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Sociometrics and teacher ratings of hyperactivity and aggression were obtained on 390 boys in grades 1– 6 to explore the relative contributions of hyperactivity and aggression to children's social adjustment. Both hyperactivity and aggression were correlated with negative sociometric nominations at all grade levels; however, only hyperactivity showed consistent inverse correlations with positive sociometric nominations. In multiple regression analyses, hyperactivity contributed incremental variance to the prediction of problematic sociometric status at all grade levels, while aggression did so only at grades 3– 4. An examination of the core symptoms of hyperactivity revealed that motor hyperactivity, in the absence of impulsivity and inattention, did not predict negative sociometric status at any grade level. Subgroups of boys categorized as hyperactive only, aggressive only, hyperactive/aggressive, and nonhyperactive/nonaggressive controls were compared on teacher ratings and sociometrics. Hyperactive/aggressive boys had higher hyperactivity and aggression ratings than boys in either of the single- problem groups; all three behavior problem groups had more negative social status than controls. Developmental changes in children's normative expectations for social behavior were discussed as possible mechanisms mediating the age- related differences in relations among aggression, hyperactivity, and peer relations.This research is based on a dissertation submitted by the first author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology at The Pennsylvania State University. The investigation was supported in part by an NIMH postdoctoral training grant No. MH-15151 made to the first author during a fellowship in the Division of Behavioral Pediatrics of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and a Faculty Scholars in Mental Health of Children award made by The William T. Grant Foundation to the second author.Appreciation is expressed to the fellowing individuals for their assistance in data collecting and scoring: Rosanna D'Alession, John D'Orazio, Chris Doran, Linda Goldstein, Joel Kasper, Lisa Kovacs, Heidi Linz, Kathryn McPherson, Grant Miller, Sue Skalaban, Helene Streitfield. The additional organizational and administrative assistance of Linda Goldstein and Kathryn McPherson is gratefully acknowledged. Finally, we are especially thankful for the cooperation and support of the faculty and students at Linntown Elementary School in the Lewisburg Area School District, the Bellwood-Antis Elementary Schools in the Bellwood-Antis School District, and Lincoln Elementary School in the Tyrone Area School District.  相似文献   

This study investigated hyperactive children's peer relations using the framework of social skills theory. Subjects' (15 hyperactive and 15 control boys aged 7 through 11) knowledge of socially appropriate behavior was assessed using the Social Knowledge Interview (Geraci & Asher, 1980). Additionally, performance of social skills with peers was rated by independent judges during free play, a cooperative puzzle task, and a persuasion task. Peers also rated subjects'desirability as partners for work, play, and friendship. Analyses showed that hyperactive subjects had deficits in knowledge of how to maintain relationships and handle interpersonal conflict, and demonstrated more negative behavior in the cooperative puzzle task than did controls. Hyperactive subjects also were rated by judges as less likely to achieve academic success than controls and were rated by peers as less desirable potential work partners in school. Significant correlations between social knowledge and performance with peers were found. It was concluded that hyperactive boys exhibit deficits both in their social knowledge and in their performance of socially skilled behavior.This research was conducted as part of doctoral research by the first author, under the supervision of the second and third authors. We are grateful for the assistance of Diane Arnkoff, who served on the committee, for her helpful comments and suggestions. Thanks also go to Al Farrell for his statistical consultation. We gratefully acknowledge the support and assistance of the Georgetown University Child Development Center, where the data were collected.  相似文献   

The study investigated whether hyperactive children were more suceptible to appealing distractors than were normal children. Twenty hyperactive and 20 normal children performed arithmetic tasks under three levels of distraction: no distraction, low-appeal distraction, and high-appeal distraction. Hyperactive children were significantly more affected by both low- and high appeal distractors than were the normal children.This report is based upon a dissertation submitted by A. Radosh in partial fulfillment of the Ph.D. degree. The valuable contributions of Dr. Tina Moreau and Dr. Daniel Caputo are gratefully acknowledged. The study was supported in part by NIMH grant MH 18579.  相似文献   

