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The authors examined the cross-task consistency of the ability to inhibit the processing of irrelevant information. They compared interference scores on 2 widely used inhibition tasks and found that color word Stroop interference scores correlated with emotion word Stroop interference scores. An examination of physiological reactivity showed that, in general, the color Stroop was more arousing than was the emotion Stroop, most likely due to increased response conflict.  相似文献   

Large disturbances arising from the moving segments (focal movement) are commonly counteracted by anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs). The aim of this study was to investigate how APAs – focal movement coordination changes under temporal constraint. Ten subjects were instructed to perform an arm raising movement in the reactive (simple reaction time) and predictive (anticipation–coincidence) tasks. A stop paradigm was applied to reveal the coordination. On some unexpected trials, a stop signal indicated to inhibit the movement; it occurred randomly at different delays (SOA) relative to the go signal in the reactive task, and at different delays prior to the focal response initiation in the predictive task. Focal movement was measured using contact switch, accelerometer and EMG from the anterior deltoid. APAs were quantified using centre of pressure displacement and EMG from three postural muscles. The inhibition rates as a function of the SOA produce psychometric functions where the bi-serial points allow the moment of the motor "command release" to be estimated. Repeated measures ANOVAs showed that APAs and focal movement were closely timed in the reactive task but distinct in a predictive task. Data were discussed according to two different models of coordination: (1) hierarchical model where APAs and focal movement are the results of a single motor command; (2) parallel model implying two independent motor commands. The data clearly favor the parallel model when the temporal constraint is low. The stop paradigm appears as a promising technique to explore APAs – focal movement coordination.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test the prediction that verbal intelligence facilitates opinion change induced by active participation (improvising arguments). Seventy-one subjects were randomly assigned to improvise arguments or read persuasive messages advocating the same point of view (passive, control condition) about one of three topics. A short test of verbal intelligence was administered during the experiment; also, American College Test scores were obtained from the files of all subjects for whom they were available. Analysis of variance (with subjects partitioned into high and low intelligence groups) and correlational analyses supported the above prediction. There was some evidence that quality of the arguments improvised mediated the relationship between intelligence and opinion change, but the results were not totally consistent.  相似文献   

The effects of interstimulus and stimulus-specific factors on central (vs. peripheral) oblique effects were examined using classification, focusing, discrimination, and sequential same-different tasks. Classification results showed that grouping the vertical with the horizontal line and the two diagonal lines with each other facilitated performance. Discrimination results revealed that the two diagonal lines were more confusable with each other than were the members of any other stimulus pair. Focusing results indicated that the vertical and horizontal lines served as better focusing stimuli. A set of sequential same-different tasks, each using only two alternative stimuli, allowed for the examination of stimulus-specific factors in focusing; the effects of similarity relations between all stimuli in the total set were greatly reduced by the constrained context. The two diagonal lines were the most difficult to compare and proved to be the worst foci in these tasks as well. In conclusion, there are two factors operating in the central oblique effect: greater confusability between the two diagonal lines and more favorable stimulus-specific properties of vertical and horizontal lines.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported that examine the effects of caffeine consumption on attitude change by using different secondary tasks to manipulate message processing. The first experiment employed an orientating task whilst the second experiment employed a distracter task. In both experiments participants consumed an orange‐juice drink that either contained caffeine (3.5 mg/kg body weight) or did not contain caffeine (placebo) prior to reading a counter‐attitudinal communication. The results across both experiments were similar. When message processing was reduced or under high distraction, there was no attitude change irrespective of caffeine consumption. However, when message processing was enhanced or under low distraction, there was greater attitude change in the caffeine vs. placebo conditions. Furthermore, attitudes formed after caffeine consumption resisted counter‐persuasion (Experiment 1) and led to indirect attitude change (Experiment 2). The extent that participants engaged in message‐congruent thinking mediated the amount of attitude change. These results provide evidence that moderate amounts of caffeine increase systematic processing of the arguments in the message resulting in greater agreement. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In an attempt to study the orienting of attention in reasoning, we developed a set of propositional reasoning tasks structurally similar to Posner's (1980) spatial cueing paradigm, widely used to study the orienting of attention in perceptual tasks. We cued the representation in working memory of a reasoning premise, observing whether inferences drawn using that premise or a different, uncued one were facilitated, hindered, or unaffected. The results of Experiments 1a, 1b, 1c, and 1d, using semantically (1a-1c) or statistically (1d) informative cues, showed a robust, long-lasting facilitation for drawing inferences from the cued rule. In Experiment 2, using uninformative cues, inferences from the cued rule were facilitated with a short stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), whereas they were delayed when the SOA was longer, an effect that is similar to the “inhibition of return” (IOR) in perceptual tasks. Experiment 3 used uninformative cues, three different SOAs, and inferential rules with disjunctive antecedents, replicating the IOR-like effect with the long SOAs and, at the short SOA, finding evidence of a gradient-like behaviour of the facilitation effect. Our findings show qualitative similarities to some effects typically observed in the orienting of visual attention, although the tasks did not involve spatial orienting.  相似文献   

