemore aroused by both sadism and masochism than women.The female masochism hypothesis argues that because females are socialized to be passive, they willbe more aroused by masochistic (but not sadistic)activities than males. The convergence hypothesis notesthat male female socialization (and differences in most sexual attitudes and behavior) haveconverged in recent years, and hypothesizes that thesame convergence has taken place in arousal caused bysado-masochistic behavior and fantasy. Using a sample comprised of 320 undergraduate students (69%white, 27% African American, 4% other) from a largeurban university in the Southeast, we found no evidencefor the female masochism hypothesis and only weak evidence for the convergence hypothesis. Thestrongest evidence was for the male arousal hypotheses,with males scoring significantly higher than females onseven of the twelve measures of sado-masochistic arousal, and no differently from females on theremaining five.  相似文献   

"情绪劳动"要求与情绪耗竭:情绪劳动策略的中介作用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章目的是通过量表调查法来研究情绪劳动要求、情绪劳动策略和情绪耗竭之间的关系,以及验证情绪劳动要求和策略量表的结构维度.研究使用调查某大型公司营业厅和客服人员的424份有效问卷进行分析.验证性结构方程模型分析显示,情绪劳动要求和情绪劳动策略量表具有良好的结构效度;结构方程模型分析显示,情绪劳动策略在情绪劳动要求和情绪耗竭之间起到一定的中介作用.具体为:专注度分别通过表面行为、深度行为和中性调节影响情绪耗竭;规则性通过中性调节影响情绪耗竭;严格性通过表面行为和深度行为影响情绪耗竭;多样性可以直接或通过表面行为影响情绪耗竭.  相似文献   

Katsurada  Emiko  Sugihara  Yoko 《Sex roles》1999,41(9-10):775-786
This study investigated gender differences ingender role perceptions among contemporary Japanesecollege students. Originally, a total of 309 students(111 men and 198 women) rated the desirability of 60 items of the Japanese version of Bem SexRole Inventory for both men and women. One hundredfifty-nine students' desirability ratings for men and150 students' desirability ratings for women wererandomly selected. A significant gender difference wasfound only on the desirability ratings of feminine itemsfor men with the males having a higher mean score thanthe females (p < .001). There was no gender difference in the desirability ratings offeminine items for women and masculine items for men andfor women. Several possible explanations for the presentresults were discussed. A comparison of the present findings to the results of the previous study(Kashiwagi, 1974) was also discussed.  相似文献   

Following the format put forth by Imber-Black and Roberts, I examine daily rituals, family traditions, holidays, and life cycle rituals during the pandemic of COVID-19. Marked by symbols capable of carrying multiple meanings, symbolic actions, special time and special place, and newly invented and adapted rituals are illustrated through stories of couples, families, and communities.  相似文献   

Gendered languages assign masculine and feminine grammatical gender to all nouns, including nonhuman entities. In French and Spanish, the name of the disease resulting from the virus (COVID-19) is grammatically feminine, whereas the virus that causes the disease (coronavirus) is masculine. In this research, we test whether the grammatical gender mark affects judgments. In a series of experiments with French and Spanish speakers, we show that grammatical gender affects virus-related judgments consistent with gender stereotypes: feminine- (vs. masculine-) marked terms for the virus lead individuals to assign lower stereotypical masculine characteristics to the virus, which in turn reduces their danger perceptions. The effect generalizes to precautionary consumer behavior intentions (avoiding restaurants, movies, public transportation, etc.) as well as to other diseases and is moderated by individual differences in chronic gender stereotyping. These effects occur even though the grammatical gender assignment is semantically arbitrary.  相似文献   

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