Twenty boys (6–8 years) rated by their teachers as hyperactive and a matched sample of nonhyperactive boys performed a task that required them to withhold responding for a set time interval in order to be rewarded (DRL 6-second schedule). Half of each group worked on a one-button console while the other half was provided with additional collateral buttons. Results indicated that hyperactive children were relatively unable to perform efficiently on the task, and that this deficit endured regardless of age, IQ, or experimental condition. DRL was thus found to discriminate accurately between teacher-rated and parent-rated hyperactive and nonhyperactive children. Furthermore, a wide variety of self-generated mediating behaviors was observed, and it was determined that a child's DRL performance was related to the kind of mediating behaviors he displayed. Results are discussed in terms of the clinical assessment of hyperactivity and the training of impulsive children.This report is based upon a dissertation submitted by the author in partial fulfillment for the Ph.D. degree. The efforts of Malcolm Helper, David Hothersall, Donald R. Meyer, Marilyn Moody, and Charles Wenar are gratefully acknowledged. The investigation was conducted while the author was a National Research Fellow, supported by Public Health Service Training Grant No. 5 T32 MH14608-02 to The Ohio State University.  相似文献   

Popular and unpopular fourth-grade boys were videotaped as each attempted to gain entry into a cooperative and a competitive task involving two classmates who were average in popularity. During the competitive procedure, the unpopular entry children were more likely than their popular counterparts to break rules, emit silly noises, and appeal to authority. Children average in popularity directed more positive behaviors toward their well-liked classmates and more derisive and dominating behavior toward unpopular peers. Unpopular children exhibited less negative and immature behavior in the benign, tension-free atmosphere of the cooperative project and their peers were more tolerant toward them than during the competitive game. The findings suggest that contextual factors influence the social skills exhibited by the unpopular child. Implications for the treatment of peer relationship problems are discussed.This article is based on a doctoral dissertation by the first author under the direction of the second author. The contributions of Neil Olliviera, Kathleen Sengstock, Virgil Sheets, and Jerry Sullivan in collecting and coding data are gratefully acknowledged. Appreciation is extended to Ira Firestone for his assistance with the statistical analyses. We would also like to thank the children, teachers, and administrators of the Hazel Park, Livonia, Southfield, and Farmington Hills, Michigan, schools who participated in the project.  相似文献   

Twenty-five hyperactive boys and 25 controls matched for age, social class, and race were compared on three performance tasks (coding, tone discrimination, and connecting dots) in two settings (nondistracting and highly distracting). Control Ss performed significantly better than did hyperactives in all conditions, except during tone discrimination and connecting dots in the nondistracting setting. Distraction decreased performance for both groups on the coding task and for hyperactives on the tone discrimination task, but significantly improved performance for controls on the connecting dots task. Distraction, where detrimental, was not significantly more so for hyperactives than for controls. The effect of reward on coding performance was studied in the distracting condition; reward produced the best performance for both groups, but significant differences between groups were not found.This research was supported in part by U.S. Public Health Service Training Grant (in Biological Sciences) No. MH07081.The participation of the following people in helping to design this research study and collect data is hereby acknowledged: David Bremer, Ted Goltz, Ruth Rosenthal, and Michael Stern.  相似文献   

Adequately reading hyperactive boys, normally behaved learning-disabled (LD) boys, and normal controls were contrasted on tests measuring personality traits, cognitive role taking, and moral reasoning. Additionally, parents and teachers rated all children on a number of behaviors, and parents were interviewed in a process-oriented fashion to assess home stimulation potential. Hyperactive boys were rated more aggressive and anxious than LD boys and controls and had not been encouraged as much by parents to achieve. Hyperactives had been born to younger parents, on the average, and 25% lived with their mothers and stepfathers. None of the LD or control boys had stepfathers. The groups did not differ significantly in moral reasoning ability, cognitive role taking, or locus of control; on the Junior Personality Inventory hyperactives tended to have elevated scores on the neuroticism scale while LD boys had higher scores on the lie scale.This research was supported by Grant HDNS-09119 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.  相似文献   

