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The degree of interdependence of a preference relation ? on a finite subset X of a product set X1 × X2 × … × Xn is defined in terms of the highest order of preference interaction among the Xi that must be taken into account in a real-valued, interdependent additive representation for ?. The degree is zero when indifference holds throughout X, and zero or one in the additive conjoint measurement case. A degree of n signifies complete preference interdependence among the Xi.  相似文献   

Suppose that a binary relation is given on a n-fold Cartesian product. The study of the conditions guaranteeing the existence of n value functions such that the binary relation can be additively represented is known as additive conjoint measurement. In this paper we analyze a related problem: given a partition of a Cartesian product into r ordered categories, what conditions do ensure the representability of the partition in an additive model?  相似文献   

A qualitative axiomatization of a generalization of expected utility theory is given in which the expected value of simple gambles is not necessarily the product of subjective probability and utility. Representation and uniqueness theorems for these generalized structures are derived for both Archimedean and nonarchimedean cases. It is also shown that a simple condition called distributivity is necessary and sufficient in the case of simple gambles for one of these generalized expected utility structures to have simultaneously an additive subjective probability function and a multiplicative combining rule for expected values.  相似文献   

Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a probability measure agreeing with a weak order on an algebra of events are given. In the case of a countable algebra they consist of an extension of Kraft, Pratt, and Seidenberg's (1959. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 38, 780–786) additivity condition through the requirement of an Archimedean property. In the case of a σ-algebra and a σ-additive agreeing probability, Villegas' (1964. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 35, 1787–1796) monotone continuity condition, which becomes necessary, is merely added to them.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to offer a rigorous explication of statements ascribing ability to agents and to develop the logic of such statements. A world is said to be feasible iff it is compatible with the actual past-and-present. W is a P-world iff W is feasible and P is true in W (where P is a proposition). P is a sufficient condition for Q iff every P world is a Q world. P is a necessary condition for Q iff Q is a sufficient condition forP. Each individual property S is shown to generate a rule for an agent X. X heeds S iff X makes all his future choices in accordance with S. (Note that X may heed S and yet fail to have it). S is a P-strategy for X iff X's heeding S together with P is a necessary and sufficient condition for X to have S. (P-strategies are thus rules which X is able to implement on the proviso P).Provisional opportunity: X has the opportunity to A provided P iff there is an S such that S is a P-strategy for X and X's implementing S is a sufficient condition for X's doing A. P is etiologically complete iff for every event E which P reports P also reports an etiological ancestry of E, and P is true. Categorical opportunity: X has the opportunity to A iff there is a P such that P is etiologically complete and X has the opportunity to A provided P. For X to have the ability to A there must not only be an appropriate strategy, but X must have a command of that strategy. X steadfastly intends A iff X intends A at every future moment at which his doing A is not yet inevitable. X has a command of S w.r.t. A and P iff X's steadfastly intending A together with P is a sufficient condition for X to implement S. Provisional ability: X can A provided P iff there is an S such that S is a P-strategy for X, X's implementing S is a sufficient condition for X's doing A, and X has a command of S w.r.t. A and P. Categorical ability: X can A iff there is a P such that P is etiologically complete and X can A provided P. X is free w.r.t. to A iff X can A and X can non- A. X is free iff there is an A such that X is free w.r.t. A.  相似文献   

This paper presents several necessary and sufficient conditions for real interval representability of biorders, interval orders, and semiorders. Let A and X be nonempty sets. We consider two types of interval representations for PA×X. The first concerns the existence of two mappings, FAJ and FXJ, such that, for all (ax)∈A×X, (ax)∈PF(a)∩F (x)= ∅, where J and J respectively denote the set of all real intervals that are unbounded below and the set of all real intervals that are unbounded above. The second yields two mappings, FAJ and GXJ, such that, for all (ax)∈A×X, (ax)∈PF(a)⊂G(x). Specializations of those representations include the cases of A=X for interval orders and semiorders.  相似文献   

