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A mathematical model based upon signal detection theory is developed that characterizes social influences upon judgments of a stimulus. A social influence cue and the physical aspects of the stimulus were assumed to have independent effects upon performance. A visual movement discrimination task was employed in which subjects could make their judgment either before or after a cue that they had been led to believe was the response of another subject. The accuracy of this “response” was varied. The model provided a good account of the data. A model-based estimate of the magnitude of the influence effect indicated that this effect was greater when the “other” was highly accurate. The model provided an interpretation of social influences on perceptual judgments in which influence pressures have their effects only when subjects' sensory impressions are ambiguous.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of positive and negative reinforcements upon black college students. In the first experiment subjects received either positive or negative reinforcement from a black or a white Evaluator. Behavioral change (compliance) was greater in response to negative reinforcement from a black Evaluator than in response to negative reinforcement from a white Evaluator, while there were no divergent effects of Evaluator's Race upon compliance with positive reinforcement. The same pattern obtained in subjects' self-evaluations. The second experiment offered a test of the hypothesis that the objectivity of black Evaluators was perceived as greater than that of white Evaluators, and that a manipulation aimed at equating the Evaluators on objectivity would attenuate the effects of Evaluator's Race upon compliance and self-evaluation in response to negative reinforcement. These hypotheses were generally supported by the results.  相似文献   

Subjects were led to perceive a trainee as either similar or dissimilar to themselves. During subsequent influence trials, subjects attempted to assess the causes of the trainee's performance and to employ rewards, punishments, or manipulations of the trainee's environment to optimize her performance. It was predicted that subjects would perceive the performance of dissimilar trainees as caused more by the dispositional factor of motivation than the performance of similar trainees, and that dissimilar trainees would thus be rewarded more upon success as well as punished more upon failure. The hypotheses were supported, and a model of reward-punishment behavior and attribution is discussed.  相似文献   

The responding of pigeons was studied in a chamber with two adjacent keys that could each be lit with either a red or a green dot. Fixed-length trials were used, with pecking on positive trials reinforced by presenting food at the end of the trial. In each session the first 40 trials were one-key trials with one key lit on each trial, either red or green, and the next four trials were choice trials with both keys lit, one red and the other green. When blocks of sessions were presented in which all one-key trials were positive trials of a single color, choice responding gradually shifted to the color presented most recently during one-key trials. When all one-key trials were nonreinforced trials of a single color, responding on choice trials shifted toward the other color. When positive one-key trials of one color were intermingled with negative one-key trials of the other color, choice responding shifted exclusively to the reinforced color. These shifts in choice responding occurred even when responding on choice trials was never reinforced, and were viewed as based on separate response tendencies for pecking red and pecking green built up during one-key trials.  相似文献   

Ronis and Greenwald (Dissonance theory revised again: Comment on the paper by Fazio, Zanna, and Cooper. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 15, 1979, 62–69) question our integrative formulation of dissonance and self-perception processes. We argue that our formulation provides an explanation of both the full range of results in the literature and our own experimental data, while neither dissonance nor self-perception theory can singly explain the existing data.  相似文献   

An experiment investigated at what age children could represent movement in imagery. Five- and eight-year olds were asked whether two stimuli were the same or different in shape. The two stimuli were either presented in the same orientation or one stimulus differed from the other by clockwise rotation of 30 ° (0.52 rad), 60 ° (1.05 rad), 120 ° (2.09 rad), or 150 ° (2.62 rad). Children were instructed to visually imagine the counterclockwise rotation of one shape into the position of the other to help make the judgment. For both 5- and 8-yr olds, reaction times increased as a linear function of angular discrepancy between stimuli, indicating that both age groups represented rotation in their imagery. The findings conflict with Piaget and Inhelder's thesis that imagery representing movement first emerges when children are 7 to 8 yrs of age.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated visual attention in human infants. In one experiment, babies looked longer at more than at less saturated colors. In a second experiment, babies looked longer at gratings aligned along the horizontal and vertical orthogonals than along the obliques. Because saturated colors and orthogonal stimulation elicit greater activity in visual system neurons and greater amplitude evoked potentials than desaturated colors or oblique stimulation, these two experiments support the hypothesis that the simple visual stimuli to which infants preferably attend are those that are particularly appropriate in stimulating the geniculostriate or primary visual system. The ethological significance of this taxic mechanism and its utility and function in perception, cognition, and aesthetics are underscored.  相似文献   

