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Fifteen Ss in each of four age groups (5-, 10-, 16-, and 22–23-years old) received backward visual masking. Group effects occurred at longer ISIs indicating slower prerecognition processing for younger Ss. In a second experiment 19-, 35-, and 55-year-old Ss were administered backward visual masking under the identical procedures of Exp. 1. The oldest Ss performed significantly worse than 19- and 35-year-old Ss, which did not differ significantly from each other. The general methodological features of both studies, as well as the obtained relationships were discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of a treatment for stuttering based on systematic slowing of speech and anxiety management. Subjects were six stutterers between the ages of 21 and 36. Assessment tasks consisted of recorded conversations with strangers, reading and telephone conversations with strangers, conducted pre- and post-treatment and once a month following treatment for six months. Participants were taught to read and speak progressively at 50, 70 and 90 words a minute over a two week period and received anxiety management training to facilitate maintenance of slowed speech outside of treatment sessions. The results indicated a significant treatment effect for both reading and conversation that was maintained for six months. The telephone task, which was used as a measure of generalization, improved significantly but did not maintain over time.  相似文献   

A parent training program involving reading assignments, practice assignments, role-playing and contingent reinforcement was implemented for two parents identified as child abusers. Measures selected from the Patterson Coding System served as the dependent variables. Several constructive changes in parent-child interactions were observed, some of which were maintained for as long as five months post-training.  相似文献   

A dichotic color-naming VRT task and a dichotic digits recognition task were administered. The first required the naming of five colors paired with their backward pronunciation; the second of five nonsimilar digits. Forty-eight right-handed male and female subjects were used, controlling for the factors of sex, handedness, and familial sinistrality. A highly significant left-ear advantage was obtained, suggesting that previous results of dichotic studies may only pertain to a limited class of phenomic stimuli. Results implicate different cerebral processes in the analysis of familiar and novel auditory and phenomic stimuli.  相似文献   

Discriminative control of the response rates of two groups of rats was equated by training them to cease bar pressing in light-out no-tone ( + ) and to respond during tone and light. Multiple-schedule subjects received food at the same rate for responding during tone or light as for nonresponding in + . For the chained-schedule subjects responding in tone or light only produced + where food was received for nonresponding. In extinction tests multiple-schedule subjects emitted approximately twice the responses to tone-plus-light as to tone or light presented individually (additive summation). The rats trained on the chained schedule, in which the tone and light each controlled substantial response rates but were never paired with food, showed no summation when the tone and light were presented together. The results indicate that discriminative control of response rates and reinforcement differences between schedule components determine stimulus control.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test for the presence of associations between contextual cues and the nominal conditioned stimulus (CS) in fear conditioning. Rats were given tone-footshock pairings and were tested for their fear of the nominal CS, the tone, in a different context. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that rats given nonreinforced exposure to the training context following conditioning were less fearful of the CS. Experiment 3 indicated that additional footshock presentations in the training context following conditioning produced greater fear of the CS. In both procedures postconditioning treatments designed to directly alter only the associative strength of the training context yielded parallel changes in the conditioned response to the CS. These data suggest that within-compound associations are formed between the context and the CS during classical conditioning.  相似文献   

Sixty male and sixty female college students, representing three of Kohlberg's stages of moral judgment, were exposed to a complicance situation in which their personal count of a series of metronome clicks was contradicted by a unanimous group. Group differences were either one or two steps from veridical. For half of the subjects self-awareness was experimentally increased. The results indicated that subjects in moral judgment Stages 3 and 4 complied significantly more than Stage 5 subjects. The self-awareness manipulation produced a complex pattern of results in the form of a three way interaction with moral judgment and type of compliance. Finally, sex differences in compliance behavior were significant, with females complying more than males. The results were discussed in terms of a cognition-behavior relationship.  相似文献   