Several authors have identified sets of axioms for a preference relation ? on a two-factor set A × X which imply that ? can be represented by specific types of numerical structures. Perhaps the two best-known of these are the additive representation, for which there are real valued functions fA on A and fX on X such that (a, x) ? (b, y) if and only if fA(a) + fX(x) > fA(b) + fX(y), and the lexicographic representation which, with A as the dominant factor, has (a, x) ? (b, y) if and only if fA(a) > fA(b) or {fA(a) = fA(b) and fX(x) > fX(y)}. Recently, Duncan Luce has combined the additive and lexicographic notions in a model for which A is the dominant factor if the difference between a and b is sufficiently large but which adheres to the additive representation when the difference between a and b lies within what might be referred to as a lexicographic threshold. The present paper specifies axioms for ? which lead to a numerical model which also has a lexicographic component but whose local tradeoff structure is governed by the additive-difference model instead of the additive model. Although the additive-difference model includes the additive model as a special case, the new lexicographic additive-difference model is not more general than Luce's model since the former has a “constant” lexicographic threshold whereas Luce's model has a “variable” lexicographic threshold. Realizations of the new model range from the completely lexicographic representation to the regular additive-difference model with no genuine lexicographic component. Axioms for the latter model are obtained from the general axioms with one slight modification.  相似文献   

This paper investigates necessary and sufficient conditions on choice probabilities Pa,B (of picking an element a in an offered set B), for the existence of random variables Ua, satisfying the equation Pa,B = P{Ua = max {Ub | bB}} for all nonempty finite subsets B in a fixed set A, and all aB. A complete solution to this representation problem is obtained in the case where A is finite. The proof of the representation theorem provides an algorithm to construct the random variables Ua, up to some uniqueness properties. Investigation of these uniqueness properties show that an important part of the ordinal structure of the underlying random variables can be recovered.  相似文献   

An ordinal utility function u over two attributes X1, X2 is additive if there exists a strictly monotonic function ϕ such that ϕ(u) = v1(x2) + v2(x2) for some functions v1, v2. Here we consider the class of ordinal utility functions over n attributes for which each pair of attributes is additive, but not necessarily separable, for any fixed levels of the remaining attributes. We show that while this class is more general than those that are ordinally additive, the assessment task is of the same order of difficulty, and involves a hierarchy of multilinear rather than additive decompositions.  相似文献   

According to Stephen Finlay, ‘A ought to X’ means that X-ing is more conducive to contextually salient ends than relevant alternatives. This in turn is analysed in terms of probability. I show why this theory of ‘ought’ is hard to square with a theory of a reason’s weight which could explain why ‘A ought to X’ logically entails that the balance of reasons favours that A X-es. I develop two theories of weight to illustrate my point. I first look at the prospects of a theory of weight based on expected utility theory. I then suggest a simpler theory. Although neither allows that ‘A ought to X’ logically entails that the balance of reasons favours that A X-es, this price may be accepted. For there remains a strong pragmatic relation between these claims.  相似文献   

Let ? be a binary relation on a finite algebra A of events A, B,…, where A ? B is interpreted as “A is more probable than B.” Conventional subjective probability is concerned with the existence of a probability measure P on A that agrees with ? in the sense that A ? B ? P(A) > P(B). Because evidence suggests that some people's comparative probability judgments do not admit an agreeing probability measure, this paper explores a more flexible scheme for representing ? numerically. The new representation has A ? B ? p(A, B) > 0, where p is a monotonic and normalized skew-symmetric function on A × A that replaces P's additivity by a conditional additivity property. Conditional additivity says that p(A ? B, C) + p(?, C) = p(A, C) + p(B, C) whenever A and B are disjoint. The paper examines consequences of this representation, presents examples of ? that it accommodates but which violate the conventional representation, formulates axioms for ? on A that are necessary and sufficient for the representation, and discusses specializations in which p in separable in its arguments.  相似文献   

