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This paper analyses some aspects of the eye movement behaviour of readers of Thai and Chinese. The main focus is on readers′landing site distributions on words and how these are affected by the lack of clear word boundary information due to the absence of inter-word spaces. Empirical evidence from Thai and Chinese readers suggest that readers can relatively accurately target word centres. We make the case that this accuracy can be accounted for by a default targetting model(effectively, the prior landing site distribution, in Bayesian terms)modulated by statistical cues about word beginnings available from word-initial character frequencies.  相似文献   

In this paper we briefly describe preliminary data from two experiments that we have carried out to investigate the relationship between visual encoding and memory for objects and their locations within scenes. In these experiments, we recorded participants′ eye movements as they viewed a photograph of a cubicle with 12 objects positioned pseudo-randomly on a desk and shelves. After viewing the photograph, participants were taken to the actual cubicle where they undertook two memory tests. Participants were asked to identify the 12 target objects(from the photograph)presented amongst 12 distractors. They were then required to place each of the objects in the location that they occupied in the photograph. These tests assessed participants′ memory for identity of the objects and their locations. In Experiment 1, we assessed the influence of the encoding period and the test delay on object identity and location memory. In Experiment 2 we manipulated scanning behaviour during encoding by "boxing"some of the objects in the photo. We showed that using boxes to change eye movement behaviour during encoding directly affected the nature of memory for the scene. The results of these studies indicate a fundamental relationship between visual encoding and memory for objects and their locations. We explain our findings in terms of the Visual Memory Model(Hollingworth & Henderson, 2002).  相似文献   

该系统总结了中阅读过程的眼动研究历史,该历史大致可分为三个阶段:从20年代到30年代为第一个阶段,是阅读眼动研究的初期阶段;从40年代到70年代为第二个阶段,是阅读眼动研究的中期阶段;从80年代至今为第三个阶段,是阅读眼动研究深入阶段,从发展角度看,中的眼动研究在我国是一个有很前景的领域。  相似文献   

One nearly ubiquitous assumption in models of linguistic comprehension and of eye movement control in reading alike is of partial modularization between word-level and sentence-level processing: that the outcome of word recognition, and thus the input to sentence-level comprehension, is a categorial representation. Yet such a partial modularization throws away residual uncertainty regarding word identity that might potentially be of value to the comprehender further downstream in the sentence. Here I describe a line of research combining computational modeling with experimental eye-tracking work to explore the consequences of removing this partial modularity assumption.  相似文献   

中文阅读过程的眼动研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文系统总结了中文阅读过程的眼动研究历史。该历史大致可分为三个阶段 :从 2 0年代到 30年代为第一个阶段 ,是阅读眼动研究的初期阶段 ;从 4 0年代到 70年代为第二个阶段 ,是阅读眼动研究的中期阶段 ;从 80年代至今为第三个阶段 ,是阅读眼动研究深入阶段。从发展角度看 ,中文阅读的眼动研究在我国是一个很有前景的领域。  相似文献   

Although moderate alcohol consumption is known to degrade performance in a variety of tasks, the exact nature and extent of such impairments is not well understood. We examined alcohol effects on different levels of visual processing and oculomotor control. On the lowest level(automatic), reflexive responses were tested using the prosaccade task. The‘automated’level, incorporating routine behavior based on implicit learning, was studied using the double step paradigm, while the highest level, representing voluntary control, was examined with antisaccade and memory guided tasks. In addition, sentence reading was included as a prototypical complex task with high ecological validity. Participant′s baseline performance was compared to alcohol conditions with intoxication levels around 70mg% of breath alcohol concentration. Functioning on the automatic level was intact, except for a substantial slowing in saccade latencies. On the automated level, deficits in the ability to adaptively reprogram saccades on the basis of new information were found. Impairments in voluntary control were apparent in hypermetric saccade amplitudes whenever a reprogramming of the initial saccade target was necessary. There was also a small but significant detrimental effect on visuospatial short term memory. Somewhat surprisingly, no alcohol related deficits emerged with regard to inhibitory functions. ‘Reading under the influence’resulted in substantially prolonged fixation durations with only a modest increase in total viewing time per word. A trade-off between increased duration and decreased number of fixations pointed to the possibility that the extra time available under alcohol can be used for linguistic processing, which in itself did not appear to be impaired. This idea is supported by the fact that there was no interaction between alcohol and word frequency. Contrary to expectation, the processing of parafoveal information during reading was not impeded. Overall, results provide a largely coherent pattern of selective effects that begin to form a comprehensive picture of alcohol related deficits.  相似文献   

