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如何对待病人的知情不同意,是履行知情同意时必须正确对待的问题,也是临床医生经常面对的伦理难题.通过问卷调查,了解目前我国病人及家属知情不同意的现状,并对知情不同意社会心理因素进行分析,找出知情不同意的社会心理原因,从而为保护患者的利益,减少医患冲突提供参考依据.  相似文献   

中西文化差异的核心是价值观的差异,西方文化强调个人主义,中国文化强调家庭主义.知情同意作为生命伦理学的重要原则,是西方个人主义文化的产物.移植到家庭本位的中国文化语境中,因价值观、行为方式和社会制度方面的差异,知情同意遇到了患者知情同意而家属知情不同意、家属知情同意而患者知情不同意的困境.对此,医方应做好协调沟通工作,一般情况应首先尊重患者意见.  相似文献   

近年来 ,随着社会的发展、法律的不断健全及社会舆论强有力的影响 ,患者的知情同情权已成为构建现代医患关系的基础。患者不仅对自己所患疾病的病因病机、诊断方法、治疗原则以及可能的预后等都有知情的权利 ,而且对医师在治疗上的决定可行使同意或否决的权利。在手术治疗过程中 ,因手术医生忽视或不尊重患者及家属的知情同意权 ,更有甚者 ,医生将其个人意念强加给患者 ,由此引发的医疗纠纷屡见不鲜。因此 ,手术治疗过程中坚持知情同意及心理抚慰具有极其重要的临床意义。1 麻醉医师应在手术前对患者进行心理抚慰由于患者年龄、性别、职业…  相似文献   

如何面对患者的知情不同意,是医师尊重病人自主权时必须正确对待的问题,也是医师履行职业责任不可回避的事实.通过问卷调查及深入访谈,对目前我国病人及家属知情不同意的现状,知情不同意的类型、原因以及医师面对病人的知情不同意时容易走进的误区,正确处理知情不同意的意义做了分析和讨论,以便为维护患者的利益,减少医惠冲突,完善医师专业精神提供参考依据.  相似文献   

分析在急危重症患者中签署知情不同意的原因,探讨对策.选择我院2010年6月1日~2011年12月30日在ICU抢救已出院归档的急危重症患者家属签署的600份知情同意书中52份不同意的病例进行分析总结.52份病例的知情同意书签字不同意,原因多方面.知情不同意是患者或家属的权力,如何保障更好行使此权利,同时保障其健康是医务人员努力的目标,也需要对出现的问题进一步探讨.  相似文献   

告知患者癌症诊断是肿瘤科的核心问题。法律和医学伦理原则要求医务人员应掌握肿瘤患者的心理和其他方面的特殊性,及时、充分地与患者及家属进行沟通,严格履行肿瘤患者的知情同意原则。本文旨在对告知患者癌症诊断的利弊及有效告知癌症诊断的方法进行分析,以期为临床肿瘤医疗、护理工作提供指导。  相似文献   

肿瘤是目前威胁人类生命的主要疾病之一,许多肿瘤至今仍没有治愈的有效方法,在肿瘤诊疗过程中,充分认识肿瘤患者的生理和心理特点,掌握肿瘤患者的心理和其他方面的特殊性,及时、充分地与患者及家属进行沟通,严格地履行知情同意原则,取得患者和家属的理解、支持与配合,对于肿瘤患者的全程治疗及争取较好的疗效十分重要。  相似文献   

正知情同意(Informed Consent)指在疾病诊疗、预防、公共卫生、医学科研及其他医学实践活动中,患者及患者家属、受试者、公众享有知情和同意的权利;知情同意是医学伦理学最重要的伦理学原则之一,是自主原则在医疗实践中的具体应用,是医疗卫生服务人员和科研人员对患者、享受医疗保健各种服务和受试者个人权利的尊重的承诺。概述现代意义上的知情同意,起始于1946年对德国纳粹战犯的纽伦堡军事法庭决议部分内容的《纽伦  相似文献   

告知患者癌症诊断是肿瘤科的核心问题.法律和医学伦理原则要求医务人员应掌握肿瘤患者的心理和其他方面的特殊性,及时、充分地与患者及家属进行沟通,严格履行肿瘤患者的知情同意原则.本文旨在对告知患者癌症诊断的利弊及有效告知癌症诊断的方法进行分析,以期为临床肿瘤医疗、护理工作提供指导.  相似文献   

在医疗活动中,医疗机构与医务人员面临着患者及其家属的知情不同意,分析了导致知情不同意的可能原因,论证了面对危及患者生命的知情不同意时医生行使特殊干涉权的合乎伦理性,并提出了行使特殊干涉权的具体做法。  相似文献   

刘子馨  王沛 《心理科学》2021,44(6):1426-1431
知情同意书在医患沟通中起着间接传递信息的重要作用。以159名大学生为被试,通过操纵不同的知情同意方式,考察了纸质或视频补充信息对患者知情同意满意度、理解程度以及患者信息需求的满足程度影响。结果发现,接受纸质补充知情同意或视频补充知情同意的被试对知情同意过程的满意度、对手术信息的理解程度与知情同意信息需求的满足程度显著高于接受普通知情同意的被试。同时,纸质补充知情同意使得“治疗信息需求的满足程度”最高。这表明,纸质补充知情同意更能满足患者对治疗信息的需求。  相似文献   

