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从梵文来说,有大小两部不同的经典同名为Sukhāvatīvyūha(极乐庄严);汉文语境中,大小两部经典的古代汉译本都曾以《无量寿经》和《阿弥陀经》之名流传于世,且大本《无量寿经》数十个汉文译本的经名多有不同;敦煌文献中有一部经典虽然题为《大乘无量寿经》,但是与净土三经之一的《无量寿经》内容截然不同。本文辨析不同经名之间的联系和层叠,厘清同名异经、异名同经等情况,揭示大乘经典经名的复杂性。  相似文献   

日本的净土信仰是随着汉译经典的传入而流传到日本的,在日本的古代和中世广为流行,十二世纪后期由法然上人创立了净土宗,从而使日本佛教走向平民,并完成了日本本土化的过程。净土思想的兴起以及法然净土宗的诞生,究其缘由无疑是来自于末法思想在当时时代的流行。法然提出了专修念佛的思想,并将《无量寿经》、《观无量寿经》、《阿弥陀经》视为净土宗所依据的根本经典,他所撰写的《选择本愿念佛集》是该宗派的思想理论的集大成之著作。  相似文献   

一、关于《无量清净平等觉经》的译者有三种说法现藏题为支娄迦谶所译,缺乏可靠性。这一说法始于《历代三宝记》、《大唐内典录》和《开元释教录》等相沿其说。另有白延或帛延译之说。这一说法始于《法经录》、《仁寿录》、《静泰录》等所有经录皆主白延或帛延译之说。再有一种说法是以《无量寿经》为题,附注“一名无量清净平等觉经”,题为竺法护译。这一说法,《道安录》、《出三藏记集》以下所有经录都有记载。这三种说法,哪一种表达了真正的事实?我想就此予以研究讨论。二、支娄迦谶说  相似文献   

正中国社会科学出版社,2018年版本书以20世纪初黑水城遗址所出西夏文《无量寿经》为研究对象,首先厘清了俄国学者在西夏佛典目录中著录为《无量寿经》的五个编号实际上有汉、藏两种不同的来源,并非同一部佛经。其中инв.№2309转译自曹魏康僧铠所译《佛说无量寿经》,инв.№812、953、697和6943译自藏文本,经题《大乘圣无量寿经》,这一佛经的西夏本与现存的汉、藏文本皆不能完全勘同,其翻译所据底本今已  相似文献   

丙寅之秋,余于美国东西两岸弘法,历十大城市,侨胞中颇有能信弥陀净土且发愿依教奉行者,喜悦无量,知其善根福德不可称量也。道经洛杉矶,遇故人翟氏兄妹云:家严八秩庆,印经以为寿,如何?余曰:是纯孝也,其善于亲友称觞远矣,盖能以此寿乎众,是得无量寿也,且告之曰:雪师今春西归,余为报师法乳之恩,拟讲夏莲居大士会集之《无量寿经》,师昔尝演是经于台中,亲笔眉注在此,详阅梅黄二序,念公跋文,皆深赞其美,而大经合赞十四条,道尽诸佛度生本怀,的是老婆心切,固无待言也,展卷共读之,悲欣交集。翟氏兄  相似文献   

一净土三经(《无量寿经》二卷,康僧铠译;《观无量寿经》一卷,畺良耶舍译;《阿弥陀经》一卷,鸠摩罗什译)是日本净土宗开祖法然上人所定该宗的根本经典,也是日本现在净土教各宗派尊奉的正依经典。中国佛教大德对《无量寿经》、《观无量寿经》和《阿弥陀经》虽然历代都有分别疏释弘扬,但把这三经并称为“净土三经”,可能是在明末清初。近代中国净土教广为流传的却是《净土四经》或《净土五经》。《净土四经》是指三经之外再加上《华严经·普贤行愿品》,《净土五经》则是四经之外再增加《楞严经·大势至菩萨念佛圆通章》。  相似文献   

《约伯记》在《圣经·旧约》中拥有着非常独特的地位。古今中外的学者们对它进行研究,并持有不同的观点和理解。然而,鲜有学者从隐喻的角度对其进行研究。通过分析《约伯记》中最常出现的身体器官与天气隐喻出现的场景与含义,可以看出,它们在很大程度上反映了《约伯记》作者的态度与看法。从隐喻的角度对《约伯记》中身体器官词语与天气词语的分析,拓宽了对《约伯记》的理解视角。  相似文献   