散打比赛是一种对抗性很强的运动项目,要求运动员能够精确判断,及时地作出反应动作。这就需要运动员时刻保持高度的注意力,快速、准确地搜索相关信息,灵活地应对赛场上的情况。本研究以专家-新手范式对24名不同水平的散打运动员进行眼动实验研究,探讨高水平运动员与初学者之间的眼动差异,为初学者制定科学训练计划提供参考依据。结果表明:与新手组被试相比,专家组被试更加重视对比赛中得分部位的注视,从而为其准确预判提供了认知保证。  相似文献   

We review two studies examining task effects on eye guidance during reading. The first study investigated effects of reading perspective on eye behavior in reading. It demonstrated that both the initial encoding of words as well as the later integration stage of wrapping up the sentence meaning are influenced by the reading perspective. Early effects of reading perspective were observed both in saccadic programming and in fixation times and were primarily seen when reading a text of familiar content. In the second study, effects of reading task were examined by comparing eye movements between proofreading and reading for comprehension. Task effects appeared very early in the processing time line; both temporal and spatial aspects of eye movements were affected. Taking together, the two studies demonstrate that readers make a global adjustment to eye behavior on the basis of reading task or goal.  相似文献   

Research on eye movements during reading and scene perception is briefly reviewed. It is quite clear that cognitive variables influence how long readers look at words and where they look next. There are also clearly some differences in eye movements between Chinese and Western readers. However, for the most part it appears that there are more similarities than differences and that what differences do occur are due more to differences in the nature of the written orthography than due to cultural differences. There are also clearly cognitive influences on eye movements during scene viewing. Research from my lab is reviewed which challenges the view that culture influences eye movements during scene viewing. While we do not deny that there are cultural influences on cognition and thinking, it seems to be the case that cultural differences do not influence properties of the oculomotor system resulting in differences in where subjects look early in scenes.  相似文献   

A growing number of researchers in the sentence processing community are using eye movements to address issues in spoken language comprehension. Experiments using this paradigm have shown that visually presented referential information, including properties of referents relevant to specific actions, influences even the earliest moments of syntactic processing. Methodological concerns about task-specific strategies and the linking hypothesis between eye movements and linguistic processing are identified and discussed. These concerns are addressed in a review of recent studies of spoken word recognition which introduce and evaluate a detailed linking hypothesis between eye movements and lexical access. The results provide evidence about the time course of lexical activation that resolves some important theoretical issues in spoken-word recognition. They also demonstrate that fixations are sensitive to properties of the normal language-processing system that cannot be attributed to task-specific strategies.  相似文献   

视觉表象操作加工的眼动实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张霞  刘鸣 《心理学报》2009,41(4):305-315
本研究通过视觉表象旋转和扫描的眼动实验探讨表象的心理表征方式。实验一结果表明,眼动指标具有与反应时相类似的旋转角度效应。实验二结果显示,表象扫描的反应时和眼动指标都具有与知觉扫描加工一样的距离效应。由此可以认为,表象眼动与知觉眼动模式具有相似性;表象具有相对独立的心理表征方式并有其特殊的加工过程;表象的心理表征可以是形象表征,而非一定是抽象的命题或符号表征  相似文献   