The internal representations and mental operations used in verifying a sentence against a pictorial referent are examined in an experiment where the location of the false constituent (subject, verb, or object) varied. The latencies for false sentences were ordered: verb, grammatical subject, grammatical object, with verb mismatches being detected the fastest. An information-processing analysis indicated that both comparison and search operations are employed, and that sentences are represented, in general, as a list of propositions with case-relational information. Context and task demands impose order on the list and lead to different operations on these structures. The depth of processing sentences varies from simple lexical comparisons up to full encoding and usage of syntactic and semantic features and case relations.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that aversive behavioral consequences affect the magnitude of dissonance reduction. The present experiment was conducted to help clarify the meaning of an aversive consequence. In previous research, an aversive event was manipulated by having a subject believe that a counterattitudinal speech he had delivered was successful in convincing one of the subject's colleagues. In the present study, it was argued that convincing a colleague is aversive only to the extent that the colleague is liked. This reasoning was tested in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment in which subjects delivered a counterattitudinal speech to a recipient whom either was or was not liked by the subject and either was or was not convinced by the subject's speech. It was predicted and found that the subject would evidence attitude change only in the condition in which the speech led to the aversive event of successfully convincing an esteemed other. The results were discussed in terms of refining the relationship between attitude discrepant behavior and attitude change.  相似文献   

After receiving first-order CER (conditioned emotional response) conditioning, four groups of rats were exposed to the first-order conditioned stimulus (CS1) and a new stimulus (CS2) according to one of three paradigms. For different groups, CS2 preceded CS1, was simultaneously compounded with it, or was explicitly unpaired with it. There was evidence of second-order conditioning (SOC) only when CS2 preceded CS1, with the effect diminishing when SOC training was continued for a long time. Though suppression to CS1 extinguished in the course of SOC training, animals which had experienced CS2 preceding CS1 suppressed almost completely when later tested with CS1 alone. This “protection-from-extinction” is formally similar to an analogous effect observed in the simultaneous compound group. Animals appear to “configure” elements of both simultaneous and successive compounds.  相似文献   

The pigeon's keypeck was investigated in a variety of multiple schedules of response-independent or -dependent reinforcement. Experiments 1 and 2 found that keypecking developed to a reinforcement-associated cue that signaled an increase in local rate of reinforcement, but signaled either no change or a decrease in the overall rate of reinforcement, defined as that prevailing in the cue's absence. In Experiment 3 a greater rate of responding to a target stimulus was observed when it was preceded by a second signal—associated with the same, or a lower, rate of reinforcement—and followed by extinction than when this temporal sequence was reversed. In Experiment 4 responding to a target cue increased when either a temporally prior or a subsequent reinforcement-associated cue was changed to signal extinction. Experiment 5 examined the conditioned reinforcing effectiveness of target cues in two types of situations varying the local context of reinforcement. Stimuli associated with selected target components of a response-dependent multiple schedule of reinforcement could appear as the terminal-link consequences in a two-link chain schedule. Enhanced responding during a target cue which accompanied the introduction of an extinction period following this cue was paralleled by an increase in the conditioned reinforcement effects of this cue. No such increase was found for target cues in which an enhancement of responding had been produced by the interposition of an extinction period prior to the cue.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the impact of the perception of emotion on attitude change in active participation situations. Subjects wrote counterattitudinal statements while their emotional experiences were independently manipulated by altering their facial expressions. Subjects who were led to experience additional negative affect changed their attitudes significantly more than did subjects who experienced no added emotional input. Conversely, subjects who were led to experience additional positive affect changed their attitudes significantly less than subjects in the other conditions. These results and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Wolff (1979) has recently reinterpreted the data of Lee (1951). The Lee data, according to Wolff, indicate that Black migration from the south to Philadelphia had been selective in an IQ-relevant manner. Thus, according to Wolff, north- south differences in mean IQ among Blacks are at least in part a consequence of selective migration. However, Wolff's deduction from Lee's data is shown to depend entirely upon an insupportable assumption about cumulative IQ deficit in southern Black children.  相似文献   

