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该研究通过3项系统实验探讨了学前至小学低中年级儿童视野、掌握和应用“零”概念的发展水平。结果表明,学前至小学低中年级儿童对“零”概念的理解、应用“零”进行加减运算、乘除运算的能力都是不断提高的。但是。对于把“零”作为除数或被除数的理解要落后于将其作为乘数或被乘数使用的理解。最后,综合三项实验结果进行了总体讨论。  相似文献   

鸽子概念形成的研究从60年代兴起,发展至今已有相当成果。现在已经证明,鸽子能够形成各种各样的自然物体的概念、人造物体的概念、伪概念和抽象概念。但目前研究尚处于鸽子概念形成能力的确认阶段,对于概念形成的内部心理机制了解得还很少。本文主要介绍鸽子概念形成研究中涉及的概念类型、分类能力的等级水平和概念形成的机制等三方面内容,并指出已有研究中存在的一些问题及这类研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

本研究以不同认知方式(场独立型和场依存型)的大学生为被试,探询不同认知方式概念形成的趋势和特点。结果表明场独立概念形成的趋势是渐进——突变;场依存概念形成是渐进式的。同时揭示了人工概念形成过程和真实的科学概念形成过程的异同。  相似文献   

成人与中学生科学概念形成过程的四个对比实验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
母小勇 《心理科学》2002,25(5):569-572
以一组非人工的、自然的科学概念(“反作用力”、“机械能守恒”、“熵”和“场”)为学习内容,分别以成人和中学生为被试,实验研究成人和中学生科学概念形成过程的异同。结论如下:(1)成人与中学生科学概念形成过程均分为振荡渐进期、高原期和突变期。(2)成人的振荡渐进期较长;中学生的振荡渐进期较短且振荡特征比较明显。(3)成人的高原期出现较晚,但持续较长;中学生的高原期出现较早,但持续较短。(4)中学生的突变期的跨度随概念的抽象程度提高而越来越大。  相似文献   

本研究通过三个实验考察权力概念垂直空间隐喻表征激活的条件。实验1发现,在权力判断任务中,具有直接权力关系的相关词对和间接权力关系的无关词对都可以激活隐喻表征。实验2使用相关判断任务,只有相关词对激活了隐喻表征。这说明对词汇进行语义加工并理解权力关系是激活隐喻表征的重要条件。实验3引入水平方向干扰,并将被试的注意转移到干扰信息上,结果仍然出现了隐喻一致性效应,表明垂直空间线索不是隐喻表征激活的必要条件。  相似文献   

陈家麟 《心理学报》1987,20(4):27-32
本文用汉字假设测验模型研究了概念的形成过程。结果表明,汉字假设测验模型是研究概念形成的较好形式;概念的难度能影响概念的形成过程;概念的形成过程为一突变线;被试所采用的不同策略及其知识经验能影响概念的形成过程;就概念的形成水平而言,男女被试间并不存在有统计学意义的差别。  相似文献   

两数相差概念是小学低年级教学中的一个难点和重点。掌握这概念的关键在于儿童对两数相比的认识,为此,我们设计了由易到难对数进行比较的三组试题测试儿童。结果得知,两数相差概念的获得,首先要建立两数“同样多”的概念。同时知道儿童掌握两差概念的发展过程是由具体外表到抽象认识;从被动直观到能主动操作;从直接认知到间接认知。  相似文献   

隐喻是指利用具体形象概念理解抽象概念。随着第二代认知革命的兴起,具身认知给道德心理学领域的概念隐喻研究注入了新的活力。具身道德的概念隐喻研究主要围绕空间维度、颜色维度、大小维度等角度展开。考虑到身体变量对道德概念理解的影响,未来具身道德角度的概念隐喻研究,应整合概念隐喻理论和具身认知理论,采用更生态化的实验范式进一步探讨和验证道德概念隐喻的多种维度,并需对道德概念的隐喻研究作跨文化探索。  相似文献   

儿童内包量概念发展的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2~5年级学生为被试.系统探讨了儿童速度、浓度内包量概念的发展。研究发现:(1)儿童的内包量概念发展要经历四个阶段;(2)儿童速度概念的形成早于其浓度概念的形成;(3)凋整任务在儿童解决速度内包量问题中优于比较任务;(4)儿童解决内包量概念问题的策略经历从单维向双维、从比差的加法法则向乘法法则的转变。  相似文献   

阳泽  刘电芝 《心理科学》2004,27(2):410-412
概念结构表征一直是认知心理学研究的重要内容。本研究以团体及表征理论为基础,通过设计不同的团体认知条什来研究认知交互作用对概念结构表征的影响。实验结果表明不同的团体认知表现出了不同的认知交互,对概念结构表征也产生了不同的影响。  相似文献   