This study investigates how speed of motion is processed in language. In three eye‐tracking experiments, participants were presented with visual scenes and spoken sentences describing fast or slow events (e.g., The lion ambled/dashed to the balloon). Results showed that looking time to relevant objects in the visual scene was affected by the speed of verb of the sentence, speaking rate, and configuration of a supporting visual scene. The results provide novel evidence for the mental simulation of speed in language and show that internal dynamic simulations can be played out via eye movements toward a static visual scene.  相似文献   

词窗口条件下老年阅读者信息提取过程的眼动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以眼动仪为工具,通过消失文本范式考察老年阅读者从视觉刺激中提取语义信息的必要呈现时间。实验一发现,老年阅读者阅读消失文本的视觉刺激必要呈现时间在120 ms以后。实验二在实验一的基础上,将消失时间设置为120 ms1、40 ms、160 ms、180 ms和200 ms。研究结果发现,老年阅读者阅读消失文本的必要延迟时间是200 ms,结果支持眼动控制理论中认知控制模型。  相似文献   

Hierarchical graphs (e.g. file system browsers and preference trees) represent objects (e.g. files and folders) as graph nodes and relations between them (e.g. sub‐folder relations) as lines. We investigated the temporal organisation of two processes that are necessary for comprehending such graphs—search for the graph nodes and reasoning about their relation. We tracked eye movements to change graphs while participants interpreted them. In Experiment 1, we masked the graph at a time when search processes had finished but reasoning was hypothetically ongoing. We observed a dramatic deterioration in comprehension compared with unmasked graphs. In Experiment 2, we changed the relation between critical graph nodes after search for them had finished, unbeknownst to participants. Participants mostly based their response on the graph as presented after the change. These results suggest that comprehension processes are organised in a sequential manner, an observation that can potentially be applied to the interactive presentation of graphs. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

隋雪  毕鸿燕 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1065-1067
采用眼动记录技术探讨被试阅读不同汉语量词的即时加工过程。考查名量词和动量词,以及名量词内部的差异。结果发现:(1)被试在阅读理解过程中对名量词和动量词的眼动特点存在显著差异,名量词获得更多的加工;(2)被试在阅读理解过程中对不同名量词的眼动特点也存在显著差异,个体量词比集合量词和临时量词获得更少的加工。由此可知,不同量词在阅读理解中的信息加工难度是不同的,对于篇章理解而言,其信息含量和信息的重要性也是不同的。  相似文献   

通过眼动仪记录读者阅读过程中的眼动特征,发现了一些重要的效应,这些效应有助于深化人们对阅读过程的认识.本文将从阅读材料的空间信息、词汇特性、语言因素和词结构四个方面总结在词汇加工中所发现的重要效应.最后,对各效应之间的相互关系及其在词汇加工的理论模型中的作用进行了探讨,并指出眼动技术与ERP技术相结合的多样化研究趋势.  相似文献   

前瞻记忆需要经过策略加工:来自眼动的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈思佚  周仁来 《心理学报》2010,42(12):1128-1136
基于视觉搜索范式,采用多目标刺激呈现的眼动测量方法探索事件性前瞻记忆的加工过程。行为结果显示,对靶目标以及干扰目标的击中率比前瞻记忆目标的击中率均更高,只有前瞻线索和干扰目标比只有靶目标的反应时更长。眼动结果显示,第一注视时间和总注视时间从干扰目标、靶目标到前瞻目标逐渐增长,在前瞻漏报中存在注视到前瞻线索的可能性,搜索序列中靶目标的存在会干扰对前瞻线索的注意。行为和眼动的结果表明,前瞻线索是否被注视到并不会决定前瞻记忆是否会成功,对于意向的实现需要目标检查或者预备注意加工过程,支持策略控制理论。  相似文献   

采用眼动分析法考察先行词词频对代词加工的影响。结果表明,先行词的词频对其代词加工的难易没有影响,即当先行词为高频词时对代词后区域的阅读时间与低频条件没有差异。研究结果支持了代词加工的词条重新通达假说,该理论认为读者在加工代词时只需通达先行词的部分词汇信息。  相似文献   

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