The effect of methylphenidate on information-processing efficiency was studied in 12 hyperactive, nonretarded children. Performance on six efficiency tasks (Posner Letter Matching, Reaction Time, Memory Search, Category Verification, Item Identification, and Word-Span) and a general measure of on-task behavior were compared for children receiving methylphenidate or a placebo. The median drug dosage was .38 mg/kg, and it was ingested 1 1/2 hours prior to testing. Children blind to the drug-placebo condition were tested on 4 days. In general, methylphenidate-related improvements in attention to on-task behaviors were found. An overall analysis of processing speed suggested that methylphenidate improved efficiency. Methylphenidate significantly decreased reaction times to simple and complex stimulus arrays; differences due to the drug remained even when on-task attentive behaviors were statistically removed. Significantly fewer identification errors occurred on the Posner task in the methylphenidate condition. Results indicated that methylphenidate improved general attentional behaviors and positively influenced processes that define perceptual efficiency.The first author was supported by NIH Training Grant No. HD 07184. We appreciate the assistance of Dr. Robert Sweeney in carrying out this research and the useful comments of Ellen B. Ryan and Jeanne D. Day.  相似文献   

To investigate whether girls' attributions about computer use were more likely to follow a pattern of learned helplessness, boys' and girls' attributions about a computerized drill-and-practice task and a tutorial program were assessed. Factor analysis of responses on an attribution questionnaire revealed three factors that differed across gender and across task. Multiple regression, using exposure time, group size, attributions, and interactions to predict posttest scores, showed different patterns for boys and girls and between tasks. For the drill-and-practice task, girls benefited from increased exposure time, and attributions to ease of task and ability predicted performance for both boys and girls. For the tutorial task, increased exposure time did not benefit either sex. Girls, however, benefitted from working in larger groups, while boys benefitted from working in smaller groups. Attributions to luck, as well as perceptions of ability and ease of task, predicted posttest scores. However, for girls, attributions to luck predicted higher scores, while for boys, attributions to luck were negatively correlated with performance. Implications for including appropriate feedback to encourage a mastery approach in computer learning, as well as optimal group size and group composition for positive attributional style and academic success, are discussed.This research was supported by Concordia University and the Fonds Pour la Formation des Chercheurs et l'Aide a la Recherche (Grant EQ-2951), Government of Quebec, Canada.The authors wish to thank Ms. Patricia Peters for assistance with the statistical analysis, and Dr. Philip Abrami, for his contribution to the project.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine whether hyperactive boys have a unique deficit in sustained attention. Groups with DSM-III diagnoses of attention deficit disorder (ADDH), conduct disorder (CD), ADDH+CD, and learning disorder were compared with normal controls on the Continuous Performance Task. In Experiment 1, stimulus presentation rate (stimulus onset asynchrony, SOA) and display time were varied to manipulate attentional demand, and speed and accuracy of performance were measured. The ADDH group was uniquely affected, with less accurate performance at the fastest and slowest SOA. To distinguish the effects of time on task and SOA, the duration of each SOA condition was held constant in Experiment 2. The poorer performance of the ADDH group at the fastest SOA was no longer evident. This finding indicates that the deficit of sustained attention in boys who have ADDH is associated with a greater susceptibility to refractory effects, which is influenced by practice.This research was supported by the Ontario Mental Health and Ruth Schwartz Foundations through a graduate fellowship awarded to P. Chee and a research grant to R. Schachar, G. Logan, and R. Wachsmuth. Dr. Schachar was also supported by the Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation. This article is based, in part, on a doctoral dissertation submitted by the first author to the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. The authors thank Dr. John Lovering and the staff of the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology, The Hospital for Sick Children, for their cooperation in the conduct of this study. This paper was prepared with the assistance of the Medical Publications Department, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.  相似文献   