In an attempt to study the orienting of attention in reasoning, we developed a set of propositional reasoning tasks structurally similar to Posner's (1980) spatial cueing paradigm, widely used to study the orienting of attention in perceptual tasks. We cued the representation in working memory of a reasoning premise, observing whether inferences drawn using that premise or a different, uncued one were facilitated, hindered, or unaffected. The results of Experiments 1a, 1b, 1c, and 1d, using semantically (1a–1c) or statistically (1d) informative cues, showed a robust, long-lasting facilitation for drawing inferences from the cued rule. In Experiment 2, using uninformative cues, inferences from the cued rule were facilitated with a short stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), whereas they were delayed when the SOA was longer, an effect that is similar to the “inhibition of return” (IOR) in perceptual tasks. Experiment 3 used uninformative cues, three different SOAs, and inferential rules with disjunctive antecedents, replicating the IOR-like effect with the long SOAs and, at the short SOA, finding evidence of a gradient-like behaviour of the facilitation effect. Our findings show qualitative similarities to some effects typically observed in the orienting of visual attention, although the tasks did not involve spatial orienting.  相似文献   

Localization abilities of subjects in three perceptual-motor tasks were considered before and after an exposure to a visual distortion. During this distortion the subject observed his hand ballistically point to an invisible but audible target while either receiving or not receiving knowledge of results (KR) concerning pointing accuracy. Also, subjects either received a 1- or a 4-sec rest period between each of 30 exposure ballistic pointing actions. The pre- and postexposure tasks involved the ability of a subject to accurately point to an occluded and stationary auditory target, to point to the straight-ahead position in space, and to indicate when a moving, auditory target was perceived as being in the straight-ahead position. For these tasks, the pre- vs. postexposure localization difference scores are referred to as the negative aftereffect, the proprioceptive shift, and the auditory shift, respectively. Wilkinson's (1971) two-component additive model (negative aftereffect = proprioceptive shift plus auditory shift) held when KR was given regardless of amount of rest between exposure pointing responses. With a 4-sec rest and no KR, the relationship between coordination components was nonadditive (negative aftereffect greater than proprioceptive shift plus auditory shift).  相似文献   

The current study compared the effects of an acceptance versus distraction rationale on coping with experimentally induced pain. Eighty participants were randomly assigned to one of five conditions: Full-Acceptance, Full-Distraction, Instruction-only-Acceptance, Instruction-only-Distraction and No-Instructions. Participants completed a simple matching task and were intermittently given the choice either to receive an electric shock and continue, or to avoid the shock and terminate the task. Only the Full-Acceptance strategy (that included experiential exercises and a metaphor) had a significant effect on task tolerance as measured by an increase in the number of shocks delivered post-intervention relative to baseline. In addition, the participants in both of the acceptance conditions showed lower levels of believability in that they were more likely to continue with the task even when reporting more pain. The results support the prediction that acceptance-based interventions work by undermining the behavioural-control functions of pain-related thoughts and feelings, and call for a systematic analysis of how metaphors and exercises work in analogue research.  相似文献   