An alternating sort/recall task was employed to train fourth graders and college students in organizational strategies. Free-sorting Ss, at both age levels, sorted a group of words into two to seven categories. Analyses of final sorting patterns indicated reliable differences between the children and adults. The organizational schemes thus developed by the free-sorting Ss were taught, by means of a yoking procedure, to other Ss. Results indicated that the recall of fourth graders was improved when they were forced to learn the sorting patterns developed by the older Ss. Similarly, impairment in the recall of college students was observed when they were required to sort according to the organization employed by the fourth graders. These findings imply that changes in organization can result in changes in recall performance.  相似文献   

If people are motivated to elicit attributions from others, are they capable of using attribution theory as a means to this end? To explore this question, subjects were asked to select information to disclose to hypothetical target persons in order to have those target persons make specific attributions about the subjects' traits and abilities. The disclosures conformed well to a model sensitive to the principles of augmentation and discounting. The model considers the causal relevance and value of personal information and whether the self-presenter is given the opportunity to engage in behavior that accomplishes some specific self-presentational objective. The results, in line with the model, showed that subjects having the opportunity to engage in such “correspondent” behavior, are subsequently eager to disclose impediments that highlight the likely presence of highly valued behavioral causes. Subjects without such an opportunity seek to disclose facilitating causal factors that would make an effective performance appear to be more likely should the opportunity later arise.  相似文献   

Perception of mirror images by three-to four-month infants was studied in five experiments using habituation paradigms. In the first experiment, babies discriminated right profiles of two different faces but not the left and right profile of the same face. In the second, babies discriminated a 45° oblique from a vertical line, but not the oblique from its mirror image. In the third, babies discriminated oblique lines that differed by 50° and were not mirror images. In the final experiments. 90° rotations of a ?-shape were discriminated but not 180° rotations that formed lateral or vertical mirror images. These results demonstrated that although babies were able to discriminate differences in orientation (even among obliques) they tended to view mirror images, especially lateral mirror images, as equivalent stimuli. We propose that the perceptual equivalence of mirror images reflects an adaptive mode of visual processing; mirror images in nature are almost always aspects of the same object, and they usually need not be discriminated. The relations of the perceptual similarity of mirror images to the ontogeny of the object concept and to the development of reading are discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-two four-year-old and 32 six-year-old children were presented a conjunctive concept that involved either two values from within a single dimension (unidimensional condition) or two values from different dimensions (bidimensional condition). As predicted, the results showed that the uni- vs bidimensional factor had no effect upon the performance of the younger children, while the older children solved more rapidly in the unidimensional than in the bidimensional condition. The results were interpreted to suggest that the younger children's responding is not under dimensional control and that a major source of difficulty for older children solving the conjunctive concept is the necessity of responding to two dimensions, not to two values.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to demonstrate that the relationship between attitudes of a stranger and attraction to that stranger can be mediated by effectance arousal and the consequent information search to reduce the arousal. The argument posited was that individuals under high effectance arousal produced by a confusing and ambiguous film would be attracted to dissimilar others as a source of information and uncertainty reduction. Results indicated that high levels of arousal produced greater attraction to a dissimilar stranger than to a similar stranger. This finding was reversed when an explanation was provided along with the confusing film, lending support to the uncertainty reduction position.  相似文献   

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