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在整体方面,经济学认为健康是劳动力与资本,是社会经济体系中最主要的生产要素;在个体方面,经济学认为健康是人力资本,是能提高消费者满足程度的耐久资本品.健康人力资本通过改善个体在劳动市场的表现,提高个人收入,并作为一种投资促进了经济增长.对我国健康投资的重点领域及政府职责作了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

周芳 《学海》2001,(6):40-43
改革开放以来,我国在利用外资、发展经济方面取得了辉煌的成就,外企来华投资现象十分普遍,外企对我国人力资本的吸纳也日益突出.本文以外企吸纳我国人力资本的行为为研究对象,对其成因进行了剖析,并揭示其可能造成的严重后果,并在此基础上提出了一些减少人力资本外流的对策和建议.  相似文献   

正人的心理具有重要的经济价值,对经济活动有重要的影响。长期以来,心理学、管理学和经济学均重视人的心理因素在个体收入增长、经济发展和脱贫致富中的作用,具体从决策心理学、积极心理学、积极组织行为学、行为经济学、制度经济学与发展经济学等的研究现状来看,人的心理对经济发展及个体收入的确具有非常强的影响作用。国内外有关"人的心理对经济发展及个体收入的影响"的研究工作主要包括如下方面:第一,经济心理学已关注到"个性"、"情绪"等  相似文献   

张笑秋 《学海》2022,(4):13-19
本文以新人力资本理论为视角,借助来自全国28个省区市的1047份样本数据,采用多元回归分析方法,分析新生代农民工人力资本对市民化的影响。分析发现:新生代农民工人力资本处于低水平,市民化处于中等水平;总体人力资本对新生代农民工市民化存在显著正向影响。本文将人力资本构成要素区分为传统人力资本要素和能力,二者各自作为一个整体,对新生代农民工市民化存在显著正向影响。知识、经验、健康与能力对新生代农民工市民化存在显著正向影响。政府、家庭、务工单位与个体合力提高新生代农民工的知识、经验、健康与能力,可以作为提升新生代农民工市民化水平的重要途径。  相似文献   

人力资本、社会资本、道德资本是当前国际范围内的学术热点问题.但是三者之间并不是各不相干的,而是有着深刻的内在关联.它们的关系主要表现在:人力资本包含了社会资本和道德资本,或者反过来说,没有社会资本和道德资本的人力资本是不完全和不完善的;社会资本从社会角度丰富和深化了人力资本的内涵,而道德资本则从个体角度丰富和深化了人力资本的内涵;人力资本主要适用于经济和管理领域,而社会资本和道德资本不仅适用于经济和管理领域,而且也适用于广泛的社会领域和个人生活领域.  相似文献   

美国学者罗德尼.斯达克教授和罗杰尔.芬克教授以经济学中的“理性人假设”为逻辑起点,从微观的个体宗教行为拓展到中观的宗教组织动力乃至宏观的宗教大市场.详细系统地提出了宗教经济研究范式。宗教经济研究范式批判了传统关于宗教非理性选择的认知.认为宗教行为是建立在回报与代价权衡基础之上的理性选择。宗教经济研究范式带有强烈的人类中心主义色彩,其主张用经济学理性假设来衡量、判断宗教理性的观点值得我们深入探讨。  相似文献   

由于人类的心智是有限的,人们就会使用诸如习惯等方式来节约有限的心智以应对其他更重要的问题,从而提高个体的整体效用水平.目前.生活习惯是健康的最大危险因素,主要依靠生活习惯来进行的健康投资在效率方面面临着严峻挑战,需要采取相应的措施来改变这一现状.  相似文献   

健康动机是人们想要健康的愿望, 是影响人们健康行为的一个决定因素。本文回顾了有关健康动机的理论、测量和实证方面的研究。比较值得推崇的健康动机的动力过程理论认为健康动机是一个内在的动力过程, 并把健康动机对健康行为的作用分为四个阶段: 产生健康愿望、制定计划、采取行动和对行动的坚持。对健康动机的测量主要有一般测量和具体测量两类。实证研究表明健康动机能促进个体的健康行为并由此提高其健康水平。  相似文献   