It is well known that coefficient alpha can be used to estimate the reliability of a test even when the test is split into several parts. It is also known that alpha can severely underestimate test reliability when the several parts have an unequal number of items. A gernalization of alpha,β k, is proposed to correct this defect. Several properties ofβ k are also presented. The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Dr. Leonard Feldt for reviewing an earlier draft of this paper, and Ms. Rita Karwacki Bode and Mr. Dave Mansell for the analysis of the experimental data reported here. The comments of an unknown referee which contributed substantially to the clarity of the presentation are also gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Using a prospective design, this study examined (a) whether hyperactive children suffer from low self-esteem as adolescents; (b) whether low self-esteem is associated with poor functioning in adolescence; (c) whether hyperactive children exhibit a positive illusory bias, in which self-esteem is independent of level of functioning; and (d) whether self-esteem in adolescence is associated with poor functioning in adulthood. Subjects were 65 children diagnosed as hyperactive in childhood, and 62 matched controls sampled from a medical clinic. After controlling for current mental disorder, the hyperactive cohort reported lower self-esteem in adolescence, was judged by clinicians to have lower levels of overall adjustment in adolescence, and had lower educational achievement and occupational rank in adulthood, as compared to controls.This study was supported in part by Public Health Service grant MH 18579 and Mental Health Clinic Research Center grant MH 30906. We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Jacob Cohen for his valuable statistical advice, Dr. Richard Rende for helpful comments, and two anonymous reviewers for useful suggestions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of rewards and practice on the attentional task performance of learning-disabled (LD) and normally achieving children. Contingent feedback and rewards resulted in faster but less accurate performance by the LD children. Despite the speed-accuracy trade-off, the LD children still responded more slowly than the controls. However, limited practice on the tasks resulted in significantly improved performance, such that the groups performed similarly. Poorer performance of LD children on their first encounter with laboratory measures of attention may be due to inefficient strategies rather than to actual deficits in ability to attend.This paper is based on the author's dissertation. I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Nancy Ponzetti-Dyer, Susan Shapiro, and Duane Kemp in the data collection, and of Raymond Romanczyk and two anonymous reviewers for comments on a draft of this article.  相似文献   

Hyperactive and matched control boys at two age levels were compared on teacher ratings of peer interaction and three measures of social perspective-taking. The teachers' ratings of peer interaction discriminated between the hyperactive children and their controls. In addition, a significant interaction effect indicated that teachers rated the older hyperactive group as more deviant with peers than both their younger hyperactive counterparts and their age-matched controls. In a structured laboratory setting, the hyperactive children did not differ from control children on the three measures of social perspective-taking. The perspective-taking measures did, however, show differences across age groups. Implications for treatment are examined.The research reported in this paper is based on master's thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the University of Pittsburgh by the first author. The authors are indebted to Dr. C. Keith Conners for his assistance in recruiting hyperactive subjects and to Drs. Alex Siegel and Carl Barenboim for their critical evaluations regarding this investigation. Appreciation is expressed to the staff, teachers, parents, and students of the Forest Grove Elementary School for their cooperation.  相似文献   

The role of teacher behavior management for children’s disruptive behavior development (hyperactive and oppositional behavior) was investigated using a universal classroom preventive intervention study. Five-hundred seventy children were followed from second to third grade of elementary school. Observations of teacher behavior management and children’s on-task and off-task classroom behavior and peer reports of hyperactive and oppositional behavior were available. Results showed that the reduced use of negative remarks of intervention teachers predicted children’s increase in on-task behavior and decrease in talking-out behavior. These improved children’s classroom behaviors in turn mediated the impact of the intervention on the development of hyperactive and oppositional behavior over the studied period. These results were similar for girls and boys. The results underscore the role of teachers’ classroom management strategies in improving children’s classroom behavior, which, in turn is an important component in the reduction of disruptive behavior development.  相似文献   

This study employed a playroom observation technique to examine the behavioral differences between hyperactive and aggressive boys. Subjects were clinic-referred boys assigned to Hyperactive, Aggressive, or Hyperactive plus Aggressive goups on the basis of behavior checklists and ratings of psychiatric chart information. While significant discrimination was obtained in all three settings (free play, restricted play, and restricted academic), behavioral differences among the subject groups were most pronounced during the restricted academic period. Discriminant function analysis for the restricted academic period resulted in accurate classification of 86% of the subjects as hyperactive, aggressive, or hyperactive plus aggressive. The present findings suggest that children with externalizing disorders can be distinguished in light of their observed clinic behavior in the restricted academic setting.This was conducted as part of the author's dissertation. The author wishes to express thanks to Jan Loney, Richard Milich, and Richard Roberts for their assistance in completion of this study and preparation of this article.  相似文献   