Separate cognitive processes govern the inhibitory control of manual and oculomotor movements. Despite this fundamental distinction, little is known about how these inhibitory control processes relate to more complex domains of behavioral functioning. This study sought to determine how these inhibitory control mechanisms relate to broadly defined domains of impulsive behavior. Thirty adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and 28 comparison adults performed behavioral measures of inhibitory control and completed impulsivity inventories. Results suggest that oculomotor inhibitory control, but not manual inhibitory control, is related to specific domains of self-reported impulsivity. This finding was limited to the ADHD group; no significant relations between inhibitory control and impulsivity were found in comparison adults. These results highlight the heterogeneity of inhibitory control processes and their differential relations to different facets of impulsivity.  相似文献   

  • While there is evidence that an endorser's likeability plays a determining role in the advertising effectiveness of explicit persuasive appeals, this paper examines the impact of the need for cognition (NFC) as a moderator of this relationship. We find that this effect holds, as predicted, for individuals with lower NFC, but not for those with higher NFC. Furthermore, the effects of explicit persuasion and the endorser's likeability on evaluations of products or services by lower‐NFC consumers were found to be mediated by the attribution of self‐interest. In contrast, advertising effectiveness for higher‐NFC consumers was predictable only by the valence of their cognitive responses to the product.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Asymmetric switch cost, observed when switching between tasks varying in difficulty, shows that the difference between repeat and switch trials is greater when switching to the easier task. Early explanations of this effect attributed this pattern to both positive priming of the difficult task and negative priming of the easier task, but more recent models have focused only on activation processes. The role of inhibition in asymmetric switch cost was examined using backward inhibition, a more direct measure of task-set inhibition. The results indicated asymmetric backward inhibition, with greater sequential inhibition of the easier task (i.e., easy-difficult-easy sequences). Switch costs, however, showed both typical and reversed asymmetry (greater cost when switching from the easy to the difficult task), depending on the relative difficulty of task pairs. This pattern of results indicates that switch costs are attributable to both activation and inhibition processes.  相似文献   

This research addressed the reduced impact of cues under high processing motivation of persuasion experiments. The results of 3 studies suggested that such reduced impact is due to a relevance override whereby any more subjectively relevant information swamps the effects of any less subjectively relevant information, given the recipient's sufficient motivation to process both. Because, in much persuasion research, cues may have been perceived as less relevant to the attitudinal judgments than message arguments, the relevance override hypothesis provides a general explanation of the reduced cue effect.  相似文献   

ERP components in Go/Nogo tasks and their relation to inhibition.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
In visual Go/Nogo tasks the ERP usually shows a frontal negativity after Nogo stimuli ("Nogo-N2"), which possibly reflects an inhibition process. However, the Nogo-N2 appears to be very small after auditory stimuli, which is evidence against the inhibition hypothesis. In the present study we tested this hypothesis by evaluating performance differences between subjects. Assuming that for Ss with a high false alarm rate the inhibition process is weakened and/or delayed, they should reveal a smaller and/or later Nogo-N2 than Ss with a low false alarm rate. This prediction was confirmed, which supports the inhibition hypothesis. However, the Nogo-N2 was again much smaller and had a different topography after auditory than after visual stimuli despite similar performance in both modalities. This modality asymmetry was explained by assuming that the inhibitory mechanism reflected in the Nogo-N2 is located at a pre-motor rather than at the motor level. In the second part of the study we compared the Nogo-N2 with a similar phenomenon, the error negativity (Ne), which occurs in trials with commission errors (false alarms). Earlier work suggests that the Ne is a correlate of error detection or inhibition. This raises the possibility that the Ne is a delayed Nogo-N2, i.e., the Ne may reflect a late and hence unsuccessful attempt to inhibit the response after a nontarget. However, the Ne amplitude showed no difference between performance groups and stimulus modalities, as found for the Nogo-N2. Moreover, Ne and Nogo-N2 had different scalp topographies. This suggests that different mechanisms and generators underlie the Ne and the Nogo-N2.  相似文献   

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