经济伦理:现代经济之魂   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
经济伦理是一种特殊的经济资源 ,具有重要的经济价值 ,在微观个体层面 ,是一种人力资本 ,在中观企业层面 ,是一种无形资产 ,在宏观社会层面 ,是一种社会资本。经济伦理在降低交易费用、创造合作效益中具有重要作用。在现代经济发展过程中 ,经济伦理是不可或缺的精神支柱 ,是现代经济之魂。  相似文献   

决策中社会价值取向的理论与测评方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统经济学决策理论强调利己性假设, 认为个体是理性的并由个人利益所驱动的。但是, 个体在相依情境中的社会动机要比利己性假设更为复杂, 具有较大的个体差异。社会价值取向是指个体在相依情境中对自己收益和他人收益分配的特定偏好, 是一个用来描述个体对他人利益关注程度的个体差异的概念。本文回顾了测量社会价值取向的三优势测量、环形测验和滑块测验等方法, 强调了不同测评方法的优点与不足, 并简要总结了决策、社会认知、共情、亲社会行为等领域内相关的社会价值取向研究。未来的研究则需要探索社会价值取向与不同社会因素的交互作用, 以及不同社会价值取向个体的神经机制等方面的研究。  相似文献   

卫生经济伦理学是应用伦理学的一个分支,相对于经济学和卫生经济学的发展,卫生经济伦理学的建立和发展滞后,导致卫生经济体制改革的经济效果与社会效果的一定程度的偏离。卫生经济伦理学的理论前提是社会结构变迁要求各个相对独立社会领域的规则整合,其研究任务是为社会经济主体的行为提供一个规范性的评判,实现社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

Although a few published, multiindustry, firm‐level, empirical studies have linked systems of high‐investment or high‐performance human resource management practices to enhanced small‐firm performance, this stream of strategic human resource management research is underdeveloped and equivocal. Accordingly, in this study, we use a sample of for‐profit, private‐sector, small Canadian firms with fewer than 100 employees from a variety of industry sectors to examine boundary conditions of the relationship between firm‐level high‐investment human resource systems and objective small‐firm labor productivity. Congruent with contingency theory, this study's results indicate that the extent and nature of the influence of high‐investment human resource systems on objective small‐firm labor productivity is contingent on internal (differentiation strategy and firm capital intensity) and external boundary conditions (industry dynamism and industry growth). Implications and limitations of this research study as well as avenues for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research on the impact of economics on mental and physical health has raised fundamental questions about structural elements in the macro-economy. Specifically, five characteristics of our current economic system: instability in the business cycle, unemployment, inequality in income distribution, capital mobility, and fragmentation of the work process, appear to play some pathogenic role in the incidence of behavioral and physical disorders. These macroeconomic elements require intervention at the social policy level since they seem to be more powerful than the individual coping mechanisms of some demographic subgroups. Psychologists can play an important role in policy decisions by providing data on the relative impact of structural economic variables on human functioning. Examples of structural research are presented and the implications for primary prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared theoretical perspectives on the psychological and paid labor activity implications of mandating mothers initially on US welfare to participate in labor force activities. Data were collected that reflected these areas: government public policy interventions, family social ecology measures, mother’s psychological and human capital, and community capital. A quasi-experimental design was used, and multiple source data was collected over time. In the initial part of the study, 144 welfare mothers and one of their children between 9 and 13 years were interviewed. Results indicated that having high levels of individual human and psychological capital and lower levels of family social ecological barriers predicted higher levels of maternal paid labor market activity and psychological well-being. Using archival records, additional analyses involved a 32-month review of state records for nearly 1200 mothers initially on welfare. Results revealed that the lower one’s initial capital—either educational (lacking GED or high school diploma) or community-based (residents spending a high percentage of gross income on rent), the greater one’s economic dependence on public welfare, regardless of whether one was assigned to a welfare to work program or to a control group. Thus, mandating labor market activity as a government public policy was not effective as an isolated strategy to uphold employability over time. These results suggest that employers and government leaders need to provide individual human capital and community capital investments to sustain work force inclusion of low-income mothers.  相似文献   