Twenty healthy, 1–4 day-old infants were selected from a sample of 135 neonates on the basis of alertness during testing. The infants were presented mild intensity colored light with gradual onset and offset while heart rate was monitored. Half the infants received six exposures to blue light followed by two exposures to blue-green light, whereas remaining subjects received colors in reverse order. Stimulus duration was 20 sec and variable periods between stimuli averaged 30 sec. Results of trend analysis of variance of the second-by-second cardiac data indicated that for infants older than the median age, the decelerative responses to both stimulus onset and offset were significant. Further, these subjects' onset decelerations significantly habituated within the six stimulus repetitions and significantly dishabituated with change in the stimulus color. Offset decelerations incremented over habituation trials and decremented with change in stimulus color. Responses of younger subjects were more variable which probably reflects their less complete recovery from the effects of maternal medication and the birth process.  相似文献   

Rats fed a saccharin solution and then rotated on a turntable showed an aversion to the saccharin solution on later testing. In the first experiment, the rats learned to avoid saccharin with delays of as much as 9 hr between drinking the saccharin and the start of rotation. The second experiment showed that the critical determinant of aversiveness of rotation was number of rotations. The rats avoided saccharin as much after rotation at high speeds for short durations as after rotation at low speeds for long durations.  相似文献   

The research examines the consequences of making two reinforcement contingencies simultaneously available for the same bar-pressing response. Specifically, two experiments are described which concern the effects of reinforcement rate upon force proportional reinforcement (FPR). In Experiment 1, reinforcement rate was constrained by combining differential reinforcement of low rate with a force-proportional reinforcement contingency. The group of rats exposed to this regimen eventually showed a significant increase in response force compared to control groups. Experimental vs control response rates were not significantly different. In Experiment 2, reinforcement rate was affected through the expedient of relating the probability of obtaining a single pellet to the response force. The group for which the probability-force relationship was discontinuous came to exert higher forces than either a group for which the relationship was fairly continuous or an ordinary variable ratio control group. Response rate was significantly higher for the control group.  相似文献   

The associations formed in the components of a multiple schedule can be classified as (1) stimulus-response (S-R) associations and (2) stimulus-reinforcer (S-SR) associations. The present experiments sought to determine the individual contribution of these S-R and S-SR associations to stimulus control by manipulating them independently. Responses postponed shocks by 25 sec in the presence of a tone alone and a light alone in all experiments. The contingencies programmed in the absence of both tone and light established a reference for the S-R and S-SR associations in tone and in light. All four possible combinations of signalling response increase or decrease together with incentive increase or decrease were studied. Although the influence of the contingencies operating in the absence of tone and light was difficult to detect from response rates in tone or light, presenting tone and light together revealed clear effects. Response rates in tone and light together relative to those in either alone depended upon the contingency operating in the absence of tone and light. Stimulus-response and stimulus-reinforcer associations appeared to counteract each other when in opposition and combine together to enhance each other when in agreement. This suggested that the associations of a stimulus to response and to incentive combine algebraically in determining stimulus control. An algebraic analysis in terms of the S-R and S-SR associations conditioned to the stimulus elements comprising the training and test stimuli accounted for the observed patterns of data.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a variable-interval 66-sec schedule of reinforcement that was segmented into either fixed- or variable-interval 10-sec components. Three-second access to food followed some components according to the overall VI 66-sec schedule, but 3-sec periods of nonreinforcement followed the other components. With both FI 10-sec and VI 10-sec segments, overall response rates were generally higher when the completion of unreinforced segments was signaled by a red key (never paired with food) than when it was unsignaled. Response rates during the red-key periods dropped to zero. Brief presentations of the red key engendered the distinctive (FI or VI) patterns of responding which would be expected if each segment were followed by food. These data demonstrate behavioral control by brief stimuli which are not paired with primary reinforcement and show that such control may develop even when the sequences of behavior required to produce food or brief stimuli are variable in duration.  相似文献   

College student subjects (Ss) classified phrases as making sense or not according to sound in one condition, according to visual appearance in another, and in abasic task in which either strategy would yield right answers. Ss who were relatively fast in the visual condition were faster at the basic task than Ss who were relatively fast in the sound condition. Other results suggested that the former Ss used a visual strategy in the basic task while the latter used a phonemic strategy.  相似文献   

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