Teachers use both positive and negative consequences to influence classroom behaviors. Four experiments were conducted to examine the differential affects of these two types of consequences on the maintenance of appropriate behaviors of hyperactive children. Results of Experiment 1 showed that the use of both positive and negative consequences (combined) was associated with high levels of on-task behaviors. Withdrawal of negative consequences caused a significant and dramatic decrease in on-task performance. The withdrawal of positive consequences produced no change in the rate of on-task behaviors. In Experiments 2, 3, and 4, the on-task results of Experiment 1 were replicated using a different teacher, different children, a counterbalanced design, longer phases, and different types of negative consequences. The withdrawal of negative consequences led to decreases in productivity in Experiment 2. The results of Experiment 3 also suggested that a prudent (e.g., calm, concrete, and consistent) approach to discipline was more effective than an imprudent (e.g., loud, emotional, and inconsistent) approach. Some level of mild negative consequences for inappropriate behavior is an important ingredient in effective classroom management, and qualitatively different negative consequences may have drastically different effects on the behavior of hyperactive students.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Middle Country Central School District No. 11, Centereach, New York, to the second author. We are grateful for the district's continued support. In addition, the authors wish to thank K. Daniel O' Leary for his helpful editorial comments.  相似文献   

The curiosity behaviors of 20 hyperactive boys, both on and off stimulant drugs, and in relation to 20 nonhyperactive boys, were assessed. Comparisons on object, manipulative, conceptual, perceptual, and reactive curiosity tasks indicated that stimulants reduced only the object curiosity task performance of hyperactive boys, although the level tended to remain above that of nonhyperactive boys. Also, hyperactive boys both on and off drugs tended to have lower conceptual curiosity scores than controls. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The attentional performance, activity, and off-task behavior of hyperactive boys with and without conduct problems and normal boys were compared on a cancellation task under three conditions: when performing the task alone, with mother present, and with experimenter present. Results indicated that both the hyperactive groups achieved poorer attentional scores than normal subjects in the alone and mother present conditions, but improved in the experimenter present condition. The performance of the hyperactive boys with conduct problems was particularly affected by this condition. The activity and off-task behavior scores of both the hyperactive groups were higher than controls in all conditions, although the hyperactive boys with conduct problems decreased in off-task behavior when the experimenter was present. Attention and behavior scores were not significantly correlated. The implications of these findings for assessment of hyperactivity, and the role of noncompliance in the attentional behavior of hyperactive children, are discussed.This study is based in part on the first author's Ph.D. thesis in the Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne.  相似文献   

Thirty-two children designated as hyperactive (ADD) were compared with an equal number of control subjects who were matched for age, sex, and verbal IQ. The subjects were tested on (1) a component selection task, measuring serial memory and incidental learning and (2) a cancellation task, assessing attentional variables and distractibility. No straightforward group differences were found on the component selection task, whereas hyperactive subjects made more omission and commission errors than controls on the cancellation task. It was concluded that a deficit in sustained attention and impulsivity best described the group differences. Age was also found to influence performance on a number of variables, including incidental learning on the component selection task and response rate and omission errors on the cancellation task. Because subjects in the hyperactive group were rated as extreme on a number of subscales not necessarily related to hyperactivity, the data were reexamined by multiple regression analyses. Subscales considered to be related both to hyperactivity and to conduct disorder were associated with different performance variables, indicating that each of these subscales provided some unique information.This study was supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council of New Zeland to the first author. The authors would like to thank the pupils and staff of Mt. Eden Normal Primary School and Newmarket School for taking part in the study, and the Auckland Education Board for granting approval for the study. We also thank Prof. J. S. Werry, Dr. J. Reeves, and Mrs. G. Elkind for assistance in locating some of the control subjects. Special thanks goes to Gail Elkind for assistance with the statistical analysis.  相似文献   

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