This paper brings together the educational psychology and place experience literatures to explore 8 children's experiences of school behavior settings. Within this framework, the goal is to think of school as a place comprised of multiple behavior settings, disentangle behavior and engagement, and problematize the construct of engagement. Results indicate that children liked places where the physical space was open, and they had some autonomy, independence, choice, opportunities for leadership, and social support. Conversely, they disliked places that were physically chaotic, where they perceived an abuse of power, and that inhibited choice, independence, and autonomy. Finally, children engaged their disliked places by attempting to personalize these spaces to bring in other parts of their identities. Implications include creating behavior settings that lead to positive experiences, attending to social justice, and the use of project-based pedagogies.  相似文献   

中学校风因素结构的探索性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范丰慧  黄希庭 《心理科学》2005,28(3):533-536
本研究结合国内外相关研究,探索了校风的内涵、外延,并在此基础上,通过开放式调查、深度访谈、问卷初测和正式施测,使用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析等方法探索了校风的因素结构。本研究认为校风的因素结构包括学生风气、教师风气和组织风气三个二阶因子和十三个一阶因子,本问卷具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为评定中学校风的工具。  相似文献   

小学儿童在空间概念中的内隐学习实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄小忠  田学红 《心理科学》2006,29(4):830-832
本研究以一、三、五年级小学儿童为被试,探查小学儿童在不同学习模式下空间概念的发展情况。研究结果如下:(1)不同学习模式下,儿童的认知发展呈现不同的趋势;(2)随认知任务难度的增加,不同学习模式的成绩出现差异;(3)不同学习模式下,不同难度任务的成绩存在差异。  相似文献   

This study explored differences in wellness scores between a transcultural sample and the normative sample of the Five Factor wellness Inventory (5F‐wel; Myers & Sweeney, 2005c). Differences between the two groups were found on all scales of the 5f‐wel, with transculturals scoring higher than the normative sample. Implications for practitioners and researchers are presented for those working with transculturals. Este estudio exploró las diferencias en puntuaciones de bienestar entre una muestra transcultural y la muestra normativa de los Cinco factores del Inventario de Bienestar (5F‐wel, por sus siglas en inglés; Myers & Sweeney, 2005c). Se hallaron diferencias entre los dos grupos en todas las escalas del 5f‐wel, con las puntuaciones transculturales siendo más altas que la muestra normativa. Se presentan implicaciones para profesionales e investigadores que estén trabajando con individuos transculturales.  相似文献   

This study assesses the willingness of three groups of job seekers to use professional career counseling services.  相似文献   

This research explores the psychological factors potentially involved in fostering disobedience to an unjust authority. Our paradigm was modeled after that of the Utrecht Studies on Obedience (Meeus and Raaijmakers European Journal of Social Psychology 16:311-324, 1986) in which participants are ordered to give each of 15 increasingly hostile comments to a participant/victim whenever he fails a trial. Although 30% of our sample followed commands to insult the other participant (confederate), the majority did refuse to do so at some point in the escalating hostility sequence. Our procedure utilized conditions known from prior research to increase the ratio of disobedience to obedience: proximity of teacher to learner plus remote authority. In order to better understand some of the cognitive and affective processes that may predict such defiant behaviour, we utilized a variety of measures, among them, behavioural observations, individual difference assessments, and in depth post-experimental interviews.  相似文献   

This article describes a re-analysis of a national study of instructional practices in seventh- and eighth-grade science classes. Responses from a subset (n = 81) of Christian-school teachers taken from the original study population (n = 543) was analyzed to determine what instructional practices predominated in Christian-school science classes. Results indicate the use of a variety of both teacher- and student-centered instructional approaches by science teachers in Christian schools.  相似文献   

With an alternate study-test procedure, 254 college students attempted either to free-recall or rearrange in order items of an 11-CVC serial list to a criterion of two consecutive perfect trials. Ss learned the list with or without an isolate which was placed on each of the 11 serial positions. The main findings were as follows: (a) While the reconstruction condition required fewer study trials to criterion than the free-recall condition, the isolation effect occurred equally in both conditions. (b) The isolation effect was a function of the serial position; the effect was greater at the central positions than at the peripherals in free-recall and this trend was essentially reversed in the reconstruction condition. (c) In free-recall, no reliable and systematic spreading effect was obtained for the items immediately preceding and following the isolate; however, a positive spreading effect occurred concurrently with the isolation effect in the reconstruction condition. The isolation effect has been accounted for by a selective rehearsal assumption. Implications regarding the functional cues in serial order learning and the isolation effect in serial learning are suggested.  相似文献   

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