心理咨询和治疗的知情同意原则及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
随着心理咨询和治疗的发展,患者的知情同意成为临床心理学实践的一个基本伦理观念和原则。首先提出心理咨询和治疗实践中的知情同意问题,介绍心理咨询和治疗知情同意的要素、过程、内容、意义和影响因素,并附心理咨询和治疗提供给患者的知情同意问卷,旨在引起从业者的注意和重视,并在临床实践中自觉地遵守。  相似文献   

Informed Consent     

This article focuses on informed consent and the components to be reviewed with clients in the first session or as early as possible thereafter. Recent changes that give patients greater autonomy in the treatment process are also presented. The process of obtaining informed consent or informed refusal places a new responsibility on the practitioner. Informed consent as it pertains to clinical practice, supervision and training, and psychological research is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the issue of the psychological dimension of informed consent. In this paper, the author proposes that informed consent is a continuous variable rather than a dichotomous one. When clients better understand their motives and actual, rather than just perceived degree of choice in pursuing a particular option in a medical setting, their level of informed consent is greater. Findings from existing literature in the field of genetic testing are examined in terms of dissonance theory. These findings suggest that testing candidates sometimes overestimate their coping skills and minimize the threat to psychological integrity that a particular genetic result may pose. Counseling directed towards realistic appraisal of degree of choice in pursuing testing is examined as an aspect of supporting informed consent and possibly reducing the potential for adverse psychological outcome in the longer term.  相似文献   

Sixty-five undergraduates participating in a wide range of psychological research experiments were interviewed in depth about their research experiences and their views on the process of informed consent. Overall, 32% of research experiences were characterized positively and 41% were characterized negatively. One major theme of the negative experiences was that experiments were perceived as too invasive, suggesting incomplete explication of negative aspects of research during the informed consent process. Informed consent experiences were viewed positively 80% of the time. However, most of the participants had a limited view of the purpose of informed consent: less than 20% viewed the process as a decision point. Results suggest a number of common pitfalls to standard informed consent practices that have not generally been recognized. Results are discussed in terms of both ethical and methodological implications. Suggestions for improving the informed consent process are also provided.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(4):285-298
Sixty-five undergraduates participating in a wide range of psychological research experiments were interviewed in depth about their research experiences and their views on the process of informed consent. Overall, 32% of research experiences were characterized positively and 41 % were characterized negatively. One major theme of the negative experiences was that experiments were perceived as too invasive, suggesting incomplete explication of negative aspects of research during the informed consent process. Informed consent experiences were viewed positively 80% of the time. However, most of the participants had a limited view of the purpose of informed consent: Less than 20% viewed the process as a decision point. Results suggest a number of common pitfalls to standard informed consent practices that have not generally been recognized. Results are discussed in terms of both ethical and methodological implications. Suggestions for improving the informed consent process are also provided.  相似文献   

Advances in whole genome and whole exome sequencing (WGS/WES) technologies have led to increased availability in clinical settings. Currently, there are few guidelines relating to the process and content of informed consent for WGS/WES, nor to which results should be returned to families. To address this gap, we conducted focus groups to assess the views of professionals, parents, and adolescents for the future implementation of WES. The discussions assessed understanding of the risks and benefits of WES, preferences for the informed consent discussion, process for return of results, and the decision-making role of the pediatric patient. Professional focus group participants included bioethicists, physicians, laboratory directors, and genetic counselors. Parent focus groups included individuals with children who could be offered sequencing due to a potential genetic cause of the child’s condition. On-line discussion groups were conducted with adolescents aged 13–17 who had a possible genetic disorder. We identified discrepancies between professionals and patient groups regarding the process and content of informed consent, preference for return of results, and the role of the child in decision-making. Professional groups were concerned with the uncertainty regarding professional obligations, changing interpretation in genomic medicine, and practical concerns of returning results over time. Parent and adolescent groups focused on patient choice and personal utility of sequencing results. Each group expressed different views on the role of the child in decision-making and return of results. These discrepancies represent potential barriers to informed consent and a challenge for genetic counselors regarding the involvement of pediatric patients in decision-making and return of results discussions.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effects of an enhanced informed consent condition on attitudes toward a counselor, counseling situation, and decision making in a pro-life pregnancy center. The following questions were specifically addressed: (1) Would enhanced informed consent be related to increased pro-abort decisions? and (2) Would enhanced informed consent be related to more positive attitudes toward the counselor and center? Results suggested that enhanced consent did not lead to increased or decreased decisions to abort nor to differential attitudes toward the counselor or counseling setting. Results are discussed in terms of their support for the provision of full informed consent as consistent with both prevailing ethical and legal guidelines.  相似文献   

浅谈患者及其亲属知情同意与医生的责任   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
患者及其亲属均为知情同意的主体,但知情的范围及其方式应视不同的情况作灵活地处置,运用临床工作中两个典型的案例,分析患者知情同意与医生的责任之间存在的冲突及患者亲属知情同意与医生的责任之间的矛盾,并提出了当患者的利益与亲属知情权存在冲突时,亲属的知情同意应在保护患者,尊重患者意见的前提下进行,以避免医患间的冲突。  相似文献   

手术在肺癌治疗中占有重要地位。胸外科医生充分告知手术利弊、患者和/或代理人充分理解告知内容是顺利完成知情同意的重要步骤。本文就肺癌手术知情同意的意义、临床工作中存在的问题及解决办法进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

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