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亚里士多德是一个广义的物活论者(Animist),与其他物活论者不一样,他不认为灵魂存在于万物中,而认为灵魂只存在于有生命的活的事物中.他的灵魂概念与我们现在的观点也不一样,他认为植物是有灵魂的.灵魂(soul)在希腊语中是"psyche",即生命的原则或生命的原理,在拉丁语中被转译为"anima',它是使活的事物与非活的事物相区别的东西.他又把它叫做"生命的原理"(entelechy).  相似文献   

Spinoza's philosophy of mind is thought to lack a serious account of consciousness. In this essay I argue that Spinoza's doctrine of ideas of ideas has been wrongly construed, and that once righted it provides the foundation for an account. I then draw out the finer details of Spinoza's account of consciousness, doing my best to defend its plausibility along the way. My view is in response to a proposal by Edwin Curley and the serious objection leveled against it by Margaret Wilson and Jonathan Bennett.  相似文献   

Although 20th-century empiricists were agnostic about animal mind and consciousness, this was not the case for their historical ancestors – John Locke, David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, and, of course, Charles Darwin and George John Romanes. Given the dominance of the Darwinian paradigm of evolutionary continuity, one would not expect belief in animal mind to disappear. That it did demonstrates that standard accounts of how scientific hypotheses are overturned – i.e., by empirical disconfirmation or by exposure of logical flaws – is inadequate. In fact, it can be demonstrated that belief in animal mind disappeared as a result of a change of values, a mechanism also apparent in the Scientific Revolution. The “valuational revolution” responsible for denying animal mind is examined in terms of the rise of Behaviorism and its flawed account of the historical inevitability of denying animal mentation. The effects of the denial of animal consciousness included profound moral implications for the major uses of animals in agriculture and scientific research. The latter is particularly notable for the denial of felt pain in animals. The rise of societal moral concern for animals, however, has driven the “reappropriation of common sense” about animal thought and feeling.  相似文献   

逻辑经验主义对实验心理学的关注并非只是由于其结果的作用或其态度上的相似性,而且由于(或许是更为重要的)对澄清其概念的共同需要。逻辑经验主义对物理概念的分析是一种哲学成就的范式,而他们在心理学中同样的分析工作也被看做是规范科学的疑难解决方案。在这种范式的背后隐藏着统一科学的哲学理想。围绕经验问题,逻辑经验主义与心理学之间在20世纪30年代出现了大量互动;正是根据这个问题,以及在逻辑经验主义对统一科学的强调的关联中,我们才能很好地理解逻辑经验主义的心理学哲学及其对心理学的影响。以卡尔纳普、费格尔和托曼为最初代表,他们提出完全不同的处理方式,把心理学看做经验科学,就可以得到其他科学同样具有的主体间性,因此,这就使得逻辑经验主义获得了它希望得到的地位。  相似文献   

The present work takes the decease of Horst Wessel as an opportunity to present and honour his work (and that of his group), which has not received the attention it deserves. The focus will be on works which might not be sufficiently well-known. Wessel was, as we aim to show, familiar with the international debate concerning logical and philosophical issues and strived to solve them by considering theories of logical consequence, a non-traditional theory of predication and the theory of logical terms, all of which he developed in joint work with Alexander Sinowjew. Wessel had to significantly refine these theories in order to formulate his criticism towards alternative logics and to apply the theories to a treatment of intensional contexts. He was vehemently opposed to approaches which revised fundamental laws of classical logic. Questions concerning the history of Philosophy are addressed in Wessel’s criticism of the Kantian antinomies of pure reason, in Wessel’s contributions to the problem of universals and his analyses of fatalism, tychism and antifatalism.  相似文献   

Peter Carruthers, Language, Thought and Consciousness
David J. Chalmers, The Conscious Mind
Fred Dretske, Naturalizing the Mind
Steven W. Horst, Symbols, Computation and Intentionality
Jaegwon Kim, Philosophy of Mind
Michael Tye, Ten Problems of Consciousness  相似文献   