《智净土思想之研究》(上、下)王孺童著邮购价55.00元本书系对智有关净土四篇论述之研究,即阿弥陀经义记、五方便念佛门、净土十疑论、佛说观无量寿佛经疏。《心经奥义》觉云居士著邮购价17.00元自古以来,诵读心经的人可谓无量无数,《心经》到底说了些什么?《心经》真正法义何在?一切都可在本书中找到答案。  相似文献   

本文对《道藏》中的《梅仙观记》一书作了考察,认为该书编定于南宋末年,其编者不是杨智远,书中《梅仙事实》一文作于南宋,纠正了原书中的传写脱误及后世一些书目对这些错误的承袭。认为《梅仙观记》是研究梅福史实与仙迹、宋代梅福崇拜的情况及道教宫观赐额制度的重要资料。并分析了宋代梅福崇拜的特点。  相似文献   

泽者前言唐、宋时期,日本僧人上五台山朝圣求法者甚多,至今仍有两部朝圣名著流传于世,一部是唐代圆仁的《入唐求法巡礼行记》,另一部是宋代成寻的《参天台五台山记》。前者尚为人们所熟知,后者知者较少。此书在日本流传颇广,版本亦多,计有写本十三种,复制本一种,活字本七种,各书中以南宋时期的写本为最早。日本学者平林文雄教授搜集了各种本子,详加校订和考证,作了《参天台五台山记校本并研究》一书,其中第三章“参天台五台山记的传本”,  相似文献   

Some remembrances of things past, and their possible relevance to things now. These remembrances include notes about informality, research as a social process, student training and evaluation, research grants, thesis and dissertation proposals, and interdisciplinary collaboration.  相似文献   

文本阅读过程中组织策略迁移的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
莫雷  张金桥  杨莲清 《心理科学》2001,24(6):646-648
探讨文章阅读中组织策略的迁移问题,包括3个实验。实验1探讨了阅读过程中组织策略对阅读保持的影响,结果表明,使用组织策略能明显地促进阅读文章的信息保持;实验2探讨了前后阅读文章内容有关情况下组织策略的迁移问题,结果表明,在提示的条件下,组织策略迁移可以发生;实验3探讨了在前后阅读文章内容无关情况下组织策略迁移是否可以实现,结果表明,在前后阅读文章内容无关条件下也可以产生组织策略的迁移。本研究结果表明,前后阅读的文章不管内容是否有关,如果它们都适合使用同一组织策略,在提示条件下就可以实现策略的迁移。  相似文献   

夹注是我国传统文献注解的一种形式,是正文的补充和延展。夹注是《读书杂志》常采用的注解方式之一,其内容十分丰富。文章以《读〈管子〉杂志》为例,总结分析了《读书杂志》中夹注的五项主要内容:举例、注音、说明原因、标明互见之所、纠误。  相似文献   

In his review of my book, Terry Godlove raises some robust objections to the exegesis of Kant that I present in my recent book, Kant and the Creation of Freedom: a Theological Problem (Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2013). I respond to these criticisms in this article. Properly to locate Godlove’s exegetical objections, I dedicate the first section to setting out the arc of the argument I trace. I then set out and treat in turn Godlove’s main objections to my exegesis: that it depends upon an interpretation of transcendental idealism which makes the doctrine ‘flatly inconsistent and probably just silly’; that I neglect the most plausible account interpretation of Kant’s various statements about transcendental idealism; and that I ‘pick and choose’ supporting texts too narrowly, leading to an unbalanced presentation, which is too convenient to my thesis. I conclude with some general methodological reflections—stimulated by Godlove, but not aimed at him—about how historical philosophical texts are often treated. I express some anxieties about the principle of charity that underlies much current exegesis, and ‘rational reconstruction’ of historical texts, and I propose a case for what might be called ‘creative decomposition’ (not of the text, but of the self).  相似文献   