不断占有剩余价值以自我增殖,进而无度扩张,这构成资本的内在逻辑。资本提升了劳动能力,改进了劳动方式,变革了全部社会关系,瓦解了封建体系,为人的解放创造了前提。但在资本逻辑支配下,劳动采取异化形式沦为资本增殖的元素,引发资本统治劳动、人为物驭的发展悖论,此一洞见构成马克思劳动人本思想对资本逻辑的批判向度。透过劳动从属资本的迷雾,马克思深度揭示了劳动发展与社会演进和人的本质的内在同一性,确认了劳动者的历史主体地位,指明了经由劳动和劳动者解放实现人的解放以及资本逻辑消亡的必然性,彰显了劳动人本思想以劳动和劳动者为本的价值诉求及对资本逻辑的超越之维。  相似文献   

精准医疗模式本着患者的最大获益和社会医疗投入的高效配置为宗旨,结合现代流行病学和预防医学、临床诊断学和治疗学、分子医学、医学信息学技术以及卫生经济学和医学社会学,使传统的医疗模式走向整合化,为每一个人提供量体裁衣般的疾病预防、筛查、诊断、治疗和康复计划,以最小资源投入获取最大健康保障,从而提高整体人群的健康水平。  相似文献   

Religion??s association with better physical health has been partially explained by health behaviors, psychosocial variables, and biological factors; but these factors do not fully explain the religion?Chealth connection. In concert with the religion and health literature, a burgeoning literature has linked social capital with salubrious health outcomes. Religious organizations are recognized in the social capital literature as producers and facilitators of social capital. However, few studies have examined the potential mediating role of social capital in the religion?Chealth relationship. Thus data from the 2006 Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey were analyzed for 10,828 adults. The composite unstandardized indirect effect from religion to social capital onto health was significant (???=?0.098; p?<?0.001). The unstandardized direct pathway from religion to self-reported health (???=?0.015; p?=?0.336) indicated that social capital is a mediator in the religion?Chealth relationship. Among the demographic variables investigated, only age and income had a significant direct effect on self-reported health.  相似文献   

Whereas determinants of self-assessed health status -subjective health are well scrutinized in developed countries, little is known about factors influencing how people appraise their own health in Sub-Sahara Africa. In the context of increasing burden of care due to high incidence of chronic diseases, poverty and social transformation this paper explores the predictors of self-appraised health status in Ghana. Using 2005–2008 wave of the World Values Survey, the authors employ parametric and ordered logistic regression techniques to assess the relative effect of economic, cultural, social capital, geographic, and demographic factors in molding subjective health among Ghanaians. The study reveals that cultural background has independent significant effect on subjective health over and above individual characteristics. The relative importance of cultural background in shaping subjective health is more significant and salient for Ewes compared to Akans. Income, age and satisfaction with life are noncultural variables that consistently emerged as predictors of subjective health among the respondents. Policy implications of the study are discussed echoing the need to adopt multidimensional approach to improving overall health paying attention to cultural background in the country. It is also suggested that more studies into the interplay between cultural background and social capital variables and subjective health are needed to untangle the rationale behind the association between culture and social capital and health status in the country. Future areas of research are also alluded to.  相似文献   

The topic of suicide has long been an important socioeconomic issue studied in many countries. Suicides inject an atmosphere of unrest into society, and media attention furthers that social uneasiness. From the viewpoint of economics and management, suicide is a waste of human resource: it decreases the labor force in society and deteriorates human capital. This paper provides a series of analyses of suicide rate based on theoretical reasoning and empirical approaches. Aggregate data from G7 countries are obtained and stacked into panel data for analysis. Data are collected for different age groups. Even though suicide issues have been extensively discussed in the past, newly developed econometric tools are applied to her. Beyond previously recognized relationships between economic factors and suicide rates findings include that unemployment strikes men more than women in terms of psychological pressure: for middle age or older women, unemployment may even be positive for the entire family; and female labor force participation exerts pressure on male counterparts and increases its suicide rate. As a result, a low income family with an unemployed man and an employed woman is at high risk for adult male suicide.  相似文献   

Each year, large amounts of human energy, mind, time, as well as raw materials and capital are converted into goods/services available for purchase. Developing basic science to support a task so significant for the quality of individual lives has fallen between the cracks of existing disciplines. Missing the true meaning of division of labor, existing conceptualizations focus on the producer's side of the transaction, neglecting the user's. To begin to remedy this imbalance, the present paper discusses the implications for the quality of individual lives of the marketer's task at micro and macro levels.  相似文献   

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