This article attempts to summarize a few criteria of progress in philosophy—clarifying problems; rejecting false theories; opening new perspectives in familiar fields; inventing new arguments or thought experiments; and so on—and to apply them to contemporary philosophy of mind. As a result, the article concludes that while some progress was obvious in the past fifty years, there is much work yet to be done. It then tries to outline a transformation of conceptual analysis needed for further developments in this field. The author argues that conceptual analysis might be revived if it is treated as a clarification of the relations among our natural beliefs.  相似文献   

当代美国心灵哲学研究述评   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在当今美国哲学界,心灵哲学无疑是分析哲学传统中最热门的哲学论题之一。心灵哲学家柯林·麦克金(Colin McG inn)甚至把心灵哲学看做哲学中除了形而上学之外最基本的研究领域。实际上,在美国分析哲学传统的各哲学分支中,心灵哲学发展最为迅猛,成果也比较显著。本文试图从心灵哲学发展脉络的角度展示当代美国心灵哲学的新发展。一从功能主义到心灵的表征理论尽管在亚里士多德的哲学中已经有了功能主义的思想萌芽,但是现代意义上的功能主义却是哈佛大学的希拉里·普特南(H ilary Putnam)在《心与机器》(1960)一书中开始提出的。从历史上看,…  相似文献   

孙英 《学海》2001,(2):181-183
维特根斯坦在其早期代表作《逻辑哲学论》中深入探讨了逻辑真理的理解问题.然而当今学界流行的看法是,维特根斯坦有着最狭隘的逻辑真理观逻辑真理即重言式.本文试图澄明维氏使用重言式概念的原初含义,并从其以逻辑为基础的世界观、真值函项理论及优范式理论等角度分别加以阐述,说明维氏所理解的逻辑真理乃穷尽可能的必然,而对逻辑真理的这种理解同样可推广到谓词逻辑,并指出用穷尽可能来定义逻辑必然并不会导致恶性循环.  相似文献   

A central problem in applying logical knowledge representation formalisms to traditional robotics is that the treatment of belief change is categorical in the former, while probabilistic in the latter. A typical example is the fundamental capability of localization where a robot uses its noisy sensors to situate itself in a dynamic world. Domain designers are then left with the rather unfortunate task of abstracting probabilistic sensors in terms of categorical ones, or more drastically, completely abandoning the inner workings of sensors to black-box probabilistic tools and then interpreting their outputs in an abstract way. Building on a first-principles approach by Bacchus, Halpern and Levesque, and a recent continuous extension to it by Belle and Levesque, we provide an axiomatization that shows how localization can be realized wrt a basic action theory, thereby demonstrating how such capabilities can be enabled in a single logical framework. We then show how the framework can also enable localization for multiple agents, where an agent can appeal to the sensing already performed by another agent and the knowledge of their relative positions to localize itself.  相似文献   

I suggest a possible rehabilitation of Reid's philosophy of mind by a constructive use of Kant's criticisms of the common sense tradition. Kant offers two criticisms, explicitly claiming that common sense philosophy is ill directed methodologically, and implicitly rejecting Reid's view that there is direct epistemological access by introspection to the ontology of mind. Putting the two views together reveals a tension between epistemology and ontology, but the problem which Kant finds in Reid also infects his own system, as his weaker ontological claims are undermined to such an extent by the necessary reintroduction of self-consciousness that the justification he seeks for reason fails to be reached epistemologically. Plausible solutions to these parallel tensions imply that both Reid and Kant have a pre-systematic concept of mind, and may lead to the conclusion that Reid's method is more economical in the elaboration of an ontology for the philosophy of mind.  相似文献   

霍桂桓 《学海》2007,(6):45-54
当代心灵哲学为什么停滞不前、究竟应当向何处去?本文认为,这种研究局面主要是由当今研究者仍然沿袭的笛卡尔心-身二元论的基本立场、研究模式和方法论视角决定的;而这种把心灵实体化并与身体完全割裂开来、彻底忽视社会因素及其作用的研究模式,根本不适合于探讨和研究心灵.因此,只有认真探讨并批判这种基本立场、研究模式和方法论视角,用充分重视社会生成的现实性、立体性、动态性研究视角扬弃这种具有抽象性、平面性、静态预成性的研究模式,心灵哲学研究才能走上健康发展的道路.  相似文献   

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