While Bion's 1967 memory and desire paper reflected a crucial episode in his clinical thinking during his epistemological period, it was also central to his evolution as a Kleinian psychoanalyst who worked with seriously disturbed adult patients. The author explicates and contextualizes these claims with a new archival document, the Los Angeles Seminars delivered by Bion in April 1967, and the full‐length version of Notes on memory and desire. Bion here instigated a radical departure from years of theory‐laden work when he made his clinical work and ideas accessible to a new audience of American Freudian analysts. While this new group was keenly interested to hear about Bion's clinical technique with both borderline and psychotic patients, there were varied reactions to Bion's ideas on the technical implications of the analyst's abandonment of memory and desire. Both the Los Angeles Seminars and Notes elicited responses ranging from bewilderment, admiration to skepticism amongst his audience of listeners and readers. These materials also however allow for a more complete and systematic presentation of important ideas about analytic technique – and while his ideas in this domain have been long valued and known by many psychoanalysts, this contribution stresses the crucial aspect of the reception of his ideas about technique in a particular American context. American analysts gained a much more explicit idea of how Bion worked analytically, how he listened, formulated interpretations and factored in the analyst's listening receptivity in the here‐and‐now. The author concludes with a consideration of the importance of Bion's American reception in 1967.  相似文献   

In his recent book on revelation, Jorge Gracia rejects the authorial intention view of textual interpretation, arguing that the only interpretation that makes sense for texts regarded as divinely revealed is theological interpretation. Both his position and the authorial view face the problem of the Hermeneutical Circle. I contend that the arguments he provides in his own defense do not successfully avoid the circularity present in his own view. His thesis about expected behavior might provide resources for a solution, but this thesis in turn can be used to respond to his own objections against the authorial intention view of interpreting divinely revealed texts.  相似文献   

G. E. Moore famously offered a strikingly straightforward response to the radical sceptic which simply consisted of the claim that one could know, on the basis of one's knowledge that one has hands, that there exists an external world. In general, the Moorean response to scepticism maintains that we can know the denials of sceptical hypotheses on the basis of our knowledge of everyday propositions. In the recent literature two proposals have been put forward to try to accommodate, to varying extents, this Moorean thesis. On the one hand, there are those who endorse an externalist version of contextualism, such as Keith DeRose, who have claimed that there must be some contexts in which Moore is right. More radically still, Ernest Sosa has expanded on this externalist thesis by arguing that, contra DeRose's contextualism, Moore may be right in all contexts. In this paper I evaluate these claims and argue that, suitably modified, one can resurrect the main elements of the Moorean anti-sceptical thesis.  相似文献   

Recent research on children's thinking about the future has taken multiple directions, many of which are illustrated in the contributions to this special issue. In this commentary the topic is discussed in the context of research on children's understanding of time, and some of the adaptive challenges of thinking about the future are considered. The studies in this issue show the emergence of some components of thinking about the future in early childhood. More research will be needed to illuminate abilities acquired at later ages and the representations and processes underlying humans’ thinking about the future.  相似文献   

In this Commentary I will first of all summarise my understanding of the proposal set out by Béatrice Ithier concerning her concept of the ‘chimera’. The main part of my essay will focus on Ithier's claim that her concept of the chimera could be described as a ‘mental squiggle’ because it corresponds to Winnicott's work illustrated in his book ‘Therapeutic Consultations’ (1971). At the core of Ithier's chimera is the notion of a traumatic link between analyst and patient, which is the reason she enlists the work of Winnicott. I will argue, however, that Ithier's claim is based on a misperception of the theory that underpins Winnicott's therapeutic consultations because, different from Ithier's clinical examples of work with traumatised patients, Winnicott is careful to select cases who are from an ‘average expectable environment’ i.e. a good enough family. Moreover, Winnicott does not refer to any traumatic affinity with his patients, or to experiencing a quasi‐hallucinatory state of mind during the course of the consultations. These aspects are not incorporated into his theory. In contrast (to the concept Ithier attempts to advance), Winnicott's squiggle game constitutes an application of psychoanalysis intended as a diagnostic consultation. In that sense Winnicott's therapeutic consultations are comparable with the ordinary everyday work between analyst and analysand in a psychoanalytic treatment. My Commentary concludes with a question concerning the distinction between the ordinary countertransference in working with patients who are thinking symbolically in contrast to an extraordinary countertransference that I suggest is more likely to arise with patients who are traumatised and thus functioning at a borderline or psychotic level.  相似文献   

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