Given a set X with elements x, y,… which has a partial order < on the pairs of the Cartesian product X2, one may seek a distance function ? on such pairs (x, y) which satisfies ?(x1, y1) < ?(x2, y2) precisely when (x1, y1) < (x2, y2), and even demand a metric space (X, ?) with some such compatible ? which has an isometric imbedding into a finite-dimensional Euclidean space or a separable Hilbert space. We exhibit here systems (X, <) which cannot meet the latter demand. The space of real m-tuples (ξ1,…,ξm) with either the “city-block” norm Σiξi∥ or the “dominance” norm maxi, ∥ξi∥ cannot possibly become a subset of any finite-dimensional Euclidean space. The set of real sequences (ξ1, ξ2,…) with finitely many nonzero elements and the supremum norm supi, ∥ξi∥ cannot even become a subset of any separable Hilbert space.  相似文献   

This paper discusses two “nondecomposable” conjoint measurement representations for an asymmetric binary relation ? on a product set A × X, namely (a, x) ? (b, y) iff f1(a) + g1(a)g2(x) > f1(b) + g1(b)g2(y), and (a, x) ? (b, y) iff f1(a) + f2(x) + g1(a)g2(x) > f1(b) + f2(y) + g1(b)g2(y). Difficulties in developing axioms for ? on A × X which imply these representations in a general formulation have led to their examination from the standpoint of bisymmetric structures based on applications of a binary operation to A × X. Depending on context, the binary operation may refer to concatenation, extensive or intensive averaging, gambles based on an uncertain chance event, or to some other interpretable process. Independence axioms which are necessary and sufficient for the special representations within the context of bisymmetric structures are presented.  相似文献   

This paper shows sufficient conditions for the existence of additive utilities without a restricted solvability axiom. Our conditions require that each essential component of the underlying Cartesian product be densely ordered.  相似文献   

An absolute-difference measurement space is a pair (X, e) where the real-valued function e on X2 satisfies conditions which are shown in the paper to be necessary and sufficient for its representability by the absolute distance on the real line. A positive-difference measurement space is a pair (X, l), where the real-valued function l on X2 satisfies conditions necessary and sufficient for its representability by positive distances on the real line. The conditions imposed on e and l make these functions extensive measurements of proximity and dominance, the two basic predicates of social enquiry. Another way of treating these conditions is to translate them to the formal language of multivalued logic. The translation is easy and the sentences obtained have plausible intuitive meanings such as reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity. The two sets of conditions thus become formal theories of proximity and dominance. Our difference measurement spaces are relational structures for the multi-valued logic and models of the two formal theories. Thus proximity and dominance are considered dichotomous in principle and the multiple truth-values represent degrees of error. We suggest adopting multivalued logic as a framework within which the problem of measurement error can be treated together with the formal axiomatization of social and phychological theories.  相似文献   

We study the recently discovered phenomenon [Conder, M. D. E., & Slinko, A. M. (2004). A counterexample to Fishburn's conjecture. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 48(6), 425-431] of existence of comparative probability orderings on finite sets that violate the Fishburn hypothesis [Fishburn, P. C. (1996). Finite linear qualitative probability. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 40, 64-77; Fishburn, P. C. (1997). Failure of cancellation conditions for additive linear orders. Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 5, 353-365]—we call such orderings and the discrete cones associated with them extremal. Conder and Slinko constructed an extremal discrete cone on a set of n=7 elements and showed that no extremal cones exist on a set of n?6 elements. In this paper we construct an extremal cone on a finite set of prime cardinality p if p satisfies a certain number theoretical condition. This condition has been computationally checked to hold for 1725 of the 1842 primes between 132 and 16,000, hence for all these primes extremal cones exist.  相似文献   

