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We evaluated the effects of reciprocal peer tutoring combined with group reinforcement contingencies on the arithmetic performance of 12 underachieving fifth-grade students. Results indicated that the intervention increased the students' arithmetic performance to a level indistinguishable from their classmates during treatment and 12-week follow-up phases. Pre-, post-, and follow-up sociometric data indicated that the students who participated in the treatment groups increased their amount of peer affiliation with other treatment group members.  相似文献   

Reinforcement (team points) and practice were applied to the written work of 16 fifth graders on three operationally defined components of creative writing, fluency, flexibility, and originality.4 These three components were assessed via five response measures. Fluency was defined as the number of different ideas each student listed in an idea list prepared prior to writing an essay. Flexibility was measured in two ways, idea list flexibility and story flexibility. Idea list flexibility was defined as the number of different kinds of ideas which appeared in each day's list whereas story flexibility was defined as the number of different approaches to the topic that the child used in the story itself. Originality was also measured in two ways, idea list originality and story originality. Idea list originality was defined by the statistical infrequency of ideas in the children's lists of ideas. Story originality was determined by blind, subjective ratings of stories conducted by independent raters. All of the measures of creative responding were demonstrated to be under experimental control. The procedures also raised students' scores on Torrance's Tests of Thinking Creatively With Words on three variables, fluency, flexibility, and originality. Adoption for classroom use seems straightforward.  相似文献   

编制了“小学1~4年级学生思维能力测验”,该测验有文字、数字、图形三种测试材料,包括比较分类、归纳推理、演绎推理、空间认知、类比推理、抽象概括6个分测验。793名1~4年级小学生参加了测试,结果表明该测验难度适中、区分度较好、信度和效度较高。  相似文献   

Two studies are reported indicating that teachers form negative expectations of children who are high communication apprehensives. These expectations are discussed in terms of their probable effect on learning and the need to provide intervention programs for both children and teachers to overcome the potential negative impact of teachers' expectations on the learning of high communication apprehensive children.  相似文献   

问 题 关于中小学普通教室的照度水平问题,近年来我国学者从保护视力的角度出发,曾作了不少有益的探讨。张国栋建议,教室人工照明最低照度可定为50勒;朱文思认为,教室人工照明的照度应高于50勒;胡瑞荣建议教室白炽灯的平均照度应以75勒为宜。这些研究多半是关于教室的人工照明方面的问题,至于不同光源,特别是对自然光的不同照度水平,对学生视觉功能影响的问题,较系统的研究尚不多见。  相似文献   

汉字是由音、义、形三个基本因素构成的复合体。它是以字詞的語言构造和对象意义为基础、以文字符号为形式而組成的一个有机整体。就字形来說,又是由各种基本笔划、偏旁部首、基本字根据汉字結构規則組成的一个个文字。所謂正确牢固地掌握汉字不仅包括熟記字形的完整結构,而且要形成該字的音义形三者紧密联系的統一整体,最后达到  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to examine the effect of strategic reading instruction in conditions not previously studied. The reading behavior of two third-grade classes of Navajo learners was tested over the course of a year. One class received instruction designed to foster the use of reading strategies; the second class did not. The results from the data collected suggest that strategy instruction positively affected the behavior of the students in the first class. This finding is of interest in that this form of instruction has not previously been utilized with the participants, Navajo learners, or in the small-scale context investigated here.  相似文献   

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