The constant-ratio rule (CRR) and four interpretations of R. D. Luce's (In R. D. Luce, R. R. Bush, & E. Galanter (Eds.), Handbook of mathematical psychology (Vol. 1). New York: Wiley, 1963) similarity choice model (SCM) were tested using an alphabetic confusion paradigm. Four stimulus conditions were employed that varied in set size (three, four or five stimulus elements) and set constituency (block letters: A, E, X; F, H, X; A, E, F, H; A, E, F, H, X), and were presented to each subject in independent blocks. The four interpretations of the SCM were generated by constraining one, both, or neither of its similarity and bias parameter sets to be invariant in across-stimulus set model predictions. The strictest interpretation of the SCM (both the similarity and bias parameters constrained), shown to be a special case of the CRR, and the CRR produced nearly equivalent across-set predictions that provided a reasonable first approximation to the data. However, they proved inferior to the least strict SCM (neither the similarity nor bias parameters were constrained; the common interpretation of the SCM in visual confusion). Additionally, the least strict SCM was compared to J. T. Townsend's (Perception and Psychophysics, 1971, 9, 40–50, 449–454) overlap model, the all-or-none model (J. T. Townsend, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 1978, 18, 25–38), and a modified version of L. H. Nakatani's (Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 1972, 9, 104–127) confusion-choice model. Both the least strict SCM and confusion-choice models produced nearly equivalent within stimulus set predictions that were superior to the overlap and all-or-none within-set predictions. Measurement conditions related to model structure and equivalence relations among the models, many of them new, were examined and compared with the statistical fit results of the investigation.  相似文献   

A representation theorem for binary relations on Rn is derived. It is interpreted in the context of decision making under uncertainty. There we consider the existence of a subjective expected utility model to represent a preference relation of a person on the set of bets for money on a finite state space. The theorem shows that, for this model to exist, it is not only necessary (as has often been observed), but it also is sufficient, that the appreciation for money of the person has a cardinal character, independent of the state of nature. This condition of cardinal appreciation is simple and thus easily testable in experiments. Also it may be of help in relating the neo-classical economic interpretation of cardinal utility to the von Neumann-Morgenstern interpretation.  相似文献   

Luce and Marley [2005. Ranked additive utility representations of gambles: Old and new axiomatizations. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 30, 21-62] examined various relations between mathematical forms for the utility of joint receipt ⊕ of gambles and for the utility of uncertain gambles. Their assumptions lead to a bisymmetry functional equation which, when the gambles are ranked, is defined on a restricted domain. Maksa [1999. Solution of generalized bisymmetry type equations without surjectivity. Aequationes Mathematicae, 57, 50-74] solved the general case and Kocsis [2007. A bisymmetry equation on restricted domain. Aequationes Mathematicae, 73, 280-284] presents the solution for the ranked case. The latter solution allows us to solve open problem 5 in Luce and Marley (2005) by showing that the assumptions of their Theorem 19 for an order-preserving ranked additive utility (RAU) representation U imply that U is a ranked weighted utility (RWU) representation that is additive over ⊕.  相似文献   

In connection with multidimensional scaling, representations have been considered of the form abDcd?(f(a), f(b)) ≦ ?(f(c), f(d)), for all a, b, c, dA, where A is a nonvoid finite set, D is a four-place relation on A, f is a function from A into Euclidean n-space, Rn, and ? is a metric in Rn. For particular metrics there exist finite universal axiomatizations which are necessary and sufficient for the above representation. On the other hand, it is known that no such axiomatizations can be given for either the supremum metric or the ordinary Euclidean metric. Methods for showing this apply easily to the city-block metrics in R1 and R2. This article describes a computer-aided verification of a locus result which shows the impossibility of finite universal axiomatizability for the case of the city-block metric in R3. The result was obtained by dealing with 21,780 cases, each of which involved a set of 10 equations in 12 unknowns along with a related set of inequalities.  相似文献   

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